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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. Ha! Literally this season as she sits in her gray lace tablecloth dress......
  2. Make that a younger version of Jamie Otis as she looked on Season One of this show. I thought the same, and I think the show cut to her a bunch of times because she looks like the OG MAFS bride!
  3. Yes, they are a trendy thing called Stiletto Nails, and the sooner this trend dies the better. I'm all about a good mani, but those nails would drive me insane. Not functional at all, unless you are an assassin maybe and they can double as a weapon?
  4. I totally agree! He is not some troll. I do think he is suffering from the same unfortunate haircut that Ryan is sporting. It's not great, but he's not ugly at all! His personality is very low key though and that will be a bigger hurdle. And the fact that he likes to stay home and she likes to travel. I think they are a total mismatch, but he is definitely not ugly nor a creep just because he is quiet. It was a little painful to see her so happy and smiling at the altar and him giving nothing back to her and watching as her smiles and excitement faded. And then the awkward post-ceremony conversation where you could see the wheels spinning in his head as he tried to generate questions to ask to avoid the uncomfortable silence.
  5. I was a teen in the 80’s and so was my husband. We both are kind of stereotypical GenExers - great nostalgia for the pop culture we grew up with. We now have a teen daughter and tween son enamored with 80’s music and movies most definitely because of us. I don’t see the problem with liking that stuff, but Jacob is 10 years younger than me, so he would have been a young child in the 80’s, so it’s kind of weird that he’s into it. But that’s not even the weirdest thing about him - the diet, the nose thing and just his overall unemotional demeanor. Why did they pick this weirdo, or more accurately, why did they match him with someone so conventional? If they had picked a matching weirdo like Bennett and Amelia, maybe it would be ok, but this chick is not going to be down for this nonsense.....
  6. Not much to add that hasn’t already been said about Chris, but wow. What an absolute piece of trash. If anyone doubted that this show makes terrible matches on purpose, look no further. And apparently the Apple didn’t fall too far from the tree because his father is equally disgusting. Talking about how hot Paige is multiple times and that conversation with her! Totally disgusting. I would be running for the hills after both the dinner conversation with Chris and then that conversation with his dad. Chris, go take your place in the worst groom room with Matt, Luke, All the Ryans, Michael and Brandon. You’ve already earned it and it looks like worse is yet to come.... Vincent and Brianna FTW! So cute! I loved his talk with her father, and the bow tie compliment to finish it off - I love him - I hope he doesn’t blow it! Jacob and Hayley are DOA. He is so boring. Henry 2.0. Zzzzzz........ Is the wine glass actually attached to Virginia’s hand? She seriously wasn’t without it or a champagne glass at any moment including their first dance! The only time she didn’t have booze at hand was when they were walking to the room! This is not going to end well. Poor Eric - he’s so nice, gently fun and caring! Why the hell did they waste this treasure on this messy booze hound? Not too much on Ryan and Clara, but her undoing her hair was pretty funny. “Where’d this braid come from?!??” 😂 I’m 50-50 on them. I think it could go either way.
  7. Ha! Proves me wrong then! I guess this actor just reads younger to me than Robert Hardy? For some reason, when I was reading the books I always imagined Siegfried looking kind of like Ryan Gosling when he was in Crazy Stupid Love. Very good looking, glamorous, and definitely not in his fifties! I was imagining him as more in his late thirties if I had to put a number on it. I never researched what the real age difference was between James and Siegfried, so this is probably me just romanticizing Siegfried......
  8. Just coming here to say I love the casting of all of these people! I have read all of the books and we own the original series on dvd. I just love these stories! I am glad they cast younger and sexier for Siegfried because I always felt that Robert Hardy was too old and not cool enough to be playing Siegfried. I always thought he seemed younger, more worldly and kind of sexy in the books. This version of him definitely fits more how I pictured him for sure! And my wonderful Leslie is back as Tristan! I admit I became 10 times more excited for this when I saw Callum Woodhouse had been cast. I cannot even fathom the agony of having to put down that horse. I don't know if I could do it, and if I did have to do it, I would need grief counseling afterward. But this is why I am an accountant and not a vet...... I really hope at some time in the future we see Cedric the farting Boxer. Probably my favorite story out of all of them. I have never in my life laughed as hard at any piece of literature like I did when reading that story for the first time.
