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Posts posted by SVNBob

  1. 16 hours ago, Netfoot said:

    But I don't see how this is a 'fix' for TAR. I'd call it a 'gimmick', maybe. Interesting for sure, but no solution for TAR's core issues.

    I know it's not really a "fix".  But this seemed like the best thread to talk about this idea in, since it was a hypothetical about the mechanics of TAR. 

    I suppose I could have put it in the International version thread, but that's more for actual international TARs, and not this hypothetical crossover between versions.

  2. Saw this idea for a one-off "fix" on Reddit, then expanded on it myself.  Thought I'd share it here and get some more opinions.

    The original idea was for any two of the various international versions of TAR to do a crossover of sorts, by having legs in the same location at the same time.  A hypothetical example: TARCanada does a leg in Turkey at the same time as TARAustralia.  I took this concept to what I thought was the grandest logical conclusion. 

    Not only are the two shows in the same place at the same time, they're at the same point in their respective Races, meaning the same number of teams.  (For example, F5, as suggested by someone going off my idea, with their reasoning below).

    The teams from each cast fly into the destination city and are directed to a large public place, like a park, but different entrances.  At each entrance is a number-drawing station.  Once all teams have arrived and drawn numbers, they are released to the center of the park.  Where both hosts are waiting.  The two hosts announce that the all the Racers are at an Intersection.  The teams from both casts that drew the same numbers are unified.  The leg then proceeds as a City Sprint, and the two casts are unified until hitting the Mat.

    This would be a NEL for both casts, as it would be unfair for a team to be eliminated from one Race because of a poor showing from a team from another Race.

    The other poster suggested having a leg like this near the F5 in both Races to allow there to be enough time to introduce the "new teams" and their dynamics; both for each individual team, and their other Race as a whole.  Which does make a lot of sense.

  3. Our Genius PD has another new project debuting later this year, on one of Korea's top streaming services.

    The translated title is "Girls' High School Mystery Class" and features an all-female cast:

    • Park Jiyoon (An announcer and the "queen" of the variety show Crime Scene)
    • Jang Doyeon (comedienne with many variety appearances, including as a regular on Michuri Village and Mafia Game in Prison/Prison Game of Fools)
    • Yena (from the girl group IZ*ONE)
    • BIBI (a solo K-pop artist)
    • JaeJae (a producer/MC for SBS's variety show MMTG, and a YouTuber)

    From what little I know and have found so far, it looks like it's going to be a drama-variety, like the Netflix series "Busted", with the cast taking on the roles of students in the girls' high school, and having to solve secrets and mysteries that occur in the school.

    People seem to be looking forward to this for multiple reasons; not the least of which are expectations of a high-quality series, as we know the PD is quite capable of.

    More when details and/or episodes become available.


    Edit: I meant to include this video; the only trailer thus far:


  4. 3 hours ago, aghst said:

    When I saw the Dominion destroying that star ship, it was one of the most memorable and shocking moments I'd seen on the ST universe, if not on TV. 

    I'm not sure where in the ST cannon this event occurred, whether other star ships had been destroyed yet in other ST series or movies.  Certainly the Wolf359 scenes of the Borg Cube swatting down star ships like flies is one of the signature ship battle scene in the ST universe.

    But for some reason, I had a stronger visceral reaction to this kamikaze attack for some reason.

    One reason it was probably so shocking is that it was a Galaxy-class ship.  The same class as the Enterprise-D.

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  5. 12 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

    The new cats are okay with having their nails clipped, which is so nice. Sophie is better about it than Parker. Parker is improving, but still wiggles and make pitiful sounds (all for show). A few cat treats and all is forgiven.

    Given their namesakes, this entire passage makes perfect sense.

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  6. Now that we're well and truly in the CBS reality hiatus (until Tough as Nails 2 drops), my mother and I are now watching this season. 

    To preface, this is right around the time I dropped off of TAR due to it getting moved to Sundays and thus an unfixed timeslot thanks to football.  My mother was picking up TAR about this time, but she doesn't really retain lots of details about shows in the way I do.  So it's more or less "new" to both of us.

    That said, I do recognize these teams to a degree, and to different degrees for different teams.  I mean, Kynt and Vyxsin are truly visually iconic Racers, so they're hard to forget.  But others like Ron and Christina, and Ari and Stella are/were better at tickling my memory than others like this season's Blondes and TK, who looks like every alternative pseudo-stoner from the '00s.

