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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. A little late to the party because I just found the article, but I really did love seeing Kane and Jensen together. Since Kane is involved in two shows, "Almost Paradise" and the reboot of "Leverage", maybe Jensen can guest star on one of them. They do work well together. I'm still hoping that Jensen, Steve Carlson and Kane would sing together again. Carlson and Kane did some albums together. Who knows.
  2. No I don't think it should end with it's Sam's turn. I want BOTH brothers side by side. period. I won't destroy my dvd's but I won't be buying anymore either. I guess this is where fanfiction helps. Example "Merlin" ended in a way that many fans never wanted to watch the show again. Some fans instead wrote their own ending and ignored the real ending or took the real ending and moved on to create their ending. It would be nice if I was satisfied with the actual ending but I'm not expecting that at all. Now I'm not expecting to keep my cable so I may not even see the real ending. I guess since fanfiction got me to even watch the show, didn't start watching until the end of season 3, I can create my own ending. It's a shame. I wish the writer's care to create an ending that honored BOTH brothers, but I doubt we have one that can do that and another swansong isn't wanted or needed. JMO.
  3. The Hawaii Five-0 Series Finale: What Cliffhangers for Season 11 Got Cut? https://tvline.com/2020/04/04/hawaii-five-0-ended-over-season-11-spoilers-tani-junior/ I wouldn't read until after you have seen the finale. But it is clear that plans were being made to continue with Alex's character being gone for a bit. Hence him leaving and saying goodbye. So if you do read the article the ending that we saw was sections cut so that cliffhangers weren't running rampant since the show wasn't coming back. Well the actress grew up literally playing the part. It shows 2019 being her last time and I wouldn't be surprised if she was trying to do college or something else. It would have been nice to see her but I think the time frame they had that this was the end didn't really allow for that. I used to watch this show live. Then they started messing with Danny's character. I didn't mind him complaining because at first they showed him to be the guy that helped the others deal with things. But it seemed when Scott went to less ep that he wasn't really part of the group that much and I didn't like some of the things they did. He would get some good eps showing his acting abilities but many times he didn't feel part of the team. I did wonder if he got along with the cast and if that played a part of it. Don 't know. My biggest issue was Danny is obviously still hurt pretty bad and to be left alone didn't feel right. I guess I'll just have to add that he told one of them to look after Danny for him. The big deal with the money just didn't fit with how his mother had already died because she needed to make sure her kids were set. I think I would have rather it been more about payback and wanting Steve to feel the lose she felt from losing her husband and that the money was just an added bonus. So do I think they did it well, no. But at least it wasn't as bad as some other's I can think of. Ten years is a good run, but it felt more like okay, how can we make this seem like this is it than a plan that wrapped it up for the fans. I can handle Steve with Catherine but it just shows why I wasn't in love with this show like I once was.
  4. I wish we had so many more that we all were so excited about. But I do remember enjoying this one even if I thought some of Dean's characteristics were too much. But the two stories did blend well, so I'm glad it uplifted you while your dealing with such stress. Sorry about the death of the friend. I hope you can keep yourself and your family safe.
  5. Well I did have one advantage, I'm theatre so any movie deals with acting techniques. As the times changed I couldn't spend days letting the kids watch as it is considered babysitting and not teaching. Not true, but I did have to change how I did it. Holland Opus wasn't too risky for the 7th and 8th graders but conservative 6 grade parents, well it is almost crossing the line for an affair. Sad fact, even though he didn't do it, he did cross the ethics and would be fired for it today. It is seen as improper relations. Dead Poet was the section on killing himself even though it was powerfully done. I just had to figure out which of my kids would complain. I was guilty of saying "If you can't watch you can read from the book and answer questions instead." Or my favorite, "I get any parent complaints you'll only see old Disney G Rated movies from here on," most likely something they had to see all the time due to a younger sibling. Since I'm retired, I can say I also cheated. Movies were never listed on my lesson plans, so if someone came in I had to switch to using it as a warmup and move on. I was good at it. And yes everything that Trudysmom said is true. I did teach in Texas. My lesson plans were written for the administration to make them happy. I didn't worry about following them and my best lessons usually were the ones I put together in about 5 minutes. Lesson plans are supposed to be to help a teacher, but it has become a way to say, "Got you!" So it's another reason I was planning on retiring in May. Circumstances just moved the date up to the end of March.
  6. I've shown that one to the kids and Dead Poet Society over and over but then when times started changing I had to stop showing the entire movie. The funny question I got when a former student now a fellow teacher at my school asked, "How did you get away with showing Overboard." I thought girl, I got away with some shows much worst. This one that makes you cry - Ordinary People ,one of an all time favorite, but I showed a few clips and little did they know it was rated R...the things I used to get away with. Now I couldn't as school is much to conservative to allow any of that. I will say the first time I realized that one of my students was now a teacher was an eye opener. The worst was when the student's child was my student. lol. I try not to think of myself as old...but sometimes it is staring me in the face.
