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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. I really think that their contract should stipulate standards of conduct and non-compliance would render it void; as in, removal from the show and non payment. I realize they can't force fools from staying with their horrible spouse, like Kate, Amber and Paige, but maybe if the show withheld payment the assholes would chose to leave since there is no incentive to stay and the decision would be made for the dumb ladies who persist in clinging to a failed marriage.......
  2. She has been very vocally against him on social media and he didn't like it.
  3. I have been enjoying Jake on Unfiltered too, although I'm pretty sure both ladies last week were Team Stick Up Her Butt, I mean, Haley.....it seemed a little chilly between him and them. I think he looked quite dashing with the beard too. He completely earned my loyalty with his reaction to the showdown between Chris and Erik/VA at that last honeymoon dinner - completely DGAF, just waitin for my food........ I don't think Chris will be on either. He completely went off on Jamie on SM and that might be a tad awkward. I don't think anyone cares to hear any more from this asshole anyway.....
  4. I gotta admit, I felt bad for old Rick. He has done whatever she wants and she dumped him! Enjoy Springfield, sweetie......... Finally Kattie woke up and realized what an asshole her boyfriend was. Good for her. I hope she doesn't run back to him when he shows up with flowers again........ If Reese doesn't accept Nonie he is as stupid as he looks...... I really don't care about Don and Dani. Like, at all. Girl, shut up, sign the prenup and marry your sugar daddy......... And now I am just waiting for Rodney to tell Desiry he's gay and I am here for it! Sorry lady, back to your sad little apartment and tet a tets with your only friend Sunseray; no getting murried for you!
  5. I'm not sure how that follows logically. He has been shown to have a funny albeit quiet sense of humor and he was clearly doing it to make a joke in response to her jokingly talking about bad breath. His slow movement to his mouth was kind of a "do you dare me?" situation which implies to me that it isn't something he does regularly.
  6. I know that it wasn't you saying it, but my point was more that he doesn't have a "steak, eggs AND onions" diet - he only ate the onion one time but now it's somehow been turned into that his diet includes eating raw onion regularly. I know you've been a Jake supporter 😜
  7. I agree with all of this. Cam and Jules and Martha and Man Bun are the only ones I think have any chance of surviving. I know Lauren and Mathew seem nice, but he's just so awkward (and not just because of the virgin thing) I don't think she has the patience for that long term. I have no words for Ines. She is so awful she must be an actress hired to play this part, right? She is acting like Bronson did something horrible to her but he has been shown only being calm until he finally went off at that meeting. I don't understand where all the vitriol comes from. She seems psychotic. Oh, and so does Cyrell. Where did they find these unhinged lunatics? No way does the farmer and duck lips blonde chick make it. They have absolutely zero in common. And I cannot stand looking at her because those lips look ridiculous. She could be a total knock out beauty but those lips are insane. And on that note, what is with all of these girls pushing their tongue out between their teeth and lips? Is this some kind of Australian affectation that girls do because they think it's sexy? It looks so stupid! I didn't watch last season so this is my first time seeing Lizzy, so I don't know if she toned down her schtick between this season and the next. Based on what I've seen this season, I don't blame Sam for not being into her. The hair and makeup is nightmarish and she is manic. The over-apologizing to both Ines and Sam was so weird and over the top, especially considering both completely deserved what Lizzy had said to them. Did the show producers pressure Lizzy and Bronson into writing "Stay" to mine more drama from the situation, or did each chose on their own to write that to punish the assholes they were matched with? Because neither should have done that based on anything rooted in common sense. This strategy of the show of forcing people to stay just because their partner wants them to is kind of sick and twisted. Still waiting for more of Dino and Mel, my comic relief weirdos........
  8. I'm not sure where this "he eats onions/smells like onions" thing came from - on the honeymoon he ate ONE ONION as a joke in response to Haley saying she was going to have bad breath from eating fish. I don't think this means he goes around eating raw onions on the regular......
  9. I think this sums up the situation completely. I don't think she's ever going to admit it was the sex, especially if she's at all a nice person. And I think Jake is pretty well aware of what happened after his "she pulled away after we were intimate" comment. I think his confusion comes from her still insisting that she's committed to this all while trying to maintain distance from him. I don't know why she wouldn't just have a private chat with him when the cameras are gone explaining how she feels. It always amazes me that people can't just agree off-camera to be polite and have a good time for the 7 weeks left if they know it's gonna be a no on decision day. If it was me, I think that's how I would play it if the person was nice but not the right one for me......
  10. I don't think I saw that one, but I did notice the one that said "No One Cares.....Try Harder" which actually made me laugh. To me it speaks more to the "everyone gets a trophy" mentality and that there's an excuse for everything. I actually liked it.......
