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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. If you watch Unfiltered you would see this is not true. He is very well spoken and funny. That photo was hilarious! Is he an extrovert? No! He works in IT and is a self-described computer nerd! That doesn't mean he has no personality! I think the closing his eyes and nodding is because he is exhausted having to deal with Haley and he's just over it. Frankly, they both bring out the worst in each other. Just imagine her reaction if she had been paired with Bennett last season! She would have had a stroke over the yellow sleep dress, and probably every other thing he wore...... So she's a sore winner AND a sore loser. Fun! Yes, and telling her she looks really pretty. I think we know why Haley thinks she's better than Jake........ 100%. Pastor Cal just nodding to whatever Clara was spouting about how wonderful her and Ryan's relationship is, and Pepper not forcing the issue. I don't get it. These two are playing a good game here, but it's not going to last long term even if they say yes on D-Day. Erik handled that better than I think any of the military men in my life would. I died when she said that. That was straight up offensive, but she is clearly ignorant.
  2. Someone explain why this episode was even necessary? Just Pepper coming around discussing the same damn things they discussed last episode! They should have called it Unanswered Questions Part II! I think if you took out the retread of last week you might get 30 minutes of new footage. 20 of which was Jake & Haley arguing about the bracelet. Sweet Jesus, stick a fork in it. These two are done. Jake might be odd, but she is just straight up unlikeable to me. They need to multiply the distance between them on that couch by several miles and leave it at that. No real villain here, just two people who don’t belong together. I have no idea what the hell is going on with Clara and Ryan, and at this point I don’t care. They both talk a good game but they seem super awkward in reality. Stay together, don’t stay together; have sex, don’t have sex; say I love you, don’t say I love you. I don’t care. It’s the same thing every week with these two. And Clara is full of it - both she AND Ryan sugarcoat the hell out their relationship when on Unfiltered and when talking to the experts. 10 out 10 my ass..... Speaking of Unfiltered, that was some bullshit from Pastor Cal that Erik shouldn’t say that he’s done if VA doesn’t want kids. That is the very definition of a dealbreaker and it is Cal’s fault for putting them together in the first place if that’s how they feel. Erik shouldn’t say “I’m done” about a lot of things, but this isn’t one of them. He has just as much right to say he wants kids as she does to not want them. Virginia is still crying about her parents divorce A DECADE after it happened. Yes, Pepper, marriage can be healing, but Erik isn’t her therapist, and this girl is in desperate need of one. She seems verrry damaged. He cannot fix her, nor is it his responsibility to do so. This season is dreadful. DC was horrible, but this one is giving it a run for its money. But hey, at least we didn’t have to see Paige or Chris this episode!
  3. @JapMo I am so sorry! My family has experienced the same guilt when my grandmother died alone on Thanksgiving two years ago. My aunt found her when she went to her house to start the food. We are all wracked with guilt wondering if she suffered beforehand and sad nobody was there. I can't think about it too much because it upsets me. I have many family members who we were with, and some that we couldn't. I flew all day to reach my mom before she passed. I got there an hour before it happened. I think she was waiting for me. Gah! Now I am at work crying! Moving on..... For Vinny, I think it's less about the actual deathbed and more about having a large, close and loving family. I think it's nice that this is such a priority for him. I cannot believe that they didn't vet this aspect more thoroughly for these couples. It can't just be "do you want kids"? It also needs to be "what is your timeline for having children" as well, and possibly "how many" too, although that can be fluid for people depending on circumstances as experiences.
  4. I think this is exactly why it's better that the American counterparts are "legally married" as opposed by this nonsense. Even if you don't want to stay together it ups the stakes and makes some people take it more seriously than if it was just pretend like it is here. These people KNOW they aren't actually married, so who cares if it busts up or someone decides someone else's "spouse" is better than the person they were saddled with? The only way this is superior to me is that they let the people who don't want to stay together actually leave. Now that is something I could get behind on the American version! You want to Leave? Great! Ok - fire up another pair of maladjusted idiots/drama queens! This version seems 100% phony to me. Is it some coincidence that Jessica immediately finds Nic handsome and decides to put the moves on him as soon as the Bronson/Ines/Sam/Lizzy "story" wrapped up? I don't think so. My guess is that they try to cast a couple legit couples with potential and the rest come from Central Casting playing for some kind of soap opera.