    We watched the first 3 episodes and here's a few highlights of our discussions:

    The first Roadblock was pedaling a bicycle across a high wire over a Irish valley, while the other teammate was seated on a pole dangling below the bike.  The male/female teams pretty much all had the male doing the pedaling, except for the perky goths.  Vyxsin said she was the better cyclist, and given that Kynt was a willowier dude at the time, both those factors played well into her being the one to do the Roadblock.  She did pretty well too; only seeming to have difficulties right near the end (which I think would have been a slight incline anyway, if my understanding of physics is correct).  But I also think she probably had the second hardest time of the women that did this Roadblock, with Kate of the married lesbian ministers probably having a harder time due to her age and both her and Pat having larger builds as compared to all the other women, Kynt, and even Gramps.

    Additionally, Ari and Staella unnecessarily* stole the cab A & H reserved for Ron and Christine, and the cabbie found out he had the wrong people in his cab.   Lo and behold, they get donkey on TAR that becomes impossible to work with and thus the agent of Kab Karma.  My mother said that karma hit them quickly, and I said that it bit them in the ass.

    *To be fair, they didn't know that the cab ride led to an Equalizer ferry.  All they knew was they needed to catch a ferry to get to the next marker.  But since all the teams, from both initial flights, caught the same ferry, it was indeed unnecessary.

    2nd leg was in Amsterdam.  And I was thoroughly expecting some form of weed-innuendo comment about that from TK.  But if he did say anything, the Amazing Editors kept it off air.  The Detour here was interesting; a double Needle in a Haystack (finding two specific marked bikes among hundreds), versus hauling 5 heavy and/or awkward pieces of furniture into an apartment via the window pulley.  TK apparently took several attempts to get their first item, a CRT TV, tied up without any success.  This led me to ask three questions. 1) Why didn't he switch to another item, like the chair, or baby carriage?  Those might have been a lot easier to figure out.  (Vyxsin and Kynt started with the carriage for that very reason.)   2) Why didn't he and Rachel switch positions sooner?  They saw other teams do so and leave the task long before they ever switched out.  3) Why didn't they Bald-Snark it after a while?  If he was having that big a problem with the one side of the Detour, you'd think they'd discuss changing tasks.  Eventually Rachel did take over on the ground, leading to a cute moment where she climbed up the 3 stairs of the stoop in order to jump off the top to help her haul the rope better.

    This leg was the first time that TAR featured the ditch vaulting, which my mother did recall seeing before (from TAR30 is my guess, since that was the most recent time it was Switchbacked.)   Of course, the big moment here was Gramps stripping down to his underwear after some unsuccessful attempts, because his clothes were getting weighed down with mud.  Logical.  Also logical was Nicholas and him hanging back at the cluebox to watch other teams attempt this before deciding who would take this Roadblock.

    This is also the leg that Ron went way overboard on berating both Christina and Nicholas.  My mother thought Ron was going to be a good guy based on Leg 1, but this leg soured her on him.  I pointed out that when Christina finally snapped at him, he at least became aware that there was an issue with how he was acting, and there was lots of Race left for him to get better.

    In the start of Leg 3, Vyxsin had a TH where she said that in her relationship with Kynt, she sometimes took on more "traditional masculine" roles.  My mother opined that this meant that both of them were gender-fluid.  While I didn't totally discount that possibility, I said it was more that they just didn't fall into stereotypical gender roles, as evidenced in the first Roadblock as I stated above.  As far as I know, Kynt identifies as male, and Vyxsin as female.  But it's not like it matters one whit if either or both of them identify in another way.  Then this led into a conversation about language that is better served by the Grammar Police thread elsewhere in the forums, not the least of why is because I was referring to said thread throughout the conversation.

    This was the Burkina Faso leg where Lorena got locked into a panic spiral because of a camel teat.  The Roadblock involved milking a camel to a certain volume, then drinking the milk to get the clue.  Everyone who was calm and/or had experience with farm animals did quick work.  Lorena was not in this group, and her camel could tell.  She seemed so nervous to even touch the camel, that when she did, the camel jerked its knee and knocked the bowl Lorena was gathering milk in.  This made Lorena more nervous...and the spiral began.  What she needed was something outside the spiral to knock her out.  Unfortunately, since this was a Roadblock, it couldn't be her partner Jason.  All he could do was watch and say non-specific encouraging words.  (And props to him for handling that well.  He never shouted at her throughout the ordeal, and heaped tons of praise on her once she did finish.)  It took Julia of the sisters to break Lorena out of the cycle, by giving her advice on which camel to switch to (now that she was allowed to by the rules.)  Unfortunately, that bit of advice allowed Lorena and Jason to catch up to and eventually pass the sisters at the Detour just before the Pit Stop.  Which meant that a moment of kindness led to the sisters getting Philiminated.  An honorable way to go out though.