  11. HA HA HA! File that under cold day in hell. I don't think that gal would dislodge the stick from her ass to participate in eighties attire even for fun..... There has been a lot of discussion about how attractive Paige is, but honestly, I don't think Haley is pretty at all. Or it might just be her lack of personality is making her look worse to me? She is ok looking and you are correct that the lipstick is ghastly - it just makes her lips look smaller and thinner.
  12. No comments on Chris and Paige because I am now just fast forwarding through them. Enough already. And f$ck this show for this. I think Ryan is holding back because he knows they have some major fundamental differences and he hasn’t decided if he can live with it. But screw Clara for judging a GROWN MAN for declining the peer pressure to do a stupid Jell-O shot. I mean, seriously, how old is she? Fifteen??? She hit the jackpot with Ryan bc it seems like she’s kissed a lot of toads. Not sure she can do better for herself. They are kind of opposites though - she’s a party girl and he’s a serious person. I hope she gives him a chance and a haircut. Haley is a big nothing to me. She just sit there and nods and smiles. There is nothing there - just glazed over eyes and red matte lipstick. Jake might be a little odd but he seems comfortable in his own skin and friendly with everyone. He might have been perfect for someone else, but not this ice queen. She is my second least favorite this season after the POS at the top of my post. What a bunch of nothing with Vinny and Bri - he didn’t even leave! Good one, show - ya got me! Erick is correct to question why VA wanted to get married. She doesn’t seem like she really wants to be married. She is an alcoholic. Someone needs to ask this chick why she needs to drink ALL.THE.TIME. Erick needs to run. Even if they say yes on decision day I will be shocked if they last a year. All the friends tonight were on fire. My favs were Vincent’s friend and Haley’s friend. More wisdom from those two people in five minutes of screen time than the experts combined all season.
  13. I know it's not the same, but it just points to her need to overshare EVERYTHING. It's hard to know how her kids will feel - they are growing up in an era where kids are used to everything being on social media - between tik tok, youtube, instagram, discord, snapchat, etc. their whole life is online. My kids are 11 and 16 and the people they idolize aren't musicians or movie stars, it's famous YouTubers.......it's just different now and I am sure Henley and Hendrix will just assume that it's normal because they have been conditioned to it their whole life. I agree it's not fair to them though when they haven't chosen it for themselves though, and worse than most oversharing proud parents on sm, their parents have monetized them and built a cottage industry off their little backs.......
  14. The issue does exist though so he was justified in saying something. Maybe you are right that his over the top reaction was a result of insecurities, but it could also be that he just doesn't handle conflict very well. He has basically said he stuffs it down and then explodes. I think we saw just that.
  15. This completely. Although to be fair, Jamie is also whoring herself out in her underwear/swim suits on IG constantly for her new gig as the voice of body inclusivity. I cannot fathom why that message cannot be conveyed fully clothed, but I reached my limit for almost seeing all of Jamie's bits as well as her fat rolls that she is so proud of now. I unfollowed her yesterday. Enough already.
  16. I do agree he's dealt with this before with his ex, but I guess I wouldn't call it insecurity to want respect from your partner and to not be belittled by them. He totally over reacted though!
  17. I don't think we've seen enough of their relationship to attribute Vincent's outburst to insecurity - I don't think he cares what she does as long as she supports him. But I do think he has in some ways been subliminally pushed into that outburst by the show - he was beat over the head from minute one that she's bossy; now he's looking for it. Well, surprise, surprise, she IS bossy! Then add Pastor Cal sitting down and bringing this stuff up again so it's fresh in his mind, along with questioning him about how he tries to keep it together and not get mad. More thinking about it. Couple that with her propensity to jokingly push him to do what she wants and say snarky things that can be interpreted as rude when you strip away the baby voice and giggling, and there you have it. It's self fulfilling prophecy. It was bound to happen at some point. He handled that terribly, but I do think they will get past it. She does need to realize that sometimes what she says is hurtful even if she says it in a joking way.
  18. Is it me, or are these people as a group just kind of awful? All these women with twenty pounds of make up (Lizzie alone accounts for half of it) and ridiculous Botox lips. I can’t even look at Jessica - she is a pretty girl but what she has done to her lips should be a crime. It’s horrid looking. And then the drama! Jessica and Lizzie were too much. And Ines is terrible. I guess we should be glad Ning did not revert to verbal diarrhea again on top of the rest. The bald guy is good looking but what a dick. Calling all the women “sweetheart” like it’s 1955 or something and basically bullying poor Mathew into honeymoon details that are none of his business! Stfu dude. I bet he did say something about Jessica. I’m disappointed that we didn’t hear from Dino and Mel. This show could have used some weirdness. And although they didn’t show it, it seems that like the American version, the girls and guys interact with each other prior to the weddings because they all knew each other going off the way they all greeted one another when they walked into the dinner. I wonder why they don’t show that? Maybe because it takes so many episodes just to get through the weddings because of the amount of couples?
