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Everything posted by sixlets

  1. I managed to get myself blocked by Cathy on Twitter, even though I haven't commented on anything that she was tagged in. I have a sneaking suspicion she didn't like my tweet to Muffin. And to the banning I say...suck it. And good luck finding my other handle.
  2. It warms my heart that, in this next season of your daughter's life, that you may all be blessed with a cookie table. It's very specific to southwestern PA and doesn't go very far east. One thing to note-have someone who is very organized coordinate it for your daughter. Otherwise, you may get too many cookies of one kind. We had over 100 dozen homemade cookies from both sides of the family with only my mom & mother-in-law not making any. Apparently, with this family, pregnancy (or a few weeks post-birth) does give you that special glow, ala Kendra. She's on fire while standing on stage. Originally, I sorta liked the bridesmaid's dresses, but after seeing the full-length version, I'm not a fan. Lauren's dress is beautiful. Michelle's dress is...a whole lot of WTF.
  3. No, I totally agree with you 100%. My maid of honor got married in 2010. She asked me to her MOH, but distance prevented that. Originally, her wedding was supposed to be at her home church with a reception at a park lodge. I think she had roughly 100-120 invited. Something drastic occurred somewhere, and the reception was moved to the church fellowship hall. She had less than 50 people attend, and not everyone stayed for the reception. I felt so bad for her, and I knew she was hurt. I truly don't think it's a matter of fanciness as it's just so far outside of the norm. Familial traditions stick from one generation to the next, and this is the kind of town where everyone knows everyone. Hers was the only wedding I've ever attended in my life that was 'different'. It was still lovely, and I know they had a lot of love from the people that did attend.
  4. @Triple P, thank you for taking one for the team! I have never read any of the HP books, and I've only seen about 15 minutes of one of the movies. I'm not a fan of movies in general, and I tend to only read non-fiction and auto/biographies. I can't tell if this woman is an awesome troll or so deeply entrenched in cult thinking. Does she say how long it took her to write all 14 chapters? Either way, that's some dedication.
  5. Mr. Six & I come from the semi-famous land of the cookie table. We were married in October 2002, had 234 invited, and 161 (excluding bridal party) show. It was a 300pm ceremony, and the reception was about 20 minutes away at a hotel. It was very, very common for a mid-afternoon ceremony with an evening reception that included a full meal and cake. A punch and cake reception would be very outside of the norm in our area, and may not be heavily attended. We attended a family wedding last August, and they had a candy bar set up. It had very traditional options with 'penny candy' sweets-fireballs, Pixie Stix, rock candy, etc. They also had stations with appetizers, bar, full meal, and cupcakes. It was all very tastefully done and didn't scream tacky. Tacky also seems to be the theme with this family though.
  6. JB & Michelle have put the literal fear of God into these kids. If you don't do what is outlined in the Bible, well, there's a special place for folks that don't, and it's not a fun place to go. I can't help but wonder if some of them are just truly scared shitless about college (and 'normal' adult life). What if they encounter others who don't hold every single belief? They wouldn't know how to handle it. They haven't had enough life experiences with the world. If things happen outside of their perceived bubble, they aren't equipped mentally and emotionally to know what to do. The kids will never experience anything beyond what JB & M have drilled into them. These kids are puppets with two shitty parents handling the strings.
  7. The Hulu promo pic has to be an old one since Jinger isn't wearing an e-ring or wedding band. Good grief. I did a reverse image search on Google of the one with Kendra, and Google's best guess for the image was denture cleaning tabs. And as an FYI, Amazon has them cheaper than Walgreens.
  8. Well then. That's a whole bunch of chemicals in one easy drink. Good grief. It's so frustrating to see companies like this skirt FDA guidelines. They are in place for a reason. This stuff has to be expensive. Maybe, just maybe, she could take the money that she blows on this crap to buy her children some food. This woman is endlessly irritating.
