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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. Exactly! So what if he learned nothing? Other than the fact that his current wife is not the one for him? She actually sounds pretty fake and insincere spouting off about all she learned from this when she is exactly the same person who walked in on day one and she tried her worst to force her spouse to change to suit her expectations. I think he's just over this nonsense and it's his quiet way to refuse to play their game any longer. I think him saying he learned nothing is a lot more honest than Haley's answer or any of the bullshit that Chris or Paige spouted.
  2. I’m late to the party but hell yes!!! I’m going Virginia style and I’d like an extra shot in mine if you don’t mind......
  3. I said the same thing! That whole mess was excruciating to watch! I really wanted her to give him a swift kick in the nuts and a hard pass. This girl does not learn. And there have been some truly horrible grooms on this show but this guy takes the cake. Absolutely vile. My favorite moments with Jake and Haley were when PC asked him what if she wanted to try and he said “well she already had 8 weeks to try, so.....” and then him walking out first and not holding the door for her. Talk about mutual loathing....I will not miss them. Vinny and Brianna were sweet, even though she could do better. Her words “I found my person” and “ Vinny means the world to me” are what Erik is looking for from Virginia. Instead, they both acknowledge that her friends are more important to her than him. Messed up. I do not see them making it long term. Do we think Kevin will get Ryan to admit they have had sex on the reunion or that he has finally used the L word on Clara? I think the answer to both these questions is “for sure” 😂
  4. He probably needed a moment to wrap his head around the fact that the "experts" would match him with someone so horrid on purpose! The saying "Pretty is skin deep, but ugly is to the bone" describes her perfectly. What a wretched human. He is a good looking, nice guy - he will find someone better than her, but good luck to her finding someone willing to put up with her garbage for long......
  5. Totally agree with this - my Uncle was a pilot in the Air Force, and my cousin went to the Air Force Academy for college, graduated and became a pilot. He then went on to work at the Pentagon. Officers are educated and many times have long standing family connections. Kids who enlist as a private right out of high school are more likely the ones that don't come from family money. Erik's family strike me as the former, what with their private hangar and collection of planes......
  6. Thanks for this - he is a delight! No idea what made them pick Chris over him - they definitely should have been switched! And I agree with you - he is hands down better looking than Chris!
  7. Exactly! Xavius was at least nice and more genuine than that POS Chris! If he was open enough to go on a second date with the chubby girl who farts, he would probably would have been more than happy to see Paige walk down the aisle!
  8. So True!!! What's making it even worse, is this new Unmatchables show that makes it hard to distinguish what exactly made those people worse choices than the ones who were actually chosen for this show! Because from where I sit at least half these people should have been candidates for that show instead of this one.....at the very least, this season would have been better if they had swapped Chris and Xavius..........
  9. 100%! Everything she answered was probably what I would answer too! And I have an average normal job and life. I actually laughed because I feel that the editing was done to really make it look like Ryan was extremely disturbed by her choices, what with the doomsday music every time she answered. I think that's just show manipulation. It really feels like the show is working overtime to make them look like a mess, but I don't think it's that bad in reality. Is it true love? I'm not sure, but I could totally see these two being real friends even if they do split up.
  10. Ok, couple things. Brianna is so far out of Vinny’s league it’s ridiculous. She is a BOSS and he is a puffy over-sensitive questionably employed passive aggressive man baby. WHO CUT HER HAIR! What the hell was he thinking? She can do better, and I think he knows it. I wish she did. I really, really, really hope Ryan gets his shit together and tells this woman he loves her! I think they are the most naturally comfortable and compatible but for this nonsense storyline. Oh! And watching that flashback to Clara with the girls: she says “ I’m getting him off every night”.....and then SOMEONE ELSE says “and getting nothing”. We don’t hear what Clara says next! So who knows what Ryan is doing sex-wise? It might not be that she’s giving but he’s not - it could just be that she wants actual intercourse but he doesn’t......And on a completely superficial note, Ryan’s hair is terrible, but his ass is a thing of beauty....j/s....😜 Virginia finally looked nice at their dinner. I’m glad she relented on the post D-day living situation. He owns his place - it only makes sense for her to give up her lease and move in with him! Not forever, but at least short term. And if she doesn’t like how it looks, I’m sure Erik would let her redecorate however she wants! So ready for Jake and Haley to divorce. But at least they were more civil this week. I thought it was hilarious how they all said goodbye at the retreat, all to just say hello again when they get back to the place they all live? 😂
  11. I actually think they are pretty toxic, just in a different way. He talks to her like she's a child, and she acts like one. It's not a good dynamic. Also, the alcohol fueled fights are not healthy, nor Virginia's refusal to wait until they are sober for serious discussions. Yet another thing they can't agree on.
  12. But I think they were calling him that in Vegas which was before that moment where she said "that's so Vinny".
  13. I don't - it might be inside jokes for things that happened in the group that weren't shown on the show? It does seem like he's been shown opening champagne bottles more than once, so maybe he just likes champagne?
