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Everything posted by SnarkEnthusiast

  1. I can't believe the show's coming back lol. It's painfully unfunny, even if they're good at cherry picking one liners for the promos. I get that they're trying to parody millennial narcissism and struggling/expectations for male-female relationships/LA and social media culture but the execution sucks. A perfect example that deadpan delivery isn't always inherently funny. Search Party does millennial self-absorption way better.
  2. I can't believe Aimee had to go to the hospital in an ambulance for hangover dehydration. My favorite part of the ep was all of them taking a shot in honor of someone in that's in the hospital for excessive drinking. FFed through Korni nonsense. How'd she break her hand? Also FFed through the bar/cop confrontation. Surprised Kirk supposedly got arrested. I assumed all the randos who started fights with them are producer plants because there's like 2 per night.
  3. GOODBYE. For real though, you're already sleeping with 2 dudes in a week but Jason is too many? He's hot and she doesn't really seem to care about or recognize any of their emotions unless they threaten her self-image, so to throw a prom-style tantrum and arbitrarily invoke a moral crisis makes no sense. Just hit it and quit it like everyone else. Kaitlyn did it and no one cared.
  4. The Jason breakup was unnecessarily drawn out and awkward. Should've cut him loose in the afternoon when she had a "weirdness" epiphany brought on by her own flirting...ok? Man, all the schmoopy love stuff with Garrett is awkward now knowing he has KKK tendencies. The river raft thing looked fun though. Blake trying not to pee his pants in the garden was the most suspenseful part of the ep.
  5. Oh good, a Mrs. Nev co-hosting stint. We know that this one will be @Tara Ariano's favorite episode to date. Did she refuse makeup or pull an all nighter? I understand not bothering with full makeup for this shitty show, but her eye bags looked rough in those cutaway shots. What does Catfish have against dark skinned black women? They're always cast as the unhinged scorned friend involved in some ultra petty, bitter revenge plot for a multiyear grudge. They always feature them cussing and fighting with the catfishee. It just feels super lazy and racist to exploit black women's emotion for comedy and then imply that darker skinned women are angry, aggressive, and undesirable. Between Cece complaining that guys ignored her in favor of Angel and Angel's apparent preference for mixed guys, it would've been a good episode to discussed internalized colorism. I know, too nuanced for this show. Angel has the personality of plain oatmeal and the emotional depth of cardboard. Her boyfriend seemed sweet and personable, so I'm not sure where her detached player narrative is coming from. If anything, she's the cold fish in their relationship. She practically went rigid every time he pecked her on the mouth. And, for what it's worth, I thought he was hotter and looked much more age-appropriate than the dude she was catfished with (who is, hilariously, promoting the hell out of this episode on his Twitter, fueling my long-held belief that all these scenarios are staged and the producers comb through IG to find people to be the masks).
  6. 60s? That's awesome! I've never heard of people with MD living that long.