  9. I wonder if the person who punctured the tires is also the person who wrote 'fat bitch' on (T)Witney's (MBFFL) RV. I must admit, I do feel bad for Jill in regards to Janessa and her health issues. I don't think for one second that Jill did anything wrong during her pregnancy, and every child deserves to grow up healthy. Jill's about 2 steps from going over the deep end, and it's not going to be pretty when it happens.
  10. Mr. Six still maintains to this day, at 38, he was hatched. That's the only way he could exist in today's world. I got pregnant in 2007. We were married nearly 5 years, and we were both more than ready to start our family. I miscarried at a nearly 5 weeks. When I told my parents, the first thing out of my dad's mouth was "well, we all know what you two did". I was mortified! I'm just grateful it was over the phone. As much of these people think sex is such a taboo word to even utter, that's all they focus on when a marriage occurs. I hope they littles can learn that instead of being fruitful & multiplying, they can tell their spouse to make their own damn sandwich.
  11. I only remember ours since it was our two year anniversary. We had a 4 1/2 year engagement, which the Duggs would faint at. It turns out, all that stuff you can do while you're married, you can actually do *before* you get married. It's not like there's an access code for a va-jay-jay.
  12. My first guess was Giddy Up. I know Josie is not standing up straight, but holy crap, Izzy is tall! That kid is going to have a problem buying pants when he's older if Jill isn't having an issue now.
  13. OMG, it does!! I think it's supposed to read "more precious than rubies". Apparently, whoever gifted those onesies sat at the same table Jill did.
  14. You just described my high school years to a t (shirt). I'm waiting for the spaghetti strapped tanks with the bra straps showing to make a come back. My BFF took a pic of me in said outfit while leaning in the car window. My mom was shocked, my dad rolled his eyes, my grandmother rolled over in her grave, and Mr. Six was a happy 18 year old. I must admit, Anna looked very nice. Her dress was a good choice. We already know about JB & M's sex life and how many times they procreated. They don't need to announce it at every wedding. Joyless needs a new bra and a new husband while she's at it. He looks like he would rather be anywhere but with her. There's just something about him that I don't like. I don't think he would be physically abusive toward her, but I can see him being a bully. Joe & Kendra are adorable, in love, and fun to watch. The pic of Sia with Lauren and prairie dress girl is the only one where he looks happy. I don't even want to think about what ALERT did to him. I hope, in time, he can learn to be married and love Lauren. From what little we've seen, she seems like a very nice, sweet young lady. I wish them luck.
  15. I have a sneaking suspicion that Derick doesn't even like himself. In his spewing Tweets, he's projecting his thoughts (about himself) onto other people. I think he has a case of bait-and-switch buyer's remorse. Jill portrayed herself, as did Bob & Chelle, that she was going to be a godly missionary wife. When that plan hit the skids, Jill instantly popped Iz out, and Cathy got her cancer diagnosis, he just lost it. They could benefit from individual and couple's counseling, but it won't happen. Hell, Jill's needed it since the molestation. On a lighter note, props to whoever said Jill would teach us how to make toast. I hope she has some ideas on making water hot. Crossing the crossables!
  16. @ramble--how do you handle eating out with your wheat allergy? I have a few friends with diagnosed celiac, and they have learned what to eat (and more importantly, what not to eat), but it was a rough road. I totally agree with those who said you just can't account for everyone's allergies/likes/dislikes when you're inviting the whole town. If I were to get married now, I wouldn't have dishes of nuts laying around at the reception or have nut-laden dishes. Mainly for anyone with a server allergy, but also because I literally hate any kind of nut ;) Those cupcakes just look sad. They scream Sierra too!
  17. From 6th-12th grades, my core group of friends consisted of 8. None of us came from wealthy families. None of our parents were divorced, though one did lose her dad in 10th grade. We were typical kids from a very small-knit community in the sticks. After graduating, one of the girls decided to go to a business school that started much earlier in the fall than the rest of us who went to traditional colleges/universities. I, along with another girl, went to a small, Catholic college close to home. I ran into her in the parking lot one afternoon, and she wanted me to listen to a voicemail that she had received while in class. "Susan" literally came out in this voicemail. None of us had a clue. But what makes me so sad is she didn't feel she could tell any of us before leaving for school. She thought her only way was to leave a message for one of us. My heart broke for her at the time. She has a totally awesome life now, not to mention a new wife. Dick has met gay or lesbian people before. Hell, he may have been friends with one or six. He just didn't know it. What is he going to do when the boys start interacting with other children? Take a survey of any potential friend and ask? We have come so far in attitudes of others, but we are miles from the finish line.
