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Everything posted by jenrising

  1. "First of all, she would have immediately gotten a rape kit, and held Ivy's hand while it was processed and softly told her how brave she was. (As far as we know, Ivy never had a rape kit, so good luck proving it in court.) " Um, hate to be that guy, but this happens in the first ten minutes of the first episode. Ivy is on her back having her hand held during the rape kit.
  2. Oh man, that scene. The "best" part is how the only spark of life Oliver shows is when he's leaving. I mean, I guess I can be generous and say he's playing it cool to keep her from knowing it's him, but... yeah, no. It's basically like a kid holding two action figures together and having them talk. I also didn't realize Laurel was already Expressionless Spider Lashes so early in the show.
  3. Set pics! http://www.ew.com/article/2016/06/16/american-gods-first-look
  4. Orlando Jones will play Mr. Nancy. Hooray for Trollando!
  5. It's easy to take a principled stance when you've got no skin in the game. When it's about your money, it takes stronger stuff to keep doing it.
  6. Fortunately for us all, he eventually showed up to offer his usual brilliance. "No one goes to a nightclub expecting something like this." Can this man only say things with any intelligence when he's making up a story? He was also pushing interviewees hard on the whole people should be afraid to go anywhere line. And getting no takers, of course. We get it, Brian. The more scared people are the better the ratings, but come on.
  7. I watched half the first episode of Humans last summer and couldn't get into it and promptly forgot it existed. This EHG made me go back and now I'm obsessed. And sleep deprived. So... thanks! And thanks :/
  8. Lonnie Franklin got the death penalty in the sentencing phase of his trial.
  9. It is real https://www.ripmedicaldebt.org/the-miracle-of-debt-forgiveness-on-hbos-last-week-tonight-with-john-oliver/
  10. That makes me ill. Even pretending the night itself was a grey area (I don't think it is), you have to consider how Thomas behaved before. His creepy fantasy of locking the door against Caroline's wishes, his constant pushing the boundaries of women who denied him (Caroline herself, Ivy), inappropriate behavior with interns. They set him up not as a reckless person, but a man whose desire for a woman mattered more than anything, certainly more than her consent. And then sent him into that room with Caroline who was barely conscious. He didn't care. And now his salvation is his obsession (and kidnapping) of the child that resulted from it? Get the fuck out of here with that.
  11. Ha! Loved those huge ridiculous things. My grandfather kept his until he died ten years ago. It stopped working some time in the 90s, but he just put the new television on top of it.
  12. My best friend when I was little had a tv on their mantle like that around the same, surrounded by books and speakers. I remember this vividly because we got in big trouble for climbing up there playing a game and broke a bunch of stuff.
  13. I think you're right. They didn't have anyone in the current cast who makes sense to do this, so Katie gets it. Which is, of course, stupid. I mean, at least write a line about how she's channeling her jealousy/occasional alcoholism into nosiness.
  14. Eeeee! I'm creeped out just reading the list. All of the moments in this episode are the creepiest.
  15. Great interview, thanks. Really interesting to see what he has to say with facial expressions. I won't be watching next season but I wish Tom all the success in the world. He's talented and kind and does a good job of toeing the line while making his thoughts clear. Or maybe he's just terrified of the horrible egomaniacal monster he used to work with. /sarcasm
  16. This episode was so boring. I actually rewatched because I wanted to see Rayanne again, but ugh. I'm still mad Emily wasn't crazy enough to murder Brandon. I was feeling disappointed that you guys didn't get to talk shit about a toddler again, but you made up for it with mental illness jokes. Thanks. Your terribleness soothes me.
  17. Holy crap @tricknasty. I stared at that for a good 30 seconds before I recognized him. Get to the hair salon, STAT, man.
  18. Come on, now. Jenna's clearly got a triple doctorate in screaming, saying "bitch" constantly, and blacking out conveniently whenever she doesn't want to deal with the consequences of her actions. That kind of scholarship requires an impressive amount of dedication. We should all be so lucky to have that kind of education. "Lawyer" education is also known as an undergrad student planning to attend law school, often referred to as a pre-law program.
  19. Ugh, this show. Ridge is a huge jerk but Thomas is such a creepy creeper, I want to rescue Douglas from both of them, but then I'd be stuck listening to Caroline's baby voice. And oh my god, Waffle III: I just can't. I hate them all. If we have to have endless triangles, can they find a man to put in the middle who's actually interesting? Whoever said Sasha and Thomas would work, I totally agree, but not until CA does something about the drought because their thirst would destroy the state once and for all.
  20. Totally, @RCharter. Also, looking at how Ceejai reacts after the beating. She's immediately crying and apologizing. I don't condone violence, but I do respect someone who knows they're responsible for their behavior, regardless of how baited she was into it. Even as the other roommates are telling her she did nothing wrong, she's clear about what happened, and that she was wrong. As opposed to Jenna, who never takes responsibility for anything. It's all convenient blackouts and other people's fault. Even while half of her face is turning black and blue, snarking about how Ceejai didn't even hit her hard. She's a small, petty person who'll always blame someone else for her own failings.
  21. I think the thinly veiled codeword you're looking for is "uppity." Very popular to describe an accomplished, educated woman like Ceejai. She's gone through hell and done more than survive, she's thrived and achieved a lot more than most people. None of that requires her to be perfect for it to be true. Anyone who can look at her and listen to her talk about how she struggles to overcome her past and not be impressed and inspired says a lot more about them than it does about her.
  22. Just finally caught this and oh, man. I loved how Maryum handled that exchange with Tami and Barbra. I really hated how they pretending to give two shits about that girl just to try (and fail) to make someone else look bad. Tami is, of course, still a petulant child. Jeff, I just can't with this sad man. There's nothing wrong with being soft, but he thinks he's not, which is dangerous. Fortunately no one will be letting him near any kind of career that requires respect or authority. He'd probably get bullied by toddlers. I thought it was interesting that they brought up the fact that Zach and Isaiah also traded commissary. It seemed like it was supposed to show they messed up too, but Zach's point was really a good one. Fair trades helped them fit in without showing themselves as easy targets. It's a huge difference. Robert isn't worth the five seconds of typing what a ridiculous fool he is.
  23. Just listening now, but after seeing the visual aids: "Jesus H. MacKinnon" I am dead. Just dead.
  24. I know it isn't fair, but I'm so over Paige and her traumas. In reality I'd have all the compassion in the world for her situation, but it's enough with her sad puppy eyes on the show.
  25. Oh yeah, poor sweet innocent Sasha who rolled into town trying to blackmail her way into whatever she could get, and then rubbed up against Zzzzende like a cat in heat every time his girlfriend/her bestfriend & secret sister wasn't looking.
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