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Everything posted by SnarkEnthusiast

  1. I think it's intentional because Carol Ann is a parody of a gruff no-nonsense prosecutor, and Nancy Grace is basically a parody of herself lol. Carol Ann is meant to be Nancy Grace but with a few zany quirks (man eating nymphomania, all the random ailments that happen to her while she's talking to witnesses in court, and now the pregnancy thing this season, although that last one doesn't really seem to be going anywhere yet so I question the decision to add it other than to show her obsession to work around it, although the scene in the vets office was pretty funny). After years of watching Jayma Mays play mousy wallflower Emma on Glee, it's refreshing to see her be able to stretch her comedic chops on a character that is somehow equally as tightly wound as Emma in a totally different way. Yes, thank you for putting into words! I miss Lithgow horribly, but I think the main reason the show has lost some of its charm is the difference between the characterization of the defendants. Like you said, Larry was goofy and at his core, a very sweet man whose absurdities dug him unwittingly deeper into a wacky situation. His faith in and adoration of Josh was heartwarming and believable and at the end, you really got the feeling that they were family and were going to be lifelong friends. I loved the little idiosyncratic throwaway details like both him and his daughter being bisexual. Overall, he was a very endearing, if somewhat buffoonish, defendant that you wanted to win because the narrative made you emotionally invested in him. In my opinion, the heart of the show was the bond between Larry and Josh and how their relationship grew over time. Meanwhile, Chenoweth is a cardboard distillation of every wealthy woman stereotype in ways that are lazy rather than funny. She's vain, blunt, and obnoxiously self-absorbed...and that's it. She has no redeeming qualities that make her sympathetic as a character and has little to no relationship with the rest of the cast. The show wants us to laugh at her swooning and preening, but it's almost like Chenoweth is a character actor in a town full of regular people. She doesn't fit in and her performance, while not bad, doesn't jive with everyone else's. We already have a self-parodying man-eating egomaniac in Carol Ann. All Lavinia brings to the table is cartoonish arrogance and emotional detachment with a smattering of little people jokes, which feel cheap. With that said, I did laugh when she bundled up the extravagant lunch including plates and tossed it all out the window. And I know Nicolas D'Agostino is a cutie, but must every female character every season want to have sex with Josh? Nina is extraneous to the story and an obvious, weak attempt to replace his chemistry with Larry's daughter. And if they're going to go the "dodging advances from your client" route, It would have been much funnier to watch Josh avoid Larry's passes than squirm under Lavinia's cringeworthy attempts at seduction. Again, it's a retread of his dynamic with Carol Ann.
  2. I'm sorry to have derailed the convo down this rabbit hole! Switching gears, does anyone know if they're replacing Jenelle like they did Farrah?
  3. I don't know, but I need to find one! ? Not to sound like a bitter baby boomer at 26, but I do think a lot of it is social media. You constantly have to show off how in loveeeeeee you are, so you have to spend every second together because how else can you prove you're in loveeeee? There's a difference between being partners and depending on your spouse so much they become a replacement parent for you. Like @DangerousMinds said, Cole is the new Randy. This assessment is not based solely on the bathroom incident btw! ? Please, I yield.
  4. High five! I also think they have to dig up the Adam conflict every year because it's Chelsea's only dramatic (?) storyline, which is probably why it took her YEARS to move on from him. It wasn't good for her to dwell on him jerking her around and it still can't be good for Aubree because it's a lot of "are you sad your dad didn't do X/do you care if you don't do Y with your dad/don't worry about your dad because Cole is your replacement dad now!" I think as Watson and the other baby Coleeeyyys get older, Aubree will feel the rift more and more. As soon as she gets old enough to decide on visitation, she'll probably increasingly refuse the visits in an effort to keep Chelsea's attention. Things are going to be different when Aubree's 16 and Chelsea is fawning over her Cole clan of small children. I wouldn't be surprised if she's still raising toddlers or even pregnant again when Aubree's in high school. I know Chelsea adores Aubree, but she'll never quite fit into her dreamy Pinterest fantasy of a tight knit nuclear family with Cole, and though Cole is a wonderful stepdad, I won't be surprised if Chelsea unwittingly creates mother/daughter tension over the years by unintentionally appearing to favor Cole's bio kids because they're younger and will be together all the rime.
