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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. OMG that sounds horrible! I am kind of pissed bc my husband's surgeon totally downplayed the post-op/recovery so we were shocked at how much pain he's in. I brought him home and he asked for a bottle to pee in as he was sitting on my couch and I said, aw hell no. Sorry for the pain, but take your walker and shuffle off to the toilet dude! It's day 7 and I have him walking for the first time in a week without a walker. Baby steps! But seriously, this is the stuff of real life. This is why I roll my eyes at the people on this show - they are looking for some happily ever after fantasy, but instead it's peeing in buckets and bottles and a spouse who is willing to clean that up for you. Speaking of, I have to go run by CVS when I get off work in an hour to pick up a suppository bc this guy has not pooped in a week and we are reaching crisis mode. For better or for worse, amiright? ;-0
  2. Same. He comes off as some alpha male sexist asshole. That beach scene was terrible, but calling Jess "sweetheart" and then the cocky way he behaves with the guys, he is just gross. He thinks he's God's gift or something. I hated how he teased and bullied Mathew into spilling about having sex with Lauren. And then sitting back doling out relationship advice to Mick and Mark like he's some expert. I really can't stand him. Heidi is nice and deserves someone nicer than this guy. No wonder he is in his forties and single. I'm sure lots of women think he's hot, but after you get to know him, not so much......
  3. Oof - I feel for you! Based on the way he's acting, I can tell it's painful. He had a disk replacement after three years living with the pain. It's been a week, I tell ya - my normally health and fitness hubs (he is built like Jake) has turned into a giant man baby. I swear, I birthed two children with less drama than I am getting from him. I had a call with his doctor yesterday, and after that phone call, I am done babying him. Just call me Nurse Ratched. Fun times 😜
  4. It's definitely possible the show has created this sex narrative because it's the only thing with them because Ryan is not giving them anything else to work with. But during their dinner I found both of their expressions troubled to say the least and a lot of uncomfortable silence - even when watching the wedding video. Clara seemed sad. I did like when she put her head on his shoulder. They do often show PDA and are always holding hands and stuff like that which to me shows some level of togetherness and affection, but what isn't being said between them is looking problematic. Or maybe the show is just fucking with us and they are great. Wouldn't surprise me!
  5. I think the fact that they both seem more happy, relaxed and personable on Unfiltered is a good indication that this is true of both of them....
  6. Yeah I don't think either of those guys are her type and I do think Ryan PHYSICALLY is exactly what she asked for. He is just so hard to read; they have obviously spent a great deal of time talking to each other to discover that they have a lot of things they like in common, but I feel like he either doesn't like conflict so he keeps avoiding having difficult conversations with her on the topics they don't agree on, or they have discussed them but just off camera because he is VERY aware of the cameras and what he says when production is around. I think this is why we keep getting the "sure, sure" answers. He is also the one who wanted to keep their sex life private which clearly didn't happen. I don't know if he feels like that is some kind of betrayal of trust? I am also undecided if it's fair or even doable to ask Clara to do that under these circumstances..... They do seem the sorts that could be good for each other personality-wise. Not exactly opposites, but different enough to balance each other out. Plus, they both seem nice and both seem like they really want this to work. Those are all good things, but it might be the issues that don't align are too big to overcome all the positives. They kind of remind me of Jason and Courtney and Tom and Lily - sweet couples, too different in the long run. And I could see Ryan and Clara, much like those two couples, saying yes on D-Day and staying together a while but not the long haul.
  7. I think this sums it up perfectly! It's a little bit like Olivia and Brett last season. Honestly, these are the couples make this show - not the total obvious villains like Chris. There's nothing to discuss there because there is only one way to see that couple - toxic. With a couple like Jake or Haley I think everyone's personal experiences and own stories influence whose side you will end up on, much like Brett and Olivia. But at the end of the day, neither of these people are horrible, just horribly mismatched. They both seem much more likeable when apart. It would be best for them to end it now and go their own separate ways. That being said........Team Jake all they way! ;-0 I really struggled to finish this one. I have been care taking my husband who just had back surgery on Wednesday. I just couldn't concentrate. I only remember Jake and Haley and a sad/awkward dinner and wedding video for Clara & Ryan. Something is definitely wrong there. If they don't make it I will not be shocked, but I do admit it will make me kind of sad. Were Vincent and Brianna even on this episode? I would rewatch but I just don't have it in me to sit through this nonsense twice!
  8. I don't think that looks like Jamie at all, plus not to be mean, but Jamie is not that thin these days.....
  9. I know a lot of people have called him gross and unattractive, but I personally think he's hands down the most handsome of this season's crop. He's built a lot like Mr. Ilovepie - tall and athletic. Ryan would look better with a different hair cut, but I'm not sure what he could do about those ears.........
