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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. I agree with your assessment of both of them. Unfortunately for us, the show forces people to continue even when the couple AND the viewing audience knows it's over. What's dumb about this whole situation is that even though they can't quit, the show does not require them to continue the farce of a relationship, they just have to be available to film. I have no idea why these fools are participating in this mess of a "story line". They both look stupid and horrible.
  2. Rick's friend are a hilariously sleazy. I swear, the crypt keeper one with the accent seems like one of the vampires from What We Do In the Shadows...... I am glad Kattie found someone who actually likes her, plus he's a lot cuter than that asshat Kevin. Some things are more important than money, including having a partner that actually values you. Although not sure how she thinks she's going to be a millionaire as a bottle service waitress...... They are really stringing out this situation with Rodney and Desiry. Please, put Desiry and us out of our misery and just tell us "the person" you cheated with WAS A MAN, Rodney! I kind of loved the therapist though, including the coat and the lashes. Every time one of them said something and she said "Mm Hm" I wanted to laugh.....she kind of pegged them both perfectly though! I am sick of Bill and Bri. If he's stupid enough to marry her and give her a kid he will get what he deserves.....
  3. Or go follow Elizabeth or Jamie Otis on Instagram - they are hawking them with coupon codes!
  4. Reminds me of Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman - "No Kissing"........... Well, we know Ryan is pretty religious, and believe it or not, this is very common in Christian circles. My friends and I would jokingly call it "Christian Sex" - basically everything *except* intercourse. Purity by a technicality y'all! Maybe that's why he's holding back - he's not going to commit until they actually commit, i.e. Decision Day...... I think he's rightfully holding back if he isn't sure they are going to stay together in 5 weeks. Sex means more to him than her obviously. He really needs to explain better to her why he feels that way. I actually like both of these two and in many ways they are my favorite couple this season (that's not saying much). I really hope they fall in love with each other and Clara can feel the difference between "making love" and just having sex.......
  5. I would have to think so - most of the couples that have stayed together did not have sex on the wedding night but did consummate on the honeymoon. I think Shawniece and Jephte might have been after the honeymoon but before decision day. I think he was still sleeping on the floor during their honeymoon. Honeymoon sex couples: Ash & Anthony, Steph & AJ, Keith and Kristine, Jamie & Elizabeth, Woody & Amani. I can't remember when Bobby & Danielle, Greg & Deonna, Amelia & Bennett or Austin & Jessica consummated. And now, typing this, I feel completely ashamed that I know this........ One interesting thing to note: Not a single one of these couples hooked up on the wedding night (unless they lied).
  6. Yeah I don't have a clue why she agreed to this. She keeps stating that she is committed to this but her actions are the exact opposite. Then she wonders why he's constantly asking what is going on in their relationship. When he says he's committed to trying, I believe him. When she says it, it's a lie. She really needs to be totally honest with him - he is asking point blank where things are going and if she is attracted to him. I think he can handle it if the answer is no. Then he could take his dogs and go back to his man cave. She's just wasting his time now.
  7. I think Haley should move in with Paige, Jake should go back to his house and continue to throw fun pool parties for the gang, and Chris can go fuck himself. There. Solved it. Someone explain Clara to me. She falls in love constantly but does not equate sex with love at all. Okay......I am starting to understand Ryan’s hesitation with her. I think he sees a lot of red flags with her and is waiting until decision day. He is holding his cards pretty close - he is not giving much to production. I think when she says things like I’ve had a lot of sex and it was all meaningless, it’s not making him want to get invested with her. And screw Viv for insinuating he’s a virgin just because he’s hesitant to be the latest in a long line to fall into Clara’s vagina. I still think it’s reverse sexism - she would never be like that if it was Clara hesitating and Ryan was the one pressing for sex. Erik and Virginia. When he says “I know what I believe and that’s it”, I kind of understand where he’s coming from. My husband and I do not agree on some things politically, and we have had some ugly fights. I hate arguing about politics and I’ve said almost the same thing Erik said to my spouse because we are not going to agree. No arguing is going to change either of our minds. Agree to disagree is sometimes all there is to do. But why do these fools keep matching people that are so opposite? It’s like these two come from two different planets. The fact that they are the second best couple this season says how crappy this season really is. And speaking of the best couple- were they even on tonight? Oh yeah, Champagne Vinny apologized for being a big (emphasis on big since he outgrew his shirt apparently) baby. Is it me or was this episode abysmally boring?
