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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. I believe that I made a comment about Oliver looking hot when he was choking Malcolm. That part is exactly what I was talking about :)
  2. Yeah, I was thinking about that. I can handle the Sara death scene, but Oliver's "death" was even worse and I have no desire to ever see that again. Like I said elsewhere, I can't even go on tumblr because there are tons of gifs of that scene everywhere and it's just too much!
  3. I find that I have enough evidence to convince me that Laurel is not currently a well-liked character. I remember people losing their shit about the season three poster, removing Laurel completely or placing lampposts and other objects in front of her. I remember her being on multiple "worst character" lists and winning the least favorite character in that greenarrowtv poll. And if that's not enough, then we basically have the EPs confirming my thoughts by always referring to "fans of KC/fans of Laurel," and walking back their statement that 10-12 is a Laurel trilogy by saying, "Oh, I don't know where people ever got that idea. No, it's a Roy trilogy." Plus I find it peculiar that it seems like the network tries their best to promote actual Laurel-heavy episodes as anything but. I think we were arguing over "Guilty" because the write-up about that episode made it seem Laurel/Ted focused, but the promo made it seem like a Roy episode. So yeah, I think that a lot of people don't like Laurel, and I think that the EPs realize this. Personally, I don't think that the BC arc is going to gain Laurel any new fans. Guggenheim has already basically told us that it's going to be an epic fail, and Laurel is going to get the crap beat out of her. And I think it's very possible that Laurel will be wearing the BC costume to trick her father. So, she's probably not going to win over those who already hate her, and the EPs might even succeed in turning some of her fans against her.
  4. After David Ramsey's comments about KC, I do look forward to watching this "emotional" scene between the two. Rather, I should say that I look forward to reading everyone's reactions to the scene. While I'm not excited about anything happening in episodes 10-14, I am looking forward to reading comments and reviews of the episodes. I know that it's mean to wish bad things on people, but I really hope that these episodes are a complete mess and that the feedback is terrible. Then maybe I won't ever have to endure something like that on this show ever again.
  5. I kinda think that one of the goals of the crossover was to get people who watch The Flash to tune into Arrow (and vice versa), but I can't imagine that many new viewers that Arrow gained from the crossover stuck around during The Climb. The episode was kind of a mess with the jumping around from Oliver climbing the mountain, to 48 hours earlier, to Hong Kong flashbacks. Then there was the Ray and Laurel stuff which basically served little purpose. It makes me angry that this show launched The Flash, but it's the existence of The Flash that has turned this show to shit. I honestly believe that if Berlanti and Kreisberg (plus whatever writers they took with them) were still around, we'd be watching a very different show right now.
  6. Oh my gosh. I imagine that David Ramsey's social media accounts are being attacked by KC fans as we speak. You have to wonder how he meant for that to be taken, because taking his KC impression at face value, that's quite a burn. He's such a charming and funny guy in that video, though. His thoughts on the show always make me happy because he's so positive about Oliver/Felicity. SA hasn't been pushing Olicity like he used to last season, so I am glad that David has some really positive thoughts on that part of the show.
  7. I have to say, I'm curious to see how episodes 10-13 are received. If their attempt to prove that Arrow is bigger than just one character doesn't go well, maybe they'll abandon this idea that Arrow should have three other superheroes besides Oliver. I'm actually OK with Roy and Thea as Arsenal and Speedy, but I'm not interested in Ray or Laurel as superheroes. I'm not sure what their plan is for Ray, but I believe that there's no quicker way to turn people against him than to put him in a romantic relationship with Felicity. I seem to remember that not going so well for Sara last year. She seemed to be pretty well received up until she kissed Oliver (or he kissed her, don't remember), and then people turned on her.
  8. So Tony did kill Ian. They had me fooled up until the point where Tony was bashing Ian's head over and over again. I was wondering how the heck he could have survived that. So I'm guessing that Emily finds out because the journalist threatened to tell the police what Emily and Tony had done. You know the French woman police officer (I don't know her name, but she has a baby in the present day story)? Oh my gosh, in this episode she looked so much like Tatiana Maslany as Alison in Orphan Black. Freaky!
  9. That was a very nice write-up about David Ramsey's appearance. But I am concerned that maybe Ray is going to be back next season. This show is becoming way too overcrowded. It's like the EPs have the impression that because we enjoy Team Arrow, that means that we'll enjoy Team Arrow with a bunch of extra members. No. And I don't know what good social media feedback is going to do because people keep saying the same thing over and over again, and Guggenheim still doesn't get it. Plus, I feel like if you react negatively to the show on social media, you get accused of being a negative asshole or a hater, so there's that.
  10. Could be that Barrowman was filming scenes of Merlyn watching the duel in 3x09. Let's say that he captures video evidence of the whole thing going down, too. He could take the video back and show it to Thea (who would then tell Roy), or he could even show it to Team Arrow (I don't recall if he knows who any of the members of Team Arrow are, though). So the team sees the video evidence and they believe that Oliver is dead. Then, Sin shows up in episode 12 with some info or evidence that shows that Malcolm doctored the video of Thea shooting Sara full of arrows. Felicity begins to doubt that the video evidence of Oliver's death is real (even though it actually is). She begins to investigate further and sees satellite imagery of someone (Maseo?) dragging Oliver's body away. From there, she could probably track where this person takes Oliver's body, and Diggle could be on his way to the "neutral site" to retrieve Oliver.
