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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. I think he can control it. The smartass comments and sarcasm didn’t really kick in until things started going sideways on the honeymoon. He initially seemed very happy with her, and they started out having serious conversations where he was talking to her in a serious tone. Then came the dreaded seven rating and it went downhill from there. That’s also when she started talking AT him and not WITH him, I might add. I think he uses it when he’s hurt, but he seems fully capable of expressing himself appropriately when he wants to. I just don’t think he cared enough to try when he realized the show had paired him with the wrong woman.
  2. Ok, when put that way, you are correct. I was speaking more to the age gap. I like Rick more than Bill too, but there is a bigger age gap between Rick and Ericka than Bill and Bri, right?
  3. Yes to all of this. 100%. I think Brett came off a lot more mature than Olivia. She glares, complains and calls him names; he says nothing. She is blaming the wrong person. He clearly sees where the blame lies, but she, with the help of the producers and editors, have chosen him as the problem. It was very frustrating seeing her get an almost total pass and him being made the scapegoat. And of course nobody in this group likes him! Of course the girls are going to take Olivia’s side, and look at the remaining guys - do any of them look like the would have anything in common with him? The people that have been vilified in the past seasons have done some really shady shit. What has Brett done? He was sarcastic? He left when the marriage was over? He was (maybe) disingenuous on camera (but nice off camera!)? For this he has been called an asshole and fuck boi on camera multiple times and by various people. And then they trash talk him for not showing up? The bigger question is why on earth would he after this?
  4. Man alive, Olivia is one bitter bitch. I have no problem calling her that since she had no problem calling Brett an asshole repeatedly. And for what? Recognizing that they were mismatched and incompatible? She knew it too, yet it’s his fault? I think she’s mad because he’s not upset it didn’t work out, and he refused to play the MAFS game. Who she should really be mad at is the producers and experts who matched them both with the absolute wrong person ON PURPOSE. Christina might be a piece of work, but this woman bugs me more because of her self righteous attitude. I don’t blame Brett for leaving - what was left for him but more crap from Olivia and the rest of them? It’s not a good look for any of them to sit there trash talking Brett.
  5. And these two no doubt would have hooked up but then ended up not so secretly loathing each other. It would have been very entertaining, and who knows? Maybe they would have made it work. Stranger things have happened - I mean, who would have ever thought Jamie and Elizabeth would still be going strong? Olivia and Henry would have been a snooze, but these two would be awesomely awful! 😂
  6. @Yeah No Me too. I think the only season that comes close is Season 1. I still miss them looking for a place to live and find the group socializing a little too "reality tv", but it really didn't bother me as much this season because these people all seemed to gel pretty well together. I am really glad it turned out this way, because if this season had been like last season, I would probably be done for good.
  7. Hmmmm.....not sure about that. Henry doesn't seem that into travel, which is what Olivia wanted. She was into constantly analyzing the relationship, and I don't know that she would have been satisfied by his non-answers any more than Brett's sarcasm. Neither is a fast mover on the physical front, so I feel like this relationship would have ended up in the friend zone.
  8. Ok, not gonna lie: I got totally teary listening to Woody when he was talking about their relationship. THIS is why I keep watching this show, not all the bullshit drama! They are hands down my favorite MAFS couple in the history of this show. I loved when Woody said “It’s the start of our love story. It’s new, but it feels like old love.” All the feels! ❤️ I bet as soon as they put down the champagne glasses the producers handed them a video camera and said “Welcome to Couple’s Cam!” I really enjoyed this season. Lots of likable people, and just enough drama to be interesting. Plus some successful matches. To think I was thiiiiiiis close to not watching after last season. Thank God for Amelia’s bird hat - it’s the only reason I tuned in initially!
  9. This show puts people who are not attracted to their spouse in a very bad position. You have people like Luke and Zach and Molly who are blunt and end up being cruel, and then you have people like Will, Danielle (of Danielle and Cody, not Dallas Danielle) Keith, and Henry who are nice people who don't want to hurt their spouse, but just ride it out until Decision Day. They end up looking disingenuous and saying things like "I tried" or "At least I didn't quit." or "of course I think you're attractive!" when they so obviously don't. I don't know what the option is really in this situation because you're damned if you do and damned if you don't say anything. Perhaps the best option is to have a nice cordial conversation off camera and come to some kind of agreement on how to play out the rest of the season. It sure as shit isn't have sex with their partner and then bagging on them a la Nick, Luke or Matt...........
  10. If you think Bri and Bill is horrifying, wait until you get to season 2 and meet Rick and Ericka!!!
  11. I am very confused at this point. All of the time jumping with Henry is exhausting to follow. It looked like his office swings back and forth between fully functioning and closed up/covered by tarps and such. What is real in the current timeline? Dani met him in his office and it was in normal operation and fully furnished. Is Rebecca possessing Flora or is Flora dead too and that is why she's trapped in her memories? I agree with whoever said that having the ghosts occupying the same story as the guilty subconsciousness of Dani and Henry is muddling the story. I also agree with everyone that thinks the gardener monologue went on waaaaay too long. It's kind of a problem that I want to finish this not so much because I'm invested in the story but more because I want this nonsense explained. On to the next episode........
  12. That’s interesting, because I think it would be incredibly hard to match him to the point that I don’t think he should have been picked at all. The fact that he moves at a snails pace in getting to know someone in a romantic sense kind of makes him unsuitable for this experiment. He is also awkward and uncomfortable making or initiating conversation. Plus, he wanted someone petite, which might be accommodated, but this season, I don’t think any of them fits that description, let alone the one that was selected for him. Personally, I think it’s pretty telling his celebrity crush is Kate Beckinsale, and lo and behold, who does his “best friend” Kristen look like??? Hmmmmm........methinks he has already found his “soul mate”, and unfortunately for him, she does not care for him like that.....