  19. I just keep wondering - if Jake makes 20 comments that have nothing to do with being an 80’s fan and 1 comment about the 80’s, which do you think we see? Because obviously the show has decided this is his storyline.....he might be a completely normal person but he is being portrayed as this weirdo. Maybe they were hoping he would take Amelia and Bennett’s place this season....
  20. I get what you are saying - I really do. And I also agree Jake talks about it waaaayy too much. But I don’t agree that you have to be mired in the real history of the decade to balance the admiration for the pop culture of any decade. I was a kid living in California in the 1980’s so what was happening in New York was nothing like my experience in any way, and I’m guessing probably not what little Jake remembers either. Am I aware that New York was a cesspool then? Sure, but I am not thinking of that when I listen to my Depeche Mode or watch my John Hughes movies. From a pop culture standpoint, I completely understand why he likes it - the fashion, movies and music ARE fun, and they stand on their own without needing to get into a discussion of everything that was wrong with the decade as a whole. By that logic, nobody would ever be able to enjoy anything from ANY decade if you had to ruminate on all the real world garbage that happened from when it was made.
  21. Jake was only like 8 when the decade ended so I doubt AIDS and crack would have figured into his psyche even if he did live in New York.....
  22. Definitely seems like it was filmed last fall considering Steph and AJ were picking and carving pumpkins. They are still my favorites. The "we have a ghost" stuff with Beth and Jamie was only slightly less stupid than their ill advised trip to visit her family last summer. But I generally like them and their dynamic. I am still blown away that their marriage managed to survive their season. I am glad Keith's grandma is/was okay. I really love them. That cook off between Karen and Miles and Woody and Amani was fun but good grief that was a lot of food for only four people! I totally agree this show makes up for the shit show that the original becomes. I watch this to remind me of why I watch the OG......
  23. I'm guessing Jake's love of the 80's came from what he has seen in movies as he is too young to have experienced it himself! If he is 38, he was born in 1982 - he would have only been 7 or eight when the decade ended! I love fashion and movies from old eras that I wasn't alive in, like the 1930's and 1940's. Do I know that there was a depression and a war? Of course, but I am still fascinated by the fashion, music and glamour side of it. Jake is doing the same with the 1980's. The difference is I haven't made my entire life revolve around it. I graduated from HS in 1990, so my teen years were spent in the late 80's. Like the good Gen Xer I am, I of course have some nostalgia for the stuff I grew up with. If Jake was doing the same, he would more likely be fixated on the 1990's since that is the decade he was a teen, not the 1980's, so this whole thing is kind of bizarre to me. Unlike Bennett and Amelia whose whole life revolves around being quirky weirdos, Jake is fairly normal except for this one thing!
  24. I get the sense that Brianna is the sort that says mean things but when she is called on it just says “I was just joking” or “I’m just honest”. Not everyone is ok with that, as it seems her husband was not, except instead of saying “you hurt my feelings”, he said “you were disrespectful”. Kind of like last season Henry calling Christina impatient when in truth she was just rude.
  25. Thank you for this, it sums up my feelings exactly. He was hurt and said some mean things, but then he owned up and apologized. Where is her apology for the "misunderstanding"? Instead, she doubled down and just said she needed a break which can also be construed as hurtful. I just really don't like her. She was a bad pick for this. He's not for everyone, but I think he could have worked with someone closer to his age and more open to his quirkiness. I thought maybe the show was exaggerating Jake's 80's love, but it is really a lot. It is more than just "I like 80's movies and music". It's like his life revolves around this. That is strange considering he is really too young to remember the 80's firsthand. Still, if he and Haley had connected and they were going to stay together, I am sure some compromise could be reached to tone all that down. I totally related to Ryan's neat freak on the outside/hot mess on the inside. That is exactly how I roll. I don't like to see clutter, but not much organization going on in the drawers. I am really liking their dynamic. I think Clara seems fun and easy to get along with. The consummation conversation was funny - obvi they have been messing around some, so I think they will be fine. I am glad PC told him to stop just waiting for some "feeling" that he can't identify. It's got to be more than that and I hope that makes him think about it in a different way. I cannot believe Vincent left! Talk about a 180! From "I found my forever person" to "I don't have to stay here" over one comment! Duuuuuude.......use your words to say that sometimes her joking comes across as mean, but don't huff out like a petulant child..... Ok, in the word(s)/tone of New Orleans Karen....Wow..........Paige is stupid and Chris is garbage. I can't devote anymore thoughts than that. Virginia is delusional if she thinks her husband would be okay with her "passing out" on ANYONE'S couch and not coming home. I really wish someone would ask her why she thinks she needs alcohol or to be drunk to have a good time? Does she not realize she is past the expiration date for behaving that way on the regular? Why get married if you just wanted to keep living a party lifestyle? I kind of think it's the opposite - she wanted a "plus one" - someone she could just drag with her to all her outings, but she doesn't want to do the work nor compromise to build a marriage......
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