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Everything posted by sixlets

  1. If there's ever been a poster child for gun control, it's Dwerp.
  2. The pressure to 'be fruitful, multiply, and give me/us a grandchild(ren)' is very real and common in many families. Mr. Six & I didn't get to decide if we wanted children. My body did that for us. It has absolutely nothing to do with fertility either. I wonder how Boob & Mechelle would handle the situation if it were one of their daughters or daughter-in-law. We have nothing but support from his parents and my mom (my dad passed away 7+ years ago). Yet, I still harbor much guilt over them never becoming grandparents. On top of it all, we are both only children. It was us or nothing, and here we are...
  3. Our old neighbor would get drunk, and go sit on the sidewalk yelling at cars to slow down on our street. Mind you, we have a speed bump directly in front of our house. His wife tried to get him back in the house on evening, and he called (well, yelled) her a dildo. Poor dude drank himself to death though.
  4. Here’s the full spread. If anyone would like the individual pages, please let me know.
  5. Would it be against the rules of the board to post a photo of the article? I get Star, and I should have the issue.
  6. I wonder how long it will take this year for Dicklard to announce Santa isn't real. Those poor kids will never know what hopes and dreams are. The whole 'Scarlet-harlot-Mechelle' is just a joke. What isn't, however, is the real hold JB has on her (and now the kids). It absolutely frightens me to think that a person could have that much control on another. There's a psychologist out there who can't wait for someone to stray just enough. That's going to be a six figure payout.
  7. They can't hold hands before engagement, but Jilly can get herself a new hole. Wouldn't that be going against God and her countenance? I mean, she's 'messing' with what God gave her. The ultimate Christmas present for all of us would be a pic of Muffin smokin' a toke. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.
  8. That poor woman who was doing the interview looked like she wanted to be anywhere but in that house. It skeeves me out to hear a grown-ass woman calling her husband/partner 'daddy', especially to a third person. Ugh. Gag me.
  9. Dave Ramsey. I know quite a few people that have followed him, and for the most part, they say his 'envelope plan' works. Like previously mentioned, I do wish they hadn't shown that. I would imagine the family is fairly easy to find in their community, and having large amounts of cash on hand may not be safe. So far, I like the family. The mom reminds me of Anna Duggar for some reason though. Well, a normal version of Anna at least. Rowan is a handful, but he's adorable. Two thumbs up for Tyson as well ;)
  10. Well, even though it's 2017, some folks may find wearing a shirt in public that reads "I fucked my *insert correct noun here*, and all I got was this bump" slightly offensive. YMMV.
  11. About 20 minutes down the road where Mr. Six & I grew up, there was THE sketchiest strip club. People would stop just because they were in the area. This place had, get this, a drive through! One could stop at the Arby's and less than five minutes later be treated to a nice show. There would be lines on Friday & Saturday nights. I would pay good money to see the Duggs (Dip, especially) expressions at just the mere thought. Sadly, after years of trying to get it closed by the folks nearby, it closed. But, the good news is there's another one about 20 minutes further down the same road.
  12. As a Marylander (Baltimore) for nearly 14 years, we were all (collectively) happy to see him go. Well, I was at least. I have a feeling their neighbors were pissed when the scandals broke. Everyone and their brother trying to get photos had to have clogged the streets. That area is multi-million dollar houses, and those folks didn't pay that kind of money to deal with paparazzi on every corner or a reporter in the bushes.
  13. I know Izzy is tall for his age, but he's nearly as tall as Miracle. Anna should have moved her high five pose just a bit, and she would have covered Josh's face. I haven't seen much of J'Tyler, but he's a handsome young man. A few more years in that house will have him looking 30, along with Derp & Muffin. Mechelle's very close to matching Izzy's pants with her skin tone. Maybe that's a side effect of too much baggin' & shaggin' over the years. I will now make my first trip to the Prayer Closet.
  14. I also went to a private Christian school from 1st-4th grades. It was an Assembly of God Church, and they used PACES for education. I loved & thrived with the 'work at my own pace' attitude, and managed to get done early one year & got an extra vacation. The tuition was crazy, but my parents and I all belonged to the church. They were forced to close during the summer, and I had to start public school at 5th grade. I had a teacher (in public) who told me I would never amount to anything in life, I would never graduate, and my parents set me up for failure by sending me to private. That year was hell for me, and I still 'see' that little girl begging my mom to keep me home. The private school allowed me to attend even though I was too young, so I never went to kinder AND became the youngest in my class. I began my freshman year of college at 17. If I started in public from the start, I would have graduated a year later. There are kids from that class a full year older than me. It definitely had some ups and downs over the years. The biggest up was meeting my now-husband in high school. We've been together 21+ years, and we just celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary. I just turned 38 two weeks ago, but Mr. Six (in that pesky class ahead of me) won't turn 38 until next June.
  15. I swear it looks like Jilly Muffin is "slicing" apples that were already sliced when the video starts. If not, please, for the love of macaroni & cheese, teach that girl how to use a knife properly. I either need to stop reading the leghumper's responses or just stay off Twitter when I'm in a pissy mood. I make no apologies for going after one (or two) the past few days. I just don't get the love and devotion (or excuses) people show. Shoutout to birkenstock for the hand pies info. Mr. Six might get dessert this Sunday.
  16. I'm finally jumping into the pool with both feet by posting here. Since we've seen so very few pictures of baby Samuel, I'm beginning to wonder if something with his delivery became a 'trigger' for Jill. Maybe a flashback of sorts? It feels like we had eleventy million pics of Izzy at this age and only a handful with Sam. While asshat is dancing up a storm with kids, someone needs to sneak Jill to a therapist's office.
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