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Everything posted by Tanichka

  1. Amazing how good she looks in that shade of pink. "No man speaks for me." Typical MM comment, isn't it?
  2. I watched a bit. She's hard to take because of her histrionics. One thing she talked about how movies are made though the eyes of men. They showed James Bond & Pretty Woman. I've always hated those moves. Totally sexist, male fantasies.
  3. Like Ana, Joel McHale might be interesting. Star Jones???
  4. If they made smaller, less bulky cosmetic bags, Hoda & the rest of us would use them.
  5. Canada. Maybe it's not being shown in the U.S. as yet. The commercials show a lot of Sarah being pouty.
  6. Me too! I was just thinking about it the other day. Has anyone seen the new Brian Baumler show with his wife? Don't know if it's on yet, but I've seen commercials. Didn't really care for the addition of his wife. Very predictable conflicts.
  7. Least favorite: Niles & Daphne - no chemistry whatsoever. It worked much better when he had a crush on her.
  8. My oldest cat uses her scratching board faithfully (an upright, jute one). The youngest scratches the heck out of my kitchen chairs (wood). I bought another scratching board and sprayed it with catnip. He loves to lie on it & then go back to the chairs. (The chairs where originally used to scratch on by a cat we had to died 8 years ago). Does anyone have any suggestions? The chairs are shot anyway, so maybe I should just let him have at them.
  9. I hear ya! And why did they do away with separate Return and Bill Payment areas?
  10. Hated that dress. No matter how tasteless a wedding dress is, it seems there is always someone who wants to wear it.
  11. She's certainly not obese. I think she could dress in more flattering outfits, though - & I'm not talking about tent-like, just ones that fit properly. I really don't need to see anyone chowing down on-air. Take a little bite, if you must, then stop.
  12. They were all drunk. She could have decided to take the dinghy to the mainland to teach her husband a lesson. "He will wonder where I am. I'll show him." I seriously think it was just a nasty accident. And I wouldn't believe anything Lana Wood said. Accusing Robert Wagner is her main claim to fame besides Plenty O'Tool. Why, indeed?
  13. The only one I would want to see would be The Post. I’ve lost all interest in movies. Mostly superheroes & remakes now.
  14. Baby Bowl! Never seen anything so stupid. Sorry.
  15. OMG - I didn't think it was too bad until I looked at the clips and saw her walking out in that. You just CAN'T wear skin-tight if you're a little chunky. Her hair was OK, but I still wish she would go less blond. I couldn't take the interview - I'm sure she said nothing of interest whatsoever.
  16. I caught part of Hoda's interview with Eugene & Daniel Levy. Painful. Maybe it improved, but I turned it off. Really inept.
  17. I know this isn't popular, but, Karen from Will & Grace. So over the top & unsympathetic. But unlike others above, I don't mind Sheldon as a character. Don't know what Amy sees in him, though.
  18. I liked this episode. A bit too much Karen, but then every episode is! She - nanigans! Great name for an improv group.
  19. I know I'm not! I remember when I used to enjoy celebrity gossip, red carpet fashion. Now I could not care less. Celebrities are boring, their clothes are boring, their causes are boring.
  20. I think it went over the line. I've never been a big fan of hers tho. I hope they don't have her on with her crying towel.
  21. Rose McGowan's interviews are starting to get really nutty.
  22. She's not going to say anything Why bother with her? She's made the rounds & had her 15 minutes, Byee.
  23. I hate to say it, but I've done this. Small purse, several large makeup bags that don't fit so I stuffed a couple of little items in a ziplock bag. I don't THINK anyone saw.
  24. Same here. I thought I would waltz in for cataract surgery but now I find out I have to see my GP. Hopefully, he’s still a bit of a slacker & signs off quickly. I was reading that pre tests are not really necessary for this procedure.
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