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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. I remember when I use to be in the middle. I liked a good chunk of it. I don't hate Jack. Didn't have a problem with the actor playing the Demon at the beginning of the season. His Demon was more interesting than Jack. I do usually find a moment I like in each ep but watching the actors struggle to make the scenes work...not that fun for me. Some of the stuff reminds me of the 90's fantasy...Hercules anyone, the live action version or Xena the warrior princess. I lived through the worst special effects, Star Trek the original. So I can suspend disbelief but when the past did it better with less...I wonder why isn't working better? I can handle caregiver Dean but I do want more than that for the entire season. The show I fell in love with was two brothers fighting against the odds and somehow winning. You can add other elements but I'm not interested in a God that is all bad. Nor do I want to see Sam do all of Dean's best stuff, Sure Dean's given up, but I still don't get purpose of God being stuck on earth. What did he really do other than look stupid and kill people that we enjoyed having around. How did it really move the story along? I do think the idea could have been compelling...just wish they hadn't fail so badly for me. I liked this show when I could be in the middle not going oh there's one good moment. Nothing else..oh well...not much to see anyway.
  2. What you have is justification for his actions. Sure he said the words I failed you but the line before that is if I can just talk to Jack I can fix it. It's adding justification to his actions. Actions that got Dean's Mom killed. But it is par for the course in this show. Cas gets to say I'm not totally wrong but when you really hurt someone that is not a true apology. They'll never write it so that is the best you can expect. So Sue we can disagree and not see eye to eye on this, but I'm tired of Dean having to be told he's stupid and how he must fix his feelings for everyone else. This ep really made me mad at the writing. I found many parts just badly done. The apology is manipulative and that negates the apology. JMV.... but as someone that has dealt with abuse this is their calling card. It sounds like it should be enough but it hurts more and does more harm instead. How about Cas trying to help Dean with his anger instead of turning and running away. I know once I was given a heartfelt apology, but I was just so angry due to the years of abuse that it felt too little too late. I did finally say, you can't do anything...now it's on me to find the way to forgive. But who do I really blame, the bad writing.
  3. Sometimes less is more. Everything they did in that scene between the brothers was more comic than shocking.
  4. Don't really think it was an issue as much as a surprise. Jared has been saying he wants more time off and wanted a break before jumping back in. Then he jumps back in right after Sp ends. It is a little mind blowing but no biggie that he found a vehicle.
  5. For those that loved it. great for you. So many lines were bad fanfiction. Chuck, sorry I don't believe you. "The End" was so much stronger than this one. So the rehash not a win. Chuck as the big bad, still fails for me. I did like Dean standing up to Chuck and towering over him. Shows how short God is and makes me think of the yippy dogs that try to sound all tuff but fail. I'm not a fan of the forced forgiveness routine although Jensen does knock it out of the park each time. Sorry Cas but deciding when you should be forgiven isn't your right. If you're allowed to be upset still about Jack then you have no right to decide when Dean has to get over Jack killing his mom and the part you played in it. Owning your actions is more than just words. Some of the worst lines ever in this show. I did wonder why Jared was doing it so over the top. So I do get the comparison to William Shatner. Jody - you were awesome. About the only thing they did right. I don't remember Vampires hissing so much. Sorry a fail for me from both Jensen and Jared. I think God is lying by omission. Of course Jack couldn't come back until God left so here he comes to save the day. The shows seems to reflect my life right now, spinning but not really going in any real direction. Not what I wanted for the last season. Sorry Dabb, go back to the drawing board. Try again...maybe you'll get it right sooner or later.
  6. The issue is that Dabb isn't doing either Dean, or Sam any favors. And if they follow the pattern God will not be the true bad guy either. They think they are being clever but I'm not really caring one way or another what they are doing with their supposedly leads of the show. Soon it will be over but will I even care? Wasn't season 7 where they decided to kill off everyone? So to repeat that cycle won't be interesting because it's already been done. I wasn't surprised at the end of 14, nor was I excited about it. This show is doing what I didn't want it to do. Going out in a painful way. I guess if you were here to watch Jack or Nick you'll be happy. But I doubt any Dean or Sam fans are thrilled. What Dabb has done to God, I don't really care. He's not scary. He's a brat.
  7. For many reasons, I'm still on Windows 7. I can't afford a new computer right now. What virus protection program would be good for me to buy? I was told that Norton was caught creating virus like issues to make their customers feel safe that Norton was protecting them. No clue if true. Not really a good computer geek. So any suggestions would be appreciated.