  14. I thought it was a nickname the group gave him in Vegas.
  15. It was an inappropriate story about being out with his friends drunk and taking Viagra and finding no-one to use it on so he used it for himself so to speak in the same room as his friends were sleeping or something like that, but with more gross details.......
  16. Me too. And that wasn't some charming farmhouse - it looked like a pigsty kind of like Mick. I thought he was okay, but wearing an undershirt to the ceremony, plus the "outfits" he wears on the farm are gross. She is horrible, but he's no prize either. I'm starting to wonder if the story his groomsman told at their wedding was true....... Ines exited, so of course they up the ante and bring in that piece of work Susie. What a horrible bitch. The way she talked about him in front of him and everyone else was borderline verbal abuse. And she is one of those horrible people who think it's okay to be mean because "they are just being honest". She is cruel. And unlike Bronson who seemed like he could deal with Ines' bullshit, watching Susie destroy Billy is like watching someone kick a puppy. It's very unpleasant to watch.
  17. Agree with all of this! As I already stated, I am kind of over all the couples with kids - it really becomes less about their relationship and more about parenting, which is a totally normal progression, but it's not compelling to me. There are too many couples now and this show is kind of a victim of their own success the last few years - there are too many couples! Maybe they should phase out the older couples? I wouldn't miss Jamie & Doug ;-p Steph and AJ continue to be my favorites. Their rapport is so good. I loved the poems. And thanks for the laugh re: Jamie's over exposed breasts. I unfollowed her on sm because I was sick of seeing her, and by that I mean ALL of her!
  18. Yep, I think they were "done" around the same time but for different reasons. For her, the sex, for him, her mean girl tendencies.......
  19. No, she left him. They stayed together at D-Day and at the reunion where Bobby and Danielle announced they were pregnant, Amber and Dave announced they had split. Without talking to him first, she packed up all her stuff and left while he was at work and he came home and found her gone. He seemed completely surprised by this, but was totally done after that stunt.
  20. I wouldn't put Olivia or Meka in the "unscathed" category......maybe because I was team Brett all the way and can't stand Olivia, and Meka came off pretty bitter and angry a lot, although it was totally justified. I also wouldn't put anyone named Ryan in the unscathed category - all of them have been pretty loathsome across the board. Nick was absolutely horrible to Sonia on camera - "I don't like her!" being screamed was one of the worst things ever on this show. And plenty of people hated Dave (not me) even though they stayed together and ultimately she left him.
  21. I don't know how much Jake actually liked her or if he was just committed because he thinks this is his last chance and he's getting old. He's mentioned something like this more than once, which is not actually true, but he seems tired of dating and wanted to settle down now. I do think he'll have more choices when this is over, and someone better suited to him than she is. I honestly think Danielle (married to Cody) was the only woman not attracted to her husband that got a sympathetic edit. And she spent the entire show playing the same game Haley is trying to play (I got tired of her saying she wanted to "get there", whatever that means) but in her favor, she was actually nice to Cody and did seem like she was trying. They even agreed to stay together on D-Day and then quietly split after. If Haley wanted people to believe she was actually "trying" then she should have started by actually living with Jake instead of leaving with the film crew. Also, she needed to be a better actress. It's pretty apparent she does not like anything about Jake. She more reminds me of Molly, but unfortunately for her, without the hindsight vindication of an expert on her ass who wants to steal her spouse. Her only hope is if Viv and Jake announce they are dating 3 or 4 months from now! ;-p
  22. You are right, it’s very tricky when it’s a bad match and I think that’s exactly why the producers do it every season. I’m trying to think of any couples who came out of that unscathed and it’s a pretty short list: Will husband of Jasmine, Danielle wife of Cody. Henry husband of Christina (although she was insane, so he had some help). Keith husband of Iris. Anyone else I’m forgetting? Haley could have chosen to be nice and polite and ride this out. I think Jake would have gone along with that if she had just been honest about everything instead of constantly insisting she was trying while at the same time dragging him at every turn. I really think they are both more likeable when they are not together. It would have been better if they had been allowed to split like Chris and Paige.
  23. True, but it goes both ways. She is not exactly being pleasant to him in any way either. At this point they just need to get away from each other, which is why he left at first light. No need to prolong this nonsense.
  24. I agree. He's a big guy and eats a limited diet. My husband didn't think it was a big deal he was eating that many eggs, and he's Jake's size and works out a ton too. Haley was making pasta - probably not something he would eat as "steak and eggs" as a diet is obviously high protein, low carb. He probably knew he wasn't going to eat what was being made for dinner and so fixed himself something before they all got there. Aside from her annoyance at finding him eating the eggs, she also seemed perturbed that she had to do all the cooking alone with no help from him. But if he wasn't going to eat it, why should he cook it?
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