  5. She has always struck me as a little prickly and not very warm, but that doesn’t bother me so much. The thing that is starting to grate on me about this show is that it is less “couples cam” and more “family cam” which I don’t find super interesting bc all the couples with kids segments revolve around these babies and toddlers. I just don’t care that much about seeing all these kids tbh. Watching and listening to Henley or Mila have a meltdown is not compelling. This might explain why my favorites are the ones that don’t have any kids like Keith and Kristine and Steph and AJ.
  6. Same. Shawniece’s tweets were very ambiguous. It’s just sad though after last season where he gave her the ring. I was hopeful they had turned a corner, but I guess not.
  7. Clara might be better for Erik, but I don’t think Erik would be better for Clara - she wanted someone “ethnically ambiguous”, and that is definitely not Erik. He might be the WASPiest participant in the history of this show.
  8. MAFSfan is reporting that Shawniece and Jephte have split. Maybe someone smarter than me can add a link.....
  9. I think the other thing people forget is that Erik was/is in the military. They are often straight arrow rule followers. If he is an officer, even more so. I think that plays a huge factor in his "my way or the highway" mentality. My (ex) uncle that was married to my mom's sister was a pilot in the Air Force. My aunt followed him all over the globe to whatever base he was assigned, and one of my cousins was actually born in Germany while they lived there. My Uncle was very much the same as Erik with his expectations of how "things should be". He was very particular about how my aunt kept the house and raised the kids - to the point it made her neurotic. My aunt finally had enough and they were divorced when my cousins were upper elementary/jr. high age. Erik trying to force Virginia to comply to his ideals of being married is a losing battle. Virginia is like a square peg, and he's trying to push her into a round hole. He might get her on board for a while, but she's going to be crushed by the weight of his expectations, or at the very least, bristle like she already is now until she snaps.
  10. I don't find him that odd and I find him plenty attractive, and I think there will be many women who feel the same. I think the show has edited him as more strange than he actually is..... I kind of understand it for both of them. Jake is 38 and is the only single one in his friend group. That can be a hard position to be in. He sounded kind of sad and lonely when explaining to Haley why he hadn't done much the last 10 years. Erik wants to have kids pronto. He is 34. I know they both still have time to have kids, but from my perspective it's understandable that they both feel there are time constraints looming unless you want to be wrapping up child rearing in your sixties. There is nothing wrong with that, but it's not for everyone. I wish I had - I actually shopped more last year when I was furloughed due to boredom and all the extra free time! Also, the day drinking might have contributed to some questionable choices. Don't worry, not as much as VA, just more than normal for me! 😜
  11. The cartoon nonsense, yes, but I admit I did laugh when Beth went upstairs and Jamie was just laying there with the dog licking all over him. 😂 I don’t know if Bobby and Danielle should have any more kids after this one - she has had two high risk pregnancies now! Gestational diabetes- gah! I’m kind of in love with the pale pink color Anthony painted the baby’s room. I know I’ve spouted my love of Steph and AJ but tonight reinforced it - I really appreciated their frank discussion about finances and how the pandemic affected AJ’s business and his ability to contribute to a down payment for a house. I like how supportive and understanding Steph is/was, and I like that AJ sees and appreciates it. They really seem like a great team. I also love Keith and Queen Kristine. Minimal drama, cute together. Good job finishing their remodel. It feels like they’ve been doing it since right after Decision Day! A fish is in no way the equivalent of a dog in terms of a pet. A fish is more of a decoration/chore.
  12. I was having flash backs to Brett and Olivia during the finances conversation between Vinnie and Briana. There are some similarities there - she makes more than him and likes to spend more just like Olivia. The difference though is that Brett was totally cool with earning less and happy with his current lifestyle, but Vinnie seems threatened by it and has big dreams of being a provider. The other big difference is that Brett and Olivia had nothing but disdain for each other but Vin & Bri seem invested in their relationship, so hopefully they will come to some kind of compromise that both can live with. And where exactly are they going on the regular that costs $200 for one date? Vinnie must be poppin a lot of bottles of champagne! 😜
  13. As cathartic as I imagine that would feel, I doubt it would work - he would just pick up his phone and ignore them or get up and leave, spouting off about being disrespected. Which reminds me, for someone who is all about being respected, he shows little regard for being respectFUL of others, including their time. I could not believe he just waltzed in FORTY FIVE MINUTES LATE to his meeting with PC as if all these people are just at his beck and call...
