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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. When he is singing in his higher range he needs the mic closer when he doing the other songs, he pulls the mic back so it doesn't give feedback. When I sing in my higher range and I'm belting I have to pull the mic back, so I get why he is doing it. But Heaven is in his higher range in certain places and he doesn't have the volume his lower range has. Just my observation. Not my favorite performance but I do like the song. Not a fan of his hat, but if it makes him happy okay. I do hear a balance problem between the band and Jensen's voice in Heaven.
  2. Wayward Sisters could have been engaging because I do believe Jody and Donna could have gotten our attention. However, he did his usual pushing a one-dimensional character down our throats and well then was surprised when it didn't get picked up. The Bad place just wasn't engaging, nor did I care about Kaia and was tired of whiny Claire. I don't see how the Bad Place could have carried a show, when it didn't seem strong enough in the first place. What's really sad for me, is that I wanted to like it.
  3. Steve Yockey, I'm looking at you. How will he contribute, something worthy or another "Ouroboros"? But maybe he'll bring something good to the table.
  4. I think many were not buying that Sam wouldn't look for Dean and that part didn't make sense for those long-time fans of the show. But as much as I had some issues with Carver, I think I would much rather Carver over Dabb. At least he gave Dean something to do and Jensen had something to say about his storyline. Do I think Carver was the best - NO but Dabb has almost killed my interest in the show. I'll watch because it is the last season but I'm glad it's ending. What does that say loud and clear when a fan is glad it is ending. I didn't feel that way about Numb3rs, Star Trek Voyager, Mash, or the old Magnum PI. I could understand the show was ending but I still wanted more. If Supernatural could have strong writers and etc, then I would want it to continue but we have what we have and my expectations are very low. With the bar being set so low, then it could surprise me...please. 🙂
  5. When he was on Dark Angel the Leads were constantly complaining and it cost his character's storyline. I think he doesn't want to ever be known as that type of actor. He might say something behind the scenes but where it counts he will play it safe. But sometimes you can figure out what he means between the lines. I just hope the ending is enjoyable and not one where you want to destroy your TV set.
  6. I have a DVD/Blue Ray player that you can download the app to and connect and watch on your TV. Might be an option. Just make sure the player has a wireless connection.
  7. I can agree with this and just because I respect the creative process doesn't mean I won't say something is plain bad. I think I've been clear about how much I've hated season 14 and why. I really liked Benny but hated how they got rid of him and twisted the relationship between Dean and Benny. I also hated what they did with Sam reaction to Benny as he was the first one to say that some monsters could be good. If you're going to have your character react against type you need to set a strong compelling reason and both Dabb and Carver suck at that.
  8. I teach in a low economic school, and it's not so much that the kids have changed but how we as a society react or lack of reactions...many times the parents are working two jobs, so the kids raise themselves or the parents are in jail so the grandparent is trying to raise the child. I've watched children that haven't been taught respect ordering the adults around and they allowed it. This is the part that I can't deal with and this is the part that teachers get blamed for. So maybe you can see why I relate to Dean more than Sam, lol... Many times it isn't that the teacher sucked, it is that society doesn't support teachers anymore, but instead blame the teachers and give young children way too much power. "When students are planning to gang up to get teachers fired, and yes I've seen it happen...something is wrong. I wish I felt that teaching was a great field to enter but I guess I've lost that feeling and if it continues to get worse this year, it's time for me to move on. I plan on trying to write some plays as a hobby and one topic just might be some of the things I dealt with over the years. No clue if I'm good enough writer but it might help me move on even if they turn out to be some mighty bad plays...I know I can spin a funny tale but can I write it well. So I do try to support SP writers as I know how difficult it can be to do. I'll stop or else this will have to move to a different thread. Thanks for the well wishes. and support @Flickchick and @Foxfreakinmulder... lately, my emotions have been all over the place.
  9. Kripke had flaws and admitted them. He wasn't really about characters, he was more about the urban legends and being on the road. But he did listen and he did admire both actors. I just wonder if he likes how the show has changed. But we can't play the whatifs if he was still in charge because I don't know what he would have created pass season 5. I think he was really done after 5.
  10. I'm seriously looking at retiring from teaching middle school this year. So in a way, I'm thinking like Jensen and Jared. This is my last summer break. My last start the school year and etc. I will have taught for 31 years. At the end of the year, my principal showed her "blasé" attitude towards me. I was given an award for teaching in the district for 30 years. She couldn't even be bothered to find out that I had taught all my 30 years at the same school. So when she said, "I'll let her tell you all the places she has taught at." I thought she had egg on her face when I answered all here. Isn't it nice to know that staying one place means nothing today, it did use to mean something but I guess that is another thing that has changed? I don't have the energy I once had, and I know I need to move on. I just don't have a clue what that will be. But hanging on because I can't figure out what the next move isn't good for me or the kids. I don't know maybe TMI...But listening to Jensen and Jared talk about their last time for this just hit me, looks like I'm doing the same. This year will have to be so fanastic for me to try again and the odds are definitely against that.
