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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. Ooh, that's going to prove difficult where KC is involved.
  2. I would say that the Laurel hatred can certainly hurt the show ratings-wise because once you reach a certain level of anger at this one character who is ruining the entire show for you, you just stop punishing yourself by continuing to watch. And we've seen that happen with some viewers on this very forum. They've just said 'enough' and turned off their TVs.
  3. I thought maybe Sin, but she's not really a part of the team, and she's only back for one episode as far as I know. Laurel and Roy? That's all kinds of bizarre and sounds terrible in a possibly entertaining way.
  4. Huh?! Who are they talking about here?!
  5. I wish people would either not tweet tomorrow, or try to trend things like #KillLaurelLance, but I'm mean like that.
  6. I think that Guggenheim frequently fails when it comes to predicting how storylines are going to go over with the audience, because if Felicity leaves the team, I'm not going be upset by it. It would actually make quite a lot of sense to me if everyone is insisting on working with Malcolm and she's like "Nope. Goodbye, I'm not doing this." It's only going to be temporary, and honestly it's probably some plot-driven set up for Canaries.
  7. Have you guys seen previews for the new CSI spinoff with Dawson Leery, Allison DuBois, and Bow Wow?? It looks ridiculous and I predict that shit is cancelled quickly. I've also been seeing previews for Backstrom, featuring Rainn Wilson. Hart Hanson is an EP on that project, so that's already one strike against it. Even Dennis Haysbert can't save this one for me.
  8. Here's what Belinea was referring to: And then Guggenheim answered "Guess it's a good thing we're not doing that, then." With Guggenheim, I'm really unsure of how to take this because this could be exactly what is happening, and he could be outright lying and saying it's not, or he could claim it's not "sudden" because it happens five episodes from now. Or he could be telling the truth...maybe.
  9. I was thinking this weekend. You know how people catch up on threads and you'll get a "like" from an episode that aired back in October? I feel kind of bad for the people catching up on the Arrow threads (especially The Calm and Sara). I was quite rage-y earlier this season, so if you're reading those old threads, I do apologize! I'm at the point now, though, where I'm just exhausted with this show. I don't really care about any of the stuff that MG has been aggressively pushing in the media lately, and the only thing that I'm really looking forward to on Wednesday is reading episode reviews as soon as Left Behind is over with. I'll catch any of the good stuff (??) on Tumblr.
  10. Sadly, I totally thought it was intentional. WHY do I keep falling for these types of things? Duped once again.
  11. Oliver's suit was upgraded in the Arrow/Flash crossover episode. Artist Andy Poon posted some concept art of the new costume: http://filmsketchr.blogspot.com/2015/01/see-concept-art-of-arrows-new-costume.html
  12. Yeah, I think that the music might be the best part of Hindsight so far. Another show that brought back some fond 90's memories was My Mad Fat Diary (series 2, specifically - Weezer, Beck, Radiohead, Oasis, No Doubt). I'll have to remember to check out that Sutton Foster show. I haven't seen any promos for it, but I usually try anything that looks remotely good. A new one that I watched this week was Eye Candy on MTV. I didn't make it all the way through yet, so I'm not sure if I like it or not. I was excited when Daniel Lissing showed up but he's only a guest star, so he might have died before the end of the episode. Hope not!
  13. Super late to the discussion as always. I thought that the kiss was sweet, but I prefer the more aggressive desperate type of kissing (which would not have been appropriate here). I'm glad they didn't use it, though, because after finding out it was all a trick, there probably would have been a fist-sized hole in my wall. OK, I'm being dramatic here, but you get the point. Also, if Guggenheim's Tumblr Q&A is damage control, do you guys think it is working? Because he kind of succeeded in turning me off episode 12 when I was planning on watching it.
  14. Anyone watching Hindsight on VH1? It kind of reminds me of Being Erica. It's OK so far. It has the guy from Legend of the Seeker in it (never watched the show but I recognized his face). Just a reminder that 12 Monkeys and Helix premiere tonight, and season 2 of The Musketeers kicks off tomorrow night.
  15. From that David Ramsey interview, they really are pushing the actors to use the superhero names. I noticed that he referred to Laurel as "Canary" and not "Black Canary." Don't know if that was an intentional thing on his part though...
  16. I'm actually not at all entertained anymore, but I keep watching possibly because I hate myself or maybe because I'm hoping that it will somehow get better. I was definitely more positive before the big Guggenheim BC media push of 2015. I knew that I wouldn't be watching 10 or 11, but I thought that I might watch episode 12 to see Oliver's return. But the episode description sounds really dumb, so now I'm thinking that maybe I'll only tune in for the last 15 minutes or so. I'm definitely NOT subjecting myself to Canaries. I don't hate myself that much.
  17. Kind of late to the discussion here, but I'm finding it completely bizarre how Guggenheim has changed his tune on the BC trilogy episodes. We go from "I don't know where people got that idea" to "Laurel will share scenes with Diggle, Laurel will share scenes with Roy, lots of Laurel & Felicity scenes, Laurel in the lair, Laurel front and center, Laurel Laurel Laurel, bitches." What the?! I mean, I know the show was renewed and all, so maybe they're not concerned about a ratings drop, but do they really want to risk losing viewers right off the bat? Guggenheim seemed to be worried before with the complete denial that 10-12 was a Laurel trilogy, so I find it strange that has he changed his mind. Arrow will be competing with American Idol and the last season of The Mentalist when it returns this week. I don't know how well those shows do in the ratings, but maybe the people who he manages to scare away with all of this Laurel talk will just start watching one of those shows and never return to Arrow.
  18. Arrow, ruining friendships since 2014 :) I guess I'm lucky in that I can't even get people to watch this show. They'd probably hate me right about now.
  19. Everyone keeps saying "You can't become a hero overnight. You have to earn it." Why do they keep saying that when that's exactly what Laurel is doing?! Whatever. According to KC, she takes the reins when Oliver is gone, and she has been working a lot with Diggle, Felicity, and Roy. Worst nightmare ever. Someone must have told KC to stop referencing Oliver as her one true love, but she still can't quite seem to let it go 100%. I'm definitely bracing myself for the influx of KC interviews in the next couple of weeks as Laurel steps front and center. Don't worry, she's got this, y'all.
  20. New magic word for KC: heart. Based on the interview, I think people are right. Laurel will struggle at first on her own and then team up with Diggle, Felicity, and Roy. It kind of feels like he's saying "Ha ha bitches. She'll be BC whether you like it or not!"
  21. Well, the part with Thea throwing scissors at Malcolm looks awesome, anyways. The rest doesn't really interest me, meh.
  22. This is terrible, but for the sake of those watching live, I hope that the amount of Laurel has been exaggerated. But for my sake, I hope that if Laurel is front and center, it is an awful, epic fail so that we never have to endure this again.
  23. Even though I know what is coming in the next few episodes, when these little bits of info about Laurel come out, I can't help but find myself super ragey. I just go into panic mode when I hear things like Laurel "front and center." I know it's coming, but I'm not mentally prepared.
  24. Felicity/Oliver flashbacks to those happy months during the S2-S3 hiatus, please please please!
  25. For no particular reason, this was what I was thinking as well. Donna will be there to give Felicity some sort of pep-talk probably involving Felicity's dad leaving them, and maybe this will push Felicity towards Oliver. Please! Maybe Quentin can attend the wedding for some random reason (not as Laurel's plus one because she's not invited), and Donna will meet him there.
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