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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. I would say it is from his training. He is in his head. He thinks about how he should react. You can play anger many ways. But does he? I'm an instinct director. It works for stage but not sure how well it would work for film. Jensen uses his instincts. When you truly listen and react with only what you know right now, it can be very real and add depth. Jared most likely reads the script, sees the beats and thinks about his reactions. This leads into, for example, this part should be sad. You can do that but most people would try to pretend they weren't sad. Show anything other than that. Jared has improved over the years but he excels in certain reactions. Lately for me he's gotten kind of worse. The writing hasn't helped. Sam's character has been stuck for a long time. So I would say he was really struggling at the beginning and that struggle made it more interesting. Now he doesn't worry about it, just does what he has been doing. Also he reads ahead. That will cause some issues that he has to pretend he doesn't know something but he does. So staying in the moment, or the now may not be working as well. Jensen says he doesn't like to read ahead. This keeps him in the dark so it would be easier to stay in the now. Not sure if that helps AT all. IA that this example really puts it in perspective. The writing doesn't really go anywhere. So Jared isn't compelled to explore more. I think he needs stronger direction. Since they goof around, play pranks how serious can they really be about pushing themselves to new heights? Neither is just going through the motions but I'm not sure how excited they are when they get a script. The hunger and danger of losing the show, is gone. Every actor has to find the method or methods that work for them. Jensen is pushing to learn new things. Directing, creating music, singing lead. That drive to explore I think also helps with his acting.
  2. There have been fans that literally rewrote the ending of series. I think for me it would be ignore the BMoL and start with Mary showing up. Create some different reactions and you could still have the boys finding out Mary wasn't a saint. She enjoyed being independent but also trying to figure out how to have a relationship with her grown sons that grew up in the life she never wanted them to know about. End it on the shot of the boys slamming the trunk saying we've got work to do. I would rather that than most likely anything that Dabb will do.
  3. To be clear, I didn't care that he killed Kevin because the show had over used killing off characters I liked. I don't think of it as good story telling. So I can find fault with every show runner. None of them were any where near perfect. I had complaints about each and every one. But Dabb has gone to new levels of awful for me. I can tell you we won't agree on this. Acting is about tactics, obstacles and objectives. Understanding this, changes the game in acting. I've had student actors do amazing stuff once I got them to get it. I do think Jensen has some of it going on. Jared is usually one emotion type actor. He doesn't really do complex. His best moments have been short and no real words. Example playing Lucifer in "The End" The white suite and the shortness of the scene worked in his favor. It was chilling and excellent. To make the Purge speech work, he would have had to play against the words. But Jared tends to play what is on the page. He goes for the first emotion that seems normal. He could have said the words quietly and then built on them. He could have used an action first. But I'm not really impressed with Jared's acting abilities. He has moments. Now Jensen can go too over the top on comic and sometimes I think he has fallen into a pattern. I think both boys are playing around too much on set. I don't think they've fallen into "phoning it in", but they aren't really exploring anymore. The writing isn't strong enough for that. I put in Jensen's negatives so you can see I'm not just slamming Jared. I like the characters and the richness of the characters should have created so MUCH more. I don't think they really examine more than one script at a time for everyone involved. The rich connections have been missing for a long time, IMHO.
  4. I remember when I first started acting, I understood that I wasn't gifted in writing lines but bringing the moments to life, I could do. So yes, actors jobs are to bring the lines into 3 dimensional reality. But I've seen some extremely talented actors fail with bad scripts. I don't think Jensen has muddied the waters with his talent. I think if he had be a lesser actor, we would never have seen Dean as more than a sidekick. Lame jokes and we wouldn't have had questions. A strong director, Manners, helped Jared at the beginning. But when you have actors that can't rise above a bad script, it just makes the script that much worse. Now could it be that Jared and Misha just follow the directors choices? Don't know. But I do know there are actors that can spin a line several ways so the directors have options. I think Jensen can do this. He is aware of the directing aspect. Some parts we will never agree, as you will always defend Sam and well I just don't care that much. I'm not a huge fan of season 7, and parts of season 4 got old fast. I will always like Dean more. The MoC was an interesting story and I think it would have been stronger if expanded. What was wrong with Sam for the umpteen time not so much. Gadreel wasn't interesting until the end. I didn't care that he killed Kevin. Was Dean wrong for lying to Sam, of course. But if Jared had been a stronger actor, I think we would have pulled/rooted more for him. Then both characters would have been complex. But what we have now is cartoon version and I'm not a fan for any of them.
