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Everything posted by Tanichka

  1. She can't & not just on Van Jones. How is this idiot a commentator?? How? How? Oh, daddy? She DOES like to be admired! Thanks from me, too. Don't have the stomach to look at her (on The View, either).
  2. The country doesn't deserve her, but not for whatever he blathered on about. I cannot believe that he had her as a guest and that he sucked up like that. I wonder what the story is behind that! She is not well-spoken & it's really difficult to figure out what her point is, or even if she has one. She may just be enchanted by her valley girl voice.
  3. Niles' invisible wife was more interesting than Daphne.
  4. Ha, ha - lots of people don't. However, I don't want to have to explain what I'm putting on my eyes and why.
  5. Somebody explain 2 sinks. My spouse is NOT in the bathroom when I’m primping & I don’t want to see what he’s doing either. The sound effects are enough. Unless, it’s so he can dirty up his side - but then you would have to clean 2!
  6. I hate that smart women also want to be seen as sexy & desirable. That photo of Mika is appalling.
  7. After spending the morning with MM, Sunny would need a snort!
  8. I couldn't believe that this was actually a funny show. Haven't seen it recently, but I'm glad it holds up because I always thought it was underrated.
  9. I don't think MM got the reference, "I'm shocked, shocked."
  10. I think it's because the other women are SO mean! I think I will give Van's show a miss.
  11. I think they hire new writers for each episode! Lol
  12. The principals in this case have been interviewed ad nauseam. Some crappy tabloid comes out with some BS & the press starts hounding them for their comments yet again. Really shameless, dare I say, fake news.
  13. OMG - I laughed out loud at this!!! Well, it's no "Apple" or "Dweezil" but to each his own.
  14. Love the ones who want a home with character, then bitch about the kitchens & bathrooms being outdated. Nothing looks worse than a character home that has a totally modern interior.
  15. People don’t have an obligation to speak out just to satisfy public curiosity. Frankly, I wish more people would just shut up. There’s no frickin’ mystery to anyone anymore!
  16. Right! I only watch occasionally because of the plethora of commercials. What also bugs me are the topics shown on the side that they never get around to.
  17. I hear you. It definitely feels like the whole thing should be between her & her therapist. What gets me is the women who like that movie. Yuk - male fantasies about hookers, Okaaay.
  18. I was wondering this, also. I think she has a sense of humor, but I still hate what she's done to her face. Another meh episode. Just saw an old KofQ episode last night - Valentine's Day with Holly at the bar & Doug & Deacon transporting penguins. Now that's funny!
  19. I, too, liked Star a lot better after she left the show. The Bridezilla thing was just too much & I was happy to see the back of her. I enjoy an articulate person after listening to Whoopie & Meghan blather away.
  20. I'm thinking everyone's memories are a little hazy after all this time. Everyone remembers incidents differently. I would think they would have to go with the original statwments.
  21. They live in a bubble don't they? Can we excuse them because they are both getting over the flu? I presume they would have sent her a gift or a card by this time.
  22. Sorry to hear about John Mahoney. He seemed like a nice guy. Haven't heard anyone say anything bad about him. Enjoyed his character in Frasier.
  23. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, HA!!
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