  13. Hey @humbleopinion! That makes four Brett apologists! Better upgrade our tv trays to a full table now! 😜
  14. These things are for sure stressors, but not on a personal level that tests their relationship. Sometimes, it's hard to even know what that might be. My husband and I get along great. We have weathered joblessness, moving, sickness and death of a parent, and child birth and rearing. But parenting a special needs preteen and then teenage kid has strained our relationship in a way I never saw coming. This was 17 years into our marriage! For Bennett and Amelia, it might not be today or tomorrow but some time down the road circumstances will arise that they have to face that causes an unraveling of their relationship and that will be the test. But four months together and two spent in a quarantine bubble during the honeymoon phase is not really a test. Perhaps her residency moving was a first test, but they passed that one fine with little drama and some compromise......
  15. Make that a table for two @rebel2u! I too have a well developed sense of snark, so I think he's funny too. My Grandmother's joking pet name for me when I was younger was smartass. I will forever love him for his swift comeback to Christina's challenge to give a rating on the honeymoon. 😜
  16. You make many valid points. I think he's joking most of the time when he says stuff like that. And as far as why anyone would think he would treat a stranger better, we have, from Olivia's own mouth, the admission that Brett without the cameras is "a nice guy". I think this persona is a put on for the cameras in many ways, especially since he has no reason to play their game since they clearly gave him a mismatch on purpose. I realize that many here think he's an asshole. I just don't. He seemed willing to be affectionate to Olivia and she was not willing to respond in kind. If they had matched him with someone who wanted the same things and didn't mind his sarcasm, I don't know, but I think he could have been successful. I think early on after the wedding he came across as mature and thoughtful. The sarcasm ratcheted up as the honeymoon progressed as he realized they were massively mismatched. I take it as, well, the producers and experts clearly didn't give a shit, so why should I? His ex cheated on him, and here is another woman basically telling him he's not good enough. Alrighty then..........
  17. Sorry, no can do. unpopular opinion over here, but still Team Brett. Props to him for leaving and not playing the game when they have nothing in common. The show did him dirty by matching him with someone completely incompatible, and he knows it. He says a lot of stupid shit, but I still would rather hang with him over her. Please excuse me now while I put on some armor to field the razzing for taking Brett's side........
  18. I get what he was saying - that their relationship hasn't really been tested yet, but that's not exactly fair to expect that when they've only known each other for 4 months, and two of those were spend in quarantine. It's actually pretty stupid. They got more time than any other couples in the history of the show. If they still want to stay together on Decision Day, why should this guy poo poo that? Wouldn't the smart choice be to stay together and see where it goes? It doesn't mean they are now obligated to stay together forever if they change their mind!
  19. Pastor Cal cracked me up on Unfiltered: (paraphrasing) “What’s the big deal about bad sex? So what? So maybe you start with missionary and no one enjoys it, but then you learn about each other and move on to other things.” Ha! Hey PC, why are you bagging on missionary? Ain’t nothing wrong with a little Boring Caucasian Sex™️ now and then! 😂
  20. Ok, that was my thought - are they sharing it or do they have matching rompers? And why does any person over the age of three need that stupid outfit? Also, why do they and all of their friends look like they don’t shower regularly? The major quirk is getting tired....... And another thing: If I was Bennett and heard her talking about applying for this show as a lark and not really caring about being married, I would have some serious questions. I know he expressed that in a TH about being concerned about what would happen when the cameras were gone, but I would be confronting her, like, hey lady, you better be sure this isn’t just a fun joke before I uproot my life and move to Virginia with you! And Karen, you don’t get to be pissed that your husband referred to you as “sis” but then turn around and call him “kiddo”. Again with this masculine bullshit, yet always emasculating him. Run, Miles, run. Woody getting choked up at dinner. 😍They are the cutest. Go on and try to edit Amani saying she wants a divorce in the clip for next week you stupid edit monkeys, I’ll never believe it. Those two are the best!
  21. I agree he was trying to get expelled, but that makes it seem like something Miles would care about, not Peter. Still, it’s pretty dark.....
  22. Totally! This was a great episode, but I was totally confused when it was over. How is Dani interacting with these "people" if they are dead? Is a ghost making dinner for them every night? If Owen is dead, how did he pick her up in the car and drive her to the Manor? How did the creepy lake lady kill Peter? Who is she? The Viola from the grave in the Chapel maybe that Flora was etching? Why does Ghost Rebecca sometimes look normal and sometimes have glowing zombie eyes? I am confused, but I suppose that is what they are going for. I'll just see how this unfolds. Or maybe someone here can clear some of this up....... I have a new appreciation for the kid playing Miles. I loved when he said "Oh Hannah, honestly..." and walked away. Just like Peter. My only question with him is whether he was possessed by Peter when he was acting out at school, or did he attack that kid and kill that bird on his own?
  23. Sorry as well! We were speaking about Amelia as a doctor and then SQUIRREL!!!!! 😜
  24. Totally agree. I don't mind this story, but the ghosts in this ghost story are kind of missing. I really wish the show would show us what Flora is actually looking at behind Dani when they are speaking. Yes, I think this is it exactly. And keeping in mind it's the mid-eighties when being gay was not as accepted as now it's completely plausible that she tried to deny it and do what was expected and conventional. And maybe it's just me, but I feel like I need closed captioning on - I cannot understand a word Mrs. Grose says at all. Between the accent and her way of speaking so softly, it unintelligible to me......
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