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Everything posted by jenrising

  1. If Wyatt knows his wife, he'll be the one to bring Ivy back to LA. The only sure way to get Steffy interested is to look at another woman.
  2. Trollando sneaks back in for a second.
  3. Fran is also still doing the MTV Decoded series. I wouldn't be surprised if they give her more to do as well.
  4. OMG OMG OMG. I have to go hide under my bed. 50% mortified for this guy and 50% terrified of him.
  5. I really enjoyed Steffy and Ridge speculating about what could possibly be wrong with Eric that he's not obeying their every demand about his life. Hopefully by next week Eric will have a portrait of Quinn hanging next to Stephanie's so the Forrester family face cracking can continue.
  6. For Joy Reid fans, she'll be filling in for Chris Hayes tonight and the rest of the week.
  7. Yeah, audio issues are a killer on a lot of podcasts I try out. And an annoying voice will send me running fast. Which I feel bad about because there's no telling what will drive me up the wall, but some voices just grate.
  8. If so, he needs to hook up with Larissa from last week and they can have their own reality show, "World's Most Gullible."
  9. I shudder to think what a pregnant (late season insufferable) Kelly would have been like.
  10. Today in "Seriously, MSNBC?" BriWi the inane is getting a show every night between Labor Day and Election Day. Guaranteeing one hour I won't be watching. http://money.cnn.com/2016/08/15/media/brian-williams-msnbc-time-slot/index.html
  11. Yeah, it's just delaying the inevitable. Which is fine with me. I'm guessing budget is the reason Caroline got shipped off for a while? Not enough money for cast and that dead rat on top of Steffy's head.
  12. The real mystery of this season. They hate each other so much. I mean, I get Kelly's jealousy about Brenda, because Dyan actually likes Brenda. Dylan likes David's sewer pipes full of meth better than he does his girlfriend.
  13. Yeah, I'm gonna need Liam and Steffy to both drink his and hers gallon jugs of STFU.
  14. I think that's the next episode. I will cringe so hard I pull a muscle. Mostly because that's totally accurate.
  15. It's not clear, but I really can't imagine that the show was ever going to go there. I mean, much as they all hate Shannen, Brenda actually sleeping with Roy for the part is going REALLY far. I think it was supposed to just be a question/debate between episodes. Also: Laura's black bodysuit and jeans outfit was my entire wardrobe during this time. Oh, 90s.
  16. I think it's understandable that Heather's having a problem with Derek wanting to smoke so soon. Maybe she's okay with it in general, but wonders what it means that they've been married for one day and he's already getting high. It could mean he's comfortable with her, or he didn't think of it, or that he's got a serious habit. In her position I think I'd be a bit concerned too. It's interesting in general that they really only get to know each other on the honeymoon. Some people are wilder on vacation, but that might not be the best first impression. I'd be getting up around lunchtime and day drinking, which is not how I act at home (mostly).
  17. Lots of defensive ass-covering in that interview. Including claims they had a lot more scenes with Darius and Romeo following the shooting that got cut for time. Shapiro says " Sometimes we’re almost a little too meta for our own good." And I roll my eyes into oblivion. If Marti Noxon isn't back next season, neither am I (even if she is, I'm 50/50).
  18. I have no opinion about the handjobs, but I totally believe the boyfriend thing. Makes sense that she was into the attention the guys were giving her, but not really trying to make anything happen with any of them.
  19. When Liam told Steffy he's the only one who can protect her from Quinn I almost punched my television. Laughable and disgusting all at once. And, as we all know, Quinn is at her most dangerous when Wyatt's bed is empty, so it's safer for Steffy to be with him (heh). But really, at this point if they insist on going on with over the top crazy Quinn, I hope she murders Steffy and Liam. They can die together and leave us all better off. But really, I'm just bummed it seems we're going the boring route (as usual). They should've just retconned the crazy or excused it. I mean, if we can pretend Thomas raping Caroline was actually romance and Ridge just misunderstood, anything is possible (if nauseating). I could be down for a Quinn/Eric v. the Forresters. She's a slightly more insane Stephanie, let them run with it. P.S. Show, "I'm not taking no for an answer" is not a line you should be having anyone say, given recent history.
  20. Lily and Tom were adorable, I have to say. They've got some issues to overcome but as of now I'm really rooting for them (especially since they won't be living in his bus during the show). Heather and Derek are a total fail, but neither one seems like a nightmare yet, so hopefully it won't get too bad. Sonia and Nick are a big question mark for me. She's so bubbly (though her voice kind of grates) and he's so... just there. Works in some couples but I feel like she's going to be stressed by his silence.
  21. Oh I didn't think Derek was trying to be creepy, I think it's just a weird, overly intimate thing to do, no matter what the reason. I'm not uptight and I'd be uncomfortable with someone doing that to me.
  22. I have a Debra Messing story to add from the DNC convention. In addition to her brief appearance in primetime, she spoke to the second day of the Women's Caucus. In the room there were rumors that either Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama were going to be surprise guests (tons of extra security). Instead... Debra Messing. Let me tell you how fast 1/2 that room and many hearts emptied. Those who did leave also missed Shonda Rimes as the double surprise, and for the rest of the day there was much grumbling about that fact.
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