  10. True, but if she did decide to venture out and found Jake hanging with the guys plus some of the girls she might be upset just as he was in the reverse situation.
  11. I do agree that it has changed since Heather but Mindy was only two seasons ago. Hard to say what was going on last season with Olivia and Brett and Henry and Christina due to production shutting down with Covid.
  12. Here's the thing about that though - they were actually telling her to go tell him she was done so she could leave! They were not pressuring her to stay, in fact, quite the opposite. Both PC and Viv have expressed concern to her face in her choice to stay with him. She does NOT have to do it! I do think her attitude is both of those things in the aftermath. Obviously, we disagree. She doesn't need to apologize for not inviting him, but she showed no concern or acknowledgement of his feelings or that he was hurt by the situation regardless of how it came about. If it was me and I came down and found that happening I would expect my spouse to try to see things from my perspective and would hope that they feel bad that they made me feel that way whether it was intentional or not. I don't think she's a villain. But I do think she is contributing to this situation where he's asking what's happening and are you attracted to me. He is not dumb. He just wants her to be honest about it and she is absolutely not. And I don't agree that they "have to" keep up this false pretense. She could leave, she just has to keep filming. She doesn't have to pretend she's invested. Jake would probably rather go back to his house anyway. I really just think he's a quiet nerd who got matched with the wrong woman. Her two tag lines are "I do what I want when I want" and "I'm picky". Neither will work in the context of this show.
  13. I think she is getting shit about it because when all the other husbands showed up she made zero effort to invite Jake when it morphed from a girls event to a couples one. And she knew it hurt his feelings and she did not even try to apologize. Not for the situation, but for the fact that it was hurtful to him. I know if I had come downstairs and found that going on I would be tremendously hurt. Yet she shrugged it off basically saying "well, they just came along and I needed a break". It feels cruel and kind of heartless to me. I don't blame her if she's not feeling it with him. He is not everyone's cup of tea. But I am tired of her saying to Jake, Viviana, and the camera crew "I'm in this, I want this to work" but then her actions are the opposite. She doesn't want to discuss their relationship anymore? Then she should actually tell him the truth so he quits wondering what the hell is going on. She doesn't have to be mean about it, but if he knew where he actually stood, he would probably stop questioning her about it at every turn.
  14. This! She thinks she is so gorgeous but her bitchy attitude just makes her 100 percent ugly to me. She has pretty eyes. That is the beginning and the end of what is attractive about her. Constantly licking her botox lips and sticking her tongue out is just gross. She is rude, has a foul temper and a vulgar mouth. Also, I could live without hearing her ever refer to herself or another person as a "snack" as well. I loathe her. I kind of liked the farmer's haircut. The mustache is horrible/awesome. I swear, they really had to work to cast this many unhinged women. Where did they find these gems? Ning, Cyrell, and Lizzie are over the top psychotic with Cyrell's husband actually calling her that to her face! Why do they cast so many couples if they aren't going to even bother showing them? It's like if you're halfway normal, you won't get any air time. The best couple is clearly Cam and The Redhead. But see, I still don't know her name because they never even show them! I would prefer to see them, Martha and Man Bun and Mel and Dino. Instead, we are subjected to all Ines all the time, with a little bit of the other messes thrown in. I am still watching this but I prefer the fake earnestness of the American version more than the over the top drama of this one.
  15. I find that phrase comforting when life feels overwhelming sometimes, but in this situation, there is nothing to "handle". This is willful stupidity.
  16. I agree with your assessment of both of them. Unfortunately for us, the show forces people to continue even when the couple AND the viewing audience knows it's over. What's dumb about this whole situation is that even though they can't quit, the show does not require them to continue the farce of a relationship, they just have to be available to film. I have no idea why these fools are participating in this mess of a "story line". They both look stupid and horrible.
  17. Rick's friend are a hilariously sleazy. I swear, the crypt keeper one with the accent seems like one of the vampires from What We Do In the Shadows...... I am glad Kattie found someone who actually likes her, plus he's a lot cuter than that asshat Kevin. Some things are more important than money, including having a partner that actually values you. Although not sure how she thinks she's going to be a millionaire as a bottle service waitress...... They are really stringing out this situation with Rodney and Desiry. Please, put Desiry and us out of our misery and just tell us "the person" you cheated with WAS A MAN, Rodney! I kind of loved the therapist though, including the coat and the lashes. Every time one of them said something and she said "Mm Hm" I wanted to laugh.....she kind of pegged them both perfectly though! I am sick of Bill and Bri. If he's stupid enough to marry her and give her a kid he will get what he deserves.....
