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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. This completely. Although to be fair, Jamie is also whoring herself out in her underwear/swim suits on IG constantly for her new gig as the voice of body inclusivity. I cannot fathom why that message cannot be conveyed fully clothed, but I reached my limit for almost seeing all of Jamie's bits as well as her fat rolls that she is so proud of now. I unfollowed her yesterday. Enough already.
  2. I do agree he's dealt with this before with his ex, but I guess I wouldn't call it insecurity to want respect from your partner and to not be belittled by them. He totally over reacted though!
  3. I don't think we've seen enough of their relationship to attribute Vincent's outburst to insecurity - I don't think he cares what she does as long as she supports him. But I do think he has in some ways been subliminally pushed into that outburst by the show - he was beat over the head from minute one that she's bossy; now he's looking for it. Well, surprise, surprise, she IS bossy! Then add Pastor Cal sitting down and bringing this stuff up again so it's fresh in his mind, along with questioning him about how he tries to keep it together and not get mad. More thinking about it. Couple that with her propensity to jokingly push him to do what she wants and say snarky things that can be interpreted as rude when you strip away the baby voice and giggling, and there you have it. It's self fulfilling prophecy. It was bound to happen at some point. He handled that terribly, but I do think they will get past it. She does need to realize that sometimes what she says is hurtful even if she says it in a joking way.
  4. Is it me, or are these people as a group just kind of awful? All these women with twenty pounds of make up (Lizzie alone accounts for half of it) and ridiculous Botox lips. I can’t even look at Jessica - she is a pretty girl but what she has done to her lips should be a crime. It’s horrid looking. And then the drama! Jessica and Lizzie were too much. And Ines is terrible. I guess we should be glad Ning did not revert to verbal diarrhea again on top of the rest. The bald guy is good looking but what a dick. Calling all the women “sweetheart” like it’s 1955 or something and basically bullying poor Mathew into honeymoon details that are none of his business! Stfu dude. I bet he did say something about Jessica. I’m disappointed that we didn’t hear from Dino and Mel. This show could have used some weirdness. And although they didn’t show it, it seems that like the American version, the girls and guys interact with each other prior to the weddings because they all knew each other going off the way they all greeted one another when they walked into the dinner. I wonder why they don’t show that? Maybe because it takes so many episodes just to get through the weddings because of the amount of couples?
  5. I just keep wondering - if Jake makes 20 comments that have nothing to do with being an 80’s fan and 1 comment about the 80’s, which do you think we see? Because obviously the show has decided this is his storyline.....he might be a completely normal person but he is being portrayed as this weirdo. Maybe they were hoping he would take Amelia and Bennett’s place this season....
  6. I get what you are saying - I really do. And I also agree Jake talks about it waaaayy too much. But I don’t agree that you have to be mired in the real history of the decade to balance the admiration for the pop culture of any decade. I was a kid living in California in the 1980’s so what was happening in New York was nothing like my experience in any way, and I’m guessing probably not what little Jake remembers either. Am I aware that New York was a cesspool then? Sure, but I am not thinking of that when I listen to my Depeche Mode or watch my John Hughes movies. From a pop culture standpoint, I completely understand why he likes it - the fashion, movies and music ARE fun, and they stand on their own without needing to get into a discussion of everything that was wrong with the decade as a whole. By that logic, nobody would ever be able to enjoy anything from ANY decade if you had to ruminate on all the real world garbage that happened from when it was made.
  7. Jake was only like 8 when the decade ended so I doubt AIDS and crack would have figured into his psyche even if he did live in New York.....
  8. Definitely seems like it was filmed last fall considering Steph and AJ were picking and carving pumpkins. They are still my favorites. The "we have a ghost" stuff with Beth and Jamie was only slightly less stupid than their ill advised trip to visit her family last summer. But I generally like them and their dynamic. I am still blown away that their marriage managed to survive their season. I am glad Keith's grandma is/was okay. I really love them. That cook off between Karen and Miles and Woody and Amani was fun but good grief that was a lot of food for only four people! I totally agree this show makes up for the shit show that the original becomes. I watch this to remind me of why I watch the OG......