  8. Ha! I probably should not have even bothered with this show. I am not really a fan of super hero stuff and have not really seen too many Marvel movies. The minute they all started flying around fighting each other I started losing interest. In Truth, I prefer tv to movies, and I have enjoyed most of the original Disney + content which is why I decided to try this. I probably should leave these Disney+ MCU shows alone going forward if they are just going to be interwoven with the MCU movies. I guess I'll just wait for Bad Batch to start 😜
  9. Me too. I was not sure at the beginning but I became invested. I would love to see where this goes with the White Vision and her hearing those kids in that book. But more fool me because I didn't realize this was not a stand alone show much like Mandalorian is for Star Wars. I didn't realize I would now have to watch a movie to see how this plays out and that there is no second season. I have zero interest in Marvel Movies. I guess I was the only person on the planet who didn't know this. I was going to watch Loki and Falcon and the Winter Soldier, but now I'm not sure....
  10. But why? Why does this third party need to be there? Doesn't this show already pay three dumbasses experts? I am so sick of this Chris and Paige situation that has hijacked the entire show this season. Pastor Dwight and Mercedes have become the third and fourth members of this couple and the whole thing is a three ringed circus now. What a joke. It makes me long for the days of Heather and Derek having one short sit down, definitively splitting and going their own separate ways.........
  11. I don't blame him one bit for being circumspect about what is shared/seen on camera - maybe he did his homework and watched how the show screwed people over with manipulative editing........ I think it's kind of a double standard that he's getting called out for not having sex but Haley and Paige are getting flamed for doing it. His own wife is giving him crap about it. You would think someone who (by her own admission) is terrible at picking decent men would want to be patient and see how this goes, especially since it's a "legally binding marriage" and not just some random dude she can ghost (or who will ghost her). He's very regimented in his lifestyle, but I would prefer someone like that to a messy slob who doesn't work out or care about health. It's also not his fault that he was matched with someone who is in many ways not a good match for him. Being cautious and taking time to work out if it's something he can live with long term is actually a better choice, for both him and Clara, whether she understands that or not......
  12. Here's the thing - I actually like Jamie and Doug. The Otis-Hehner origin story was what hooked me into this show. I felt sorry for them for the miscarriages and I do think they are good parents. But the live birth on this show started me feeling like they were giving away too much of themselves. And then her post-partum instagram changed to be completely about herself with near naked photos constantly talking about loving herself even with the extra pounds. I just couldn't do it anymore. And I don't know about their Florida property being for rental - they are living in it themselves and in this last episode they enrolled Henley in preschool there.
  13. Do we know what Virginia does for a job? I am honestly not going to fault anyone for their work attire during the pandemic - last year everyone in my office quit wearing heels and dress pants and is now wearing mostly jeans and sneakers, myself included. The outfit that made me do a double take was the athletic leggings and sports bra with a blazer over it that she wore to the driving range. What kind of outfit was that????
  14. Sorry - I never saw that one. I guess I only noticed the one that resonated with me. 😜
  15. OMG this made me laugh so hard! If Bill thinks that she is "old" now Bri better hurry up and get that kid because her days are numbered....she's about to be put out to pasture now that she's an old maid......smh..... I love Kathleen. She doesn't pull any punches, but she is at least honest with Bri. But fuck Bill for sending her to do his dirty work. He didn't want to have that conversation with Bri so he sent Kathleen to tell her. I can't decide if Bri is an idiot or a genius or just garden variety gold digger trying to get the one thing that will ensure she is set for life. I guess we know which one Kathleen thinks she is.....and for Bri to not acknowledge Kathleen's history with Bill or the fact the she is actually the mother of Bill's children, then maybe she is the idiot because I feel like if she gave Bill the ultimatum to choose between Kathleen and herself, he would pick Kathleen every time because of all the history, and you know, his actual family....... This! Most of these people are awful, but she takes the cake. I cannot believe HE is groveling and apologizing to this woman! He has every right to protect his assets. And I think it will actually save him money if she goes to "work" elsewhere. It didn't look like she did any real work but left with his credit card at every opportunity.
  16. Just to clarify, his shirt did not say "Get A Job". It said "No One Cares......Try Harder".....which is a concept I try to instill in my kids a lot. Why didn't you clean your room like I asked? You're tired? Too bad. What is going on with your grade in this class? You don't like the teacher? Good luck with that in life, there will always be people you don't like - buckle down and get it done anyway since the only person you're hurting is yourself. This is the manner I took his shirt.
  17. I feel exactly the same way. He did overreact, but he apologized for it. She hurt his feelings; whether intentionally or not, it still happened. She did not apologize. That is really what bothers me.