  18. Or go follow Elizabeth or Jamie Otis on Instagram - they are hawking them with coupon codes!
  19. Reminds me of Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman - "No Kissing"........... Well, we know Ryan is pretty religious, and believe it or not, this is very common in Christian circles. My friends and I would jokingly call it "Christian Sex" - basically everything *except* intercourse. Purity by a technicality y'all! Maybe that's why he's holding back - he's not going to commit until they actually commit, i.e. Decision Day...... I think he's rightfully holding back if he isn't sure they are going to stay together in 5 weeks. Sex means more to him than her obviously. He really needs to explain better to her why he feels that way. I actually like both of these two and in many ways they are my favorite couple this season (that's not saying much). I really hope they fall in love with each other and Clara can feel the difference between "making love" and just having sex.......
  20. I would have to think so - most of the couples that have stayed together did not have sex on the wedding night but did consummate on the honeymoon. I think Shawniece and Jephte might have been after the honeymoon but before decision day. I think he was still sleeping on the floor during their honeymoon. Honeymoon sex couples: Ash & Anthony, Steph & AJ, Keith and Kristine, Jamie & Elizabeth, Woody & Amani. I can't remember when Bobby & Danielle, Greg & Deonna, Amelia & Bennett or Austin & Jessica consummated. And now, typing this, I feel completely ashamed that I know this........ One interesting thing to note: Not a single one of these couples hooked up on the wedding night (unless they lied).
  21. Yeah I don't have a clue why she agreed to this. She keeps stating that she is committed to this but her actions are the exact opposite. Then she wonders why he's constantly asking what is going on in their relationship. When he says he's committed to trying, I believe him. When she says it, it's a lie. She really needs to be totally honest with him - he is asking point blank where things are going and if she is attracted to him. I think he can handle it if the answer is no. Then he could take his dogs and go back to his man cave. She's just wasting his time now.
  22. I think Haley should move in with Paige, Jake should go back to his house and continue to throw fun pool parties for the gang, and Chris can go fuck himself. There. Solved it. Someone explain Clara to me. She falls in love constantly but does not equate sex with love at all. Okay......I am starting to understand Ryan’s hesitation with her. I think he sees a lot of red flags with her and is waiting until decision day. He is holding his cards pretty close - he is not giving much to production. I think when she says things like I’ve had a lot of sex and it was all meaningless, it’s not making him want to get invested with her. And screw Viv for insinuating he’s a virgin just because he’s hesitant to be the latest in a long line to fall into Clara’s vagina. I still think it’s reverse sexism - she would never be like that if it was Clara hesitating and Ryan was the one pressing for sex. Erik and Virginia. When he says “I know what I believe and that’s it”, I kind of understand where he’s coming from. My husband and I do not agree on some things politically, and we have had some ugly fights. I hate arguing about politics and I’ve said almost the same thing Erik said to my spouse because we are not going to agree. No arguing is going to change either of our minds. Agree to disagree is sometimes all there is to do. But why do these fools keep matching people that are so opposite? It’s like these two come from two different planets. The fact that they are the second best couple this season says how crappy this season really is. And speaking of the best couple- were they even on tonight? Oh yeah, Champagne Vinny apologized for being a big (emphasis on big since he outgrew his shirt apparently) baby. Is it me or was this episode abysmally boring?
  23. Ha! I probably should not have even bothered with this show. I am not really a fan of super hero stuff and have not really seen too many Marvel movies. The minute they all started flying around fighting each other I started losing interest. In Truth, I prefer tv to movies, and I have enjoyed most of the original Disney + content which is why I decided to try this. I probably should leave these Disney+ MCU shows alone going forward if they are just going to be interwoven with the MCU movies. I guess I'll just wait for Bad Batch to start 😜
  24. Me too. I was not sure at the beginning but I became invested. I would love to see where this goes with the White Vision and her hearing those kids in that book. But more fool me because I didn't realize this was not a stand alone show much like Mandalorian is for Star Wars. I didn't realize I would now have to watch a movie to see how this plays out and that there is no second season. I have zero interest in Marvel Movies. I guess I was the only person on the planet who didn't know this. I was going to watch Loki and Falcon and the Winter Soldier, but now I'm not sure....
  25. But why? Why does this third party need to be there? Doesn't this show already pay three dumbasses experts? I am so sick of this Chris and Paige situation that has hijacked the entire show this season. Pastor Dwight and Mercedes have become the third and fourth members of this couple and the whole thing is a three ringed circus now. What a joke. It makes me long for the days of Heather and Derek having one short sit down, definitively splitting and going their own separate ways.........
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