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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. The Gemini Man stared Ben Murphy and it was based on Wells The series was conceived as a second attempt to adapt H G Wells' The Invisible Man into a spy series, following the first failed attempt starring David McCallum the previous season (The Invisible Man (1975)). It also bombed but I think it was due to the day it aired. I just remember a piece of it as a kid. funny the things you can find on the internet, what did we do before this thing called the internet? 🙂
  2. It is funny how several actors from Leverage have been on Supernatural. But Leverage was one show I enjoyed to the end. The last season was the weakest but still enjoyable. May have to check out "The Invisible Man". Not sure if "The Invisible Man" is kind of a remake of an old 70's TV show that bombed.
  3. Lately, it has kind of seem like Jensen has quietly been looking for things where he is by himself. I haven't heard Jared sing, but Jensen has a great voice. I'm sure they'll remain friends but it would be good for all of them to have something different that is theirs. JMO.
  4. Plan is to organize and clean my house, because honestly after 30 years I need to reinvent myself. I know a lot of teachers go through this who am I if I no longer teach, finding their self worth etc. I know when school starts up in the fall it will be weird not to go back. But honestly it was time for a change. Maybe the thing I have in common with the show, past time to move on...to something new. I'll get there, it just may take time.
  5. Was any one hurt? I mean if he thinks just throwing money at the situation is the solution it may make it worse. Some people can get upset that people with money can get away with something that those without can't. If the ones involved are friends it might go okay but sometimes friendships sour in a way that becomes difficult to solve. Not sure how this will end. But I hope he gets he has to change. I'm sure it couldn't hurt but it depends on the reactions of those involved and will they feel it works. Everyone can make a bad decision, but if someone was hurt that will change the ball game.
  6. Turned in the paper work to retire. Only one more thing to do. I have no clue what I should do next other than take a break from teaching kids.
  7. I really like her as an actress even though I haven't watched many of the shows she was in. Christine and Julianna were both on the Good Wife, I did see a bit of it, but just couldn't get into the show. Speaking of bad pictures, Jared's long hair and beard...just doesn't look good. Jensen's okay but it's not my favorite pic of either of them in that cover.
  8. Hmmm, if they were so right wouldn't the ratings be going up and this would turn out the best watched season yet. I wonder if they'll be surprised if they don't get any great offers after Dabbnatural is done. In college were taught about group think where anyone who says something opposite of the main leaders is thrown out so the entire group stays in agreement, doesn't this sound like what has happened?
  9. Okay I get that stuff happens in threes, enough already. Huge issue at work and not a happy outcome. Water leak at home. Then I accidentally hit a car, luckily it was a light fender bender. Also sucks that I seem to always have at least one accident in a car. At least I had it for a year before it happened. Car was in my blind spot and so yes it's my fault. So universe are you done with slapping me around? Please.
  10. It's the magic of TV, we shoot this wonderful scene and let the fans figure it out. I would agree the cabin would be a perfect place and close enough. I also agree that Bobby could be waiting to take the boys to his place because he respected the boys. But the fun of the early seasons is the things you can wonder about make sense. I wish the current seasons did too.
  11. He was fun to hate but isn't he dead? Oh wait, does death matter? They have to slip it out, so the support fans will be all excited and talking about how awesome Dabb is...is it an ego trip? I think I would enjoy the old version but what will they do to him????
  12. So why do I think it is a prank to someone else's phone??? 😉
  13. Very few actors make me follow them just because they are in it. Some actors I can't watch. Young Sheldon comes to mind. I find myself turning the channel and not even wanting to watch them. There have been some actors that I find can do a really strong range and they pull me in. Then I've also watched some really bad shows because one actor really grabbed my attention. I loved Rob Morrow in Numb3rs but his next show I just didn't watch. It disappeared quickly though. I haven't watched everything Jensen has done either. I saw him after the fact in Dark Angel (found an ep on Youtube) and started watching. I also saw him in a pilot "Still Life" which only had one ep you can' watch a bit of it. Shame it was canceled because I thought it had really strong potential. But I didn't see them when they were on. Several of his movies I really don't care to see. So I can like an actor but if the story doesn't appeal to me, I ignore it. I just watched Sherlock and it's been off since 2017. So that kind of shows how I get into some shows. I look for strong characterization with depth. But I got hooked on "The Legendary Journey of Hercules" because of the actor that played Ioulas. Only one or two could act. The lead was just a tall guy.
  14. I doubt that Mark is willing to come back and seeing someone else as Crowley would be just awful. Dabb's tease doesn't make me hopeful either.