  7. Hugs! (Awkward disabled hugs lol) Yeah actually young childhood was the best time in my life because everyone views disability as the epitome of childlike and kids haven't recognized disability as social stigma yet. Everyone thought my chair was cool and adults spoiled me rotten. Around fifth grade is when everything shifted and people started to treat me like their younger sibling. They were nice, but it was out of politeness rather than a desire to hang out with me. I was that kid that your parents made you invite over to your house and to your birthday party to teach you a lesson about acceptance. And honestly, nothing changed even in college. Everyone was kind and protective of me, but could care less about me in terms of seeing me as an actual peer to befriend or date. For everyone else, imagine being perceived as an asexual 12-year-old forever and trying to make friends with your adult peers, who think it's adorable that you're trying to have friendships with them as an equal! While existing with a disability! So inspiring! Yeah there are tons of ways bisexual women in particular and also closeted lesbians are taught to value relationships with men as more legitimate, easier, and therefore preferable. Traditional gender roles and how women are conditioned to seek and savor male validation as the strongest reflection of self-worth, in some cases pleasing homophobic parents, following social expectations, passing as straight to society (although that's a bone of contention to some so I wouldn't bring it up as discussion lol), avoiding lifelong homophobic stigma with your partner, usually being able to have kids naturally and without spending money on adoption/insemination, the ability to compartmentalize your attraction to women as a phase because you married a man and therefore distance yourself from queerness, winning society's approval because you have a husband meaning you ultimately "chose" heterosexuality and reaffirm the belief that bisexuality is fake or that attraction to men always wins out (Larry King once insisted to a very bewildered Anna Paquin in a very awkward interview that she was no longer a "practicing bisexual" because she married a man). Plus, even if you end up with a woman, you'll always face homophobia from straight people and biphobia/suspicion from lesbians who think you're not really in their community and will eventually go running back to social privilege and the siren song of dick (of course, women can have penises too, but that's another topic). Signing up for a life of discrimination isn't exactly appealing, especially if you have another option. And believe me, the ratio of available men to available women on any dating app is about 20:1 lol. tl;dr women are compelled to subconsciously ignore or devalue their attraction to and romantic relationships with women in order to reap the social benefits of being in a heterosexual relationship. Consequently, even if you would have a long-term relationship with a woman, the factors above make the dating pool so shallow that you're much more likely statistically to date and end up with a man. Eh, Dom doesn't do it for me lmao. I like both masculine and feminine women, but she's the painfully average lovechild of Justin Bieber and Ruby Rose lol. I HATE when masc of center women think the best way to get female attention is by acting like an obnoxious, aloof frat boy, and then that behavior is reinforced by girls drooling all over them and mothering them in relationships. Stop channeling straight dudes! Her social media presence is very embarrassing. She whined about how "in love" she was with Kail after someone tweeted her about the Javi cheating and always posts Instagram photos with vague, passive aggressive captions talking about haters and drama. She thinks she and her life are WAY cooler and more intense than they actually are. Off topic but holy shit, @CaliforniaLove, I just noticed your icon and it's amazing!
  8. Right! Kail is all about mind games and I don't think it goes much further than "who can I seduce into babysitting my kids this month?" She herself only seems to mention that she likes women as a throwaway comment or when she wants to fit in with her lesbian friends, so I was surprised to hear she's been with women what sounded like years earlier. Her vibe with Dom screamed "first girlfriend" imo. I think she meant she'd had sex with women before Dom, to clarify to her friend it wasn't an experiment. But then she fucked Javi like two weeks later so...way to perpetuate the promiscuous bisexual stereotype, Kail. That said, she'd NEVER marry a woman, unless she was ultra masc and in the military aka a lesbian Javi redux lmao.
  9. Thanks! You're a Sib, right? (sibling of someone with a disability) Reading your posts and watching the stress on Gracie makes me worry that I was an asshole as a child lol or that I made things difficult. Yes! Although socially I'd argue it's the reverse. Everyone 15 and older talks to me like I'm 11. It's horrible when actual kids treat you, an adult, like a young child. My peers are now starting to act as if they're my parents. It's creepy. (just musing, please don't read this as confrontational or critical!) I'm reluctant to say that anyone has the authority to decide the legitimacy of someone's sexuality based on whether or not they'd settle down with someone of the same gender. Plenty of bisexual women are only sexually attracted to women with no desire to date them, which is very frustrating to me personally as a bisexual woman looking for a serious girlfriend lol. But it doesn't make them less bi. Socially, I think, there are just too many incentives and rewards for ending up with men, whereas many bi women themselves view being attracted to women as a kinky way to rebel and explore your sexuality. Plus, in my experience, TONS of men will chat you up and be open to meeting up. In contrast, you have to exhaustively pursue women and finding someone who is 1) actually into dating women 2) your type and 3) into you is beyond impossible. Plus, many lesbians refuse to date bi women out of fear they'll cheat with a dude, a tired stereotype which glorious Kail wasted no time perpetuating. In my mind, for Kail, it's not about wanting a girlfriend as much as getting off on the realization that she can sexually manipulate anyone, not just men, while getting bragging rights for defying social convention. Sure, she might date women, but that's not her intent necessarily - it's all about finding the next ego boost and the next person she can dominate into doing whatever she wants. It's just another means of control.
