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Everything posted by sixlets

  1. AdBlock Plus. It's free and easy to download, and I don't see any ads (according to the icon, it blocked 9 on this page alone). If you need to disable it, it's very easy. I have noticed a lot of online newspapers and sites will not let you view an entire article with it on, so I will disable it for the view, and immediately turn it back on. It's been a lifesaver! Mr. Six had his gallbladder removed in 2008. He kept calling me "the nice lady who brought his glasses". He was telling every nurse how nice I was, and he was so grateful that he could see, all because of me. I went into a panic thinking something was wrong, and every single nurse just stood there laughing. The car ride home was fun too, but he passed out rather quickly. Speaking of cars, we're in the throws of car shopping. The lease on my car is expiring January 1st, but we can do it any time until then. My father-in-law always bought Fords, and that's what Mr. Six would do as well. Since they really dropped the ball, along with half their lineup, we are now looking at other options. Does anyone happen to have a Mazda CX-7 or CX-9 Touring/Grand Touring OR a Subaru Crosstrek? We're really focusing on those models, but we know very little about any of them. Tomorrow will be spent at the Mazda dealership browsing. It's going to be a long day.
  2. It's funny you mentioned Erin's dress. My mother-in-law wore a very similar style to our wedding back in 2002. Hers was more royal blue as opposed to the dark navy. Chad looks like a celebrity, but I just can't place who it is. It drives me nuts every time I see that pic. Josie was a gorgeous (teen) bride. She kinda reminds of Kristin Chenoweth. They make a lovely couple, and I wish them the best (9 months before the baby).
  3. Whitney, we know you're lurking. Please know that it's not just your fake photos, fake hair, and fake bake that is detested. It's you being fake. You have the platform to do good, but you ruin it the moment you open your mouth. Speaking of which, keep your tongue in it. Nobody wants to see that sweetheart. I am so mad at myself for liking her in the beginning. I do owe her a thank you though. At one point, I was gaining weight like crazy, and I was miserable. My heaviest was still 150lbs less than Whit, but I was at my lowest physically, mentally, and emotionally. After pulling myself up and changing my diet (I seriously did no exercise due to chronic pain), I managed to lose over 70lbs. It took me a few years, but I'm slowly getting my confidence back. Clothes are fitting much better (hello, size medium!), and I just feel better when I look in the mirror. I realized that I didn't want to become the next Whitney and go through the rest of my unhealthy and unhappy.
  4. The more I look at the older photo of the Bates family, it looks more and more photoshopped. I think the log is real, but it really looks like the background is just a screen. There are very few states where I would chance a December wedding. Ice storms can wreak havoc on traveling to the point of being unsafe. We were married in mid-October, and while it wasn't warm and sunny (it was coolish with intermittent rain), it wasn't a safety concern for those traveling. They have to realize that it's just bad timing with the holidays and whatnot.
  5. She probably doesn't know the difference. Or, she just said screw it. What's a little sodium amongst family-we all need salt in our diet (/end sarcasm). And she wonders why her husband gets "gaggy". I don't believe for one second that she took that photo. She just needs to stop.
  6. My local CBS station (Baltimore) was showing the hearings all day. I turned the TV on at 1100am, and it was already airing. They do a rerun of Dr. Phil at 237am tomorrow morning. As Jaclyn mentioned, there's something cold about Dr. Sophy. If he is board certified in 3 specialties and sits on the Dr. Phil advisory board, how can he have the time to be the director of LA's DCFS, (which is the largest in the country, in case you haven't heard)? He's been on the show multiple times since the beginning of the season. There's only so many hours in a day.
