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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. Thank you. That is the answer I was looking for - I am aware it's a phrase, just where did it originate? I hadn't heard it until Amani said it last season, but now both Paige and Brianna have said it. I'm a 48 yo white lady, but it's nice to learn new things! 😜
  2. Wow. Just wow. Are they scraping the bottom of the barrel here or what? These women are too much. How in the hell did Virginia get picked? She is not ready to get married at all. And way to go experts, pairing the girl with issues from divorced parents with the first participant who has already been divorced. And strangely, that’s just the tip of the iceberg that is the mountain of reasons these two are completely incompatible. In this analogy, their marriage is The Titanic, I guess. Amelia sends her compliments on Virginia’s purple wedding day eyeshadow though...... I was gearing up to feel sorry for Paige, but she talks in pseudo religious hyperbole just like her stranger fiancé, AND seems just as sex obsessed like him too. If he doesn’t find her “ugly” ( seriously, what a creep), they might compatible. Mr. Ilovepie observed that if Chris is so worried about women wanting him only for his money, he should probably stop bragging about how rich he is..... Vincent and the stripper. SMH......dude, your new stranger wife is going to see this and will not be impressed with you trying to get her phone number! Be better! Clara reminds me a little bit of Elizabeth. She is extra with a capital E. We’ll see if she becomes intolerable. I imagine some people here have already reached their limit with her. Oh and ps, Clara, from a biblical standpoint, being submissive has nothing to do with being subservient. I’m so tired of that verse being used out of context. My feelings about Jacob and Haley can be summed up with ZZZZ....... Can someone educate me about where this “whole wife” phrase comes from? I keep hearing them say it, and Amani said it last season too.....
  3. This. Most Christians I know believe in the sanctity of marriage and try to avoid divorce if possible. If the odds are pretty high you are going to be divorced 8 weeks after your marriage, and they absolutely are on this show, then that wouldn't be okay or something to shrug off. This show doesn't actually care about marriage. This show makes a mockery of marriage. That's been proven by the fact that people like Chris himself are chosen, and they obviously mismatch people who have nothing in common just for the sake of drama. It's about making a tv show, not necessarily about making successful marriages - that's just a bonus if it works out! But then I suppose that is also self serving since it gives them more fodder for their spin-off Couples Cam. Having juuuust enough successful matches gives them a sheen of credibility, even though it ignores the absolute horrible overall track record. The only real "Christian" couple I think has come from this show is Gregg and Deonna. It's definitely not Chris.
  4. @humbleopinion He's only 38, right? You are making me feel ancient at 48 with these comments! 😜
  5. Don't feel bad for her - she is milking it and has turned her new body into an Instagram side show about "loving herself at any size" and her "frans" are eating it up. Personally, I would love to be able to follow her without having to see another picture of her in her underwear talking about body positivity and how after she had Henley she never would have taken these pictures, worn this bathing suit, blah, blah, blah......I cannot scroll through IG without seeing her half naked talking about this and I'm about to unfollow her. I am not trying to body shame her, but enough is enough. I don't care what size you are - put on some damn clothes!!!!
  6. I am late to the party, but I was coming here just to say this. We finally finished S2, and that fight was nowhere in the realm of reality. I too live in California and my daughter's high school has a permanent full time police officer. The school would have had instant lock down after the intercom threat, and that shit would have been shut down almost immediately. If not, the actual police would have been called before it got to that point. And where I live, all of those kids would be expelled for this kind of violence and destruction. No question. Well, maybe not Demetri because he just defended himself from attack, and Sam because her Dad has money and influence and she could argue that she was defending herself after being threatened and hunted down, but everyone else for sure....... I know that Demetri embarrassed Hawk, but that was no where near what Hawk did to him in terms of terrorizing him and bullying. The minor smack down Demetri gave him in no way makes up for what Hawk has done. I really hope he gets the true ass kicking he deserves in Season 3 because he is straight up awful. My final issue is Kreese just basically stealing Johnny's dojo! Does Johnny not have a lease agreement? Proof of payment for rent? I would be calling the police and having him thrown out - he's basically trespassing. But I know, it's a tv show. I just felt like this episode moved into the realm of fantasy a little too far......oh well, onto S3.....
