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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. I'm just expecting a big messy mess. Oliver will return, and Felicity, Diggle, and Roy will probably insist that Laurel deserves to be a part of the team, fighting missions with them. But I'm gonna take Oliver's side and say hell no. Then Oliver is probably going to side with Diggle, Roy, and Laurel and decide that it's a good idea to team up with Malcolm. Here I'm going to be siding with Felicity while saying hell no. I like the team better when everything is in harmony.
  2. I absolutely agree. I don't fault Oliver at all because he said that Sara would not have wanted this life for Laurel. I'm just thinking about the comments to the Guilty episode where some people were basically saying that Oliver was a controlling douche. I'm hoping that the flashbacks in 3x14 are more about Oliver beginning to lose his humanity as he's angered by the fact that his loved ones have moved on without him (Laurel, Tommy, Thea). Basically, he feels like he has nothing to come back to, nothing to live for, and the Oliver Queen part of him begins to die. Meanwhile, over in present day Lian Yu, Slade can reminisce about how Oliver got him good by fooling him into thinking he had snatched the woman Oliver loved (Felicity). Then maybe Oliver can give this nice lovely speech about Felicity and when he fell in love with her since MG said something about being curious to see the fan response to that episode.
  3. I'm kind of fearful that the writers will go so far out of their way to bring Laurel into the fold that it will turn the audience against fan favorite characters. I think that it's already begun with Felicity helping Laurel to deceive Captain Lance. Now it sounds like Oliver is going to come back and be slightly perturbed/maybe pissed about Laurel becoming Sara -2.0, so I can already hear the complaints about how he's a controlling asshole and how dare he tell Laurel what she should do. Sigh.
  4. Oh my gosh. I just saw another picture of Oliver in his suit at the wedding, and he does indeed have suspenders on under his jacket. Thank you Jesus.
  5. I'm reading now, and I particularly love the snark coming from Alexander. Good stuff! I occasionally read that jbuffyangel person's tumblr, but I often find that her posts are too logical and thoughtful. I had to stop reading because I knew that the writers don't put even a fraction of effort into thinking about things as she does, so I was just setting myself up for disappointment by hoping that the predictions she was making would come true. For example, the red/blue Matrix thing...jbuffyangel (Jen?) still thinks that's intentional even though MG said it wasn't, and from seeing the ego that man has, I believe without a doubt that he would take credit for that if it was on purpose.
  6. I guess that The Arrow could come between Felicity and Oliver in the sense that she can't bear to be with him as long as he remains The Arrow, because there's always the chance that he'll get himself killed for realsies next time. I'm trying to remain hopeful, but I'm probably just setting myself up for massive disappointment and rage. I actually might watch 3x12 to see Oliver's return (unless MG manages to completely turn me off of it within the next week). As always, though, they won't be getting my ratings 'cause I'm petty like that.
  7. That does seem to be the magic ticket. This dude loves being showered with compliments, I think. I noticed that a lot of the questions that he answers seem to include praise telling him how wonderful he is.
  8. I was kind of just ignoring that "oops" comment from MG, because I just figured it would be more like an "oops, that's not how I expected this to go at all" where Oliver is thinking that Felicity is going to welcome him romantically with open arms, but she shuts him right down.
  9. My gut is telling me that Oliver is going to come back ready to pursue something with Felicity, but she'll be the one to turn him down. I think that our reaction is going to be "Yeah...oh no!" because they'll have a lovely little reunion, Oliver will tell Felicity that he loves her again, and then she'll say that she doesn't want to be a woman he loves. Then we also add in the fact that Oliver will be accepting help from people whom he never would have considered working with before, and I just don't see The Arrow being willing to do that. If Oliver was going to return and go all season 1 vigilante again, I'd expect that he'd sooner get himself killed than accept help from the likes of Malcolm and Laurel.
  10. I keep holding onto the hope that these guys want people to like Ray since he may possibly get his own show. Having Felicity sleep with him will make him Enemy No. 1, I think. Oh, who am I kidding? These are the same idiots who didn't anticipate the negative reaction to Laurel pretending to be Sara in front of Quentin. Let it happen, and watch Ray burn.
  11. Yeah, I'm wondering if he thinks that BC/KC fans should be bowing down and praising him for giving them what they want?
  12. Yes, and I'm very annoyed about this because I think that failing ratings were the only chance of getting rid of KC. Some fans seem pissed about last night's episodes, but the reviews that I saw were generally good (although, many of the sites that review episodes will give even the bad episodes like a B grade or and 8.0+ on a scale of 1-10. WTH??). I enjoy reading this site, but I think that I'm going to need to slowly disengage to preserve my sanity.
  13. I find that you can't go by the episode reviews. The Promise got good reviews too, and that episode was absolute shit (A from the AV Club, and 9.0 from IGN).
  14. From that tiny clip I posted earlier in the spoiler thread, Laurel's voice modulator sounded awful (definitely not awesome like MG claimed). Do you all think that we're in for some scathing reviews tomorrow?
  15. I'm really kind of irritated how now it's Team Arrow lying to Quentin when this has been Laurel's lie for 10 episodes. Why do the writers have to make Felicity and Diggle look bad too? At this point, I fear they'll do whatever it takes to make Laurel happen, even if this includes absolutely destroying other characters.
  16. Glad I didn't watch because my blood pressure would probably be sky-high right now, judging from reactions. It's unfortunate that they think Felicity is untouchable, because whatever happened, it sounds like she's probably going to be getting a lot of hate for it. Damn.
  17. I've become super worried about Ray sticking around...I know that he's not going to disappear, so he's either staying on Arrow, moving to The Flash, or getting his own show. Oh my gosh, if they put Felicity with Ray at the end of the season, I just might have to burn my DVDs and never look back (dramatic, I know).
  18. Remember this summer when we thought that we'd be getting Olicity as a trade-off for having to endure Justice Canary? Haha, no.
  19. I had actually considered the thought that maybe Sara will be Lazarus Pit'd, but I figured it would be because they have realized what a terrible mistake they've made. In that case, they'd just get rid of Laurel and replace her again with Sara. If they actually bring Sara back so that Laurel can defeat her, well, prepare to have people hate Laurel even more. That seems like a horrible idea considering how pissed people were the first time Sara was murdered.
  20. Honestly, KC is terrible at interviews. She just talks and talks, and you see the same magical key phrases pop up (like "she goes from avenging her sister's death, to honoring her, to becoming her"), but she doesn't really answer the questions that the interviewer asks.
  21. The Americans returns tonight, if you're looking for a good show to watch. Yay!
  22. Tonight's episode is definitely going to be majorly Laurel-heavy. I've posted two KC interviews, and there should be another one coming from Collider. The comic preview, episode 11 promo, and producer's preview all include Laurel. Have fun guys. Per KC: Isn't that an oxymoron, or something?
  23. Yeah, with my "unhappy with the direction of her character" bit, I was hoping that either she's NOT becoming BC after all, or she's leaving the show. But, I was burned by thinking that KC was leaving last season, so I won't even dare to dream about it.
  24. Here's a review of the movie Brooklyn, that EBR has a small role in (the article doesn't mention her, though). http://collider.com/brooklyn-review/
  25. I'd like to believe that all of these cancellations are because KC has become unhappy with the direction of her character (remember the bizarre media silence from her last season?). Sadly, she's probably just blowing off these appearances to be with her new man. But how can she claim it's for filming if she is photographed holding hands with her beau?
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