  8. The years of John figuring out what happened and dealing with raising the boys would be a good series. You don't have to rewrite cannon because him finding out about monsters and discovering his youngest is wanted by something dark and evil already has conflict. How does he protect the boys? How does this change his behavior as a father? Now if they are going to say he knew about Mary fighting...that's a rewrite of history that we know. But since the writers can't remember what they have written from one season to another...How can they remember 15 years? I guess at this point they are just thinking about stories they think will be interesting but since cannon is now LOL you can do whatever you want, right?
  9. I don't mind flashback, but they should have a big point they want to explore...otherwise why bother.
  10. Isn't the first show that I really liked that I didn't love how they ended it. I also don't have an issue with creating my own ending. The last group of Star Wars had some good moments. But for me the best years were the first group of 3. I didn't mind the last set but not sure it was the direction I would go. somehow Dabb believes he is doing a great job. I wish he could see the writing on the wall but he is stuck with his beliefs. I just hate what he has done to both Sam and Dean.
  11. Although I did enjoy skiing my body won't let me do it anymore. But I don't have a problem with someone doing something they can love. But they don't live on a teacher's salary. So they can afford it.
  12. Movies that are scheduled to be shot could continue with production, but they would do so with no writers involved. That means the often required script changes would not be allowed to be implemented because there would be no writers to hire for such work, due to the strike. Studios and networks are bound by guild signatory agreements, which means that they would not be allowed to hire any non-union writers. While there is some legal gray area present, in the end, any hiring of any “scab” writer would not only have repercussions for that writer for future guild membership, but the studio or network could face later action by the guild as well. So Hollywood basically shuts down. In the months before impending strikes, studios and networks prepare by shoring up drafts needed for near production films and television episodes, and they also attempt to find and acquire potential future projects as well. from: https://screencraft.org/2017/04/28/how-strikes-impact-everyone-in-hollywood/ The big issue that people don't watch like they use to. Many will just binge a show and a writer's strike will harm the new shows that are struggling. If the scripts are finished they can shoot them but they can't rewrite them. If Dabb wants his ending he will need to get it done before the strike.
  13. The cool thing about the characters, there is a lot of room for interpretation. People wouldn't think of me as shy, but I do have moments where I'm frozen and have a hard time talking to people. Yet I have given many impromptu speeches and most would see me as love being around people. At times I do but I also like to be alone. Younger Dean doesn't come across as shy. Yet the act he displays covers up many of his feelings about himself. What I loved about the show in the early years, was that you had so much room for the imagination of who these boys were. What made them tick. I think that is why the fanfiction was so strong and is finally getting slower. The things that inspired us to write about them seemed fresh. Now it feels stale. I resent that the most. I want to like both brothers, to be surprised not going really they went there? I want the brothers to stay complex. Because really it is fun trying to persuade people to see your point of view, even if they have a different viewpoint. I don't have to have anyone agree with me. But lately it doesn't feel there is much to ponder on. I've been a fan since season 4, and I've never seen all Dean fans agree on everything. I don't want us too either. It seems that the writers are stuck in the loop of role reversal. I think that is what really harmed season 6. If Sam and Dean had been allowed to compete for who is better hunter, I think it would have landed better. It would have created a natural conflict for Dean to leave Lisa and Ben. I think it would have worked better. JMV. I see a lot of writing on many different shows as being stuck. The formula for what works in creating a show and gets fans isn't working like it use to work. I wish I was more engaged this season, because I do need the distraction.
  14. Jared plays certain scenes really well and others not so much. When the lines are weak, I think Jared goes for the most common tactic. Sam seems more one note but that could be from the guys playing around too much. So who knows but some of Sam's best scenes have always been one where he gives a look but no words. So yes I can agree with this statement.
  15. My problem is how they never have the big bad be the big bad from the beginning of the season. Last season, Michael. No wait...it's God. Also God as the big bad just isn't landing for me. Drowning is a strong song. Will have to watch it on large screen as the small screen makes it easy to miss stuff. Not thrilled that they gone back to separating the brothers for the battle with Oh Bad God. Wonder how much is to try to mislead us?
  16. Ukgirl71, catrox14 and ahrtee thanks for the support. I'm praying for a positive outcome. The saying let go and let God...well for someone that likes to have an active hand in the outcome...well let's just say it is hard. It is really hard when we judge people for a split second decision without knowing the whole picture. I'm really reflecting on my own past issues of judgment. We are quick to make up our minds, but do we look at the hearts of the people involved. Do we consider all the angles? Do we allow people to be human? I hope from this experience I show more compassion and less judgement.