  9. I'm guessing Jake's love of the 80's came from what he has seen in movies as he is too young to have experienced it himself! If he is 38, he was born in 1982 - he would have only been 7 or eight when the decade ended! I love fashion and movies from old eras that I wasn't alive in, like the 1930's and 1940's. Do I know that there was a depression and a war? Of course, but I am still fascinated by the fashion, music and glamour side of it. Jake is doing the same with the 1980's. The difference is I haven't made my entire life revolve around it. I graduated from HS in 1990, so my teen years were spent in the late 80's. Like the good Gen Xer I am, I of course have some nostalgia for the stuff I grew up with. If Jake was doing the same, he would more likely be fixated on the 1990's since that is the decade he was a teen, not the 1980's, so this whole thing is kind of bizarre to me. Unlike Bennett and Amelia whose whole life revolves around being quirky weirdos, Jake is fairly normal except for this one thing!
  10. I get the sense that Brianna is the sort that says mean things but when she is called on it just says “I was just joking” or “I’m just honest”. Not everyone is ok with that, as it seems her husband was not, except instead of saying “you hurt my feelings”, he said “you were disrespectful”. Kind of like last season Henry calling Christina impatient when in truth she was just rude.
  11. Thank you for this, it sums up my feelings exactly. He was hurt and said some mean things, but then he owned up and apologized. Where is her apology for the "misunderstanding"? Instead, she doubled down and just said she needed a break which can also be construed as hurtful. I just really don't like her. She was a bad pick for this. He's not for everyone, but I think he could have worked with someone closer to his age and more open to his quirkiness. I thought maybe the show was exaggerating Jake's 80's love, but it is really a lot. It is more than just "I like 80's movies and music". It's like his life revolves around this. That is strange considering he is really too young to remember the 80's firsthand. Still, if he and Haley had connected and they were going to stay together, I am sure some compromise could be reached to tone all that down. I totally related to Ryan's neat freak on the outside/hot mess on the inside. That is exactly how I roll. I don't like to see clutter, but not much organization going on in the drawers. I am really liking their dynamic. I think Clara seems fun and easy to get along with. The consummation conversation was funny - obvi they have been messing around some, so I think they will be fine. I am glad PC told him to stop just waiting for some "feeling" that he can't identify. It's got to be more than that and I hope that makes him think about it in a different way. I cannot believe Vincent left! Talk about a 180! From "I found my forever person" to "I don't have to stay here" over one comment! Duuuuuude.......use your words to say that sometimes her joking comes across as mean, but don't huff out like a petulant child..... Ok, in the word(s)/tone of New Orleans Karen....Wow..........Paige is stupid and Chris is garbage. I can't devote anymore thoughts than that. Virginia is delusional if she thinks her husband would be okay with her "passing out" on ANYONE'S couch and not coming home. I really wish someone would ask her why she thinks she needs alcohol or to be drunk to have a good time? Does she not realize she is past the expiration date for behaving that way on the regular? Why get married if you just wanted to keep living a party lifestyle? I kind of think it's the opposite - she wanted a "plus one" - someone she could just drag with her to all her outings, but she doesn't want to do the work nor compromise to build a marriage......
  12. Agreed! I am not a Siegfried/Mrs. Hall shipper, but that moment in the church was perfect. This show is so delightful, I can't be mad at any liberties taken. My beloved Leslie/Tristan continues to charm, I love this version of James, Mrs. Hall and Helen, and new Siegfried grows on me even though it still drives me a little nuts that both show versions chose to veer so far from book Siegfried. The scenery is beautiful. I just like shows like this - I can't wait for season 2! I hope the new season includes the rich townie small animal doctor that always got James stuffed with food and completely drunk when he visited. Those stories were always my favorites. Also, still waiting for Cedric the Farting Boxer 😛
  13. Yeah I can't read her at all. He tried having a serious conversation about their relationship, and she literally said nothing. It seems as if every conversation they have he has to initiate, even going back to immediately after their wedding! I am not at all certain it just looks like he is always talking about himself because this is what it's been edited to be because she doesn't say anything. She looks at him sometimes as if he has two heads, or her face is just a blank. The only thing she seems excited about is being able to do what she wants when she wants. I cannot fathom why she wanted to get married. It's a disastrous pairing.
