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Mahamid Frauded Me

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Everything posted by Mahamid Frauded Me

  1. I actually like Stacey, but she needs to dump TJ, he is a d*ck. She truly seemed upset about the machine scaring the puppies, everyone acted like there was an earthquake happening, those dogs were scared, glad I wasn't there, after smacking the crap out of almost all the ladies, I would have taken all the dogs home with me. I didn't find Wendy that bad this season, for the first time. Karen is delusional acting all high and mighty when hopefully she will get the clink clink
  2. Liz was more insufferable this past episode to me. Poor Bryce hits his head and did she once ask if he was ok? Nope, she is a selfish twit. I honestly don't know how Bryce is still with her, maybe it is now just for Leighton. Jonah was actually pretty funny this episode between his cat naps on the interview couch.
  3. I almost lost it with his talon toenails
  4. How many people are now on the team? It grows each year, soon they will have to build condo's for all the people. Who is paying them? I have to admit, I have a little crush on Laird. I think Terry is an asshole
  5. I agree with @Pi237. The dating and engagement is all suspect to me honestly. Of course Johnny Jackhole gives her an engagement ring right before the reunion. Also, IF they were to get married, they have no plans to live together as JJ is never going to give up his waterfront home and its too small for Alexis and her kids to move into.
  6. I agree with all of you, Tammy and her childish sulking behavior about skin surgery at the doctors, grow up. Amy is still delusional thinking she is going to get skin surgery at her current weight. Why can't Tammy help Chris with the house? Even if she goes over there and sweeps or something. I don't blame Amanda for moving, her kids I assume are all grown, so go have at it, I would pull a George Glass excuse on Amy and Tammy just to get away from their immature behavior;
  7. I would be pissed if I were Brittney. Her house seems super small as well and then to add the pity party of Tammy on top of it can't be easy. I almost bet that Chris and Brittney got the house next door for Brittney's daughter and kids. I thought the daughter only had 1 kid, but when Tammy came in, there looked to be an infant next to Brittney.
  8. I think it is hysterical they keep flashing back to Whitney's Prism collection necklace and what was discovered on the Alibaba website, exact same picture and item. Totally busted. What is with Brittni? She gets up, clinks her glass to make another dumb speech about her and her Costco friend? She clearly needs help. I do not like Mary at all, but she at least is engaging with the group more this year and has been pretty funny
  9. Gina was spot on about Heather and how she avoids conversations until she has a few days and thinks about it, probably writes up some cue cards, memorizes them like a role, and then goes back to the person to talk. Funny how Gina (I think) told Heather that Emily just wanted to be heard and there goes Heather with the "I hear you" a few times during their conversation.
  10. So did they buy another place in Flagstaff?
  11. This is the only reason why Tamra became friendly with Alexis, was for dirt on Shannon.
  12. I am just not buying this sympathy tour she is trying on TV. I do think she got a lot of backlash for her behavior and is trying to redeem herself on the show, but she is absolutely obnoxious and a bitch on SM. Her not getting a date is because she is a c u next Tuesday, not because she is overweight
  13. Every time I see Alexis in her talking head, I am reminded of
  14. Wow, that is sad, they seemed good together and Josh dealt with a lot of June's B.S, plus the fact of Alana moving in with them
  15. Right, anyone with half a brain would notice the noise when viewing the house. They would have probably viewed it once or twice and did a final walk through, so no way would they not hear and consider it. While the house was gorgeous, that whole apartment thing behind would bother me as well
  16. I was joking around with a friend and asked her "So am I no longer supposed to say masterbate and now have to use primarybate? We had a laugh, although it was after a few glasses of wine.
  17. June doesn't give a rats ass about Kaitlyn, she cares about whatever amount of money the state will give her. June is the biggest POS
  18. I was actually surprised this was getting another season. For some reason I don't see Micha and his girlfriend lasting. Moriah is heartbroken again, runs home. Didn't her last boyfriend we see do the same thing? Kim looks like she gained all the weight back. Glad there was no righteous Lydia this episode
  19. you forgot twerking apparently in Modelo's Corona's case
  20. Bethanny in a Lifetime moving airing on Sunday night "Danger in the Dorm"
  21. Is it just me, but is this the longest season of bore there is? How many more episodes until lil miss bossy pants has her baby? So now Amber wants demands Liz move back home, baby in tow to the house, is Amber also planning on breast feeding Leighton? Does she not realize that babies cry, in the middle of the night at all hours? How is Jonah going to get his beauty sleep?
  22. Does anyone know if these people get paid and by who? The one upcoming scene shows some lady saying she is only doing this for the money.
  23. Here we go, still trying to remember all these names, I got Mark, Mikey thus far and it appears this season will be a complete shit show and I am here for it with popcorn in hand
  24. Her family had a show on a while back about her nail salon, she was quite good at nail art. The grandma I see still has the same Dynasty hair and the mom needs a good cut. I guess she is trying for a comeback or something
  25. I have never been a Lindsay or Carl fan, in the beginning of the season, I thought she was awful to Carl, later on I honed in on his gaslighting. Lindsey was right, he knew her for eight years, and she has been this shitty all along, so why did he think he could change her? He clearly planned this break-up for a while and I am not sure for what other purpose other than humiliating her on camera. I agree with other posters that I certainly would not take relationship advice from Amanda.
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