  7. I'm so sorry to hear about everyone dealing with chronic illness. I've been stuck with severe chronic pain for the last 9 years. When it began, I had every test imaginable. I was sent to cardiology and rheumatology. Nothing could be found. My first doctor moved out of the area, so I started seeing the PA in the office. He left earlier this summer, and I'm now dealing with a brand new nurse practitioner, and it's safe to say we don't like one another. I was literally forced/blackmailed into doing physical therapy. After 10 weeks and $1500, I'm no better than I was in June. My pain varies, but I have not had one single day without it since this began. I'm turning 39 in October, and my mother who turned 65 in March, is in much better physical health. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Walking around Target can bring me to tears on a bad day. It's debilitating, exhausting, and mentally & emotionally draining. Please be as open as possible with what you experience. Chronic illness of any type can be very isolating. You all have my empathy and sympathy for what you're dealing with and will be in my thoughts.
  8. Jessa is still without her rings. Sierra looks great, minus the shoes. The girl on the left reminds me of Where's Waldo. I think it's a combination of her giant headband and glasses.
  9. I wonder if Jinger follows Audrey, a.k.a. The Snooty Roloff (at least that's what I call her). She loves those knot things for her daughter who just turned a year old. I have to give JinJer props-Felicity is much cuter than Ember.
  10. In the previous episode where Jessa and Joy went to the Y (?) to walk, she was not wearing her rings either. I don't know why, but rings are one of the first things I notice on a person. With skiing, I can see them not wearing their e-rings with the gloves. I wear my e-ring, wedding band, and anniversary band 24/7, but I will turn the e.r. around so the solitaire is in my palm. It can get the way and get caught on random things.
  11. Let's analyze Muffin's hashtags: #forevermine❤️--no one else would want him #manofmydreams--oh, honey. I'm sorry you weren't allowed to dream bigger. Damn parents. #youvegotmyheart--he also has your money & what little fame you get from being a Duggar adjacent. It's nothing to brag about. #imsoinlove--I think you mean lust. Love takes time, but you got plenty of that on your hands since you don't have a job. #thankyou--for what? Being a father and parenting his children? #gratefulwifey--you were doing great until the 'wifey' part. You're 20-something, not 12 (chronologically speaking that is. Emotionally & mentally, you're stuck at 12)
  12. After this episode, I've come to the conclusion that I don't like Lauren. It starts with her breathy voice and ends with something I can't put my finger on. Lana looked checked out on the whole dress thing. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt with just having her elevenith child 30 minutes before the appointment. I can go either way on Jana, but I didn't like her in this episode either. Me thinks that one has a temper. Some of those kids were quite the skiers/snowboarders for having gone just a few times. Dumb question, but does Arkansas get measurable snow or have resorts? I live in Baltimore, and while we can get bad winters, I would have to go 200+ miles west to ski. I went skiing one time and hated every minute of it. I do remember it being quite expensive too. We are seeing way too much of JB & M. Since Josh was sent to Jesus Jail, these two need to be sent to Poor Parenting Prison.
  13. If being a homemaker brought in an income, Jill would be owing money and not earning any. I have made her chicken/gb/potato dish twice. It's actually quite tasty IF prepared correctly, and her's is not. There should not be measurable liquid in it. Green beans are the one veggie I will not buy frozen. They have a very distinct waxy taste/texture in any dish I've tried them in, and Mr. Six is not a fan. Instead of wasting thousands to send Dreck to law school, they need to use that money to get her some therapy. The one thing (HA!) that pisses me off about this whole family is they are taught to bury their feelings ten feet under. All of the girls affected by Josh were just taught to slap a smile on their face and pretend like it didn't happen. Just once, I would love to see someone slap the shit out of JB & Michelle. Neither of them grew up the way they Jana's raised the kids. Why don't their children deserve to grow up and live they way they did?
  14. Thank you for the updates Walnut. Mind & her daughter are in my thoughts and prayers. I have posted on some other shows, and I never felt all that welcome. These folks were welcoming from day one, and I knew I found my people. I do watch weekly just to make sure I hate these people as much I did before. It's amazing that the dislike for one family can bring people together. At that damn family did something right.
