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Everything posted by Tanichka

  1. Do they not agree on questions before the show? I can't see celebrities winging it? Or did Megyn throw a curve ball?
  2. I haven't noticed her getting better, but what do I know. I just find that she's not very knowledgeable where she should be. Her father was elected to the Senate in 1986, so one would think something got through.
  3. Missed the live show Haven't seen any clips yet. Looking forward to Ana ripping MM a new one. Love it! Ana is so articulate, nobody had better mess with her.
  4. Kevin goes on a date tonight. Woman looks like Leah, only 20 years younger. I thinks it's time to bid farewell to this show.
  5. Yeah, seeing as how Whoopie is inarticulate and not too knowledgeable.
  6. Too bad Ann Curry won't actually say anything about the Matt Lauer/NBC situation.
  7. Same here. She expresses her opinions intelligently unlike some blonde person on the show.
  8. I wish she would wear her hair longer. Her huge ears are really disconcerting. Yeah, I'm shallow.
  9. Can't warm up to this show. Love Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara (on SCTV), & the daughter (forgot her name). I think Daniel is a bit of a pain in the a$$, so that may be why.
  10. OK - I was lukewarm about this show, but their renos are beautiful. I just saw The Jones House (?), the woman with 11 grandkids. Gorgeous house! Love neutrals/earth tones. Didn't care for the blue outside, but I could live with it. So sick of the Property Brothers. They are EVERYWHERE. I like Masters of Flip, but their decorating is very bland and all the same.
  11. I was wondering, too, it Grace is supposed to be unkempt after her divorce trauma. I thought she looked good in a previous episode with Nick Offerman. The black outfit was very flattering. As for Karen - I try not to pay too much attention - she's so annoying. Oh, yeah - Jack is staring to look really pathetic.
  12. Not a bad episode. Grace needs a new hairdresser - her hair has a very bad color job, frizzy & over-processed. And what was with that dress? Could it BE more unflattering.
  13. Exactly! "I'm a conservative. I'm a conservative. I'm a conservative". SHUT UP!
  14. I quite like the house. How about some staging, tho?
  15. Thank you! The fear-mongering over vaccinations really scares me. (I have relatives who are anti-vaxxers, one claims her son is autistic because of shots). I started getting flu shots several years ago after a few nasty bouts with the flu. I have never had the flu from shots, & haven't been sick since getting the shots.
  16. I'm a liberal, also & I watch every time Ana is on. She knows her stuff & has a great sense of humor. Maybe she can get a job at HGTV.
  17. Speaking of staying dressed, WHEN are movies and TV shows going to STOP featuring couples (many who have just met) going into one's abode while tearing off each other's clothing. It's STOOPID! Now every teenager thinks that's how they have to do it. Yes, yes to both. AND if non-verbal doesn't seem to be getting thru to your partner, say NO, I'm not feeling this. I think women are still a little wishy-washy in communicating.
  18. I would change agents. But who knows what really went down between her & the agent.
  19. I believe that she thinks of herself as a hard-hitting newsperson. She has very little knowledge of current affairs & is, in reality, an idiot.
  20. Well, Jane IS Hollywood royalty! I'm seriously sick of celebrity interviews. Too many, with not much to say. Mind you, people like Tom Hanks do an excellent interview. The man has some wit. With some notable exceptions, don't really care what they have to say.
  21. Staying dressed! Wow! What will they think of next? And, Sunny, if you just want to kiss, I would stay out of his apartment & just kiss at your front door. Too difficult to make an escape from HIS place. Yes! I really feel that she doesn't know what's going on in the world.
  22. Would you not have to be naked/exposed in that area? I mean, really, how does it get this far? I guess if you change your mind, you have the perfect right to say so.
  23. Don't old people get flu shots? I know, I do. I wish people wouldn't say things with no explanation as to what they mean. Hate the cryptic comment. What IS the difficult day?
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