  5. Such extensive poop discourse! lol. My post was meant to be a one-off grumbling of Chelsea's over-dependence on Cole in my snap judgement. Please don't read this as passive aggressive or directed at you, I just definitely did not expect that of all my posts the 3 sentence snark about shitting would generate a combined 8+ paragraphs of detailed rebuttal from multiple posters. I appreciate everyone's input, but I don't want to talk about Cole sitting on the toilet anymore and I regret bringing it up haha Chelsea's dynamic with Cole can be grating. Apparently everyone else thinks that moment was justified and that's fine! This will be my last post about this topic.
  6. Designated Ugly Fat Friends to make yourself look hotter by comparison. Wait, Lux's name isn't finalized yet? Where'd Russel come from? Catch me up - Kail is sleeping with Chris again because he's her live-in maid? And I thought Javi's gf was his ex from years ago - did he actually manage to recruit someone new?
  7. YES! This is exactly my point. It's not about making nice or being respectful to Donna (she doesn't owe her either), but why make Cole the middleman and barge in on him in the bathroom? It's not a sweeping commentary on Chelsea's parenting or her dynamic with the Linds, but I found that individual moment childish and annoying personally. "Quick, stop shitting and deal with my obnoxious pseudo-mother-in-law!" But anyway, I'm clearly on the losing side of this opinion so I'll drop this thread now :) I think Chelsea's Cole dependency just irks me in general sometimes lol.
  8. Fair points. Shades of Barb for sure. YMMV ;) Although I still don't get why Cole had to call.
  9. I absolutely agree with you, but her husband was literally mid-poop. You should be able to handle your family drama long enough for your spouse to take a shit, not demand he hop off the toilet to be your bouncer. Just crack open the door and say you'd rather not talk. The way she handled that just smacked of immaturity imo. It would've taken 20 seconds.
  10. Also, it's beyond immature that Chelsea demanded Cole stop pooping to come talk to Adam's mom for her. What did she think it was going to be, a catfight? It's the grandmother of your child, not Jenelle. That's the type of shit you pull when you're 15 and your ex comes to the door so you make your new bf answer to gleefully drink in the drama. Let your husband take a dump in peace! Enough of this teen girl hair twirling act. Work out your conflicts like an adult.
  11. Exactly, @JocelynCavanaugh! Leah is a fucking liar. She can't play Special Needs Mom martyr and simultaneously handwave things that will preserve Ali's health. She's actively encouraging her deterioration in a deluded effort to recreate her childhood. Kids are not cute accessories or mini me avatars. Ali's life expectancy is being shortened because of Leah's podunk hillbilly notions of gender roles and image. What a great way to inspire confidence in your child than to teach them their necessary mobility aid is not only a nuisance, but embarrassing and inevitable social suicide! Wholesome. Why are all of Briana's exes from the past nine years sitting together waiting to see who gets the honor of wiping Briana's ass? Do none of them have jobs or families? That fucking hotel room was like the world's most awkward high school reunion. Is having had sex with Bri a prerequisite to be her on-call backup nurse? Devoin's speech was actually sweet and showed a lot of personal growth, but I was totally taken out of the moment with Bri's disgusting underwear nose wiping. You're having a poignant heart to heart with the father of your child and you get misty eyed so you reach for… your child's underwear? Isaac did make me laugh when he insisted he could watch "the kids." He's already more parental than Kail!
  12. I think it's just wish fulfillment for closeted or unlucky gay/bisexual viewers lol. Like you decide you like girls and suddenly every lesbian within a 100 mile radius knows you like women and wants to have sex with you due to your swaggy lesbian essence. It is NOT like that in real life. Very casual sex with friends or maybe strangers is a thing in queer circles, but you have to go on apps or go to concerts of lesbian/bi artists to meet new women to date. I've never known anyone who meets that many people to date/bang in every setting they're in unless they're very androgynous and even then, it's random chance. See I think the opposite of Jacqueline. For the EIC of in-universe Cosmo, she spends a lot of time kowtowing to 26-year-old subordinates. Making Kat right about the comment thing and therefore justifying her undermining Jacqueline's authority was embarrassing.
