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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. Omg I cannot believe that's the storyline with him now! He is only 32! If that's old, why aren't they calling Sandy Z the old granny since she's 44??? I guess if they are making such a big deal about Joe being old, that really tells you where they are headed with all of these teens being the focus. And I am not here for it. Again, if I wanted to watch a bunch of kids compete I would have tuned in to Ninja Jr.
  2. Completely disgusting, but totally believable. I mean, look at Bri - she looks like a juvenile teen. And after the talk about her wanting a baby, his comments about her losing her "figure", this makes perfect sense. He is repulsive.
  3. Man, reading these comments does not make me want to watch this episode. I was busy last night with back to school kids stuff, so I didn't get to it. Now I'm not sure I even want to bother. These people are a joke. If they have just decided they don't actually care AT ALL about matching people for success, then they just need to own it and make this show like the Australia version where they don't actually get "a legally binding marriage". It's completely fake, and at least they let people leave when it's horrible. This show is turning into that except these people end up having to get a real divorce. I thing someone like Myrla would love that because she could have gotten exactly what she wanted - a big wedding with the dress of her dreams and then she could bounce after the honeymoon with zero repercussions, and Gil would be blessedly free to resume his life no harm, no foul.
  4. I don't feel pitiable about any of these people. Train wreck city here. But I will still join you for the wine. This season is going to require some heavy pours to get through....... Did you know that Amazon sells a six pack of "bottle size" straws for when you just need a whole bottle and want to drink straight from it? I know this not because I guzzle wine like our favorite MAFS veteran Virginia, but from my friend's 50th birthday weekend last month where her drink of choice was just her own personal bottle of wine ;-p
  5. Oh my gosh! I never thought of that - I just assumed it did, otherwise, how stupid is that? And exactly why does anyone want to take a bath on their open porch anyway? I was thinking I would more likely fill it with ice and put drinks for a party in it. ;-p I much preferred the one with the shower on the steps leading up to the deck. That is a functional fix to keep the sand out.
  6. I totally agree! It seemed like Mike and Mina really didn't like them, and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Their whole house just seemed slightly more luxe than the other two. And I think the living room was the decider. It was hands down the best thing any of the teams did. In honesty, the only thing I hated was their bathroom with the rain shower head into the tub. I hate those shower heads that are positioned straight overhead, and with the open tub underneath I just feel like water is going to get everywhere. Not functional. But honestly, I hated almost all of the bathrooms. I cannot believe all of the wood counters and black tile. Completely non-functional and ugly. The sandbox was also stupid, but fortunately they fixed that. I loved the tiki bar. I would be down there all the time. Also, that movie projector was just dumb. That seems like a place where you could have some decent storms. I just don't see how that thing stays dry. And unless they add velcro and a way to anchor those curtains, you better pray there is zero wind when watching your movie or the "screen" is going to be separating and blowing around. I do love these type of shows, but sometimes the design choices make zero sense in real life. I liked this show, but like many others, I prefer Rock The Block.
  7. Whhhaaaattt???? I hadn't heard that they knew each other! Their IG is pretty fashion based. But Woody was really into clothes when he was on the show, so that doesn't surprise me that much. I just assumed it's because they are living their fabulous best lives - it doesn't seem like they are trying to monetize it (yet). ;-0
  8. @cardigirl I was team Brett all the way! And Kevin lost me when he made Michael answer for all of Brandon's misdeeds and harassed him when he refused to answer. Every season since he's been an asshole to at least one guy. The next season Brett was his punching bag, and this last season it was Jake. I loathe Kevin at this point. What an asshole. And I think we all know the real "truest purest love" from NO was Amani and Woody, not Amelia and Bennett ;-p
  9. I cannot fathom investing that much time and money into eyelashes. I am not exactly low maintenance myself, but that seems excessive to me. I know people that have extensions but none of them go that frequently.
  10. Yikes! Completely off topic, but this is the only reason I haven't done it - I'm afraid of what I will be left with if I stop. Also, I have a pool I'm in all the time in the summer, so I just don't think it would work for me. We went on vacation to Puerto Vallarta five years ago with some of our friends, and one of my friends had extensions. By the end of the trip a lot had fallen out and she looked crazy. ;-p I can't fathom why Myrla needs to go so often - is it just to keep them perfect? It seems excessive. I don't think the ones she has look bad, but they don't go with the rest of her overall look to me. She has these very expensive lashes, and a completely bare face? Or is it that she wears other makeup, just not foundation? Ugh, and now I have wasted waaaay too much time wondering about this........
  11. Hear! Hear! I support this 100% - the outfits some of these ladies wear on Unfiltered are ridiculous! Michaela looked like she was wearing straight up lingerie with a pair of pants over it! On the other hand, it does help distract from Jamie O's disastrous get-ups...... I don't think you would think she looks any better without them - the extensions destroy your natural lashes, and if she has been doing this for a long time, she probably would not have any real lashes left. She would basically look like she has zero lashes.
  12. Both of these are true! My experience is that most men do not really know a lot about makeup. They say they want a "natural look", but that doesn't necessarily mean make-up free. I give Brett a lot of credit because she definitely took it all off. Most of these women lay down and they still have a full face on, which I find ridiculous. I know not everyone removes their makeup nightly, but I do and I do think most grown women do.