  11. Oh, Guggenheim. Nobody knows how to make my enthusiasm plummet like you do (not that I have any right now, but still). I'm just going to think happy thoughts. I'm imagining Lyla and Diggle exchanging wedding vows, "I don't want to be a woman you love. I want to be your wife, Johnny." Then the camera zooms in on Oliver and Felicity sitting next to each other in the crowd. Oliver takes Felicity's hand and the two exchange a long look, both smile, and then Felicity sheepishly looks away while Oliver continues to stare at her. Yep, that's totally how it's happening.
  12. Yay, per spoilers, now Arsenal will take center stage in 10, 11, 12! Oh, these guys. Hilarious. I like Roy enough as a background character, but I have no desire to see him or Laurel take center stage. Like ever.
  13. ^Nah, it's probably about OUaT. Notice how they mention DNA? Everyone on that show is related.
  14. When I watched the episode and heard Felicity say, "I can think of one" (regarding a guy regretting kissing her), I thought it was funny. And then I came on here and people were pointing out that she thinks he regrets kissing her, but that's literally the last thing Oliver saw before he "died." Like ugh, I didn't make the connection at the time, but you guys are right and I can't ever watch this episode again. It's too painful. Not just because of that, but the awful horrible ending with the sad music, too. I mean, I can't even go on tumblr and look at gifs from this episode because they seriously make me cry. I might even have to go so far as to wait until episode 12 (or 13?) and then go back and watch episodes 10 and 11. I have a case of the sads.
  15. Like people have mentioned, I think that it's dangerous to even go down this road. Why resurrect Tommy, but not Sara or Moira (haha I know why, I know). Anytime someone dies in the future, we'll all wonder "Why not just take them to a Lazarus Pit?" And the answer will probably be "reasons." Like I'm sorry that they regret killing Tommy, but that's the choice they made and he needs to stay dead.
  16. Now, if they have a little green vial of liquid that Maseo makes the barely alive Oliver drink, and then have a conscious Oliver say something like, "I should be dead", I would side-eye that but move on (but it would need to take a long time to work, and Oliver would probably need to be unconscious since SA wasn't filming much). Keep it vague enough so comics readers can attribute Oliver's survival to Lazarus Pit goo, if they want, but other viewers can just believe it's some really potent medicine, or something. But I really don't want any magical super-healing with Oliver's scars disappearing. It would be nice to see SA sans shirt more often, but it's OK. I can wait for the Olicity love scene to see him shirtless again.
  17. Maseo makes sense because he kind of randomly just showed up in the LoA this week...probably because the EPs need someone "friendly" to find Oliver's body. The more I think about it, the more convinced I am that Oliver will be barely alive but unconscious. This would explain why SA had so much time off. There's not much present-day story to tell when you are lying comatose in a bed. If they had used the Lazarus Pit to revive him, I imagine that we'd be seeing the effects of that come January, but it doesn't seem like Oliver is going to be in those episodes much since SA had so much time off.
  18. ^Haha. I actually made a comment about that in the episode thread last night. But yeah, in my post I thought he was just flinching from the cold too. It looked really chilly. Oh, and it wasn't "a" random pec flex, there were a couple of them!
  19. So people are sure that Oliver packed those herbs, right? I rewatched, and I could not see them for the life of me, but if others say that they saw them, I trust you guys :)
  20. I'd like some clarification from Guggenheim or SA on that (preferably SA). Because it seemed like Oliver hadn't even intended to say goodbye to Felicity if she didn't show up right then. She basically walked in on him while he was leaving. And then he told her he knew two things, but it was almost like he was going to walk out the door without saying the ILY if she hadn't asked what the second thing was. If he was knew he was going off to his death, I think that they should have made a bigger deal out of the goodbyes.
  21. I was reading a review of this episode, and the reviewer mentioned that it was clear that Oliver knew he was going off to die. I didn't get the impression at all. To me, it seemed like he had every intention of coming back. How did other people read that goodbye scene?
  22. Here's the ratings broken down by half-hour for anyone who's interested: http://www.tvmediainsights.com/forum/topic/wednesday-121014-4/
  23. "Despite the title, our show is bigger than any one character. We're going to prove that to you." I'm just waiting for that one to be walked back after they receive a lot of pissed off feedback.
  24. Hmm. Just had another thought. If Oliver is healed using the Lazarus Pits, wouldn't he immediately be good to go on his merry (possibly crazy) way? Like there'd be no reason for him to disappear for two months if he's healed, right? But I imagine that knife wounds, internal bleeding, and broken bones take a while to nurse back to health. So maybe that's the route we're taking here, after all (fingers crossed). And while Oliver is being nursed back to health, he can take the time to get even more clarity on how he feels about Felicity. Because I'm going to need him to actually start pursuing her romantically the second that he gets back. No more "guys like us don't get the girl" crap. I don't want them to drag this out until the season finale where the two get together and then we miss all of their relationship again over the summer hiatus. No. Just no. I want smiling, happy, in love Oliver from the time he returns to the end of the season!
  25. That would be great if Felicity put a tracker on Oliver (hopefully in his pants, shoes, or undies), and it appears that he's moving around because someone (Malcolm) drags his body to like a secret cave or something. If the team thinks he's still alive, that would be much easier for me to stomach. Speaking of this "neutral site", would the LoA even keep a Lazarus Pit there if this is where people go to battle to the death? And how would one just have access to it? I know, I really need to let this go!
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