  10. "Gay for a Day: Trying (and Failing) to Be in a Polyamorous Triad with My BFFs and Learning to Love My Heterosexual Self"
  11. I'm not sure. People with MD usually pass away in their late teens or early 20s, but isn't her type exceedingly rare? So that could help or hurt her in terms of life expectancy because no one really knows its specific progression. Preteen feels early though. We know someone in his 30s with MD who has a wife and a young child. It depends on the individual and their diagnosis I think.
  12. As an adult and wheelchair user with a pretty severe disability (cerebral palsy), I second this. I'm mid-20s now and while I was never bullied in school, the shit I hear from adults and sometimes even people I know is terrible. "Who would date you?" " It will take a special person to date you" "You work! Wow!" "Is cerebral palsy genetic? [It's not.] You probably shouldn't have kids." "That's incredible that X person does Y basic human interaction with you! You must be grateful!" "You have a degree? Amazing!" "I bet so-and-so would be willing to have sex with you." (My friends have literally volunteered their exes to take my virginity as an act of kindness, it's weird.) And the classic "What happens when your family dies?" Adulthood is much harder. Adults are, if anything, more ignorant, less compassionate, and more motivated by self-gratification than kids. The social disparity grows wider with each passing year. You're basically trapped into the lifestyle of a 13-year-old against your will. Everyone dates and you don't. Everyone drives and you don't. Everyone parties and you don't (although some of us try lol). The older everyone gets, the more infantilizing and patronizing they become. Social interactions as an adult feel less valuable to me because everyone still reacts to me as a precocious 16-year-old on a good day, so personal, let alone professional, networking is futile. It's tremendously lonely and horribly isolating. Ali has a very long road ahead, but teen and young adult years hit like a ton of bricks.
  13. lmao you joke but multiple straight friends have done this to me. They flirt with you just enough to make you think it's a possibility until they get a boyfriend or just flat out pretend it never happened. They just want the ego boost of knowing you want them. ?? "When I was eleven, a girl called my cousin gay and tripped her. I was 200 miles away at the time, but I could telepathically taste her tears and I just knew. I knew I could never wear flannel again because I was afraid people would think I was a lesbian. I mean, I'm straight but that's not the point. I went home, chopped my favorite flannel shirt into pieces and burned them. I was never the same because I felt like I couldn't be myself. So you know what Kat? You don't know what I've been through. Fuck you for making me relive the trauma that heteropatriarchy has caused me." "Oh, you're not into me and never have been? Is it because I'm white? That's reverse racism."
  14. As long as it's not leading to a Kat/Sutton hookup lol. That would be disastrous! Although I would enjoy Jane losing her shit over it.
  15. deleted because I realized my post is too judgy!
  16. @dubbel zout ah ok didn't catch that! @UNOSEZ your episode description made me laugh out load!!
