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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. I saw someone on another site say that Arrow was pushed back due to some basketball game. Anyone know where that was at? That could effect the ratings some.
  2. ^ Yeah, see, that's why I said that I can't take ign reviews seriously. WTH kind of fucked up logic is that?! "It's a mess, so the rest of the season will be awesome." No, it's a mess, so the rest of the season is going to be one giant fucked up mess.
  3. Katrina Law seems to be good friends with Caity Lotz, and Caity has not been treated well at all this year, so I'm wondering if Katrina's going to peace out at the end of this season. No more Nyssa next season, maybe?
  4. Oh, so that happened in this episode? I thought you were talking about the "Hallway from Hell" scene back in season 2. Lovely.
  5. I really hope that I stop hearing complaints about how Felicity takes Diggle's screentime because in episodes 11-13, Diggle has stayed behind while Laurel is in the field. There is absolutely no logical reason for this to be happening.
  6. The scary thing is that I see people elsewhere loving the episode, giving it a 10 out of 10, calling it the best episode of the season. I think that these people are the ones that MG is getting his feedback from.
  7. I feel kinda mislead by SA. He gave that Access Hollywood interview where he said that he hadn't worked with Katie as Black Canary yet (the one where he talked about her looking wonderful in her costume, and how that was half the battle). I guess that he was maintaining that he was dead at that point, but then from the way he talked in that interview that came out today, it sounded like he and Laurel would be at odds for a while. But he's just accepted her by the end of the episode? OK.
  8. It seems as if this show may have gained some new viewers during the Christmas break since ratings have increased. This boggles my mind because I am not at all happy with the direction that the show is going in. So I'm super curious, and if you don't mind sharing, I was wondering which plot developments you're most unhappy with? I'm really wondering if new viewers are being turned off by the same things as long-time viewers.
  9. Yeah, I don't think that will go over well at all. MG will probably receive a lot of backlash on Twitter if they leave that in.
  10. I've wondered if SA wants to spend more time at home with his baby, and maybe that's why they're phasing him out of the show a bit. Couldn't they have used the Oliver-less episodes to give us Felicity and Diggle flashbacks, though? That would have been preferable. I mean, KC has filmed episodes 13-18, so she knows things that we don't, but if there is even a whiff of romance between Laurel and Oliver, I am so outta here. Hell no. He meant physically shaking her. Per Amell "The first time that Oliver as Arrow encounters Laurel as Canary, I grab her and shake her; I did that on purpose and I really hope that it stays in the episode because I feel like if I treat her with kid gloves, it’s not giving respect to that character.”
  11. It's also strange that KC said this: Does she actually believe that chemistry comes down to writing? Maybe she's thinking that since the writers are giving her a better story (in her opinion, not mine), she will now have chemistry with SA?
  12. OK, from the Inside Pulse interview: There is no Oliver/Felicity/Laurel triangle going on. Katie, if you were 1/3 of that triangle, you would know it. It's not happening, please stop.
  13. Hmm. Maybe he is going to prison...they keep using that stupid "Justice is the new black" tagline. Maybe we'll get an awesome Atom trilogy while Arrow is in the clink.
  14. I loved the proposal. I didn't follow spoilers, so I had no idea it was coming. That made me cry.
  15. Would Felicity and Diggle even make it on the poster? I'm not so sure anymore.
  16. Ben was introduced in season 2 of Parks and Rec. He was there to cut the budget in the Parks Department where Leslie worked. The two didn't necessarily get along so well initially, but they grew to respect each other. Their mutual respect eventually grew into romantic feelings for each other, and they entered into a relationship (which they tried to hide because apparently it was against the rules). They broke up for a bit, but then they got back together and confessed to their superior that they were in a relationship. The fallout was a trial that resulted in Leslie only receiving a temporary suspension because Ben resigned from his job to save hers. After that, they were able to continue dating, and they ended up getting married and having triplets. Really, they are just an awesome couple and they both support each other in everything that they do. You should watch this show!!!
  17. I'll take my response to the Small Talk thread so I don't get in trouble :)
  18. Hey, can't blame the little guy. I had never heard of Black Canary when I started watching Arrow. Now, I regret ever hearing about her (TV version, that is. No disrespect to the comic version since she's apparently awesome).
  19. I wanted a Ben/Leslie type of relationship for Felicity and Oliver. I'm not at all happy with the route that the EPs have chosen for the couple this season (and part of last). As mentioned by others, it feels like obstacle after obstacle thrown in the way to delay this from happening as long as possible. First there was Sara, then we had "I can't be The Arrow and Oliver Queen," and now I think we're on to the Ray Palmer shipblocking portion. Feels like neverending stall tactics, which is not enjoyable.
  20. From the Variety interview, I'm getting the impression that maybe Oliver does peace out for a while to do things on his own. Blech! Oliver is going to grab Laurel and shake her? That probably won't go over well with Lauriver fans. Per Guggenheim "The challenge for us is not creating a love triangle, but how do you do that in a way that’s not cliché, and predictable, and something we’ve seen before?” Well, hate to tell you, but epic fail there MG. Also per Guggenheim: Who exactly is he communicating with?!!!
  21. I'm watching The Flash repeat all of the same mistakes that were made on Arrow, and I'm just shaking my head. I have like zero investment in The Flash, so I DGAF how this all shakes out, but this is just kind of crazy. That being said, I'd still like to trade MG for AK, because at least we might get two seconds of happiness over here on Arrow.
  22. These spoilers are filling me with dread. Is episode 18 the point where I'm going to rage quit the show? I'm already picking and choosing which episodes I watch at this point. Ha, love the Felicity snark in the comic preview (talking to Oliver about Malcolm). "You have a visitor. Or as I like to call him...your new BFF."
  23. Quentin learns about Sara's death, and the police go and try to dig up her body, but it's missing. Dun dun dun!
  24. I suspect that Felicity and Oliver will get together before the end of the season, so that's not really my problem. I'm worried about what I'll be subjected to before we reach that point. I mean, basically episodes 13-16 sound extremely skippable. How much crap will I have to wade through to get one little crumb of something that I enjoy?
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