  18. I was referring to their honeymoon. Not many people say they need a break from their spouse on their honeymoon.
  19. Well, considering Paige has been on Unfiltered nearly every single week with her t*ts hanging out, I'm not sure she would care if her skirt was so short that something like this could happen......
  20. Greg is my #1 MAFS husband of all time. Good looking, fit, well adjusted, nice, funny and that house to boot! I also love Keith, Anthony, Woody and what is probably an unpopular choice, AJ. Speaking of AJ, that beer making project looked way too complicated. I would rather just go to the store and get a six pack........
  21. That is a good point, and he shouldn't have assumed she would know that. Sending a vague text is probably not the best way to let someone know you wanted to talk to them. And while that is annoying, I still maintain that he hasn't really done anything so far that would warrant the other women treating him like some kind of ogre on Unfiltered.
  22. Totally! I never understand the way the girls in these casts act like they are ride or die besties when they are barely acquaintances who have only known each other for a matter of weeks and would not be friend IRL but for a stupid show where they were thrown together. Jake has done nothing to Haley except go off one time when she hurt his feelings. He apologized, yet I don't see her apologizing for ditching him or even for the misunderstanding because she feels entitled to need a break from him, which, on it's own, is really rude. She acts affronted by his questions about their relationship. It makes no sense when she was the one who signed up for this. He has every right to question where things are going after she admitted she wasn't attracted to him! Unless something else happens that we have yet to see, Jake's biggest crimes are that he doesn't meet Haley's approval. And if there isn't anything else, it just makes these women look worse to be treating him rudely for doing absolutely nothing. I felt the same last season when they all sat there bagging on Brett after he left the reunion. Shut up and mind your own business ladies!
  23. OMG yes! When they were playing golf (very badly) and he basically said "Well this was my first time away and it went well" and she just stood there shuffling around! Why didn't she speak up and tell him to stop telling her how she feels, and maybe ASK HER how she thought it went? It was so frustrating when she just mumbled "I think there should have been a little more communication" and then stared off into distance! He should have been called out - if you expect me to text you every 10 minutes when I leave the house, I expect a little more from you as well. And by the way, I DIDN'T think it went well! He needs get off his high horse and stop acting like her dad. It's creepy. Also, he's in his thirties, not his eighties - he hasn't lived long enough to claim to be so world weary and wise.....
  24. Gah! This stupid show! I love how they show us the producers telling Paige to go back and tell Chris she’s done, and then she does, but wait! He bullshits her into taking him back AGAIN! I think the show showing the producers was their way of letting us know that no, they aren’t forcing them together, this is all Paige being dumb and believing this clown. She can now take her place next to Amber and Kate as the idiots who stayed with assholes. Why do women do this??? Why??? I was all prepared to say “Vincent and Brianna, welcome to couples cam!” But then came the salsa lesson. Salsa lessons should be banned on this show. I had a flashback to Dave melting in Mexico taking a miserable salsa lesson with Amber.....but seriously Vincent, grow a pair stop being a freaking baby! Jake has Haley’s number - she is not attracted to him and he knows it. No amount of new shirts are going to fix that. And I don’t agree with her - you can grow to like or love someone but I’m not sure you can become more physically attracted to someone. She wants to just be friendly and joke around but he already tried that with her on the honeymoon and she thought he was weird and she ditched him. These two do not belong together. I hope Jake finds a fun 80’s loving lady who loves his sense of humor, and his pool, gym and sauna, but unfortunately it’s not the lady he’s currently married to....Also, who puts White Claws in a can cooler??? I can’t figure Erik and Virginia out. On paper they make zero sense. Straight laced conservative guy with wild alcoholic lady. Yet here we have our second set of “I love you” being said tonight! He’s vaguely patronizing, and she’s a hot mess who drinks like a fish! How is this happening??? Maybe they will defy the odds and be like Jamie and Elizabeth - makes zero sense but there they are! Erik and Virginia, welcome to couples cam? I like Ryan and Clara. I hope they make it. Also a case of opposites. He’s a serious deep thinker and she’s just over here eatin her doughnuts. But unlike E&V, I feel like these two balance each other out and compliment each other. If he will just “get there” emotionally, I think they will be ok. I think her comments on Unfiltered say a lot - that he doesn’t commit easily but once he does he is all in. The fact that unfiltered is done after the fact gives me hope that she is saying this because it’s true. Lastly, is anyone else amused by the Keith and Queen Kristine Nexium commercials? I freaking love them! “Kristine made chili and told me to eat it so I did. Nexium!” 😂😂😂
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