  9. Speaking of AJ, have you seen him lately? His awesome wife has whipped him into shape and he is looking svelte! So I'm pretty sure "bossy" Brianna would have no problem helping Vincent slim down if he wants to, or more likely, she tells him he is going to! 😜 Ha! It always astounds me when I listen to these people reading their "vows" - forget about following through - some of them don't even include any actual vows or promises at all!
  10. Excuse me, did you say Subway? Ha ha ha!!! The guy who calls himself a businessman and restaurateur? A subway franchisee? Ha ha ha! I’m going to have to have a talk with the guy who owns the one by my office that he needs to have a little more swag - doesn’t he know he’s a restaurateur??? I’m going to need a little more attitude in the future when he’s handing me my six inch turkey and chips so I know what a big deal he is. A Subway! Hopefully someone else is running it for him - most are pretty small locations and I’m not sure Chris’s ego could fit in there. A Subway! SMH.....
  11. I'm guessing they have limited choices given they aren't paying for it (which btw, how funny was Clara's dad for joking about that at the reception?). I'm guessing some of Clara's angst about the hem job on her dress came from her lack of control to get what she wanted, but given the time frame, it's not surprising that the fit and finish of these dresses is sometimes so bad.
  12. Call me crazy, I don't mind it (ducks head). I think that style looks youthful and cool. These aren't James Bond Tuxedos - they are multi-colored and patterned. It's just a more casual look overall, and I think that's why it doesn't bother me. It's kind of hilarious that there has been more discussion about the grooms socks than the brides! Ok - whose dress is best? I like Brianna's the most. It might be my favorite dress of any season. I also think the back of Clara's dress is adorable. Paige's dress fits her like a glove, but I feel like it would read more elegant if she had done her hair in an updo. Hayley's is boring since it looks exactly like DC Jessica's. I don't like Virginia's dress - too busy for me personally. And the less said about her makeup and hair the better. Hot mess comes to mind.
  13. Amen sister! I am the poster child for stringy white girl hair! When my much younger sister got married she wanted all of the bridesmaids to have "beachy waves". Lord help me. An hour of a stylist taking my hair in tiny sections, applying hot styling spray and wrapping a flat iron. It looked fantastic, but my hair felt like a football helmet, and I didn't dare touch it for 10 hours. I have lamented the stick straightness this last decade as everyone else has sported these nice wavy styles, but I have recently decided to just be at peace. God gave me this straight hair, and frankly, it looks better when I just wear it like it wants to be. It's always soft, shiny and smooth, and I suppose there are worse things. I guess I'll just wait it out - stick straight hair is bound to come back in style sometime, right? 😜 I find Eric nice and easy going. He seems able to socialize in a relaxed way, as well as being able to communicate. He also seems able to express himself appropriately and was very supportive and reassuring to Virginia. He was having fun with the guys at the bachelor party, even though you know he didn't approve of what Chris or Vincent were doing. He generally seems comfortable in his own skin. Basically he is nothing like Henry to me. I would have loved to see Henry confronted with someone like Virginia - can you imagine what would have happened if she was hanging on him trying to kiss him every five minutes? I seriously would have loved to see that!
  14. Me too. He really seems like a catch for somebody. Sensitive, financially secure, mature and thoughtful. In the world of MAFS, this is like finding a unicorn. If they are actually creating bad matches on purpose for drama (and I absolutely believe they are) then Chris should have been the guy stuck with the dud because Eric has the potential to be successful with a woman who is equally in this for the right reasons - someone like Mindy or Olivia.....
  15. Tuxedos absolutely had pleated pants in the 90's - all I have to is look at my wedding photo to confirm! I know I said it's the style of pants, but it's also the shoe - back in the day, a tux was worn with an polished oxford or something with laces. These are being worn with very stylized loafers. I don't think either this shoe or this pant style would work with socks. It's a young look for sure. I understand why some don't like it though.
  16. This. I think this is just what she does all. the. time. It's hard to watch. Eric seems smitten, but this act is going to wear thin very fast. She is going to see the honeymoon as an ongoing excuse to keep drinking/partying. I did think it was a weird choice of words when he said "We're going to get through this, I promise" like it's a root canal or something, but he comes across as very mature, and she definitely is not. He's an old 34 and she's a young 26. I think there is a bigger gap in maturity between these two than the couple that is actually 10 years apart. It feels more like a 20 year age gap between Eric and Virginia......