  14. I too quit DC. I couldn't stand any of those people except Austin and Jessica, and they were so boring it wasn't worth sticking around for just them. I thought I was done for good after that but then I saw the promo picture of Amelia and Bennett and I couldn't not look! I am glad I did because last season was great. I do think the couples that make it are real - if not, starting families with their fake spouse is taking it a little too far, no? That being said, I also think a lot of them use their limited fame to cash in on their success by launching a social media career. And I do follow many of them on social media, so I guess it works? This is also why I never understand the people that go on this show and act like a total ass - the only ones who garner any fame and whatever they can get from the show are the successful couples...... I too spent a lot of time defending Brett. It's all in fun. Maybe my language here is a little bit hyperbolic because I really don't get off this forum and spend the rest of my time thinking about this dumb show. I do enjoy engaging with everyone here though, especially during this pandemic, which, what else do I have to do in my free time? ;-0
  15. You are correct, of course, that it's just entertainment. And it definitely falls into guilty pleasure. But I think that this show in particular gets to me because, as they like to remind us constantly, these are "legally binding marriages". This raises the stakes to something more real than just, say, an engagement like The Bachelor (and yes, I know people have gotten married on that show, but only after making an informed decision). Plus, they are selling these people on the fact that these are "legally binding marriages". I think that really messes with some of these participants that go into this really desiring to get married (like Paige) and we watch them trying to make it work even when it's obvious it's not going to happen. The experts say that they would not encourage the people to stay in unsafe environments, but I have no doubt the producers have zero problems talking people into staying that would be better off leaving. That is what makes me furious. I don't believe for one minute that this isn't happening. They are playing good guy/bag guy with the bad guy half hiding behind the camera and not taking responsibility for what's happening, and the good guy half offering excuses and weak justifications for casting completely inappropriate people who have zero business being on this show. This show is often frustrating to watch, so of course people come here and use this as an outlet for venting that frustration - that's the entire reason I joined! I'm not going to quit watching because at the end of the day, I still love it when the experiment works and they have success. Hope springs eternal, right? 😜
  16. If these are not “legally binding marriages” then this whole show is pointless! If they get to the end and decide to stay “married”, is there an actual ceremony that makes it real? Are there couples in other seasons who have stayed together and gotten married for real? I’m trying to decide who is worse: Ning or Ines. At this point, they are neck in neck. Good lord, how did they get picked - they are horrible! Those grooms deserve do-overs.
  17. She should never have dragged Jephte’s name into this. Comparing him to Chris in any way is an insult to Jephte. He’s not perfect, but Chris is another level. I am beyond frustrated by the statements released by these idiot experts. I was frustrated before in past seasons when they would never comment on the horrible matches they made nor take ownership of them, but I gotta say, all three have annoyed me worse by the completely tone deaf responses to the Chris situation. At this point I actually think it would be better if they all had said nothing because the attitudes and excuses are infuriating.
  18. All three have in one way or another addressed the Chris situation and not one has provided an acceptable answer: (Answers In Spoilers because I saw it on Instagram) All of this to say, these “experts” are useless morons just paid to do what the producers tell them to do.
  19. This is quite plausible. But it doesn't appear she did anything to smooth things over with him in the aftermath. She had to know what it looked like when he showed up, and he doesn't seem like someone who would exaggerate or lie. I am interested to hear what she has to say about this.
  20. Although it's not clear how much the rest of the group knew or how much they were involved in leaving him out, Hayley's face and demeanor the next day read pretty damn guilty to me. Until this episode she was so boring I couldn't even remember she was there, but the more they show of her the less I like her.....
  21. She told him the girls were getting together downstairs for drinks and then he went down later and found everyone there. She basically lied to him to get away from him. It's not clear to me if everyone else knew she did this or if she lied to them as to why he wasn't with her.....
  22. I hope she is sufficiently contrite about this because this pissed me off almost as much as the Chris stuff. It is just so juvenile and mean! This is what a fucking high school girl would do. If I was Jake I would have been so hurt to see everyone there. Of course, maybe he doesn't care because he's mature enough to realize these people aren't actually his friends - just acquaintances he met a week ago and is being force to socialize with because of a stupid tv show.......
  23. Kind of agree. All I could think when this episode ended was that these people as a group are pretty unlikable especially compared to last season's cast.
  24. My thoughts exactly. I figured just a normal week for VA. She is no shy retiring violet needing her smelling salts, that's for sure. She piped up real quick on that bus swearing like a sailor right back at him. Definitely not her first rodeo. Take a seat with your shock over being talked to like that girl!
  25. Well, I think he's just going along with it because they are on vacation. I definitely drink more when I am on vacation than I do in my normal life, and I don't fault him for that. His (albeit drunken) comments that this is exactly that situation and he would not be joining her regular drinking binges says to me it's just for this vacation only with him. He did acknowledge that it is not ok for him to do that when he is working because his job is very important to him. And I think he's going to absolutely cringe when he sobers up and sees how horrible he looks both as a sloppy drunk and for his (and his wife's) involvement in the Chris shit show.......
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