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Everything posted by DaphneCat

  1. They have to share it with the cat - it was hers (his?) first.
  2. YES! I was thinking the exact same thing. Who would be surprised if we were right? Anyone? Anyone? Nope, I don't agree. If she was actually being abused in any way she would not DARE to tell him to shut up in front of her sister. She did it twice and talked to him like a naughty toddler. She wouldn't think to act that way if there was even a remote chance she would pay the price later. Also, I truly believe that if Andre even ACCIDENTALLY hit her (he didn't know she was so close behind him and drew his hand back kind of thing - totally unintentional) she would be crying to her sisters so fast their heads would spin. No way would she be sucking it up to try and save her marriage - NOT THAT I THINK SHE SHOULD!
  3. And he'd have to watch her spend her money on hair, nails and eyelashes. Since the pre-nup I'm assuming they have separate accounts. Each one is entitled to spend their money how they see fit.
  4. I don't think he is trying to be rude. He uses that tone with everything he says. "Have a great time" and "Go fuck yourself" would come out sounding exactly the same.
  5. It's hard to remember what I was like all those many years ago, but if I hated my husband's family as much as Chantel hates her husband's I'd use that as an excuse to NEVER have to lay eyes on them again. I certainly wouldn't want to go where I wasn't wanted and would then have the perfect excuse to never invite them here.
  6. I think she was referring to him kicking the table. While they are all, indeed, terrible people I really seems more on Chantel's side. She felt Nicole "disrespected" her by saying Yay and clapping. (I'm not sure we saw this. Nicole could have been saying Yay because Pedro said he would take her to the local slutwear shop for an expedition.) For the sake of argument let's say Nicole DID say it in reaction to Chantel. Rather than dealing with it as an adult, Chantel ran to Mommy and Daddy who made it VERY clear they WERE going to do something. Chantel then happily led Pedro and Nicole in to the ambush. River clearly started the physical altercation. Chantel tried to blame it on Pedro by saying it was his fault for pointing his finger and standing up. She actually said Pedro and Nicole planned the fight. She then spent several talking heads bleating about "justice for River." Pedro has asked her to apologize for her part in the fight (and, I'm guessing, blaming them in the first place.) Somehow, ALL this behavior should be waved away because Pedro didn't give a rat's ass enough to "fight" for an apology for Chantel because Nicole said her hair was ugly. I mean seriously, your brother physically starts a fight but his sister said your hair was ugly. What rational person WOULDN'T think these are equally egregious sins?
  7. She did that thing where she took off her rings getting ready for the throwdown😄
  8. Yes, she even said in a previous episode that Pedro and Nicole went to the dinner with a plan to attack River! Pedro did not ask her to apologize for starting the fight. All he asked her to do is say she was sorry the fight happened. Basically, he was asking her to admit that the fight wasn't his sister's fault. In regards to the fight Nicole did NOT start it so Chantel should apologize for blaming her.
  9. According to the FTC: When the advertisement represents that the endorser uses the endorsed product, the endorser must have been a bona fide user of it at the time the endorsement was given. Additionally, the advertiser may continue to run the advertisement only so long as it has good reason to believe that the endorser remains a bona fide user of the product. [See § 255.1(b) regarding the “good reason to believe” requirement.] I know they are technically not "advertising" but how is it legal to endorse a product you don't use?
  10. Why would you DO that to us? What did we ever do to you? Anyone want to go in on the industrial size drum of eye bleach with me?
  11. Andrei was wrong in that it was NOT his party. However, if I EVER told my husband to shut up in front of someone (or he told ME to shut up) you better believe we would be having "words" later. For Elizabeth to talk to him like he was a naughty toddler shouting curse words he didn't know the meaning of was beyond the pale. Jenn was outright laughing because Libby was being such a bitch, not once, but twice. Andrei has just shown he has the patience of a saint if he puts up with that kind of shit and doesn't even blink an eye.
  12. Oh dog, the home parties. I had a friend who didn't drive and she asked me to take her to a mutual acquaintance's home party. She described it as "night gowns and stuff." I went, it was sex stuff (motion lotion, anatomically correct ice cube trays, "funny" stuff, etc.) There was not ONE thing I would buy even as a gesture (most of the purchases were being made for some poor unfortunate person's bachelorette party.) Just for going I ended up on a REALLY raunchy mailing list!
  13. I'm sure she just used left over fabric from her collection. I think she had it printed and not very many designers would say I need exactly 3.5 yards of fabric for this dress and 2.2 yards for that skirt and print the exact amount they calculated. They would estimate, round up AND throw in extra because if you screw something up and need to get more you can't actually just go to JoAnn's and pick up more😀. And I don't blame her a bit for using it. It's really the most practical solution.
  14. That and random people can simply walk in to both the Dimeara and Kiriakis mansions. Do they NEVER lock the doors?
  15. Growing up, my mother owned a dress I thought was the ugliest thing on the planet. It was a Dior original compared to this.
  16. Etsy is the perfect description of Hester. While I do agree she is genuinely creative most of the time you look at her creations and think "I could make that." And yes costumes are really what Garo does best. What about Michael Costello who has designed for Beyoncé and Michelle Obama? He was in the same season as Gretchen and I never hear about her. I thought of him too. I didn't even remember who won his season.
  17. And you know Nicole would have him deported if he did not consummate the marriage.
  18. Except they showed her ALSO not getting out of the van so she must have bought in to that crap on some level. She insulted Pedro's grandmother who went out of her way to make them a meal.
  19. I think that was the original plan but it changed - probably after he met her!
  20. Except Chantel also booked them a room at a luxury resort. It may be cheaper to live in the DR but tourism is how they make their money and if it had been cheap Chantel would NOT have booked it (too much danger of voodoo and packs of wild dogs.)
  21. I should NOT have read this while eating lunch. Almost choked. Really funny and I wouldn't put it past them.
  22. I'm calling it. It was someone else in a Ben mask who killed all those people and Ben was brainwashed into thinking he did it. It will be some dramatic psychic breakthrough and all the people of Salem will be forced to apologize to him. Who's character are they going to trash to make this happen?
  23. Hey, you're not alone. 🙂 He told some of the dumbest jokes I've ever heard but I laughed anyway. I loved the deadpan delivery and the way he didn't make the entire act about his agoraphobia.
  24. I think she's got that vague feeling like she knows something but hasn't figured it out yet.
  25. To all the posters saying they need separate bank accounts: They only need to do this if they have differing "spending philosophies" which they clearly do. From the beginning, Chantel's family made sure Pedro knew what was Chantel's was Chantel's. Apparently Chantel does not feel the same about Pedro's money. People have commented that Pedro's family live better than Pedro and Chantel, but if Chantel can only afford to support half of their current lifestyle than it's really none of her business how much money Pedro sends to the DR as SHE is the one who established the ground rules. If she would like them to upgrade then they need to discuss if he is willing to spend more on a lifestyle he may or may not want. He was clearly willing to spend money to move to Savanah but I think that was really because it would afford them the opportunity to get away from her family. When my mother-in-law was ill I had no idea how long my husband would be gone. I told him to stay as long as he felt necessary. Since I knew my presence would not be a help (yes, I like my MIL but having a "stranger" around while she was ill would only cause her more stress) it never even occurred to me to go. And yes, several years ago, we decided that if we ever wanted to travel anywhere except to visit our respective families we should definitely do separate trips.
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