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Everything posted by sixlets

  1. Equipping & releasing? That post sounds like a commercial for a trout farm. Or erectile dysfunction medication. **Note to self-stay the eff away from German measles and mumps**
  2. The only smidgen of those rumors I believe is the first part of #2-Lauren moving into the compound, but I don't think Jana moved out. Between all their leghumpers and haters, anything else would have been posted/founded a long time ago if they were true. No one on either side would just gloss over everything else.
  3. I think this is what she was going for but was so far out in left field, she wasn't even in the parking lot.
  4. There are currently 5 recalls for the 2016 Hyundai Sonata, and two of those involve the airbags. Hopefully, those were taken care of before the transfer was done since the Rods won't take of it. From a quick Google search, you must have current insurance in order to register a car in WV. And you also must have liability and uninsured motorist coverages. There are other options you can add if you choose. It sounds like you can't get around the insurance thing-they (DMV) verify coverage electronically, so you don't need to present actual paperwork when you register the vehicle. I can see them doing whatever they can to not pay for the required things, but it sounds like the state does a lot to ensure the safety of drivers. If anyone is looking for a stay-proof eyeliner, try Marc Jacobs. It took using makeup remover, a cleansing cloth, and a Clearasil facewash to get it completely off. @Normades--I'm so happy to hear your son is doing well now.
  5. At a quick and first glance, I thought Kendra's shirt read 'atheist'. My hopes have been dashed.
  6. All they have to do is look at their mother. Her daily get-ups scream drag queen louder than a lifeguard's whistle. No offense to any drag queens in the house. I personally think they are fab-u-lous (said in a Sharon Osborne British accent).
  7. Oh Derick, you need to put a filter on that breakfast to make it somewhat appealing. And I am defrauded by the shape of the steak-it looks like a woman's reproductive system. For shame. That video of Jill in the pool bothers me. Izzy wants to go along the next side of the pool. She says it's deeper, and he won't be able to touch the bottom, and then tells him to go ahead! He is 3 for crying out loud. Yes, he's tall for his age, but he's still 3!! I'm not a parent, but I would *never* have more than one child in the pool at the same time with me***. Two kids (at this age) require two parents/adults, who are both strong & seasoned swimmers. She's so focused on Sammy that if something were to happen to Izzy, she would not be able to get to him in time. Derick being on another side and filming wouldn't be able to get him quickly either. I just can't with these two anymore. ***Thankfully, I will never be in this situation. In addition to not creating any helpmeets or headships children, I don't know how to swim. I never bothered learning as a child, and I'm not a huge fan anyway. I have created my own person paddle over the years that sort of works, but I don't go under, intentionally, anyway. The only small thing I have in my favor is I'm tallish, so I'm comfortable in 5 feet, but that's my limit.
  8. Wonder what kind of scare tactics they used in forcing Nuri to make that video? That was so hard to watch, and I truly feel sorry for her and her sister. I know very little about the Rodrigues family, and I'm now realizing that's a blessing. Jill is just a bitch on so many levels. It also pisses me off to know they have pets in that house. If daddy is so over-worked and pinching his pennies, how can they afford adequate pet care? My dad drove triaxle (dump truck) before going on full disability. He was about an hour or so from where we lived, and a bunch of the drivers from his company were driving together. He started coughing, and barely got on the soft shoulder of the road, and within seconds, he had rolled his truck. As the other drivers came around the corner, all they saw was his truck flipped. There was a stream/creek that ran along the side of the highway, and if he went a few feet beyond where he landed, he would have seriously injured due to the level of the water and the large boulders. Thankfully, he walked away with just some nasty cuts, bruises, and overall soreness/stiffness. All it takes is a split second for your life to change, and I hope Nuri and Kaylee can get any help they may need. I also hope those kids have a revelation as to what their parents are really about, and for the baby factory close its doors, windows, blinds, and curtains.
  9. They have to have paperwork available to verify that they meet the requirements: 1. Virgin (married or not) 2. They have been saved (if it happened before the age of 6, an adult relative must provide a paragraph describing their character. Bonus points if you can prove you love the Lord. 3. They have never had an impure thought. Nike situations are no laughing matter. 4. Know the meanings and spellings of "yay" and "voilà". "Yaaaay" & "wa-la" are not acceptable.
  10. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one! I *love* DC but not the traffic. Mr. Six has a 22-mile commute from our county, through Baltimore City, and into another county on 95. It's been taking an hour most evenings with construction, and I silently pray as soon as I know he's on his way home.
  11. PREACH!!!! I wouldn't eat anything she "created", but those are my downfalls. PMS, check. Monday, check. Random Thursday at 234pm, yep. I was truly saddened to read of Dianna's passing. I can't imagine the heartache her husband is suffering, and that poor sweet babe. I hope the whole family can find peace.
  12. Instead of looking in the mirror at themselves 24/7, it would behoove each of them to take a college-level English/grammar course. His blog post was written 18 months after they were married. He doesn't get to give marriage advice at that point. I would love to politely tell him that if you don't have enough trust in *yourself* (or your partner) with an opposite-sex friend, neither of you are ready for marriage. I just can't with these two.