  15. Wow, some of these posts are so relatable it's scary. Dragon-our male tuxedo has long canines as well. He has little vampire teeth that show. He's the one that just showed up outside and proceeded to walk in the house and lay on the couch. And on the name front, I know a Shyanne. Strangely enough, her brother is Dominick. I was hoping to jump in to see if there was any news about Arwen. I hadn't been posting too long before she took her break, but I enjoyed her posts. My thoughts are with her and her family.
  16. While I don't watch regularly, Ingo is on The Bold & the Beautiful. His kids have odd names, but he is just pretty. Jill's dinners have no flavor. She's tossing 12 chicken breasts & 8 cans of beans with only 1 teaspoon of chili powder and cumin, not to mention the 12 cups of water. Why are these people so afraid of flavor? I guess anything from the "outside" of her world is scary. Then again, if I had to wake up to Derick in my bed, I would be running for the hills too.
  17. Two children do require supervision. That's Jana's job though. Jessa's breezing through the door exasperated about how tired she is since Bin had more toilets to take care of that he originally thought, and they had a late night. There was a long line at Chik-fil-a and with the humidity, her banana curls were looking more like cucumber curls. And when it's finally time to go home, she grabs two of the M kids instead of her own. Jessa is just spent, day in and day out.
  18. I got my Star weekly mag delivered today, and this little gem was in a spread about "celebrities" getting engaged very quickly. Apparently, it's the cool thing to do now. I blame the Duggars for all of this.
  19. Happy to help! If you chose pickup, you just go to the restaurant that you ordered from. GH & E24 serve as the go between you and the restaurant. You can order from their websites, and they each have their own app. The one thing I have noticed is many places don't do online ordering from their website, but they will do it from GH or E24. We have tried many places that we normally wouldn't have, and their customer service is great.
  20. Grub Hub & Eat24 just serve as a one-stop shop for takeout. You chose pickup or delivery, and then you can search for restaurants for your area. If you want something specific, you can search by that as well. When you place your order, your debit/credit card is charged through them, and you can add a tip directly on the card or do cash at the door. There is no fee, and after ordering once, they will send an email each week with a coupon code for $2 off a $15 order. It's a great way to try out new places that might be a hassle to get to. Just using a 3-mile radius for delivery, we get over 70 options. We primarily use Eat24 (they are under the same company, but they don't necessarily have the same options). Think of it as Priceline or Expedia, except it's for food.
  21. She could save a few bucks and just use a tortilla. It's not like the kids would be allowed to eat it. I have mentioned this before, but due to health issues that cropped up 9 years ago, I was advised to not get pregnant. Not fully understanding what was happening to me, I could not knowingly (or selfishly) try to get pregnant. I have very few answers as to what exactly is wrong, even now. It is something I struggle with every single day. I know there are women who know their dream is to have kids. And I know women who have decided kids are not for them. I was never given that choice. It was taken from me, randomly, in the summer of 2009. I want to smack Jill every single time I see her damn smug face. She pisses me off something fierce. For whatever reason, she decided to procreate with that asshole 13 times, and she treats those children like they are less than a flea on their poor abused dog. And Jill, if you happen to read here, you suck. As Kid Rock once said, "you get what you put in, and people get what they deserve". I hope karma is handed to you on a silver platter.
  22. I know diddly about photography, but it almost looks like Josh has been photoshopped into the above pic. We know Josh had a penchant for his little sisters (and the unknown little girl). We've seen J&D having lunch/dinner with Josh & Anna, but I wonder how Jessa & Joy feel about him being around the boys. I will have so much respect for Jeremy if he stands up to Josh and tells him he will have no unsupervised contact/visits with Felicity. Meredith has become my favorite M kid. She's so stinking cute.
  23. I needed 2 iron infusions roughly 7 months apart. My first was last September and second was earlier this year. If the first one didn't work, I was headed for a blood transfusion. I am now very acquainted with a hematology office in my area. On topic--it wouldn't surprise me if a few of them were anemic. Of course with this family, they would never know unless they in the ER or hospital. Joy doesn't seem like she even knows if she's happy or not. It's like she's just going through the motions of life...or what she was told her life was supposed to be.
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