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Everything posted by Tanichka

  1. Anyone's interviews are cringe-worthy! Hate them.
  2. Well, I tried. Nothing to get excited about! I think the last few seasons of KofQ weren't that great either, but better than this new effort. I wonder how much planning went into this one. Did they just draw various plots and characters out of a hat & try & make a show? I, too, feel that the writing stinks & I can't warm up to the supporting cast.
  3. I didn't care for Kevin as a family man, mainly because of the weak supporting cast & poor writing. New episode tonight. Do I dare?
  4. I found that Wendy Williams and Marie Osmond looked like twins.
  5. Didn't they do this already, when Phil had kidney stones & had to be taken to the hospital?
  6. Thank you!! The suggestion is ludicrous. Of course, she is successful and accomplished, but not in politics. (I find her platitudes really annoying.) Does Hollywood jump on every frickin' bandwagon?
  7. Surprisingly boring show. I left after the first half hour. I'm with Sunny, though, regarding Oprah running for president. NO. Someone with government experience is required.
  8. Lots of Ana, this week. Can we wait for the announcement that somebody is leaving to "write a book" and "spend more time with family"?
  9. Cut to the waist (Kate Hudson, etc.), see-thru (Catherine Zeta-Jones, etc.) - what statement? These women are so clueless. There were tasteful dresses there, though, but I don't really think they made a point, overall.
  10. The thing about MM is that she doesn't appear to do her homework, she doesn't know basic history, doesn't appear to be too bright.
  11. I think the show was ruined before Leah came on the scene. I liked KofQ - the writing seemed a lot better. I don't think they know what to do with this show. I don't care for his family either.
  12. Interviewing a Kardashian? Yuk. Beneath this show.
  13. Sitcoms have all sorts of story line inconsistencies. Doesn't really bother me. If it's funny, I'm OK.
  14. Please! She makes watching very stressful. I was happy to see Ana fill in. Wasn’t going to watch with Niecy.
  15. I'm sorry - I can't comment on today's show because my heart is just breaking for poor (marginalized) Meghan. sob
  16. I never watch The Olympics on the American networks, anyway. Who started "up close & personal" - don't really care about the athletes' personal lives. Just show me the events.
  17. Oops! Hope I didn't spoil it. lol I didn't see the Thanksgiving episode, so didn't know he'd been on before. Besides Parks & Rec, I remember him from the King of Queens (also) Thanksgiving episode where he pretends his car has broken down & then robs them. He was good in that one, also.
  18. Isn't he, though? Good episode, but I didn't care for the nudge, nudge, wink, wink at the end. We KNOW he's her husband.
  19. Who's doing MM's hair? Who thought those cute little braids were a good idea?
  20. The producer is probably still laughing!
  21. I'm hopeful because Nick Offerman is on. Karen is really starting to press my nerve, however.
  22. The thing with Greta is that she's a little old to appeal to network execs. The face job doesn't help - I think she would have had more credibility had she left it alone.
  23. Gotcha! Not sure I'm sympathetic to their feelings, tho.
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