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Everything posted by SnarkEnthusiast

  1. Yes! But the "is that your dad?" moment was cringey and reminded me of Carly's fabled "Daddy" comment to Tyler in terms of Chelsea's reaction. You know Chelsea was eating that shit up and it bugged me that no one bothered to gently correct her. Poor Aubree looked uncomfortable. I know Paislee's young, but do they she each other so little she forgets Aubree's her sister?
  2. fair point lol. Still, she should've told him, but also to your point he wouldn't have shown up. I have sympathy for both, if that makes sense.
  3. I love how instead of "the Bachelor who killed someone" you said "the first" as though there are bound to be more lol
  4. Agreed, but even though Patti didn't tell anyone "in real life," she still outed Stan to her therapist without his knowledge and then blindsided him with a surprise, extremely orchestrated confrontation. Telling her is one thing, but outing your partner to your therapist who is then expected to live referee your marital dispute in real time is messy imo. Just to me personally, that feels like playing dirty. I did laugh when Dick immediately had a shiny new replacement sugar baby waltz up to his apartment. Were trans women that easy to find in 1987? Nowadays, you'd find his profile on Trans Passions for sure. There are definite parallels between Damon and Stan with their comfortable middle class upbringing in suburbia. Part of that is Evan Peters being cast to play teens his entire career, but I also see it as intentional. He's in over his head and his whole life is playing pretend. He got married and had kids too young and is now having to bear that responsibility while resigning himself to the fact that his real life is boring monotony, far from his childhood dream of the glamorous business world. He did what he thought he was supposed to do and he's miserable as a result. It makes sense that the whole fetish thing catalyzed some adolescent regression and rebellion as he tries to figure out who he is and what he wants.
  5. Yeah, you see what you get with her lol. She's just an alcoholic hillbilly with anger issues and a violent temper. Codi annoys the shit out of me too. I fast forward through all of his stupid pranks because they've taken up half of each ep so far with 15 mins of screaming and cussing over pranks that 10-year-olds would laugh at. And his on-going "beef" with Jeremiah is a snoozefest. "You tell me what to do, you're not my dad!" "Oh yeah? Well I don't like that you don't listen to me!" It's somewhere between watching PTA moms argue and two seven-year-olds in a slap fight. Gus is only 22??? I loved the teeny tank broversation about "if you puckered back it means you like her!" wtf is with that phrasing? "Puckering back"? It's definitely "kiss back" right? Boiled peanuts look absolutely disgusting.
  6. Because Blake (and Colton) peaked in high school? The producers probably make them draw straws. Over-romanticizing your high school years is apparently a very salt-of-the-earth thing for small town guys to do. I guess perpetually reliving your life at 16 means you're...humble or unpretentious? Who knows. After 22, it's bizarre. That said, Blake is an odd, macabre choice this time around. "And over here is where my mom went down on my coach and ruined my family. And over here is where a deranged rando raped a bunch of my classmates before killing himself. But check it out, I was captain of the football team!" Romantically Becca's over Arie, but I love how her attitude this season has evolved from "fuck Arie" to "oh fuck I am Arie." It's interesting to watch her empathize with him and realize it's hard to be genuine with one person when you have a whole group of people psychologically groomed to be infatuated with you and your validation for weeks on end.
  7. YES OMG THANK YOU. I've thought this since ep. 1. It boggles the mind that Blake, a school shooting survivor, and Garrett, a dude who believes the Stoneman Douglas kids are crisis actors, are on the same season.
  8. I think the writers intentionally had Stan come to Galactic night at the ball to really hammer the cis white voyeur narrative over the head. Other than Summer flirting and general hostility to his presence, I'm not sure why this would trigger a bigger crisis than his boss exposing him and his wife not only leaving him, but knowing and telling others his mistress is trans. That was a dick move clearing out the apartment. Talk about being desperate to erase a chapter of your life and pretend it never happened. I've talked a LOT of shit about the acting on this show (Elektra's delivery is so poor is cheapens the emotional impact of her storyline and good LORD, Abundance and now Ferocity are unfunny parodies of themselves. Candy and Lulu are...bad. You're on a Ryan Murphy show, you can't spring for some lessons?). That aside, I teared up when Papi started to cry after he realized Blanca was actually kicking him out and desperately tried to backpedal. You can see he loves Blanca and the family and on some level, just doesn't feel worthy of that acceptance. And being in the position of saying something awful out of anger and not being able to take it back is a terrible feeling. A wonderful, heartbreaking performance by the actor and I'm impressed to see him thrive when given material beyond comic relief street kid. And he's only 20???? Is the whole cast other than Pray under 25? They all seem older, especially Blanca (I know it's a respect thing but if I were 20 I would have a hard time submissively calling a 23-year-old "Mother" at the end of every sentence). It's a rough, fast life for sure. I fear that Angel is working the pier so that she'll be murdered by a random instead of Stan and Stan will feel guilty for causing her death indirectly. It's probably going to be his boss. But they just got renewed and if they kill off Angel, there's no point in keeping Stan around. I have faith in Janet Mock but I'll be pissed if she's murdered and used for man pain. I'm still not entirely convinced Papi will live though the finale either after this ep. Damon is annoying and gets whinier every week.