  13. Thank you both for your service! Jill could use an intervention on so many levels-cooking, medical thingys, men... I grew up an only child. My grandmother lived with us, and she was the cook of the family. My mom worked full time, and my dad worked 60-70 hours a week out of state for many years. After my grandma passed away, my dad took over the kitchen. He loved to do it, even when his health was failing. My mom never cared to cook, probably because it wasn't a necessity. She does make an awesome meatloaf and beef stew. We were married young (he was 22 and I was barely 23), and I moved about an hour away from our hometown while he was finishing his bachelor's degree. I somehow managed to make an entire Thanksgiving dinner for us and our parents six weeks after our wedding. I learned that I *loved* to cook, and not to toot, toot, I've become pretty good at it. I don't have to measure ingredients, and I can make up a meal on my own. Jill is getting in her own way of being "something". I can't help but think part of her trying so hard is a result of the molestation. She's trying to show how 'adjusted' she has become and be like every other married mom. If she would have been given the proper counseling and tools, I think we would be seeing a completely different Jill.
  14. If I were married to either of them (I couldn't help it, I'm equal opportunity), I would need Prozac, Xanax, and a glass (or six) of wine each night. For as much as she "pro-children", she comes across with a serious disconnect in regards to both of her sons. She had better connections with her buddy group. It's like she has/had two separate families-her buddies then her own. She's probably exhausted from the first round. I saw her post regarding the couple who were in the car accident. I sincerely hope that young woman is ok. I can't imagine what he husband is going through. Thankfully, their son won't remember the actual accident with him being so young. I will say I'm very curious about the $500 anonymous donation as it's saying an 'offline donation'. I hope JB's is sincere with no strings attached.
  15. I showed my *hubby* the photo, and he said: "*wifey*, those look like Jeezy Lunchables".
  16. This reminds me of my favorite string of swear words from my MIL--hell shit damn. Always in that order too. I'm getting the same protected tweet message on Dick's profile. Just proves he can't take the criticism that he so loves to dish out. Gettin' a little too warm in that nasty kitchen, uh? He is one of the biggest frauds that I've come across. And Jilly Muffin, if you're reading sweetie, have your daddy tell your dipshit leader husband to get a job and support his family, like a real man.
  17. If I didn't know who Jeremy was, I might consider him somewhat attractive. Unfortunately, once he shows how much he loves himself, he automatically goes further down on the scale. Mr. Six tells me he doesn't understand why I'm attracted to him when he's not my "type". Give me a tall, black-haired, Italian man, and I'll follow him like a puppy. I will say Jeremy is one man who looks better with facial hair. The husband tried the clean-shaven look for about 6 weeks for the first time in 19+ years. All I saw was my father-in-law. We have THE hottest county police officers, and I find myself just staring at them. We were out to eat with my in-laws and mom, and two officers came in. My mom & I were trying how to start a fight so we could meet them =) I always say if they don't pass the hotness test for the county, they have to go work for the city. (I have the utmost respect for law enforcement, I promise)! And for a Jinger note, I think she's been visiting us. Her last update post had a completely different sign. **Hi Jing!!**
  18. I wonder if we worked together! My mom always tells me my math got so much better after teching. Your mind just starts doing the calculations automatically. If Jill only had someone at home to do the math for her. Oh, wait! Iz is only 3.
  19. I have made a version of TTC. It was so damn salty that it was hard to eat. One (HA!) of the problems in her recipe is the time and temp. If you look on a bag of TT, the temp is usually in the 425-450F range. Only cooking these for an hour at 350F will turn them mushy. If baked according to the TT directions, they do come out crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. It doesn't reheat well at all, so unless your family of 2-20 can eat the whole industrial pan, you just wasted the time and money. If anyone is looking for an easy way to try curry dishes, check out this brand of sauce. It's a 3-ingredient meal that can be made quickly on a weekday evening. The Tikka Masala is one of our favorites, and every one we've tried has been good. Mr. Six doesn't like a lot of spice (I *love* it), and the mild is a true mild.
  20. "Duggar time" is just an excuse for their rude, unthoughtful behavior. It's not like they suddenly woke up one morning with 19 children. They KNOW they run late with so many kids. Plan accordingly, adjust your timing, and show up 15-20 minutes before an event/outing. Like normal people do. That picture makes me twitch. One of our local grocery stores uses two different colored bags. One is for cold/frozen items, and the other is for everything else. When we go shopping, we always put frozen items first, then cold, and the rest is sorted by size/weight and placed together. Anything squishable is put at the very end. We also load the belt with everything up against the same side the cashier is on, so he/she does not have to reach stuff. It gives us the best chance of keeping like-things together. Both of us worked as cashiers in grocery stores, and we do whatever we can to make things easier for the cashier and most efficient for us.
  21. Chris is a realtor, right? Perhaps he received a call/text from a potential client. I could see him leaving the table to keep the privacy of said client. Since he's easily found online (along with any listings), it wouldn't be hard to find out who he sold a house to if property records are public information. Granted, he could have said he had a phone call that he needed to take and excused himself from the table. Plausible? Too much time on my hands...absolutely.
  22. He can't do either of those, let alone both at the same time. I'll bet a quarter he has no idea what Star Wars is and just heard the saying in passing. He's trying to be the shit, when in reality, he's just full of it.
  23. Please don't put the demise of Thin Mints in the universe. Mr. Six will be a very unhappy fella. I took the five minutes to watch the clip from The View. While I'm not a fan of the hosts (and I have no clue as to who two of them are), I found myself agreeing with them, especially Megan. You know the argument of 'pit bulls are inherently dangerous'? The same could be said of parents. With the dog, it's not the breed. It's how you raise them. People (general) are going to raise well-rounded, successful, empathic humans OR they're going to raise assholes (looking at you Derick cause we know you read here). Coming from a home where two dads or two moms parented doesn't automatically dictate which side they will fall on. It's up to the parent(s) to mold them and teach them right from wrong. I wonder if Derick realizes how many gay people he has spoken to over the years? It would blow his narrow-minded, prejudice mind to bits.
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