    Some trivia I learned after the fact (because I always look at the TAR wiki after a team is eliminated to see "where are they now"): TK, Rachel, Stella, and Nathan (this season's Huge in the HugeTiny team) apparently all attended the same high school.  Not necessarily at the same time (although I'd wager TK and Rachel did, given their relationship), but that connection does exist.  When I told my mother this, she thought it was a bit unusual.  But then I mentioned that those 3 teams were all from LA, so it made a bit more sense and seemed less conspiratorial.  I also learned that while billed as "married", the ministers weren't actually married until a few months after the show originally aired.  We agreed that that was more to do with the legality of it, and not Kate and Pat's commitments to each other.

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  7. On 12/2/2020 at 6:10 PM, LadyChatts said:

    In case anyone is wondering what Chris 'I Won Survivor Playing Less than Ten Days in the Game' Underwood is doing with his free time....I guess he burned through the million pretty quickly.  


    Campaign ended on the 23rd...with the same 4 backers and $88 pledged as reported before.  Which makes me more sure than before that the 4 "backers" were (pun-intended) sock-puppet accounts run by Chris's "business partners" in order to try to make it look like people were actually interested in this stupid idea.

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  8. 1 minute ago, BK1978 said:

    I am a little annoyed over the fact that the Dr. Who station on Pluto keeps on showing Tom Baker episodes over and over again.  Nothing against Tom but there were other Doctors.

    But there are more Tom Baker episodes than of any other Doctor.  Hartnell is 2nd, but some of those don't exist anymore.  Same with 4th place Troughton.  (Humourously, Pertwee is still #3).

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  9. On 12/16/2020 at 11:17 PM, Lantern7 said:

    But this is TAR. We had exciting locations. We had two great new formats in Mega Leg and City Sprint. We didn't have the damn Face-to-Face. And we had Phil. The guy who can dance n Bourbon Street. The man who could run in high heels. The hardest-working mofo in reality TV. Yeah, the latest Survivor was great, but it was preceded by some schmuck who got voted out winning $1 million, followed by an asshole bad-touching others and making every week A Very Special Episode.

    At least we'll have Tough as Nails. And maybe we'll get a new season sooner rather than later.

    TAR will survive and adapt, as it always has.  And Phil is a big part of that.  Although I'm glad he's also got a show he can host while TAR sits on the shelves.  And I think there was a promo for TAN2 during the finale that said there was a premiere scheduled for sometime in February.


    23 hours ago, Fukui San said:

    As reality show contestants, Will and James brought in gameplay elements I didn't enjoy and which detracted from the season.

    As human beings, I don't find them particularly objectionable compared to some of the more troublesome racers in the show's history.

    Damning with faint praise, but accurate. 

    As people, they're fine.  The fact that all the cast from the season seems to be friends two years later speaks to that.  And I do wish them a long and happy marriage. 

    But as Racers...take your tactics and stay the hell away from future Races.

    21 hours ago, mojoween said:

    There was just something about Will that had an underlying mean-spiritedness I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

    Probably the cheekbones.   Between the edge on those and his eyerolls, he embodied a very campy villain.

    17 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

    The highlight of the episode for me was the obvious bitterness of Riley and Maddison.  Sure they had bad taxi luck, but the blonde sisters had bad taxi luck on every leg (it seemed to me).  I think what really bothered them (based on nothing but my opinion) was that their gleeful, and at times spiteful, participation in their alliance came back to bite them.  I wonder if they considered at all that if they had honored their super secret alliance with the NFLers that they might have won. 

    As has been said ever since the early annals of TAR, Kab Karma is a real thing.  The Beards getting bad cab luck in the final leg was indeed karmic backlash for breaking their first alliance at the last minute.


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  10. 1 hour ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

    'Nip' was on their bad words list.

    Given that "nip" was used as a slur against Japanese people, there's at least a little logic in having that word on the bad words list.

    But it's what Carlin would call "part-time filth"; a word like "cock" or "ass" that has acceptable meanings and still could be said on television in the right context.  As opposed to the list of 7 that could never be said.

    However, you're still getting Scunthorped.

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  11. On 12/7/2020 at 12:52 AM, SVNBob said:

    Popular opinion seems to agree.  As of this post, there's 16 days to go, but only 4 backers pledging $88 of the asked-for $15K.  

    Quoting myself here because I had to check.  Down to 8 days left, but no change in the pledges.

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  12. On 12/10/2020 at 11:20 AM, Frost said:

    I assume international travel is still a problem but aren't there any US based things Josh could investigate safely?

    The major non-"paranormal" stories in the US are pretty much all treasure-hunt based.  There's been no real movement on The Secret (or if there has been, people have been keeping it pretty quiet), nor any other big stories or mysteries except the breaking of the Zodiac Killer's "340 code".