  17. Exactly! I hate guns and I'm on Jane's side but she was so obnoxious. Having Jane pull a last-minute hail Mary to link Sutton's gun to a psychological control issue or emotional overcompensation was cheap and yet another case of the storyline needlessly cowing to Jane's moral superiority complex. It's good to see Kat/Adena in a healthy open relationship, but I'm sure jealousy will happen sooner or later because the writers only know how to write their relationship in constant conflict. Jane's pregnancy scare plot next week feels pointless because there's zero chance she'll actually be pregnant. Yet another "Jane learns life lessons by observing those with real struggles" arc. Jane is inspired by/feels bad for young moms, is frightened by the possibility she might be pregnant but isn't, and moves on with a cool article unaffected. @sashayshante omg you're right! She's so hot, I wish she were into ladies too. ;)
  18. Excellent post, @psychoticstate. I agree Julius is stone cold innocent. I can't believe that hack lead attorney didn't even bother to contact his girlfriend. He can't even verify the supposed letter, but somehow it's justification for not presenting his own client's alibi? The fact that they didn't provide the jury the hair photo is also ridiculous. I didn't like that the blonde attorney was playing up her youth and naivete at the time of the trial seemingly to avoid blame and minimize her accountability in defense decisions. You were an accredited lawyer on a capital murder case, not a high school sophomore on a debate team. A man is dying due to your incompetence, so spare me the doe-eyed hand wringing about how you really did want to present his alibi and how much you were crying when the sentence was read. Sure, you're a young woman stuck with a blundering douchebag of a superior, but since when is that an excuse to throw up your hands and claim you had no control over a case you were overseeing?
  19. Right, I don't think there's an actual romantic subplot between Gywnn and Talon, just that the writers might be pandering to the lesbian demographic with Gywnn's intense declarations of friendship lol. Janzo I think is meant to be sheltered and have more of an innocent schoolboy crush on Talon, which might win her over in the end. After all the weird green cocaine snorting this ep, it was an odd directing choice to have Janzo pour powder on Talon's wound. Between that and last week's roofie-style concoction, the poor guy can't catch a break with unfortunate drug parallels. How do you mean?
  20. This basically sums up my biggest issue with the TMs. Chelsea hit the jackpot with Cole and she knows it, which is why we're beaten over the head with their perfect relationship every week (although even Aubree has to deal with Adam's impulsiveness). But for the rest of the kids, I couldn't imagine being forced to play house with your new "forever" stepparent every 18 months and then being traumatized when your latest batch of half siblings is ripped from you without any idea when or how often you'll see them. These kids are taught to treat these revolving door randos like family but then expected to cut ties with zero emotional scarring based on the whims of their bio parents. "Sorry buddy, Mommy and New Daddy had a twitter war today so you won't be seeing him until he decides to unblock me from his Instagram." For small children, that's a lot of emotional investment coupled with a scary lack of control. I have a feeling Gracie and Addie are going to lash out against Leah with a VENGEANCE during their high school years...especially Gracie. Hoo boy.
  21. This show is like Game of Thrones meets The 100 Renaissance Fair cosplay meets 1997. Speaking of which, are they throwing in ambiguously romantic vibes from Sir Bland A Lot's girlfriend to Talon in order to woo The 100's scorned lesbian fanbase back? They look so much like Clarke/Lexa respectively it can't be a coincidence. It'll just be queerbaiting subtext in the end since she's obviously being set up with the boyfriend, who is Galavant minus the self-aware parody. This show is nowhere near complex enough to pull off a bisexual love triangle anyway, let alone one where the romantic rivals are dating each other at the same time. Would be cool though. Isn't Janzo into Talon too? I thought that would be the main romance of the show eventually so this forced ship with the knight is throwing me. Are they going to keep it an unrequited crush or shoehorn Janzo into the love triangle/square? Talon's hot but I don't...get the appeal. I did laugh when she was holding her side in pain and then abruptly slid down the slide without issue.
  22. Chris Lopez Goes in on Kailyn Lowry After She Calls Him an "Instagram Dad" From the article: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....bet Javi loved this revelation lol. Also, bitch you were never in love with Chris. You'll just be obsessed with him forever because he's the only dude who wouldn't submit to your bullshit. Interesting that she claims to only have ever been in love with the one who never reciprocated. Now she knows what it feels like to be infatuated with someone who doesn't give a shit about you.
  23. Kail and her new "friend" Sierra misinterpreted "sporty lesbian chic" as "don't shower or wash your hair for six days while smoking copious amounts of weed" Whaddaya mean? Every girl loves to feel like the sloppiest handoff in the Heteronormative Hypocrisy baton race. ;)
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