  14. Same! Some people are night owls and some are early birds. If it doesn't affect his job then he can keep a different bed time than her! I loathe getting up at the crack of dawn when I don't have to get kids off to school or go to work!
  15. Ryan and Clara - 10 out of 10? Please. They are a zero out of ten in terms of honest communication. She is lying about how unhappy she really is and he is lying about how important his religion is. I don't think he's asexual or gay or a virgin, but I do think he's trying to keep things private and I think he's taking a page out of good old Jamie Otis's book and waiting until after decision day to fully commit, and that includes intercourse. I will say this: He is a master at deflection. I don't know what is worse to him - being unequally yoked (biblical term for marriage to a non-christian) or getting a divorce. I guess we'll see....... Erik and VA - good grief, that was painful. She needs help. And a divorce. She is not ready for marriage in any way. If you can't understand why your husband wants you to come home every night you shouldn't be married. And she needs an intervention by more than just Erik. I don't need to see Haley crying. Girl, shut up. You did not try. He's outed her by saying she leaves as soon as filming has ended, so no. It does make me feel sad for Jake that he thinks this is his last chance for finding someone. Dude! You are a fairly handsome, fit, gainfully employed stable human and only 38 - it's not over!!! I think these two are just mismatched. That is all. These two pots need to find different lids. They don't go together at all. I don't know enough about Briana's health issues, but I would think if she does eventually want kids, it would be better to do it while she is young? It might be classified as high risk, but she says she does want kids, just not as fast as Vinnie, so maybe she needs to find out the risk involved and make an educated decision about it. Fuck Chris. The rage I felt listening him of all people saying Paige has an ugly face!!!! I'm getting mad right now typing this. I said it before and I'll say it again - what a garbage human being. And finally, how hard is it AT THE BARE MINIMUM to match people who are on the same page in terms of kids??? It's the EASIEST thing to do and yet they fucked it up MULTIPLE TIMES just this season alone. Great job "experts"!
  16. Um, because the whole point of this website is to comment on this stuff? This whole show is "utterly ridiculous" as well as the people who participate in it. I'm not going to take it too seriously, nor do I feel bad for snarking on them. This is not some academy award winning documentary, it's a trashy reality show on basic cable.
  17. Well presumably Kathleen was with him before he had all of that, and based on that last conversation, there is still a lot of love and friendship between Kathleen and Bill. Bill obviously trusts her. I can completely see why she thinks Bri is a gold digger - I mean, look at Bill! Would Bri be with him if he didn't have all that money? Of course not! I read that Bill and Kathleen actually live across the street from each other so clearly they are still very close, and from Kathleen's perspective, Bri is probably closer in age to her and Bill's kids. She also has the knowledge of Bill's past behavior to inform her opinion of Bri. She might not have been particularly nice to Bri, but warning her that Bill's a cheater is not being mean to Bri - it's being honest. I do not for one minute believe Bill will be faithful to Bri long term. Kathleen has put up with Bill's nonsense for a long time, and of course she's going to prioritize her kids over anything to do with Bri. It's utterly ridiculous to think about Bill siring another child with Bri. He really doesn't seem like that is something he wants to do, except just to prove he can. But parenting this kid? No way. Plus, Bill and Kathleen were married for 16 years. Kathleen earned every penny she has gotten!
  18. But Jamie is not religious like Ryan is. Beth might have been crude, but that didn't really bother Jamie - shoot, they are now hawking "Basic Caucasian Sex" mugs and merch! I think the drama annoyed Jamie but it didn't offend him like Clara's stuff does with Ryan. I think he already did talk to her about the no filter problem - remember that convo on the honeymoon after the awful ATV excursion where he basically told her she has to be mindful about what she says? It came off as a lecture, but he did say it. The fact that this is the most Ryan has had to say all season and this was the topic says a lot about how he is handling himself in the show........
  19. OMG - Mr. Ilovepie said the exact same thing! He was like "Did she just say she would try tarot cards??? And this is the woman who is always saying what a strong Christian she is????" Paige needs to read her Bible and find out it has to say so she can walk the walk and not just talk the talk.......