  5. Oh, I agree. They throw a bone to try to keep Dean fans hopeful, but I'm not falling for it. Yes, they allowed Dean to walk towards Chuck and use his height as he said no we won't do it, summarized not the actual lines. They've given a moment here and there but the ratings are showing that many are not tuning in. The ratings should be higher but it's going down. I believe Kripke also has an issue with WB and it may not allow him to do anything at this point. I remember reading something but not enough to tell you why he can't. I do know that one writer created a series and only had hands on for the pilot. After that he was gone but they still had to keep his name associated with it. I doubt that Kripke has had any hands on for a very long time. As far as undoing whatever Dabb does...He must know nothing about Soaps. They do it all the time. The key give some time before they reintroduce the new actor. Even Dallas did the it was all a dream and one show ended with the actor waking up from a nightmare on his old show. So undoing anything they've done with Dabb is possible. To be honest if they wanted to do any kind of spin off for SP, they need time so they can get new writers. With the current lets reboot, insert title, they only have to wait. But even fanfiction is slowing down on Supernatural. So for right now, I would suggest end show and let time pass before you think about doing anything else with it. I'm talking years. This would give Jensen time to explore other options that I hope he will continue acting somewhere.
  6. I don't hate Cas. I hate what the WRITERS have done with them in the last season the most and 14 is also an issue. I have no problem with the character having flaws. I prefer it. I'm not in the I hate Jack camp. I just don't care about Jack. That is on the writing. I did like Alex when he played the demon but the written story of Jack has failed for me. Jack was the most interesting before he was born. The Jack before birth and Jack after being born hasn't followed what they set up. But Jack and Sam do have some of the similar problems. Every time they try to make them more complex, it backfires. They just seem to get more selfish or it feeds their egos. Not sure I'm saying this well. Sometimes trying to describe my feelings fail. I want to like the characters. I want to be a fan of this last season...But the failings have been too high.
  7. Talk about two conflicting ideas. I never read the comics and this wouldn't make me want to read them. Jensen's comment this is a really good ending , satisfying will lead to anger at Jensen if the fans feel he gave a promise that can't be fulfilled. I'm in the hope for the best but expect the worst kind of thinking so I'm right there with you. I would have been excited but can they find someone as strong as Colin Ford and Dylan Everett. Young actors that can imagine beyond what is written on the page. I really wish the best moments weren't all in the past. A dance number, and maybe some fans will love the pool scenes but what else is there to remember that has been so well done this season? Sorry Jensen but so far it hasn't been good or satisfying. It makes me sad, that I don't think it will be delivered either.
  8. Well 5 0 has never been totally realistic. It's the old TV show doctor stuff that ignore reality to tell the story. Also some of his injuries suggested he was hurt worse than he was acting. It reminds me of the old formula, the guy meets girl and she has to die/leave in order for him to remain single. Can't have a happy relationship. I was screaming no we need a scene with the gang or Steve with Danny. So I do hope they show something next week as this won't be something he'll be over quickly. I'm sure we are supposed to see him thinking about what things he could have done differently to have kept her alive. Since I don't expect realism for this show I could go with it. But it was sad. I do wonder if Steve will get Adam to spill what has happened. I don't think Adam would really be a good spy.
  9. How many times have they done something on the show and totally ignored what should mean. They can't even agree from one ep to another whether the Winchesters had lost their hero powers due to Chuck, or if they had a very bad luck. What moment they will choose to make a sticking point won't even be worth the effort to figure out what they will do next. Thinking too deeply about the show just makes your head hurt, IMO. Jack hasn't had to own up to his actions, before. I doubt they will make him do it now. Now I wouldn't mind seeing the Winchester arguing with Billie because I do like their chemistry. She is a fun character to hate, for me. Not a spoiler, just a wish.
  10. There are plenty of fans that hate Swan Song. I think Jensen has a handle on how the fans will react. I'm not expecting to be thrilled however they end it. If they surprise me, great. Jared has been excited about story-lines that really didn't go anywhere. So his endorsement that it is an awesome ending doesn't mount to anything for me. I've set the bar so low, that maybe I'll find something I'll like.
  11. Jacks back didn't land well with me. I'm on the fence about this one. Yes, much better than last week. But that Sam would be the one playing for the high stakes was like a anvil that hit me over the head. Of course it was Sam. Moments that felt okay, moments that were blah and moments that could have shined. I think last week was so bad that it was a relief that this one was a little better. But not good enough to make me excited about the rest. I really don't know if it can get better, but I'm pretty sure it won't go like I wish it would.
