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Everything posted by VCRTracking

  1. Just seen Billy Wilder's brilliant and dark Ace in the Hole, which is as relevant about what it says about the media today as it was back in 1951 when it was released. Not only is Kirk Douglas fantastic as the cynical big-city reporter who exploits a man trapped in a cave in for his own benefit but Jan Sterling as the poor guy's wife who's just as hard-hearted:
  2. Nasim Pedrad and Jenny Slate at Mindy Kaling's pool party on August 31.
  3. I admit to being surprised too, having seen him on Comedy Central and Last Comic Standing over the years. It's like when Graham Chapman of Monty Python came out and friend and fellow castmate John Cleese was surprised, years later saying("It's as if Michael Palin told me he was Chinese. 'No offense there Michael, but it IS a surprise.'"And about his comments about It's also the otherwise masculine Chapman, who was a rugby player and mountaineer, describing himself as "a raging pouffe, but a butch one, with a pipe." I hope when Ben Stiller inevitably comes on the show to promote the third Night at the Museum, he and Jon get to talk about Robin.
  4. The mid-2000s have some favorites here and there, like Homer as "Pie Man" episode.
  5. The problem for me is that I didn't see the point of Buffy going to college in the first place. College is where you find out what you want to do with the rest of your life and Buffy's destiny is to be the Slayer.
  6. It's season 13 today and even though it's now past it's peak there are some episodes I love, like "The Frying Game" written by my fave John Swartzwelder. I like the first act with the "screamapillar" and them having being forced to keep it alive because it's an endangered species, even though "It's sexually attracted to fire" Homer asks "Are you sure God doesn't want it to die?" and the government guy goes "What's god going to do? Get my wife to leave me again?" That's such a Swartzwelder exchange. It's gotten some terrible reviews online which I can understand because the story takes some improbable turns, but the jokes and lines are hilarious. When Homer and Marge are somehow some tricked into being an old lady's servants Marge calls Homer by his name, he gasps and whispers "The missus prefers you call me Simpson!" And when they get convicted of her murder Homer pleads "Play the race card!(shaking fist threateningly) Play it!"
  7. Willow being a Lesbian insead of bi also implies meant that she'd "go straight" just until she found the right guy. And except for being a werewolf Oz was pretty much the perfect guy! Especially with great moments like these, from "Choices" where Willow is held prisoner by the Mayor and the gang debates exchanging the ritual book for her. Wesley is willing to sacrifice Willow for the greater good, Buffy is sooooo not. While they're arguing Oz listens and just quietly walks over to the cauldron holding the stuff needed to destroy the book....
  8. RIP to Lord Richard Attenborough, director of Ghandi, mentioned in the OP. His character in The Great Escape Roger Bartlett("Big X") was based on Roger Bushell, the orchestrator in the real story. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Bushell
  9. Even though there was some great episodes during Mike Scully's era as showrunner from 97-01, (Behind the Laughter, Simpsons Bible Stories) and memorable moments("Stupid sexy Flanders!") you couldn't shake the feeling the show was now coasting and that it was past it's peak. Scully said he didn't want to "wreck the show" but it made the episodes too cautious. Previous showrunners took risks, either with big concepts(David Mirkin) or through developing character relationships(Oakley and Weinstein).
