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Everything posted by sixlets

  1. Oops. That was meant to be sarcastic. The only thing that we know for 100% certainty that came from Pickles is the Duggars like Vlasic products and (I'm guessing here) Aquanet hairspray. Hey, she was bound to get one or two right.
  2. When you live in a sheltered bubble, ala the Duggars, Mississippi is overseas. Word on Jill's Insta is one of the leghumpers is actually Josh. Personally, I don't think he/she is Josh. The "voice" doesn't match enough, but there are adamant posters to the contrary. We need a confirm/deny from Pickles.
  3. It could be the tiredness of the holiday and holiday travel (UGH!), but isn't Derick sitting in the passenger seat in the upright dead person pic? The church pic is just creepy. He's looking deranged, and Jill looks like a Stepford wife. I'm a little surprised Izzy was included in the actual pic, and she had to point out that they didn't forget their favorite Sam.
  4. Jill is single-handedly going to save Campbell's Soup from ruin. Yaaay!!
  5. Abbie's mom is beautiful! She chose an appropriate dress as mother-of-the-bride. Michelle appeared to have taken the correct dosage of her meds that morning and looked nice. The expression on Jana's face when the parents walked down the aisle was priceless. She was over the entire thing within the first 5 minutes. It takes a special person to work with the elderly and in nursing homes. God bless her for doing it!
  6. I made this casserole for dinner tonight. I rarely measure ingredients when I cook, but I did measure the heavy cream and chicken broth for this. It was quite involved and made a ton. Is it easier than Jill's glop dumped on a plate? No. Was it healthier and tastier? Yes. It could be tailored to suit a variety of needs-lower sodium broth or brown rice, for example. I have a fairly large Pinterest page for main dishes. We refer to it as guinea pig Sunday. It gives us something different to try, and I always keep a wide range of prep/cook time so I'm not wasting my day in the kitchen. I meal plan each week, generally on Friday afternoon, and I shop for groceries on Saturday. I don't necessarily match each meal to a specific day, but I run less of a chance of missing an item from planning. Jill has more than enough time in one day to plan and shop for needed items. It's just the two of us, but I try to make Sunday's meal one that will generate lunches for Mr. Six. It's not hard or time intensive. It just takes a little thought & perusing your stock. My house may be messy, but I'll be damned if I have family drive 300 miles over 4 hours and serve them a shitty dinner from a Campbell's can. You come to our house and I will feed you. You won't leave hungry, and you'll get leftovers if you ask. Get with the program Muffin. ETA-asking they be moved to a different table is crazy. There's reasoning to that little seating chart at the host/ess desk. The only time we sit together is when our parents are in town. I need room to move, a space to put my purse (I loathe putting it on the back of a chair), and on occasion, space to cut whatever I'm eating. Maybe one of them has to cut up the other's food? You know, as you do for a child, or in this case, spouse. If they start feeding each other, I'm done.
  7. I do. We're on the northeast side of the Beltway in the county but less than 2 miles from the city line. Mr. Six works less than 10 minutes from BWI. It's a small world! Happy Sunday neighbor!
  8. Mr. Six & I were out and about today, and we were working our way home on I95 in Baltimore. There was a white van in front of us with a sign that read "caution: crazy clown driving". Turned out, this was a traveling clown. We were so hoping he was dressed up, so I maybe went a little too fast to catch up. As soon as we went by, Mr. Six said he wasn't dressed up, but he was convinced it was Alan Rickman back from the dead. Cristina-this is going to sound stalkerish, but since you're the one doing it (as opposed to him), it's totally legit & normal. You can try to do a reverse image search on Google with the pic he sent. If he has it on social media, it might pop up for you to get more information about him. It's the same tactic that people have used to call out Jilly Muffin on her "family" recipes ;)
  9. In Twit's case, it's not that her thighs grew larger than her head, it's her head circumference did not catch up to equal her thighs. She has an excuse now. I am so pissed at myself for liking her in the beginning.
  10. If you click on the link with Olivia's Instagram pics, the 8th one has Chad & Erin (along with a very unhappy baby). JD & Abbie look genuinely happy in their photos. I love the kiss on the forehead. Mr. Six does that, and our photographer happened to get a shot while we were at the altar after the ceremony. It was done in black & white and is my favorite one of the whole day. Jessa & Anna could use some of Jeremy's perceived fashion sense. Anna looks like she's ready to go skiing in a skirt, and Jessa looks like she raided Mr. Roger's closet. They have kids, they're tired, I get it. But, it's a wedding for crying out loud.