  11. Well, I called it when I thought the Michael/Dean story would go nowhere, just like Demon Dean. Sure we got a few good moments and lately, that is all there is. I'm really glad it is ending because I really didn't like season 14. So my main concern is will Sam and Dean really have something important to do or will it go to the characters they couldn't make us care about. If Dabb had been in charge of the first 5 seasons, the show would have been canceled. I don't think he really gets the characters and his interviews are lame, IMO. I can remember when I couldn't wait for the season to start. Now I feel like it's a yawn because I have to wonder how will he put both brothers on the sidelines once again. Awesom04000 I love how you try so hard to show how much respect that Dean gets from the writers, but lately, I would say neither get any. Yes, I favor Dean and always will but I still want both brothers to have a major storyline. We do disagree on some points and I think it's been stated enough so I won't say anything more on the subject. So my expectations are very low for the last season, maybe by having the bar so low...I might even enjoy it. It would be nice.
  12. I really don't care, he's moved on and my guess is the toxic is coming from management and the issues it created in doing his job. One comment does not make it a horrible place to work in. But when you have people constantly leaving other than the normal move from job to job that can be a red flag. Jensen's comment wasn't mean spirited, nor did I take it as something he thought of as bad. I don't think he would ever use toxic. But what one person thinks doesn't mean all agree. I know many love my boss, but they are her favorites so it is a different experience for them. Miscommunication is the heart of all dramas. Otherwise, we would watch everyone have a blessed day and talking about how wonderful it all is. Not sure many of us would watch. 🙂 I wouldn't take one comment and think that it destroys all the good stories we've heard over the years. I just think that it gives a small glimpse of one person's perspective. I wouldn't change my mind over it. Also as people grow tired of issues they dealt with over a long period they may not be tolerant like they once were. So something that was considered small and not that big of deal, turns into a big deal. Sometimes we disect everything to death!
  13. I can't say which cons but yes it was Jensen not Jared that I'm referring to. It doesn't mean that Vancouver or where the actors are is the issue. In fact, I believe everyone that says it was a fun place to work. Where they film and the actors work is a VERY different environment than the writers' room. Because they film in Vancouver they can get away with things that they wouldn't if they were filming in LA. So yes, it could be one place is Toxic and another isn't. I don't think where the Boys film is toxic. One sign that things aren't as happy as some say is Mark S very strong wording, No he wouldn't be back on Supernatural. What ever happened there, caused a bridge to be burned. One person might feel it's toxic and another that it is a dysfunctional family. The only reason I'm replying is that I don't think your understanding me. I don't doubt that the actors that talk about how fun it is work on the set and with the boys are saying anything false. I do know of another fandom that the writers allowed more freedom and said they did because of the distance between where they wrote the words and where it was shot. After the show was over several stories came out that showed some issues with the lead actor that during the shooting of the show never had been shared. I don't think it's an actor issue in the case of Supernatural. I'm not talking about Jared and Jensen, the directors. and crew. If the boys didn't care about them, they would have most likely ended the show earlier. JMO. But that doesn't mean that the tweet is entirely false either. It is very VAGUE so I would tend to believe behind the scenes in the writer's room...we may not know or be aware of everything. Jensen is VERY professional and would never spill the beans all the way. Also how someone feels is how someone feels. Everyone has a right to their feelings. We may not agree with them, but you can't tell someone HOW they feel.
  14. Jensen has said several times it is a dysfunctional family. Also, the acting happening in Canada has some really different quirks that could make the production/acting a great environment but the writers' room could be a totally different story. I've heard many of the advantages of having the writers in the USA and the acting happening in another country, which allow certain freedoms that weren't allowed when they were so close together. Also, he isn't saying who is toxic and why it's toxic. My work environment is becoming toxic but there are many of us that get along great and we laugh and joke. The management/administration is the issue. They play favorites and the behind the scenes is making many of wanting to leave. Everyone in the creative fields knows you have to be careful with your mouth because many times it is the connections that get you the job vs talent. I was told I had the talent...but I didn't have the connections so I landed in teaching by accident and stayed. But it's time to move on. Letting go is difficult because the unknown is also scary but it can be exciting too if you know what direction you're going. That's something the J2's have over me, they know the directions they want to go...I'm in question mark.
  15. They need to walk away and let it rest for a bit. Go on to new projects and actors enjoy creating new characters. So I hope they just say open to a movie down the line but really they explore new options and let Supernatural end. By letting it truly end for years, then they could have some energy to go back to it if they truly want to experience that...but my wish is that they move on. Exploring something new without any expectations would be good for all of them.