  10. The Eternal Sunshine on the Spotless Mind ending knocked me on my ass. It was powerful.
  11. Kelly and Brandon take the ALS Ice Bucket challenge(she was challenged by Reba McEntire) and the results were expected as they were hilarious. SMH at people commenting on her weight. She just had a baby two months ago! (Anyway she's got a nice house): https://www.facebook.com/kellyclarkson?hc_location=timeline https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1P_hDM2lao
  12. One thing this marathon is doing is making me miss Phil Hartman. A LOT. I also love the live tweeting but some former Simpsons writers and showrunners during the marathon. According to Bill Oakley, Homer's line "To alcohol, the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems!" was all Swartzwelder. The controversial but now classic "Homer's Enemy" was Oakley and Weinstein's idea but asked Swartzwelder to write it because they thought he'd give it "pizazz". I liked it when it first aired, and I still like it. Never felt bad for Frank Grimes, and I think it's his bad attitude. Jon Vitti tweeted this pic of the Simpsons writer's room circa 1992:
  13. Loved the finale! Cried at Jinora's ceremony and her revealed that she got her Air master tattoo. The music beautiful. But poor Korra in wheelchair, still broken and crying a single tear. She reminded me of Jack Bauer's breakdown crying at the end of S3 of 24. Hope she recovers soon next season. I really also love Asami saying she'd be there for her and their friendship this season. I admit I LOL'd so hard at Bolin pushing Suyin out of the way to hug Opal. Yeah Bolin's gags but when they work, they work, and his discovering he could lavabend was great. The fights in both episodes were fantastic. Even chained up Korra's a beast and her fighting the father/daughter fighting with Tonraq was awesome. The guard who saved him, Kuvira(voiced by Zelda Williams) seems like she's going to be important in the future. Holy shit, the way Suyin beat P'Li was clever but horrifying and Zaheer's reaction was great. Really that she and Lin made up and hope to see Toph next season.
  14. Loved her on FNL, can't wait to see her as Bobbi!
  15. Loved it! Awesome episode and intense. Loved seeing Iroh and Zuko. Was very scared when Tenzin said "As long as I'm still breathing..." and that he'd meet the same fate as the Earth Queen.
  16. Thank god something awesome at least for Jon to talk about when he comes back.
  17. I confess that the lesbian subtext in "Bad Girls" went completely over my head the first time I watched it! Always loved "Consequences" and how dark Faith had gone "Safe words are for wusses." Whoa. Also loved the reveal when Angel said "Second best." Buffy going, "Faith." (Buffy reveals no longer chained) Psyche."
  18. I remember Carol Burnett showing the redo in a special and pausing at around at 8:21 on the video after he sung the Negro spiritual and Carol was breaking and pointed to Robin's face saying something like "Look at him! He knew he got me, the little--" Robin's daughter Zelda had to quit Twitter because of vile trolls tweeted her (fake) autopsy photos of her dad. What the hell is wrong with people?
  19. He was such a huge part of my childhood and when I got older I appreciated and was impressed by his dramatic roles like his guest appearance on Homicide: Life On The Street and as the murderer in Christopher Nolan's remake of Insomnia.
  20. Still in tears. I didn't realize how hard this news would hit me.
  21. Hitfix asked a few of Chris TV bosses, former and present(the producers of Everwood, The O.C. and Mike Schur on Parks and Rec)about whether they knew Chris would be a big star. Here's what Mike had to say:
  22. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn. Now I know why Nick didn't want to air this episode! Also learned from the Onion AV Club review that the now late Earth Queen was based on China's Empress Dowager Cixi from the late 19th century:
  23. Agreed. Not only is it epic, but it is often very beautiful. It helped me connect me to the characters. This played as Conan and his buddy(Gerry Lopez) go moving from town to town as thieving and discuss their gods you can't help but like them:
  24. When I first heard that I thought of the sad coincidence Jaycee Dugard, who was abducted when she was 11 and held in a backyard for 16 years since 1993(and had two children by her rapist/kidnapper) had chosen to be called "Alyssa" after her favorite actress Alyssa Milano when she was forced to change her name in captivity. Sorry to bring the mood down, back on topic! The makers of the movie are right on when they said the soundtrack helps grounds the movie and keeps it relatable to audiences all the crazy and weird sci-fi stuff. It also makes the movie very fun.
  25. Now that he's been mentioned, Gary Cole as Mike Brady in The Brady Bunch Movie and The Very Brady Sequel. He had Robert Reed's cadence down and it was hilarious:
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