  20. Ain't no way Pastor Cal is going to let someone else horn in on his golden goose - aka every spin off coming from this show. Have you not seen the commercials for the new Unmatchables show coming to your living room in a few weeks? 😜
  21. I definitely feel cheated - we know the answer when Desiry asked him "who's the queen, Rodney????" Too bad he didn't answer! And you just know she left because she is now realizing Rodney owns nothing and it's Mama who holds the purse strings. There's nothing in it for her. Time to go cry on Sunseray's shoulder again....... Call me crazy, but I kind of think Nonie & Reese and Rick & Erika are sweet together. I wouldn't mind seeing any of them next season. On the other hand....... I do NOT want to see Bill & Bri ever again. But she got her golden goose, didn't she? We'll just see how long before Bill's wandering eye surfaces and she learns firsthand she should have listened to Kathleen's warning that he's a cheater...... And for real, I don't want to see any of these people making out. Like ever. Any of them.
  22. I completely second this, and agree that if the roles were reversed we would be calling Ryan a creep. Instead, she's getting a pass and everyone is questioning if he's a virgin. They have only known each other a matter of weeks under weird circumstances. I think if he didn't care about her he would have just jumped in the sack. I think he's hyper aware he hasn't ever told anyone he loves them, and he knows that it's necessary this time because a wife is certainly going to expect you to love them. Clara even quantified it for him - he has six months to "get there". I think he's trying to find the love before the sex so he doesn't confuse the two, and if she really wanted this to work, she needs give him at least this time to figure it out. It's not that long. I am sure Clara can take care of her own sexual needs for the time being if she so desires..... And I'm not getting into whatever is going down (apparently it's Clara) with them in the bedroom. There's a solution there - stop doing it if he isn't reciprocating!
  23. I agree 100%. Unless by some miracle they survive and join Couples Cam, I do not think we will ever actually see Ryan's true self. He is so closed off I have no idea what goes on there. I think he is doing this deliberately because he doesn't want his business on tv. He might be the most aware of the cameras of anyone in the history of this show. I think we might have gotten a glimmer when it was just they guys hanging out. He definitely seemed more relaxed and happy.....
  24. Ok, gonna vomit out my thoughts, so apologies if any of this has already been stated: Forget decision day: For three of these couples a decision has already been made and there is no drama there worth discussing. Chris and Paige and Jake and Haley can just get gone. They are done. And Vincent and Brianna are the obvious yes couple. This proves why there needs to be some iffy couples - they are a great couple, but it's not great tv. Reminds me of Jessica & Austin. ZZZZ...... Erik and Virginia. Wow. He is a condescending, patronizing prick and she is a damaged little girl who self medicates with alcohol. This feels extremely toxic. I don't like watching this anymore. And what goes on with him? Was this opposite week because VA seemed sober and Erik seemed high or drunk. I feel like there was a lot edited out of those conversations and yelling sessions. He keeps saying "you can do whatever you want" but then he is demanding and telling her how she should act because "we're married!". Just no. And what the hell was all the drama over the damn dog???? She acknowledges that he needs training, Erik says he'll take care of it. Where is the problem? Enough already! Ryan and Clara. Oh my lord, he needs to get a clue. In the words of MTV's Real World - these two need to stop being polite and start getting real. He is going to be shocked when he sees this show because he thinks everything is great and she so clearly does not. Why is she censoring herself? I think they both are in some ways. Why is she talking to the experts, the other girls and the camera about her sex frustrations but not him? I wonder what would happen if he just went ahead and had sex with her. Would that solve all her problems? Somehow I don't think so...... All the dogs FTW. I did laugh when they showed all the dog dads gushing over their wife's dogs and then that asshat Chris saying "IDGAF about Bentley." Still no idea how this garbage human made it onto this show......
  25. Yes, especially after he asked her to keep it private. I do think this is why he just nods and keeps saying "sure". He doesn't want to discuss this stuff on camera! But if Clara is frustrated, I also see her side that she has a right to speak to the "expert" about it if it's a problem for her. And you just know production makes it a top priority to grill them about the sex stuff because they think it's good tv. I think that's the main reason they have those "experts" stopping by! Blech I say - I don't need to hear the details of these people's sex life, you know?
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