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Emily Thrace

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  1. I wonder if there wasn't actually a third faction involved and that is who Mae is working for now. They may have been lead there by the Jedi and attacked the coven for their own reasons. I also think the Coven probably has a connection to the witches of Dathomir. There was an Asian member of the group who didn't speak but got a fair bit of camera focus. Parent or Grandparent of Morgan Elspeth perhaps? As an Idigenous person there was a very Residential school feel to this episode. The idea that the coven was not allowed to raise their own children in thier beliefs is deeply disturbing to me. The Jedi came across very cop like in this episode. It reminded me a lot of the image below. https://www.aci-iac.ca/art-books/kent-monkman/key-works/the-scream/ That said I don't think the show is saying the Jedi are really in the right here. This show is still about what went wrong and Jedi hypocrisy bubling beneath the surface. Offering it as choice to the children does make a difference but what does a 4 year old know about making that kind of decision? I get the very Hogwartz idea of keeping all the super powered kids in one place so they grow up accepting of thier difference and are less likely to go rogue. However as Rowling pointed making that mandatory makes it less about education and more about controlling the power these kids have. Which is another interesting facet of the Jedi order. They are basically the ruling governments attempt to control the Force itself. Which is why casting Osha, Mae and thier Mother as black women is actually rather brilliant. We see them go up against this clearly powerful white lady it gives a bit of shorthand to the power dynamics in play. It also makes Sol the Asian man playing more of a middle ground rather appropriate as well. Whether that was intentional or just unconscious bias might show in how the rest of the season plays out.
  2. I wonder if it's that Amir is in contact with other survivors of the fire in Minnesota and one of them followed him and started the fire. I suspect this season is suffering from the shortened season more than anything else. They are trying to shove a lot of character stuff into a lot fewer episodes. I also wonder if they spent so much on the cruise ship disaster they ran out of budget for the later episodes.
  3. Yeah it was kind of gross actually especially when you consider that the stereotype that all Jews have money is half the reason they were targeted by the Nazis on the first place. Also the Kurcs don't seem all that rich to me. They are solidly middle class but they live in an apartment not a mansion. I think the reviewer might have been confused by the crystal and college educations which are now more of a rich person thing but back then were just standard requirements for middle class people especially in Europe. Also the story about keeping the older kids alive on scraps during WW1 makes me think it more that the family built up their business from not much and made it successful. In any case calling Holocaust victims privileged is a bit ridiculous. The characters are going through what is one of histories worst atrocities money alone never saved anyone from the Nazis. The first Passover scene broke my heart a bit. It would have been the last one happy for so many families. It helps hit home that the Nazis destroyed not just people but a way of life. I do like that this is a bit of different story and it's not a torturous slog through Auschwitz. (There have been a bit of glut of those stories in the last few years and some of them felt explotive and dubiously historical. ) I like that this story is pointing out that the Soviets were often not so much liberators as they were less bad oppressors than the Nazis. I also like that the cast is almost all Jewish actors. There is something missing often in stories that cast actors who don't have a full understanding of the culture and history.
  4. I wonder if it a case of since the ship has its transponder off the US coast gaurd is assuming the Mexican coast has it in thier sights and vice versa. It did look rather close to the border so it may be a case of each government assuming the other is taking care of it. Especially since no SOS has gone out. Yeah think about all the kitchen staff slicing and dicing in 10 foot waves. Don't tell me he never sees any blood. Most cruises would at least have IV bags for dehydration and extreme seasickness. Disney offers B12 infusions AKA an IV in the freaking spa on thier new ships.
  5. I think it something like that. Although with the therapy and the migraines I wonder if we might be headed for a health crisis with Athena. I feel like they are trying to set something up here with Bathena that is going to be ongoing after they get off the cruise ship. Yeah I feel like Buck took the wrong tack there and should have just underlined the importance of honesty and transparency in relationships. Empathy is great but not the strongest suit for most teens in any case. Honesty would appeal to Christopher's sense of right and wrong which has been pretty solid historically.