  17. I can imagine some of what he is going through as I'm ending a teacher career the same year that Supernatural is ending. My life definition will have to change because I will no longer be defined as a teacher. I don't have a clue what to do next. But I'm sure he'll have moments of pride, moments of sorrow and moments of excitement for what comes next. He has support. But the unique cast and crew experiences may be hard to duplicate. But most actors do live for the opportunity to create something new. So I do hope we get to see him act again. I know he could go behind the scenes so only time will let us know where his next journey lies.
  18. I'm finding the new year is a challenge. Trying to just be when I've lost control and I can't control the outcome. Trying to understand why bad things happen to decent/good folks.
  19. Was driving back home. What was on TNT...Season 1 of Supernatural. The part that stuck out, how much fun Dean was...and all the questions we wanted to know. Wished I felt the same about now. Also I know this is has been talked to death, but in the ep Dean put down the college boy brother. For those that are younger, it struck me as the times I had co workers put me down for having a college degree when they felt I couldn't do something as well as they could without it. There was a time when folks didn't get a college degree. I think this is the joke that they are intending to use. Dean represents the average high school grad vs the college smart student. This was before we went to everyone must get a college degree. I think today if you didn't experience this, it seems as Dean is mad at Sam for getting a degree and leaving him. It didn't feel that way when I watched it today. JMV. 🙂
  20. For many years this has been a special place. So Merry Christmas for all the celebrate the season. Happy Holidays and may you feel surrounded by friends and family, I mean that in a Good Way. 🙂
  21. I did enjoy her entranced but I also rolled my eyes at the boys being whumped for plot sake. I would have liked a mixture of them almost getting the upper hand and then her entrance as a few more came in and it looks bad for the boys. I don't like it when they can't save themselves when they have kicked butt in the past but for plot sake this time we throw it out the window. I didn't mind her being the Queen of Hell and yes it was expected. I did love her outfit. I did enjoy the beginning. Chuck as the bad guy just fails. Nope he can't do anything to make them too afraid to stop trying. He should realize that he needs to kill them to stop them. Oh, I get that. It has happened many times for me over the years. I didn't hate this one, it has some good moments. I did like their solution for Adam/Michael but yep it does cause some raised eyebrows. But some also had some really bad moments. Did I care that God has Sam and Eileen? I know better than to have high hopes on the purgatory story. Michael/Dean let down has made me very, very jaded. I think why I can be more positive, Because I didn't watch the show live. I just watched several back to back and it did work better that way. But I no longer feel so excited to see what is coming next.
  22. Just now watched this ep. By binge watching, this one does much better than the first two of the season. Not having to wait to see what they will do, made this one flow better even though I knew some characters were toast before it happened. So waiting allowed me to feel more positive...it actually works better than if I had to wait a week or few weeks/week. So far it is the first ep that I wouldn't mind watching parts of it again. There is not a rule that you must hate it. If 15 wasn't the last season, I would have taken a long break. If you like the show that doesn't mean your a bad fan. I just want the brothers to matter and for some strong moments they do. But again it is the manufactured pain to create drama. Also some like to debate and that means keeping your point even if it is a sinking ship. In season 8 -12 I had some moments I really liked and others I hated. They can't make every ep hit it out of the park. Dabb has just made the last two seasons my least favorite. But it is proving a point. If you are binge watching it doesn't feel as unsatisfying as if you are watching it live. But I will admit that this show did suffer with pacing. At times it crept slowly on by and others it felt normal. But Cas needing Dean's forgiveness...to be honest I just didn't care. For me that is sad. Also reading why you liked it might make me see something, I would otherwise miss.
  23. This is the only way they could come up with drama. Manufactured is the key word. Unfortunately, more is coming with lots of heavy sighs. I liked parts of season 8 but several moments could have been handled better period. I want to like both brothers. I just relate to Dean more. Sam's reactions...can't say it makes me like him very much. But this was the point...to make the fans fight each other. lol
  24. Does she really think her saying "You aren't entitled to RIGHT it here!" Will do anything. I think the opposite effect. I think I would respond even more with my negative comments. Something like what do you mean right? Is this why Dabb and co are writing such awful stuff??? You posted your comments but you can't control what is said unless... But I'm evil that way. 🙂 I barely have time to read this forum much less another. I wouldn't spend my time with folks that don't allow discussion. But then again I'm sometimes entertained by reading the opposite side if they can put up a convincing argument with evidence. It is one thing I like about debate and why folks told me I should join debate. I just find I like informal debate more than the actual competition debates. 😞
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