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Everything posted by ebk57

  1. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    I'm very sad. But I'm happy for my Yankee friends here. Did you all believe that? I tried to be sincere... sorta...
  2. I thought the game turned out rather well... Although I almost thought the USC team name was The Lincoln Rileys since the broadcasters referred to him more than the actual team.
  3. That upward glance when she's talking about the gazebo is perfect! This campaign is so much better than the "boring" one.
  4. This was the protocol when I worked at the bank. One day, after pouring the last cup, I dutifully put a new filter in, scooped the coffee, hit the go button, and went back to my desk. A while later, someone asked if anyone knew who put the last pot of coffee on - and without even asking why, I immediately realized that I'd forgotten to put the pot on the burner so the coffee was all over the kitchen. Yes, I confessed. Fortunately, everyone laughed about it. I still do and it was about 35 years ago.
  5. Totally missed that. I, too, see a retina specialist twice a year. Maybe that's the difference.
  6. I never had an issue with that. I used to go to the eye doctor, then drive to work and actually work. Then, about 2 years ago, I had my eyes dilated and proceeded to drive home to finish work... and had a really hard time. So now I have Mr. ebk drive me. It's hard getting old.
  7. Angelos is gone, so it's safe to come back! And with that, I'll stop derailing this tread with baseball talk. ☺️
  8. Always a good choice!
  9. Mr. ebk had to deal with that more than I did since he was on the fly floor. I was out in the stage door office and could - and did! - turn the monitor off so I didn't have to listen. But after 7 months, it just seeps in by osmosis, and one does get used to it and can mostly tune it out. Or something like that. I've managed to forget most of it. Only took 30+ years πŸ˜„
  10. Agree!
  11. Right off, I have to say I don't watch the show anymore (but keep reading these threads because everyone here is so lovely!), so I don't know if there was any conversation after FJ. But the reason that Grimace is "in the news" is because the NY Mets had him/her/it (?) throw out the first ball during what was a not-very-good season and the entire season turned around. The Mets are now in the NLCS - one step away from the World Series. So, that could be why the "minor" mascot was a clue. And then again, I may be totally off - not the first time.
  12. No. In fact, there are no Democrats I know that think for one second that Cheney has "redeemed" himself in any way at all. That's just nonsense.
  13. I'm seeing that one a million times a day here. It's a good thing I love it or I'd be really annoyed.
  14. We're seeing it (again!) in early March. Can't wait!!
  15. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    I don't think it's cool or edgy either. However, I find the post-game/sideline "reporting" cringe. The stupidest questions bring out the stupidest answers. The whole effort is a waste of time and they should just not do it. And maybe if cursing athletes gets them to stop, then curse away. Grabbing guys off the field after games so they can tell us they're taking it one game at a time and giving 110% is just dumb - IMO. The chatting at the desk afterwards can be fun since they usually get guys who can put a couple of sentences together in a coherent manner. I did enjoy Dave Roberts saying he's going to open a bottle of first growth Bordeaux tonight to celebrate. I can get behind that! And honestly, the only reason I'm leaning Dodgers here is a very close friend of mine is a fan. And I still hate the Mets from 1969. Although the only team I really don't want to win is the Yankees (which surprises no one here...)
  16. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    Rooting for the Dodgers. I just hope that more guys start saying "fuck" on the air during interviews so maybe they'll stop doing the stupid sideline interviews.
  17. Mr. ebk was a stagehand (and I worked the stage door) at the national touring theatre here in DC. We got the first national tour of Cats and it was a very elaborate set. Took a full 2 weeks to put in and about a week to put out after the 7 month run (and it came back 7 more times with a smaller set over the next few years). Lots of work, kinda large paychecks. So he likes to say that the show built out house, which he did build a couple of years after that run. We love Cats! Even though isn't a very good show πŸ˜„
  18. I realize the topic is, as always, important and frustrating and needs to be highlighted so people know - and then still don't do anything... 😠 But ... this episode was all about Cats! I will always have a (very) soft spot for that horrible show because it built our house. So yay Cats!! I'm still laughing at the PSA and the relatively authentic looking costumes they were wearing at the end.
  19. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    Still works. A walk-off walk would have worked. They need to throw the entire bleacher section of Dodger Stadium out. People suck. Don't make me start rooting for the Padres, dammit.
  20. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    Yeah, but any win is exciting at this time of year. Especially at home. And with a walk-off. Of course they're going bonkers.
  21. ebk57

    NFL Thread

    In the best way possible!
  22. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    I'm not good with the screenshots like @ProudMary, but here's the link to the Max sports schedule. Looks like the game will be on there. https://www.max.com/sports/mlb
  23. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    Well, that was...something. The funniest thing is they have to keep bleeping all the on-field sound out because everyone is cursing. At least that's my theory.
  24. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    BTW, congrats @voiceover- I guess... πŸ˜‰
  25. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    Especially @Carey after you were bemoaning the fact that the Yankees are "due" because they haven't won since - checks thread - 2009. Don't mean to be mean, but I'm a little salty right now.
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