  6. Watching the opening it looks like the guy watching the DVD goes to hit pause when he gets up. I suspect he hit the repeat button instead because he was distracted. I also find it interesting that there is the implication that the scientists had some kind of role in a Native woman's death. I do wonder if the isolated all male environment wouldn't be a breeding ground for aggressive behavior. There have been cases of people going off the rails in places like that. The nature of the activists murder is meant to make it seem like her death is tied to her activism but "disgust" as Navarro put it would fit with intimate partner violence as well. Or someone who was rejected and hates women for it. Maybe getting away with one murder led him to think he could do more.
  7. Something to keep in mind is the diary is something Amy wrote to incriminate Nick not necessarily the gospel truth. It's likely his anger and resentment were exaggerated to make him look guilty.
  8. I think Steve Martin is 78 so the show will continue for as long as he wants to do it. I also think that since Steve Martin is 78 TPTB are hedging thier bets on how long he will be able to do it. It's not so much that Steve Martin doesn't want to do the show it's just everyone involved recognizes that he he could quite easily be forced into retirement. So I suspect renewal in this case came down to Steve Martin feeling like he had another season in him. (And possibly his doctor decarlaring him fit)
  9. I'm more resigned to it being Tobert. It does feel a bit repetitive for it to be one of their love interests. I do like the theory that he is actually an undercover agent investigating Ben's drug use. I do wonder if it's going to turn out that Ben tripped over Howard's cat and fell or something like thay rather than being pushed.
  10. I am indigenous and know a few survivors and the few stories of benevolent staff I have heard usually ended with them being punished or moved on away from the kids. Staff in these places were told these children were wild and required strong discipline, kindness was considered counter productive. Some groups have actually suggested the Catholic Church moved pedophile priests and problematic nuns into the residential school system because no one there was allowed to complain about it. I think Pallida covered the idea that Native Americans are not monolith but I was thinking you might appreciate a few notes from an indigenous perspective. Segregation is definitely a side affect of the reserve system. It's helped preserve our culture but it also made it harder to build up our communities. A lot of reserves are isolated and underserviced. (my Uncle just got WIFI last year for example). Discrimination is common, I myself have missed out on a job when the interviewer realized I am Native. Reservation Dogs is portrays the Rez is fairly typical. It does vary though my reserve has more newer houses for example and there are reserves that have investments worth billions. There are also reserves that are poorer where housing is extremely dilapidated and overcrowded. Like other racial groups Native Americans are a sub-culture we have our own commanlities like rez dogs that are hard to explain to outsiders. We also have our own spirituality and culture which differ between groups and tribes. We are not the Amish we don't reject the modern world we often embrace it. While the show pokes fun at it Native Rap is a growing genre that increasingly recognized. We also produce artists and musicians of all genres and mediums. We are not a relic we are a living breathing society. Sorry for the long post but I felt like the discussion needed an indigenous voice.
  11. I think he is trying to play the long game. He thinks if he moves out and gets a crappy studio it will be easier to move back in. He also doesn't want Miranda moving in with Che. Plus if she is living with Brady it might put a crimp in that relationship. I think Steve agrees with most of us that this relationship is doomed and is waiting them out.
  12. Yeah I don't think it's occurred to Frank that this could backfire. He has been trying to alienate Abby from the kids the shrink might call him out on that. It might also be worth noting that Frank doesn't seem to have the support system that Abby does. That is something judge's will often take into account.
  13. One thought I have had is that this show might reintroduce Monica Rambeau. Especially given the relationship she had with G'iah in Captain Marvel.
  14. I loved Ann's speech even if it was brutal to watch. It reminded me why I liked the character initially she refuses to be a victim. It was also something Ryan needed to hear. It's probably why he went to see Tommy in the first place, he sensed Catherine was holding back so he thought Tommy might give him the truth. If Ryan truly hadn't wanted to hear what Ann was saying he would have stormed off in typical teenage fashion. He stayed because he was finally getting what he wanted.
  15. I was thinking something would happen and they won't end up drinking the shots. Then Lisa would come in and take the loaded shot unaware (she has been built up too much to just be Natalie's guide to cult life). Callie would fit with that too but I don't know if the show would want go that bleak.
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