  13. This made me laugh. At least he was honest. Hard to ignore the elephant giant uncovered breasts in the room....... I also appreciated that she took off all of her makeup and was like, well, I hope he still likes me because this is what I normally look like, and then she said the same to him and he said "I actually like this more, it's more natural"........He's slowly growing on me. He has a low key funny side. I think he's got a subdued personality and he can't help that his face always looks like Eeyore ;-p
  14. Totally! She might want to check in with "Clara Oubre" to see how that worked out for her......
  15. I see Olivia/Brett levels of disagreement over this. I am sure that is what the producers were hoping for when they put them together.
  16. I would say that this was completely intentional on the "experts"/producers part. They are looking for drama and not successful marriages.
  17. You are 100% correct. It's sad really because some of these people could be successful with someone if they actually tried to find a legitimate match for them.
  18. Wow, that sucks. I’m really on the fence about even watching now. Last season was such a long slog that with zero break between seasons MAFS fatigue has set in. Plus, if this is true, they are really regressing to seasons two - four levels of bad. I mean, that would mean they have one success and nine failures in the last two seasons. Time to change the name to Divorced in Two Months.
  19. Totally! Mr. ILP and I were discussing it, and we both think if he's dated that many women and it didn't work out, maybe he's the problem and not the "thousand" women he's dated. Doesn't bode well for Brett.......
  20. Boy you got that right! Set up to fail is the absolute perfect way to describe this. I truly think they have some formula that works out something like two matches for success, two horrible matches for drama and one that could go either way. They were intentionally set up to fail and it's so bad because it's ridiculously obvious. I won't be wasting my time on them. I feel sorry for Gil because he seems like a good guy and is obviously handsome. They could have found him someone who would appreciate that, but instead they do this. Shame on them and fuck those "experts" who have sold their soul to Lifetime TV and are lying on camera about how perfect these two are together. Myrla would have made a perfect candidate for Unmatchables Houston is more like it.
  21. Finally took a break from the Olympics to watch this, but now I'm not sure why. Some of my thoughts about what I saw: Myrla is awful. The producers knew this. That is why she was cast. I 100% believe she was picked for drama and drama only. Poor Gil just didn't know he drew the short stick for being in the fake marriage this season. Sucks for him. I will be FF through their scenes because they will never ever make it. I agree all of these dresses are boobtastic! If they like their boobs hanging out, more power to them, I guess. Bao's dress is beautiful though, maybe the prettiest dress ever on this show, which is a good thing since I think they are the only ones who will last. All the boob girls will only be married for 8 weeks, so who cares what they look like? I think Brett sounds like Emma Stone. That hair is something though. There is red hair and then there is RED HAIR, and she has the latter. I wonder what she would look like with a more natural color? She seems sweet, but her groom is trouble. Why did he sign up for this instead of just finding a surrogate to help him get a kid? I am pleasantly surprised by Zack and Michaela (spelling?). They are cute so far. I admit I teared up when her sisters gave her the "something blue". I have a smidge more hope for them than I had last week. I was getting Keith and Queen Kristine vibes from them. Maybe. Hopefully. We'll see.......
  22. Holy Hell. I know it's super mean, but you are 100% correct. Isn't there anybody on the set of that show to help dress her? If there isn't, there needs to be. You gotta know this show is making Lifetime serious bank judging by the fact that it is on 24/7. They can afford to dress her better! At the very least, why couldn't a producer say "Hey Jamie, uncross your legs and sit Kate Middleton Princess style - it doesn't look great from this angle". The whole look was tragic. How hard is it to pick clothes (and shoes) that fit and cover the bits???
  23. I totally agree. Very pretty as well as beautiful hair and makeup. My number one dress from this show is still Brianna from last season though.
  24. This! Johnny nailed it. I think Ryan looks like a late 40's single dad who is tired from trying to hold it all together and is doing this as a last ditch way to find someone to help him, Overboard-style.......Or he's just realized he actually has to film this shit show and cameras will be following him around for months. He might be feeling that even getting a wife out of it is not worth the hassle. Maybe I'm just bitter from last season, but I think this one is going to be just as bad. I don't see any of these people making it. Maybe Bao and Johnny, but they are both so uptight and rigid. I hope she is embarrassed when she sees her melt down over the sports jerseys. "I wanted a beautiful mind. Nobel prize." Girl, please. You let a basic cable tv show find you a husband. Nobel prize.......smh.........her poem was pretty though. Myrla is a pill. I kind of loathe her already. How on earth did they match this woman with Gil? He seems like a prize and they wasted him on a high end Miss Priss. And maybe she should spend some of her grooming funds on fixing whatever is wrong with her hair. It looks straggly and greasy. I never thought I would say this, but this show is losing me. Zero excitement for this season, and I did other things while this played in the background.
  25. I just binged both seasons this last week, and I have to say, although in the minority, I was bummed that Trevor won too. Not because she was undeserving, but because it was by default with strategic players rating him high because they didn't think Trevor was a threat. I don't think for one minute that Trevor was the most popular player. Chloe should have won. Lee/River said he was being strategic when he blocked Mitchell, but really, the strategic move should have been blocking Trevor or Chloe. I think when it comes down to it, neither of these US seasons has seen someone make a totally cutthroat move, and they always save the OG players over a newer one. I think moving forward, the show needs to address this somehow. Another unpopular opinion, but I liked Courtney. I think he was playing a game from start to finish. And he's been the most strategic. I think what he did with the Joker was pretty smart.
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