  7. So I wasn't the only one. I tried watching it when I was stuck in a hotel and it was on. I just watched 15 minutes before I gave up. I've seen parts of at least 3 versions so I can get why some loved it. Maybe I just wasn't in the mood?
  8. Self-Isolating Group Activities: Favorite movie: Agree so many to pick from But Lord of the Rings - Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring as it starts it off. Movie that makes you remember your childhood: Mary Poppins (first one I remember seeing in theatre) Favorite Tom Hanks movie: Sleepless in Seattle - He’s got many Movie that makes you cry: Old Yeller - first one that did that. Favorite 80’s movie: ET - there are too many to pick from Favorite comedy: Romancing the Stone again a lot to pick from! Favorite sports movie: A League of Their Own Favorite horror movie: Poltergeist - don’t know if it counts but I don’t watch Horror. Most overrated movie: Falling in Love - was supposed to be so awesome but DeNiro and Streep owe me my money back. It was horrible. lol Favorite gangster movie: Does Lethal Weapon Count? (I did laugh as one I like was West Story which showed up on the list of a gangster movie but I must not have watched them. I’ve seen clips of the Godfather but didn’t watch any of them really.) Movie you can watch over and over: A Knight’s Tale Movie with the best soundtrack: Lion King Best Musical: Into the Woods Broadway Version - shown it and Singing in the Rain over and over and I always enjoyed watching it again. Best Disney: Aladdin with Robin Williams Best Marvel: Iron Man but Ant man and Guardians are up there too! I tried to stick with just one but many more showed up, Back to the Future, Dirty Dancing, Beverly Hills Cop, The original Star Wars from the 80’s, Raiders of the lost ark and so on. Soundtrack Thought about Top Gun and Footloose Everything would change depending on my mood.
  9. Don't think it was meant as an insult. 15 years is a long time and I know even the big city I'm living in now has change dramatically in 30 years. So it is all from the perspective of your viewpoint.
  10. They may finish but how many will decide to finish it? I need to cut bills. I'll have to get rid of cable so maybe I'll see what happens on Netflix? or not.
  11. TVLINE | Sam and Ruby, obviously, have a complicated relationship. Do you think that she still has maybe some deeper feelings for him? I’m sure she’ll always have fond memories of the relationship. I would think that even though he betrayed her, I think she understands that in a way, because she probably would have done the same thing. So I think she’ll probably always have fond memories of him. Genevieve is responding to a question, so this is the set up she's been given to create her character. Then mix in the fact that the two actors fell in love during the season, well she won't see it the same as the fans. This again could have been interesting with better writers, but I don't expect that we'll be happy with it like she is. On one hand it is cool that she got to come back and was hoping to do so, but it wasn't a burning plot point that I thought they needed to finish. I felt it was done. So that part is on Dabb. But if he did it to make his actors happy I can live with it. I suspect that Jensen and Jared both liked having their wives on the set. So for them it was something they wanted.
  12. But they also played a clip of an interview where he said, "I've had a blessed life telling stories over a lifetime." Not exact quote. But he was always a happy and upbeat man. It would be nice if I felt that way at the end.
  13. According to this I'm dying. Thanks. All examples were about someone dying with Carrie Fisher being just one of the examples. Great. I get it. @AwesomO4000. I retired, it should be roses. But it was really forced retirement. My health care ends in March. I didn't get closure with my students. The ones that hate me won't care. The ones that I was enjoying teaching have no clue why I was suddenly gone. The scare may help but many of the students are now stuck at home and their only release from abusive situations was school. I'm pretending I'm still working because my older parents don't need the headache. The year end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020 just plan sucks. I'm isolated already and this has just made it more so. I'll survive, but I just may have to write some really depressing stuff to help me deal. Not trying to amp up the pity party but it is a real issue for those that feel stuck and isolated and really alone. So feelings of upset over something that should have been a bright spot is totally understandable. I have watched several series all the way through, Sherlock, Merlin and The Shannara Chronicles. I think the hardest part has been seeing how many were really my friends from work. Not that many. So maybe the lesson is if you are thinking about contacting a friend but havent because you've been too busy. Maybe just send a short text saying " "I'm thinking about you."
  14. So when I read this, I thought, "So Dean is Dabbs mouth piece about Supernatural ending. Yeah, you've made it clear we won't like your ending. Shame, if he had tried somewhat, he might have been remembered fondling instead of the villain of his own story.
  15. I actually thought she has improved a little from their introductions for the Wayward. Not saying she is great, just thought she was a little interesting compared to her introduction. Now did I care, no. I'm just glad they didn't kill off Jody. I wouldn't mind having a Donna and Jody before it was all done and leave the rest of that cast out of it. Unfortunately, Dabbs and Berens just proved why their sequel didn't get picked up. Chuck's monologue, really did we need to hear about destroying all the other worlds because the original Dean and Sam surprised you. Was waiting for "Endings are Hard" crap speech. I'm really getting tired of all the meta, it's not funny when it is overused. Wasn't the worst ep for this season, but not much to love either. If they aren't able to show all of the eps they had planned, I'm not thinking I will miss much. So now the Winchester's plus Jack will mean God's death. But what happens when God is killed.? What is the loophole they got the network to buy when they presented killing God. I agree God as the big villain is the lamest one they've created yet. Maybe the original Death will come back as God and show how it is supposed to be done. No spoiler, just a weird wish. At least the boys did overcome Mary Sue Kia for a moment I didn't think they would allow even that.