    Yes, Fenn's Fortune was found.  But there's no real way for Josh to do a follow-up.  The finder wants to remain as anonymous as possible and is keeping the final location a secret.  Plus Forrest Fenn passed away a couple weeks after seeing the chest again after it was found.

    That pretty much only leaves stories and investigations that would fall under the Expedition X umbrella.

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  13. 1 hour ago, Vermicious Knid said:

    DeAngelo was most pissed the Beard Bros broke their super secret alliance. Something I'm not sure they mentioned in any episode, DeAngelo actually wasn't familiar with the Race and didn't watch the show. He got talked into it by Gary. He claims all the Racers are great friends now and have gotten together a few times.

    That interview also says that Gary blazed through the Roadblock in France (where the music was) so fast that it didn't even register for him that there was music playing there.  That's why they kept failing the one spot on the cases.

    Also, they clarify DeAngelo's real problem with TAR; not the Racing part, but the part where the EatSleepMingle used to be.  De wanted to get out and see the places they were in after finishing a Leg, but they were confined to their hotels until the start of the next Leg.  That's why he said he would have had a better time if he'd spent his own money to make the same trip; he would have been able to experience the locations more.

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  14. 13 hours ago, Netfoot said:

    Why so many pre-arranged flights and bunching at every airport?

    Three reasons:

    1) Cost saving.  It's cheaper to keep all contestants and their crews on the same flights than for them to try to book their own.

    2) This avoids those situations where Team A will buy tickets for Team B, even though Teams C and D are before Team B in line at the ticket counter, leading to Team D not able to get on that flight.  That's the bad kind of Airport Drama, because it's really Inter-Team Conflict Drama.

    3) Bunching the teams at the start of the legs prevents situations where teams end up eliminated by default because they couldn't get a departing flight at the start of a leg in a reasonable amount of time.  As iconic as Team Guido opening the clue in Alaska saying that the Race was already over, or the Gutsy Grannies being eliminated because of their 4-cornered flight plan and not factoring delays and Customs into it are, those aren't actually "good" for the Race.  Having all teams being part of the competition is. 

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  15. 1 hour ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    Out of idle curiosity, which half? I don't remember either saying or doing anything that made me think they might be LGBTQ+. 

    Neither of them ever brought it up during their Races, but I believe Becca is not hetero.

    Floyd is hetero for sure, since he said in an interview for S31 that he talked to Tyler and Korey about their experiences as white gay men in Uganda (a homophobic country) as compared to his as a straight black man.  But I think I've also heard him mention something about Becca having a female SO somewhere.  Possibly in one of their TAR recaps on their YouTube channel, or in some interview (possibly the same one as above.)

  16. 3 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    oh my god that looks insanely stupid.  

    Popular opinion seems to agree.  As of this post, there's 16 days to go, but only 4 backers pledging $88 of the asked-for $15K.  

    And the pledge levels are also insanely stupid.  $100 for a subscription service to get these socks on a monthly basis.  $150 for a signed copy of the script for the video in the campaign.  $1000 to be named the executive producer of a second video for the campaign (aka, paying for the second video to be made, period) and a cameo in it.


    1 hour ago, Nashville said:

    I totally agree, if for no other reason than off-color sexually themed socks sounds exactly like the sort of stupid-ass shit a douchebag fratbro would consider the perfect investment of a lifetime.  🙄🙄🙄

    It makes Eddie's Dog Bar idea seem a lot less stupid, that's for sure.

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  17. 7 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    Add me to those who think that DeAngelo was not the least bit flustered by Aparna. He was flustered in general by his inability to do the task, but he talked trash right back. And Gary isn't a Saint. He's a Panther and a Brown. *grin*

    No, mugging is not limited to gay teams, and not all gay teams mug.  The Amazing Race All-Star Muggers IMO include a few teams I presume are hetero: the Hippies, the Afghanimals and Team Fun.  


    1: Ba-dum-bum.  And *boo*.

    2: AFAIK, Team Fun is only half-hetero.  Which makes them 4 kinds of mixed: mixed genders, mixed races, mixed sexualities, and mixed reaction by viewers.

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  18. 5 hours ago, PaperTree said:

    If she could do that, why couldn't Gary tell D'angelo what he was doing wrong???

    Sing it with me now: "A Roadblock is a task that only one person may perform."  If Gary had said anything to DeAngelo, he would have been participating in the Roadblock and broken a Race rule.  They then would have received a penalty, which given this case, might have been a Race-ender.


    3 hours ago, valen said:

    Her anger would be much better focused on the boys who burned a u-turn and didn’t put someone behind her. That’s who she should be angry with.

    They were already gone by the time they got to the Roadblock, so she couldn't snipe at them.  There was only the one target team available, and it so happened to be the one that actually U-Turned them.

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