  7. Oh, so many things after watching this...... Chris is awful. No other word for him. He gives real Christians who serve God a bad name. Sex obsessed, money obsessed, extremely prideful. Doesn't sound like any Christians I know. Chris lives to serve Chris, not Jesus.......They fucked up badly by picking him. Poor Paige. She seems nice and deserves someone better than this narcissist. He was obviously picked for the drama, at the expense of someone else. Too bad she drew the short stick for being matched with the asshole this go around...... Eric and Virginia are this season's Christina and Henry. He is a bump on a log and she loves to party. They should never have been put together. I agree with the guy panelist that said the list of reasons they are a mismatch could go on all day. I also think they were mismatched on purpose. DOA. Looks-wise though, I think Eric reads old because of his old man haircut. Just update that 'do ala Ricky Bobby and I think he might be kind of handsome. Speaking of hair...... Hopefully Clara can do something about Ryan's atrocious hair style. It's painfully bad. They might be a success, but I think the fact that Ryan is religious and Clara is not is going to be a bigger deal than has been shown. But maybe he will win her over because he seems super nice, and she seems fun. I was kind of surprised by how many of those panelists gave this pair a thumbs up. I'm with Kevin - I'm not convinced, but at this stage last season I thought Woody and Amani would be a train wreck, and I was obviously wrong about that! Steak and Eggs guy is the wrong personality for this dumpster fire show. Quiet introvert. He's too old for her. If they make it, I would be shocked. I feel like this pair is going to be one I won't remember are there. I can't remember either of their names...... I'm with everyone else that thinks Vincent and Brianna are the obvious success story this season. This is who I would put my money on making it. There are no glaring red flags. Is she uptight? Seems to be, but I think not so much that they can't get past it. I think they will be this season's Karen and Miles....... Unfortunately, I think this is going to resemble the DC season more than the NOLA season. Maybe two matches will make it. I am just not sure that's enough to justify sitting through this mess........
  8. Yeah this is probably the most disgusting example of why the experts and the show suck. That timeline should absolutely have taken him out of contention. I think this is proof they really do not vet these people, and if they did know this and cast him anyway for the drama, then these producers and experts are garbage humans. I hope Paige leaves immediately and asks for an annulment. If Michael was able to get one, she definitely can claim fraud! This really bums me out because last season was so great. They obviously decided to go the other way this time around, and I am definitely not here for it. I will try it out, but if this goes they way of DC, I will not be finishing it.....
  9. I agree completely! I cannot believe how many people were disappointed they were separated. That has been Din's entire mission since last season when he saved him in Chapter 3 (I think?). It was a heart breaker for sure, but just one moment in the ongoing plot. I have no doubt at all that they will be reunited next season. I absolutely loved everything about this episode. Everything. The creepy Dark Troopers, the fierce lady squad, the fight scenes. I was thrilled when the X-Wing showed up and thrilled some more watching a Jedi absolutely kick ass! My mouth dropped open when we realized it was Luke and I started crying when I saw R2 and didn't stop until it was over. I don't want to nit pick any of it or speculate on what's to come. It was a moment of sheer joy to me in a year (and month) that really needed it.
  10. Well, as I was scrolling IG last night, I came across Elizabeth promoting "self love" equipment........can't un-see that one.........add it to Jamie's hoo-ha and fireman Ryan's strip tease as things from this show I wish I could erase from my brain.......
  11. Well, Elizabeth's "job" is an "influencer", so no doubt she will milk it......we can only hope a live birth won't be featured on any future Couples Cam episodes......featuring crystals, moon water, Dharma the dog and a lot of drama from her 😜
  12. I am glad for them that it went better than it did with Olivia.
  13. Totally! I really liked Jon during his season, but hooking up with Jessica made me like him less, and Jessica much less. Now hearing this, I think we didn't really see the real him. I mean, just looking and listening to him, I got cocky alpha male vibes, but he seemed pretty nice on the show. And in hindsight, the show was definitely trying to make Molly the villain. Geez, this show. Who knows what's true? I'm guessing somewhere in the middle. Either way, this info regarding Jackie is not super flattering to either her or Jon......