  18. Oh dear. All of those videos and pics are hard to see. When I look at both of them, all I see is fear. Fear of what they just did. Fear of what is supposed to happen next. I met my husband in high school. He was 15; I was 16. We were married at 22 (him) and barely 23 (me). Moving in together was the hardest thing to adjust to. Everyone has their habits and way of life. Combine that with another person who may have different habits, and there's going to be a learning curve. There are things that we are *still* discovering nearly 16 years later. I always tell people if you think marriage is easy, you're not doing it right. It's hard, but if you're with the right partner, it's so worth it in the end. I wish these two happiness.
  19. Any Sunday dinner at the zoo TTH house or any interaction with his family in general. That doctor has beautiful hair. I'm jealous. The TLC clips were nicely done. Joe & Kendra clearly love each other, and while they are insanely young, I think they have what it takes to maintain their little family of 3. Everything was going so well until I heard Mechelle's voice. Her voice is so grating, I would rather hear grinding flatware in a garbage disposal.
  20. This is a big part of what makes these types of schools predatory. They will accept a student like Timothy knowing said student will have to take some basic courses in the beginning. School says they will give them a chance. Student gets all excited about being accepted to college. School then takes the money from the student. That amount of money is outrageous to just pick up some missing math classes. Timothy could take a similar class at a community college for less than half of what he is paying Moody. Many students will do community college for pre-reqs that will transfer to another institution just because it's so much cheaper. Once schools, like Moody, have your money, they don't give two hoots about whether you finish your degree or not. I did come across this little gem from 2015.  It sounds like the Rod family fits right in.
  21. Ugh. I used to like Erin. Now, she's just as whack-a-doodle as Jilly Muffin. I have letters/notes that Mr. Six wrote, but they are from when we first started dating in high school. Now I just get a random text asking me to pick up some chunky applesauce (which our closest Walmart did not have. Seriously?). Mr. Six went to Penn State. In 5 years, he got 2 associate degrees AND a bachelors. He's a Professional Engineer licensed in two states and has 3 other certifications after his name. Just call me a proud wifey. Even though I've read the description of Timothy's edumacation plans, I can honestly say I still don't understand it. Are there any schools that offer a missionary plumber degree? After all, people with broken pipes and leaky toilets deserve to know Jesus too.
  22. Lying by omission is still lying. As previously mentioned, I don't think Nurie had anything to do with the GFM debacle other than the video she was forced to do. That whole thing reeked of Jill. She's just smart enough to make sure anything in 'print' was done in Nurie's voice and perspective. Do they have any other social media other than the joint FB account? Twitter, maybe? Just asking for a friend ;)
  23. "The thirteen that David and Jill have on this earth are so obedient and a great blessing in their home." This is from the shit show family website. I didn't think I could hate this bitch more, but I managed to squeeze out just a bit. This is an absolutely disgusting way to refer to your children. A dog is obedient. Not another human being. These people are reminding me more and more of the family from California who abused and neglected their children. I hope one of these kids wakes up and realizes what is happening and gets the courage to escape.
  24. Thank you for the warning on the movie. I'm sooo not a movie person, but Mr. Six wants to see it. Thankfully, I don't have epilepsy, but the strobe effect can induce migraines for me. Thanks again! As for the drink & popcorn, we always share a small popcorn and a medium or large drink. Unlike these two, we're not just being cheap, as we have lunch before or after a movie. I can say no to the popcorn, but I must have a drink. These two need to watch the Mr. Roger's movie. They could learn a thing or two (or six) about true kindness, humanity, and humility.
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