  12. I don't know. I remember when Magnum PI ended the original, everyone said there would be a movie, a reunion. It never happened. Now there has been a reboot but it is nothing like the original. If enough time passed they could do a reboot. But a movie...don't know. Sadly whatever damage is done, may be what we are stuck with for some kind of ending on screen. Now fanficition can do all sorts of things...but it won't be as satisfying as if they went out with a bang vs a whimper. Now if enough fans love the ending...I'm not counting on it.
  13. So far the spoilers just make me not wanting to watch the train wreck. I think Jensen has a better handle on the fans. Jared is more about what he thinks is important for his character. Hence the reason Jensen can direct and Jared not so much. Dabb is in his bubble only listening to the group think. This season hasn't been compelling and the stupid funny isn't something I'm really a fan of. Lots of stupid funny movies I never had a desire to see and a few I did see when they were free and felt they were easy to pass on. I do get that being a actor portraying can be more interesting than watching but at this point I don't see the challenge or fun other than being silly on set. Guess I just need to avoid the spoilers because I'm already depressed dealing with my real life situation...I don't need this too.
  14. I've watched a lot of Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire on free tv. Growing up didn't have cable. Now the real question why on earth did they decided to write this sequence? The issue with this ep, is that if you really think about it, nothing connects well with the other eps. It feels like it is in a vacuum and trying to figure out why they did what they did ruins what little enjoyment you might have gotten out of it. I honestly don't think it is designed to think about anything. It's the pure fluff fanfiction. Nothing to think about, and if you like the stupid over the top humor...30% might love it. Over thinking it, looking for reasons just destroys it. Since they aren't really following cannon other than Dean would watch old shows on tv. So maybe during one of his recovering moments from an hunt. There has been times that Dean has liked songs that he said he hated. If they had set this up better it could be interesting. The dilemma have the boys ever done anything that was just them or are they just following the script. Was it skill sets that they had developed or had Chuck provided a little nudge so the boys could win over impossible odds. If they hadn't lost all of their skill sets, if they had almost won then lost at the last bit it might have been more interesting... Not sure they can make this work even with better writers...I've already deleted the ep so not even one I care to watch again. I doubt I'll even look at season 14 and 15 again. Trying to ride it out to the end but if they had signed on for more, I would have just stopped watching. I'm ignoring what this ep is trying to say since it isn't making any kind of sense. I do that with fanfiction too. I won't allow this one ep to destroy who the boys are. Human heroes trying to overcome huge obstacles that most normal folks would never take on.
  15. I get both sides. If you don't think about the ep, just watch it on face value...you might enjoy it. But I didn't feel it landed the humor as well as past writers have done. Yellow Fever had it's problems too. But other than the dance scene...there isn't much for me to want to watch again. It wasn't that funny. The meta is harming the pacing and the idea that the show was trying how these boys had such back luck now...Didn't work. But I think it is always better for you to watch before you see other's viewpoints. I've had plenty of times where I didn't agree with many that were upset. I liked Jo for instance. Never saw her more than little sister who had a crush. But this season hasn't felt like I need to see any ep again. Maybe a moment but on the whole it was easy to erase and THAT really makes me sad. I have zero desire to own 14 & 15. But those that love it will.
  16. When you listen to the words Wild Hearts can't be broken...it is showing that even though Chuck is ordering him to do X, Dean is still saying no. AlanaK response to the video might help but the author of the video herself wasn't sure about the dance being added in. I saw the moments of happiness is what gives Dean the strength to say NO. Chuck might be trying to hold the strings, thinking that he's got all under control but this Dean finds the ability to defy him time and time again. I did like the song choice. Look up the Dean tap dancing and just watch it by itself again and see if that doesn't help you find your enjoyment once again. Just a thought.
  17. In some ways Jensen has been allowed to shine. He's doing comedy, crazy dance numbers, show off his singing skills and even his music. So he does have things that he can show to someone new. He can even pull out dramatic moments out of bad writing. Jared is stuck. He isn't able to rise above the bad writing. They really haven't given him that much but he has a new show...so that will either do well or crash and burn. But his saving grace is that it is on CW and they might give him a season or two to build an audience. If the SP fans try it and he can get half...who knows. To be honest I'm a little worried about Jared because he will be dealing with pressures he hasn't had in a very long time. Health wise he is looking too thin. Not a healthy thin. In this last ep "The Heroes' Journey" what did Jared really do other than show he can fall and do puppy dog eyes? I don't have a memorable moment for him. Jensen only has the dance scene. The dance scene is the only part worth watching again for me. Garth's part isn't really something I want to watch again. I really hate the over the top teeth for the werewolves. I liked it when it was more subtle. Now the special effects take me OUT of the show. This writer just shows they don't have a clue about long term fans...I wouldn't read it if this sentence makes you want to poke the writer's eyes out. But it does show what is wrong with the show today. https://screenrant.com/supernatural-season-15-episode-10-meta-jokes-references/ This tells you all you need to know on whether you can stomach the article or not. I'm sorry but this last ep isn't that memorable for me.