  9. Pass me a barf bag for that visual. LOL instead of the usual "oh my god" imagine her climax phrase as "I cannnNNN'TTT"
  10. There was one (1) show where one of the multiples (quints?) had severe cerebral palsy, but I think it only got a season or two. It aired 9/10 years ago when they were babies. They had older siblings and one of the older boys had a really special relationship with the disabled girl. And not for nothing, but I fear Hazel Grace could have some developmental disabilities yet to be discovered. Your point still stands though. But yes, all six girls are adorable. Even so, I can't imagine having that many at once when they're little. It's like running your own personal daycare 24/7 for 5 or 6 years straight.
  11. Ah ok thanks for clarifying. I'm on Chelsea's side then. ;)
  12. Have you met millennials on reality TV? I'm their age and even I think we're all awful lol. Social media followings make every YouTuber and MTV Z-lister think they're A-list Hollywood. It's bizarre. NONE of that means anything to your life or career. Yeah, I guess there's paid sponsorship, but hawking chocolates or foundations or watches or whatever a few times a week on Instagram doesn't even make you a Kardashian, much less Cardi B. Ah yes Leah, because everyone needs a full face of makeup to be filmed sitting on their puppy piss stained sofa. And I expect this shitty tantrum throwing from the rest of them, but not Chelsea. Does being Skyped in mean she's paid less? YOU chose to get pregnant and fill up the house with [nasally baby voice] a million Coley babiessssss and it's not their fault you can't fly. So now she's mad they won't fly producers out there to do what? Prop her swollen ankles on a pillow while she films a seven minute interview? Idgi. Out of all the moms, as the most well adjusted, she should be smart enough not to rock the boat. She's making a six-figure salary to be a SAHM in the middle of nowhere doing nothing but fawning over her husband and cute kids. It's not even about being humble, it's using common sense, which I apparently wrongfully assumed she had.
  13. You are so right! Isaac is such a sweet, lovely boy in spite of Kail's beastly behavior, so maybe there is hope...although given their examples they're going to choose very manipulative, controlling women even if they do break free. Anyone soft or remotely well adjusted would be spit up and chewed out by the Coven. And can you imagine if Briana has a son who has a baby mama by his 20s? The catfights with the Coven would be unreal.
  14. I think it's mostly the gold standard of "haha, it's so funny to watch frazzled parents try to wrangle their toddlers as they all run away from them in different directions screaming and covered in poop," which not only isn't funny, but is group potty training even feasible? They won't all have to go at the same time so it seems like it'd be easier to train one or two at a time. The whole "everybody get dragged to the potty at once" thing feels staged for cameras.
  15. Exactly! Not that every woman needs a man or must be lonely/defective if they're single, but Jesus (no pun intended), you're all adult women. Sitting around all day fuming over every dude that hit it and quit it since you were 16 must be mentally exhausting. No wonder they all feel victimized. The boy would have to be gay to join in on the man hating lol or else be kicked out of the Coven like lionesses kicking young males out of the pride.
  16. Right! I wasn't implying that being single/not dating/being childfree makes you a bad person at ALL (I'm all three lol) or unfit to raise a child, but they simultaneously seem to pin all their self-worth on finding a man and foam at the mouth to skin every man that wanders into their path alive so they can remain a unit. You can't have it both ways. All Nova ever hears is men are awful, men will leave you, men are irredeemable dickbags who will hurt and abandon you. She has no healthy role models to counteract the swamp of negativity she's being raised in. It's fine and sometimes much healthier to be single, but Nova won't learn that because she's surrounded by women who are miserable being single themselves, make poor relationship decisions as a result, and then fester in collective bitterness over every man who's ever wronged any of the three of them. ETA @Christina87 YES your post is exactly my point! Sorry for your loss <3
  17. Exactly! The fact that three grown women can't hold down even one functional relationship between them is bizarre. Briana is the only one who "tries" (ehhhhhh), but even they're just glorified booty calls. I often wonder about Briana and Brittany's father(s). What the fuck happened to Roxanne that this is her chosen lifestyle? Does she just envision the 3 of them living together forever? Are they going to move into a bigger condo when Nova/Stella inevitably have a baby in high school? It's a cycle of controlled codependency. Like saying "well I told you men were garbage and see? you went and got knocked up by a loser so now you have to stay with us forever."