  14. Hands down. I still have affection for Season 1, but Woody and Amani put this one above even that one. For me, the closest thing to an actual love affair/romance this show has had. There have been other successful couples I liked, but these two gave me the feels like no other....
  15. I agree, and besides, Elliott Page is an actor. Isn't this what actors do? Inhabit characters that are not themselves? Elliott has been playing this character as a woman for two seasons, and I don't see any reason why he can't do it for season three either.
  16. I follow her on Instagram, and I don't think it's permanent. She is there teaching English, but I thought I read just for the next year. She had a boyfriend post-Zach and she was pretty mushy about it on IG. They went on vacation there, and then they broke up pretty quickly. Maybe she just needed a break. It looks like one of her friends lives there too.
  17. I saw that! My husband and I tried to watch this the other night. Shortly after that Jamie and Doug segment we turned it off. It was so stupid. I couldn't do it, even though I kind of love Jason Priestly. I couldn't get past the part where she DROVE from Chicago to Lake Tahoe. What??? And I was distracted by the fact that it looked like her parents house and ALL of the clothes were red and green, just in case we didn't realize it was a Christmas movie. What a dog indeed.
  18. Well, many shows have resumed production, including other reality shows. Maybe they are testing them regularly and having them quarantine. Perhaps it's going to be all of them living in a shared area?
  19. You might be right. I am not feeling very optimistic after seeing that preview. I just have a feeling this is going to be more DC than NO. Sigh. I really wish they could leave this show sweet. There is already 90DF and Marrying Millions and myriad other shows for train wreck watching, and there is enough drama to be mined from the situation itself without "casting" nutjobs with no intention of finding a life partner...... I am going to watch just out of curiosity, some because it's become a hard habit to break, and some because I am curious how they are doing this in the middle of a pandemic. They had to pivot mid-season in New Orleans, but this was 100% filmed in pandemic conditions, although, maybe in a less strict area (I live in California where it's never been totally open since this started and masks have been mandated in public since July). Also, It was filmed in the summer when cases were falling so things may have been relaxed. Maybe someone else can speak to how Covid was being handled in Georgia? All this to say, I just want to see how they handled it. You might be right though. My head almost exploded after Jamie and Beth irresponsibly flew home almost definitely being Covid Positive. I don't want to see shit like that for sure.
  20. Yeah, I don't either. How will there be bachelor/bachelorette parties and weddings? Where will they honeymoon?
  21. Yeah, side eye to all of this. Who knows what's real? My biggest fear is that after the delightful success of this sesaon and low key drama, they will feel like they have re-hooked everyone that was turned off by the shit show in DC and they can ramp up the drama by casting garbage couples again. I am not here for this at all.
  22. I agree. I have always liked Johnny and think Nelly deserved to go, but he also had an advantage with his background and it's ridiculous to say otherwise. Throwing shade and complaining it's a popularity contest is just not a good look. Of course it's a popularity contest! I think the show has done what they can to mitigate that by having the judges decide who goes home, but they can only control it so far. If the votes aren't there, the votes aren't there........
  23. THIS! I love this show, but this alliance is ruining it for me. Imagine how many times some of these teams would have had to go down that wall to figure it out if they had to do it on their own! Does anyone think the NFL guys would have come in first if they had actually had to work it out themselves? Only one person actually figured it out by herself, and maybe two if you count the blonde girl who got resourceful. I am glad Phil told Hung and Chee exactly what they lost by helping bc there is no doubt they would have come in first without the alliance nonsense, and my guess is that the rest would be a different order too. Some of these teams are doing better than they deserve bc of this alliance. It ruins the spirit of the game to me. You already come into this game in an alliance - WITH YOUR PARTNER! I hope if COVID doesn’t permanently kill this show that TAR bans alliances and helping other teams. It’s gotten worse as the seasons have progressed and now it’s completely altering the actual game to its detriment.
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