  16. Toxic is a bad sign but it could sure explain a lot. How much can be said without creating a career suicide is most likely another issue. The creative fields are often who you know vs talent so spilling too much is deadly. So it sounds like many have had enough and no longer care what will happen. I guess another reason it is time to end the show. All in all, this makes me sad.
  17. Question really, since Jensen really respects Singer and often gives him praise, how do we know that Singer stopped all of Dean's major character arcs? Asking as I don't know. Now if Singer really wanted to retire and knew the one person that would be the force for pulling the plug... was Jensen then maybe it makes sense. I also wonder if the real reason Jared had such an emotional reaction to putting Dean in the box, was Jensen was bailing regardless of what the others wanted and Jared wasn't sure he was ready yet. Of course, all of this is speculation as I don't know what is really true and I doubt we will ever hear the whole story at least for a time.
  18. I have blue-green eyes. Light color eyes are affected by the sun and yes Texas is bright. We get the sun a lot and it will get very hot soon. My eyes have gotten so sensitive that I even have to wear tint indoors, due to fluorescent lighting being a migraine trigger. I hope that the boys enjoy their time off but I'm sure they play hard when they are off. I will be interested to see if Jensen seems excited about the last season in cons once the final season starts. Those cons should tell us a lot.
  19. This pretty much sums up my major disappointment with the shows ending. Why for me it sucked. It made my love for the show a mockery. I was hoping God is off, something isn't right and he's not God. But I'm not sure I even care to find out. Killing HOPE, isn't a show I want to watch. I never wanted Chuck to be God. But at least before this ep, he did seem like he cared even if it wasn't really good. It made AU Michael more important. He wanted to get back at God for all that he did by not caring. But AU Michael meant what this season. I guess this entire season has been slowly draining my love for this show. WORST than any other writer. I'm not applauding, but I'm so thankful that the boys pulled the plug but maybe it has been done too late. Not sure how they can do this in a way that makes me want to watch again. Stopping because anything else just going into bitter territory.
  20. No Spoilers but Endgame does some things you expect but maybe not the way you expect. lol Will have to rewatch and I had seen Captain Marvel but not the Hulk movies and only two Thor movies. IronMan 1 is fav 1st Avenger movie GOTG 1 Antman Infinity & endgame not sure where to put them. But definitely, want to watch all of them again. I have a few nitpicks for Endgame but won't say because it would mean talking about spoilers so that can wait. But on the whole, it was satisfying.
  21. Well, Thanks to Dabb it can only get worse. Now, both brothers are being jerked around for God's entertainment. I didn't get excited from the last show from season 14, in fact, the opposite. I don't want to watch the train wreck so I'm left with fanfiction writers or going AU and ignoring the so-called cannon which has been turned upside down. The one real issue I felt that it was a slap to Kripke's original plan. Sure he set up that God was Chuck but there had been some hope that God might care. Now that's gone. He is just getting his kicks watching the boys being miserable. My only hope is that Billie kills God, not spoiler. If the J2's had some input on the final well I'm not convinced they can do anything about the train wreck coming. IMO Cas, Dean, and Sam have been thrown under the bus all for what? Taking a break from Supernatural. Unlike a writer that shall NOT be named, I'll have to go back to the beginning when cannon mattered and there were some cool clues setting up what is to come.
  22. Well, I just watched the last two eps back to back and I'm out. I'm not a fan of the Walking Dead and I have zero desire to watch the mess they just created. I may check out to see if an ep is worth watching but not sure I will. No this was not the best finale cliff hanger ever. Not for me. I did enjoy Dean being all end and Sam trying to stop it, but I'm not interested in the last season which is a shame. I just don't see how the J2's can save this mess. I haven't read through the thread so for those that loved it well enjoy. Funny it was the last few moments I despise. This entire season was a mess and this ep didn't make it worth it to me.
  23. For those that wanted a way to have cannon say that Mary was trying to be a good mother, for fanfiction, they now have cannon to help their cause. I tried to watch and feel something...but I just couldn't get into it. Not even Jensen got me to feel something because I kept thinking what was the point of this season? What was the point of bringing Mary back and creating such a fail with Dean due to the BAD WRITING! If they had wanted to, they could have given us a line here and there to make this last ep work. Also how many times can you bring back a character just to kill them off for no reason...or at least a worthwhile reason? I mean we have her death so Jack goes crazy. So was the secret planning table like: Hey, we need Jack to go dark side. Yes, we also need the brothers to grieve and get Dean angry enough to kill the big bad... Oh, I know...it's never been done and well it will fit perfectly with the 300 ep...Let's Kill (drum roll as everyone will be so surprised) Let's kill Mary! No one will see it coming. After all, we can always bring her back when we need her again. Perfect...let's do it! I'm not angry. just indifferent. I still haven't watched last weeks ep...
  24. Yes, which is why I'm not a fan of hers nor did I think she did a great job on her first script.
  25. Looks like a big mess for season 15...And the typical too much thrown in at the end and a big question of why did they do that in the first place...
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