  18. Obviously the godmother could afford it, but she was instructed to sit back so mom could feel like she saved the day. They intentionally picked a dress with a budget discrepancy small enough for the mom to afford. Patronizing but sweet? lol Hey now, don't drag the dog into this! All it did was sit there quietly looking bewildered, which...same. I wish I knew what breed it was, it's face was so cute. But yes kids running around are annoying and it wasn't even a plot point like last week. Unless they're breastfeeding infants, kids under 10 should be banned from the salon for the distraction factor. Re: Ye Olde Beauty Queen, I imagine your stock value plummets after 25, so arrested development sets in as a means of coping with your increasing irrelevance. Hence Time Capsule Coach pretending it's 1996. She said she was the first gay winner of something, implying she had come out before the win, but also talked as if she had no experience dating women prior to her fiancee, so unless they've been dating 10+ years, I'm confused by the timeline.
  19. They're in St. Louis, I think, but maybe we're putting too much thought into this lol. Abortion isn't conducive to comedy. I'm just so confused why they threw America's pregnancy in in the third trimester. They only had to film what, four more episodes? Just let her sit behind a table or hold a box ffs. Brooklyn Nine Nine pulled it off with Gina, but she's a wacky side character and not part of the alpha couple of the show. Not sure why they're trying to keep Adam relevant either - he's a glorified extra who was only mentioned to remind the audience that Jonah and Amy couldn't bang yet. On the plus side, that's the only sex scene I've seen featuring a pregnant woman, much less a woman pregnant by someone other than who she's having sex with. It was a hot scene, and I tip my hat to America for showing belly/being shoved aggressively against the wall in passion/hopping up on the table while actually heavily pregnant irl. Must've been a workout! I would've been nervous as her scene partner if I were Ben lol. He also just had a baby irl!
  20. I know this hasn't happened yet, but boy, do I hate when kid-based reality shows inevitably feature potty training. Yes, it's universal. Yes, it's a pain in the ass. Yes, it'd be an absolute nightmare with multiples. But it's on tape forever!! There's no benefit to watching it because everyone can Google potty training tips. It's just an embarrassing time capsule. The Gosselin kids are what, 13/14 now and I'm sure they're thrilled that there's archived footage of them sitting on matching potties and whatever accidents were caught on camera. I would be more mortified the older I got. We don't need to watch your kid pee their pants or waddle around with shit halfway up their back. It's not cute or funny, it's just gross and it makes me feel bad for the quints. It's an invasion of privacy for these kids that's aired on national TV.
  21. I got the impression the godmother was a family friend who happened to be an attorney when they chose her to be the godmother. Years later (I'm assuming), when the divorce was going on, the husband picked her as his attorney, souring her relationship with the mother. There's no possible way the bride was born after the divorce or that both parents would agree on making his freaking divorce attorney her godmother lol.
  22. See, I didn't get that vibe at all personally. Monte has done feel-good subplots with other gay sons of the brides, like that 10-year-old "mini Monte" where they thought it would be hilarious to dress him like Monte and do his hand gestures. I think Cade was just excited to have an older gay man in his life as a mentor and someone to indulge his love of fashion. Besides, to put it kindly, Monte isn't exactly teen fantasy material. Re: tonight's ep - Lip Implants McGee was beyond obnoxious and a good example of how abusive relationships can be platonic. You can usually tell if it's producer driven if they drop the evil act for The Dress or a happy ending. His affect never changed. What an awkward situation for the bride with the godmother/mom beef, but it's kind of of her own making. There's definitely missing backstory there. My guess is 1) godmother had an affair with the father or 2) mom has some kind of ongoing substance abuse problem that's made her an unreliable parent. Why else keep in such close contact with the godmother after the divorce when it clearly pains her mom? The bride definitely had an adolescent vibe in terms of seeming to flaunt her relationship with the godmother to spite her mom, especially with the income disparity between them. She seems smug about having a more upper-class, successful maternal figure. I felt bad for the mom when she said, "I wanted to pay for the dress but I knew cost-wise as a teacher I can't compete with the income of an attorney..." The bride came off as a teenager who subtly plays her divorced parents off each other for her own gain. We needed more of that adorable dog! Also, the dark-haired consultant with blue eyes (Megan?) is stunning.
  23. Haven't formed an opinion on Julius yet, but if he's sticking with the "I wasn't there/didn't know" story, the bandanna wrapped gun in the crawlspace of his parents' house is hard to explain away.
  24. Nova never seems to be allowed to leave the Coven bubble. Her world has been watching them slouch on the sofa and eat, shriek, cry, and shit talk their flavors of the month since her birth. Her fate is sealed and I have a feeling she's going to be an impulsive emotional wreck by high school. It's in her blood.
  25. she might be annoying and emotionally stunted, but you've gotta admit that comeback was gold.
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