  15. Sorry Jared, but Walker sounds easy to make a pass on. I guess the other actors have enough fans that they might pull them in? Don't know since I haven't watched any of the shows they've been on. I may be young in heart but age wise older than Jensen...lol
  16. I had lunch with my nephew, and he's late 20's. He says the best seasons were 1-5 and Jack's story should have been cut down to one ep. Thought that Jack was pretty dull. He agreed that Jack was more interesting before he was born. He's watching by Netflix so he hasn't watched this season. It was kind of fun to have one family member I could talk about this show even if it wasn't a long discussion. What really had his interest was the Urban Myth Legends.
  17. Just watched him in Stumptown. Wish he could come back as Rufus one more time.
  18. You have several fallacies in your argument. No, not everyone loves their mother. Assuming because Mary has already died once and the second time is no biggie. well I know adult children that aren't handling the death of their parents well. It depends on their relationships of course, but the time that has gone by since Mary's death hasn't been that long, so no I don't expect them to be over it. Nor do I agree with them welcoming Jack with open arms. I resent that they are making Dean ignore his feeling so that Dabbnatural can spin this crap the way he is. My hatered of this story has nothing to really do with Jack. He has been badly done. Period. So if you are looking for validation of your feelings of Jack you may have to go to the places that they love Jack but don't think about what is Jack doing to the show. Jack could have been interesting especially if he had been allowed to be flawed. If Jack believes he killed Mary where do you get that Jack isn't at fault. He dreamed about it. The show didn't visually set it up that Chuck killed Mary, but they did do it with Jack killing Mary. Just because you want this to be true, doesn't mean that others do. I really don't hate Jack. I JUST don't care. At this point I would like to snap my fingers and have Jack and Chuck both gone. I hate how both characters are ruining the show I cared about. I can agree to disagree. But your argument isn't persuading me. Nor is it something I want to see. I can only say what I think. The bad thing about the internet is that you can think you have so many people in agreement with you but in reality it may only be a handful. And remember I can make statistics to say anything I want.
  19. I think when you can watch the season straight through some threads appear that you miss watching live. I think when you watch live you start trying to figure out where they might go and get invested in your vision or idea. When you don't have to wait, things that bothered those that watched it live...aren't an issue. Some things the fans have gotten worked up about, I haven't cared too much and some of them yes. Due to the now LOL cannon, you can create your own twist and be just as valid as the cannon story since they don't stick with anything anymore. I'll have to watch season 11 straight through and see if I like it more than I did the first time. I can say I miss Robbie. He might have pushed hard on some of his favorites but he could tell a better story than many we have left now.
  20. I was okay on 13 but can't really remember what it was about. So that is telling. 14 I actually skipped some eps at first due to working and not having time and then watched some and never desired to go back and catch up. If they had announced that they were doing two more seasons, I would have just stopped. I usually kind find something I can like in any ep. Christian Kane and Jensen was a great partnership and I did enjoy the ep. A few this season have been okay but at a time in my life where I'm going through a really rough patch and can't talk about it, this show isn't adding joy. I do blame Dabb. He's had some story ideas that might have been okay with a better writer. No writer will ever be a winner for all stories. But I'm not on the positive side of Dabb. For those that are, that's fine. I'll never tell anyone what they should or should not like. But I miss the boys being the lead in their own show, being bad ass. JMO.
  21. You can also see a little bit of the nervousness that he is hiding pretty well. The teacher in me, always enjoy seeing a person grow in their craft.
  22. Usually they would start with SP ends and then to the audience reactions, add it could go on forever. Personally I think they were trying to prepare the audience that SP would end. You can know you have a stopping point and not talk about it. I did on teaching. Although I was telling my students I was thinking ahead to what would I like to do next and add on ten years later, I really was counting down. 3,2,1. They also had a goal to get to 300 eps. Now the writing for 12 & 13, might not have seem too bad for them. They might have truly believed that they wouldn't be good doing the writing. Hopefully, they have learned something. But I honestly don't know if anyone could have saved Supernatural from Dabb & Jack story. I can't really recall, but I got the feeling that Dabb says one thing and does another. So if Dabb doesn't stick to what he is selling, how can you negotiate that? I don't know what perks the J's got, but I would think they got the things that were the most important for them at the time. I may not agree with them, but I really don't know them and they were the ones that had to live with it.
  23. This would suck. Dean and Amara should still have a connection. I will hate it if they give this to Sam too. I hope it won't go down as one of the worst finales ever, but this one really worries me as I would hate it.
  24. Not a fan of Danny's hair. Danny and Steve's friendship felt stronger in the earlier seasons. I really wish they would allow Danny to be more than the complainer. If your going to do the girl dies, then there should be more followup with the team and Steve. Parts I liked, some parts not so much.
  25. Some tap steps are easy to learn. Some take time. The music wouldn't have fit ballet but it did fit tap. Depends on who they wanted Dean to have his role model for, Fred Astaire or Gene Kelly, my guess would be more Fred. For me, the tap dance was the best moment and I don't think it would have landed as ballet.
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