  16. I've been doing the apple cider like a shot in cold water for years. I do take a break because it seems to stop working if I don't. But I've never done it as a hot tea. To be honest the hot tea with honey didn't taste that bad. So I would encourage that route if you can't stand the taste of apple cider vinegar. The other plus side of the apple cv is it will help you slim down. So I would suggest doing both the apple cv and gargle with warm water and salt. But yes, right now anyone caught coughing is going to get people's reactions and most likely not positive. hmm... I think I could support this dream. lol
  17. I use apple cider vinegar and was drinking green tea with honey and lemon. I know I don't have it. I just have a bad dry cough. No sore throat or congestion. I know the cough is what would bother people if they heard me, so I'm staying home. Totally believe in natural cures. People have been laughing at me for years when I suggest that they take apple cider vinegar with the mother for upper respiratory / bronchitis stuff. My cough is worse at night but luckily I think it is finally getting better. Always good to get reminders of different ways to try stuff. Thanks for the suggestions.
  18. Went to store, I have toilet paper for now but there was zero tissues, toilet paper, paper towels, and soup was disappearing too. Cheese was another item that was gone. Because people seemed to be panicking I did buy some extra food I can freeze. My problem is I'm dealing with a painful cough. Insurance wouldn't cover the cough syrup that the doctor wanted me to use, it was 64 dollars. Couldn't go for it, so I'm trying different types. But now cough syrup is disappearing off the shelf too. I will say I am trying the old gargle with warm water and salt and it has helped some. I think the biggest thing is to use hot drinks as viruses don't like the warm but thrives more with cold drinks. People need to realize that panicking only makes it worse.
  19. Just finished watching the whole series. I think some things hold up better when you binge watch vs live. Although I can see the points that many have already made and wish they had made the characters more complex, several of the eps were really fun to watch. On rewatch I would skip several. I did like Merlin and Arthur but felt some of the banter was guys avoiding sharing too many real feelings and the jokes were designed to show their building friendship but keep it from getting too real. Since I expected the ending somewhat, I didn't find the final a kill joy of the whole series. I would have loved for them to show Arthur wanting to see magic as something possible to allow but then something would force him to go back to what he knew. But I kind of liked that it wasn't too dark either. It was for the most part fun to watch. It has flaws but I did enjoy watching the series and sometimes had a hard time stopping because it was working really well. Then a weak ep would come on and it would be easier to take a break.
  20. If your prediction comes true, I'll never watch the last two seasons again and no I will not think it was a good ending. Since I'm not planning on a good ending, with "Endings are Hard" done in season 5...to do a Swan Song repeat will suck. What I don't get is why Jensen would put his stamp approval on the ending. It would have been far better that he said nothing if he didn't really like it. So much for them making sure this last season was well done. I do hope I can be surprised, but the doubts are way too strong for me.
  21. Not there yet. Dealing with I taught over 30 years at the district and it doesn't feel as if they appreciated me at all. It feels like, I'm sure this happening else where and other careers too, that I'm just someone they will replace and most won't even know I'm gone. YES, I know I made a difference in some students lives...but I remember when the school felt like a family. Now it's just a business. I'll move on, and eventually I'll be excited about the possibilities...just not there yet. There's some stuff going on that I can't share. So my feelings are everywhere. I know that it will require a period of mourning to reach peace. And the end of the show is stirring up other emotions. If you know the song Turn, Turn, Turn...it feels like I'm moving through all the emotions, up and down. But you can't have the good times without the bad.
  22. No matter how the show ends, whether you liked it all or not, the amazing part is how deep the friendship evolved during the run of the show and not everyone has an experience like that. So it will be a special period of their lives and maybe in a small way us FANS got to share a bit of it.
  23. His go to, is when he is filming with his wife, or when he met her. But yeah it is more about them fooling around than really giving any answers.
  24. To be honest I'm so sick of being more in these spoilers suck thread instead of being excited about the one I want to see. I'm only sticking because it is the last season and it's like watching a train wreck, you have to watch in disbelief that they are really doing this. I love Jody and Donna. Kia don't care. Claire indifferent. If they kill her off I'm like not gonna hit MY heart strings. They destroyed that with killing off too many characters that I did care about. Bringing someone back just to just kill them off has been so overdone to death, that I would rather they didn't bring them back. Ketch was a fun character to hate and even had some likeable qualities and then he would demonstrate he was a big asshole. The last death that really got to me was Jo and Ellen even though I did see it coming a mile away. At least their death had meaning when was the last time that they did that? Maybe Bobby but that was way before the last two show runners. What's sad to me, is that I would take Gamble way over Dabb and Co.
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