  17. They showed her getting her hair done, but when you have straight hair, you absolutely CANNOT touch it when it’s curled or the curl starts to fall out immediately. Also the amount of product required to keep straight hair curled makes it look really dirty and ratty once the curl goes. Her hairdo was going before she walked down the aisle because she kept messing with it. Probably the wrong style for her wedding day, much like the heinous eyeshadow. Me too. Vincent comes across more sincere about his faith than that phony Chris who talks a good game and that is about all there is to his religion. My exact thoughts as well, but Chris is so in love with himself it never occurs to him that a woman might not find him attractive. I cannot believe we are only a few episodes in and this guy was getting yet another haircut! He’s the worst! My other thoughts: Brianna and Vincent are adorable. So cute when she said “Vincent is my person.” I hope it lasts. Also, I loved her dress. Maybe my favorite across all seasons. Clara might wear Ryan out. His facial expression at their reception table was a little alarmed when she was just talking and talking. Still, they seem to have a nice easy rapport going on. I hope her heart doesn’t get broken. The girl who is afraid of falling in love and not being loved in return being matched with the guy who has never said “I love you” is kind of a recipe for disaster. I am kind of shocked that Eric and Virginia hit it off right out of the gate. But there is no way this is going to last. They are polar opposites. And she might be an alcoholic..... Had to laugh when Clara was complaining on Unfiltered about hating her hair at her wedding as she’s sitting right next to Jamie who has her hair styled exactly the same way. 😂
  18. I second your choice. That staged photo of them in the link posted to the thread for last week's episode makes them look like two strangers being told to pose together. The vibe is not good.
  19. I would call it more of a French Bikini Wax, but it's quibbling......And thanks for this because now I can't unsee it..........gonna be a long season unless he keeps his hat on..........
  20. I did watch the Legends show to catch up with these characters, but I did not find it helpful in the least. There is not really any actual backstory there, it's just clips from the movies they were in, which taken out of context, does not make their story up to this point any clearer. I think if you need a recap for these characters you are better off just googling it on the internet, which I eventually did. I am coming into this with very little MCU knowledge. My Marvel viewing is limited to the Thor movies, the Guardians movies, Black Panther, 20 minutes of Dr. Strange, 15 minutes of Ant Man, and Peggy Carter. I have seen zero Avengers movies, so I don't know if this is for me because all of the easter eggs are lost on me, reducing it to a mediocre 1950's sitcom. I know it's more than that, but I can't even begin to speculate on what these clues represent. Unlike The Mandalorian which works for the casual Star Wars viewer because it's a whole new character, I don't think this translates as well for people not up to date on the MCU due to the long backstory on Wanda and Vision. Not sure I'm going to continue this one....
  21. Well, to be fair, every decade has fashion that fits into that category. Personally, I don't mind it because the pants have a fitted tailored look to them which I find way more appealing and youthful than baggy and over sized, which was how pants were when I was young in the 1980's and 1990's. Woody from last season is especially dapper and he sports this look. Full disclosure though, I wear most of my pants and shoes the same way. Even shoes that normally require socks I wear half socks, so it looks like I am wearing no socks - even sneakers. As I am writing this I am sporting white cropped jeans with adidas sneakers. No socks in sight! 😛
  22. Just weighing in on the no-socks look with dress pants: All of the current styles for men are skinny tapering to just above the ankle, almost cropped. I think wearing that style of pant would look ridiculous with a sock. If it's an old school straight leg style covering your ankle and breaking across the top of your shoe look, then I think sock-less would look stupid. It's more to do with the style of pants......
  23. Whoa! Haley and Jacob look awkward! Jacob's face says A LOT. I think Eric and Virginia look surprisingly happy and together. Unsurprisingly, Clara and Ryan and Vincent and Brianna look the most natural and compatible. Chris and Paige look exactly like I would expect - perfectly positioned in total awareness of the camera. The star of that photo is her booty........
  24. Bwah ha ha!!!!! Yes, this. I cannot believe these people that go around spouting about how religious they are but there is zero evidence of it in their life. I am not a prude, but I feel like one after listening to that conversation. This is just more information about these girls sex life than I need to know. Geez!
  25. I also like him. I don't think he's old though, just older than most of these guys. I actually think he's kind of handsome, and I like that he gave a lot of side eye to Chris and the blow up doll and Vincent and the stripper. Although I'm not sure Haley is super easy going - she's the one who said she does what she wants, when she wants. Words not super conducive to a healthy marriage.......I'm pretty sure she seems easy going only in comparison to these other ladies like Clara, Paige and Virginia who are A LOT. Her mother and friends seem nice though, so that's maybe a good sign. Either way, we shall see......
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