  13. Eh, I know it's small but I'm kind of bored of shows casting IRL significant others as one-off characters and having their characters be totally not into each other for cast giggles. We get it, you bone IRL and think it's cute to pretend to bicker on set. Yawn. I'd love to have a career where I get a job at my SO's job for three days and get paid to just hang out with them and flirt in between takes. As a bisexual woman incredibly keen to date women, it's unrealistic that there are lesbians waiting to jump in the sack with Kat wherever she goes...even in a random townie dive bar? That bartender looks about 15 years older than her and so did the woman she kissed in NYC. Maybe this season is about Kat discovering she likes older women lol. Kat and Sutton off on their own without Jane...Kat feeling emotionally distant from Adena...the sudden decision to close their relationship and therefore reopen the door for cheating drama...Sutton pining for Richard...Kat and Sutton are going to hook up next week, y'all. I can feel it. Drunk Jane is the only tolerable Jane. Must milquetoast dudes win out every time over all the hot MOC on this show? With that said, imo, I much prefer a Ben/Jane/Pinstripe love triangle to a Jane/Ben/Sutton triangle as some were predicting.
  14. Re: Duggar food issues, masturbation might go a long way in shoring up food security with this family. Sure, I'm sure some of them do anyway, but the Christian guilt ideal that every orgasm has to be justified by procreative purposes and conceiving a child is very stressful and unfair to the kiddos they already have. Maybe not conceiving a baby every 11 months because your man was horny and condoms are the devil's goalkeepers will help you actually get to know and raise your kids instead of treating them like a sports team line up. What better way to get your wife in the mood than the knowledge that every thrust means less sleep and independence for her and less money and attention for her existing kids. Can you imagine being turned into a revolving door human hotel for 25+ years because your husband wants to cum with Jesus' approval? 9 months for 30 seconds is a raw deal for the wives (no pun intended).
  15. Shallow, but Si's extreme receding hairline at 22 is very unfortunate. He seems happy with Lauren, who isn't a Duggar sister clone for once! Kendra seems sweet and genuine. I actually felt for Jessa. 2 kids in 3 years for a 24-year-old (?) is a lot, let alone adding more. Plus, between no birth control, sex on demand, and traditional gender role pressure for her not to work, each kid stands to jeopardize their financial stability. Every male orgasm in that family lowers and threatens quality of life. It's so weird that this sprawling family of 100+ people results from Michelle's spiraling guilt over the original miscarriage and thinking God was punishing her for mowing the lawn in a bikini in the 80s or whatever.
  16. Yeah, and the phrase "player drifter" made me laugh. He just seems like a shoddy con artist with a stubborn Peter Pan complex who uses his self-created financial instability to make girls feel bad enough for him so he doesn't have to worry about food or rent. His sister's reaction especially is why I'm not buying the trauma narrative. If he was struggling with childhood trauma or addiction your response to seeing someone emotionally invested in him would be to thank them and voice your concerns about his well being, not stifle laughter and say "lol yeah he does this a lot, we never know where he goes lmao." All three of his sisters seemed well-adjusted and functional. Josh is clearly the burnout brother of the family who was maybe coddled out of getting his shit together and I'm guessing their mom threw in the towel a few years ago. He just has convincing puppy dog eyes to con insecure women like Breana who don't normally get romantic attention (don't know why, she's beautiful!).
  17. Julius has just been granted a new hearing! I'm so happy for his family and I hope the DA's office doesn't slink back into the prejudiced shadows as the PR pressure fades.