  18. Since I'm not expecting much...I did find some of the stupid humor funny. The dance number could be Gene Kelly or Fred Astaire and it fit the music for the thirties. I did wonder how much fun Jensen had doing it and if he had trouble getting some of the moves down. The baby names...didn't allow it to bother me as it was just a way to put Dean down. I won't have a problem ignoring the last season if they don't fix it. Best ep ever...not hardly but it did have a few chuckles and as others have stated the best moment was the dance scene. Was it a clever, wow ep...Of course not. But when I decided it was just going to be stupid jokes, instead of getting upset...I laughed a few. But right now, I'm dealing with some really depressing issues and I just don't have the energy or time to spend any on this show. I wouldn't mind hearing Jensen's viewpoint on the dance scene. It did look good. But I'll just make it was a bad curse and the boys will find a cure. Just wish it would happen on screen.
  19. Never watched GoT, but didn't it's ending come out of nowhere? The problem is Dabb isn't good with doing something that surprising. Jared has many times liked a season that Jensen wasn't that excited about. So for Jared to be all excited,about the ending, isn't a ringing endorsement for me. I do know sometimes we fret about somethings happening and it doesn't happen. So far Lucifer hasn't come back. Now for Dabb to say it can't be undone...well he hasn't watched many soaps has he. I've seen some pretty serious deaths on the show for them to find a way to bring the character back from the grave. Usually it is outrageous, but being this is a Supernatural show...well anything's possible. How about the original Death showing back up... Fans would like that though, lol. But if the bar is only to please 30%, the bar isn't raised very high. But maybe Sam fans will be happy? Maybe I'll create my own ending that they boys were stuck in Scooby Doo and Kripke is trying to pen a new ending but is stuck at the drawing board. It might make more sense than what Dabb is doing. I would be fine is Dabb surprised me in a positive way...I'm just not holding my breath.
  20. That's my problem with the whole story, if you try to keep up with the connections you can't because it changes with the wind.
  21. Not that it matters really with LOL cannon, but why couldn't Dean take the mark twice. Wasn't it some kind of thing that you had to be worthy of the mark? How was Cas worthy?
  22. You have no idea how much I needed that laugh!
  23. When I first started watching in season 4, the pitch was how about two journalism guys on the road searching out supernatural stories, The network didn't like it. Here is one article. http://www.tv.com/news/tv-com-q-10682/ Another states it was a book he first read when he was 10. So his love for urban myths was the start. He needed a way to bring them to the viewers and came up with brothers. One of the first drafts had John dead. He then changed it to the father missing which was the better story. https://hiddenremote.com/2018/03/28/eric-kripke-shares-supernatural-inspiration-hes-working-now/ Anyway you look at it now, not sure how the show is going on it's last season is what he had in mind.
  24. Really I don't. It is Stupid and meaningless. Also degrading and not healthy. Poor drama and not worth much. To be honest I've got too much on my plate right now. So this isn't even on the raider. It's poor story telling and I just got mad watching it. If the show continues this way I won't watch but maybe the last ep...maybe. Sad as this use to be my favorite but I have too much to deal with in real life that I don't need this for a show that is suppose to give me enjoyment.
  25. Cas entrance was a really bold move and I did and do love the bromance. I love the characters. My surprise at seeing Jared going into another show right away isn't a put down. He can change his mind. Not really seeing this point of view. Jensen is focusing on his new album. I could care less if Jared got something first. Now the trouble Jared got himself into in Austin is a concern and I hope it doesn't harm his chances for his new show. Do I think he did the right thing. Not from what I've heard. However, I've been faced with people judging me for something that didn't have any harmful intentions, so I'm really trying to be a judge free zone. If Walker has a long run...that is fine. Not sure it is one I will follow. I wasn't a big fan of the original either. This is the comments I'm seeing...not one about Jared doing the show. Either you loved the original or you didn't. It doesn't seem to be anywhere in the middle. I always want to see people succeed.
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