  18. That opening sex scene was somehow both way too graphic and incredibly lame. They go from flaccid to orgasming in 30 seconds? I didn't need to watch the origin of the Plan B plot. Also, that Sappho comment from Sutton was gratuitous and way out of left field. They're trying really hard to telegraph this Kat/Sutton hookup, probably in the finale when Kat's mad at Adena and breaks their rule about not knowing who you sleep with. Kind of annoying that Jane gets to wave her childhood trauma wand and whine her way out of whatever drama she's chosen to create every week. Plus, now she gets to scrap all the heartfelt firsthand accounts she got from actual young moms and write yet another article about herself and her feelings! YAY! I'm sure those moms will be thrilled to buy the magazine and see that their interviews were replaced by the childfree narcissist author talking about her problems and how their kids triggered her. Finally a Kat storyline without Adena!!!!! Unfortunately she morphed into a self-righteous Gen Z teen. We get it, you're morally superior. Maybe next time, I don't know, Google a company before you sign a contract partnering with them? Just a thought. Your smugness will get you nowhere if you voluntarily legally bound yourself to shilling their shit. Kat and Sutton are infinitely more more interesting, but Jane hogs up all the screen time this season with her self-made emotional crises. It reminds me of Katie Stevens' other character on Faking It, Karma. She and her best friend Amy pretend to be a lesbian couple for attention and Amy realizes she's actually in love with her. Amy was much more compelling as a character, but every goddamn week was about how Karma felt and whether Amy was driving Karma away with her feelings and does Karma like like Amy? But no, she was just emotionally manipulating her by being intentionally vague...for three seasons. And yet it was The Karma Show and she had multiple people in love with her at all times. Jane was cooler last season and I was thrilled to see Katie playing an adult to get away from high school drama, but season 2 Jane feels like Adult Karma redux. Katie just plays really needy, self-absorbed, insufferable characters lol.
  19. Don't worry, I think it's more self-deprecating than anything. I was only teasing. It's a commentary on the strength of their relationship that a face touch is the most "out of place" thing. The Cole thirst is real so we're just making shit up to give ourselves false hope. ;)
  20. I mean I don't want their relationship in trouble for Aubree and Watson's sake but on the other hand.....FINALLY an interesting storyline! plus I want Cole for myself.
  21. Tristan will stay with Mia because he's afraid she's the closest he'll ever get to the light skinned IG model he thinks he deserves. Charges or not, colorism clearly trumps common sense here,
  22. I thought he was going to murder her outside the ball for rejection revenge, so the wimpy ending was appreciated nonetheless. Eh, I took his suburbs promise as desperation to get Angel back so he wouldn't be alone and have to face his identity crisis. Even if she agreed, he'd always find a way to kick the can down the road or subjugate her to preserve his self-image. "I can't find a house/Patty's keeping the kids from me/you can't be seen in public with me here etc." She'd never be happy because he's neurotic and still raw over his lost reputation. The affair was sexy because it was forbidden and a mutual fantasy for Stan and Angel for different reasons, but now that the secret's out and his wife is gone, all that's left is trying to make it work as an actual couple, which is much less appealing to both and doesn't really go with either of their lifestyles.
  23. "I don't have a mom or a dad but I have 35 different baby daddy relatives to babysit my kids while I take my 47 vacations, abusive tendencies, and a delusion that I have a career in broadcasting because I have my makeup professionally done for 3 hours to talk on a podcast once a month!"
  24. It's hard to care about Briana's struggle with elective ass deflating surgery when we just watched Janelle play Russian roulette with Jace's life via dash cam. Was anyone else concerned that Jace said "If he gets out and tries to hurt you, I'll [pistol] whip him with my nerf gun"? How sad that he already knows what pistol whipping is and also that he thinks that's an appropriate response to conflict (even child vs. adult) AT 8??? The poor kid will be locked up by 13. Unpopular opinion but I also blame Barb for letting her residual longing for Jenelle's love and hope for reconciliation allow her to look the other way and do nothing but finger wag to producers as Jace is exposed to increasingly abusive and life-threatening situations in Jenelle's care.
  25. Whew! You guys had me stressing Angel was for sure going to be murdered the entire season for nothing! Especially since Angel was selected as the heir apparent to Evangelista and is the only one who knows Blanca's status. I liked that that made her realize Stan was a fantasy she's already outgrown because her family accepts her. I thoroughly enjoyed the Elektra/Evangelista dynamic. Her acting improved so much when she wasn't playing a bitchy one-liner burn machine. Did anyone else see MJ Rodriguez back up dancing for Janelle Monae on LSSC this week?
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