  11. Completely random thoughts-- Aside from the hair, Jill could pass for a normal 20-something woman in the first pic. I feel like Dreck's teeth are doing the cha-cha slide~to the left, to the right... That organization's Twitter handle is awful. All I can see is 'get tit at sams'. I made Mr. Six promise me to never buy brown dress shoes. Black suit? Black shoes. Jill's hashtags in her pupusas post make no sense. They are clickable and will show the top posts. She has the only post for the first one, the second has 10 (including hers), the third has millions, and the fourth only shows hers. As long as you put the # first, you can turn anything into a hashtag. They're just supposed to make sense. Ah-ha. That's the whole problem. ETA--the Fanta label shows it's made in Mexico, so it has real sugar in it as opposed to the HFCS that's added to soda in the US. If you can get your hands on it, it's actually quite good and tastes a great deal different. The Pepsi, in particular, is great.
  12. My heart is breaking for those affected by the wildfires. This is one of those situations where you just don't have the right words to say. I hope those of you in the area remain safe, and please know there are people pulling for you! The mother/daughter show on Friday was one giant cluster that you couldn't help but watch. The fact that the mom couldn't see how much they were alike made me laugh. People would tell me that in regards to my dad growing up, and I would always argue and say no way. After getting married and moving out of my parent's home, I saw it immediately! I felt like the universe reached out and smacked me on the forehead. But, in a small defense of the daughter, her mother would make me drink too.
  13. Was she a music teacher? She sounds exactly like my chorus sub from the mid-90s. We were all seated in the auditorium waiting for her, and this woman walks in looking like an NYC hooker. Everyone went silent. Her winged eyeliner went about 1/2" from the far edge of her eyebrow, and she loved her blue & pink eyeshadow. She was a permanent sub, and every day was like Christmas morning. We never knew what we were going to get. Kendra & Nurie are roughly 8 1/2 months apart in age, but Nurie looks like her mother in that photo. That poor girl has no chance. Of anything. On topic-Abbie looked beautiful, and JD looks peaceful & happy. It seems like, for the first time, he can just breathe and be himself. I think these two will go the distance.
  14. I am so sorry Nysha. I was thinking about you, your sister, and your family this weekend. I'm sorry to read your latest update. I had Tweeted the link about 2 weeks ago, and I reposted this latest update on my Facebook page. You never know who could know someone...Please know you're all in my thoughts and prayers. Take care.
  15. Arkansas has accessible license info online. After a quick search, it appears Austin does not have a general contractor's license. There is, however, a listing for his dad (Terry), but it appears his license is expired as of June 2004. Under classifications, it lists him/his company has a residential builder.
  16. After seeing Jessa and Ben's wedding pics, it's obvious how much they have aged in such a short amount of time. And the whole "servent's heart" thing? STFU. I have a soft spot in my heart for Jinger's dress. I wanted the big, white, poofy wedding dress. My train was just shy of 11 feet long. As I was walking down the aisle, I actually heard someone ask where did my train end. The damn thing weighed almost 10 pounds, and my seamstress didn't add enough buttons for the bustle. I was over it by the end of the ceremony. I did like Jessa's dress, especially the color. She went a little outside of the box, and the color looked great in conjunction with her skin tone. I can't see any of the other girls doing blush/pink.
  17. Thank you all for the home/auto insurance info. I've been putting off getting quotes only because it's such a pain in the ass. I think I need to gather some paperwork, put on my adult beer goggles, and make some calls on Monday. @happy-I'm now driving a 2019 Subaru Crosstrek Limited. The color is just gorgeous. It's called Quartz Blue Pearl. Mr. Six is currently driving a 2016 Ford Mustang. I completely understand our rates being high due to the Mustang. But, Liberty is charging over $3000/year. The last, for no reason, increase is what pushed me over the edge. When I called them to drop our old car and add the new one, the guy was so happy that he was able to drop our payments by $78 per year. I can do that much damage in Target in one day when I'm PMSing. @scarlett-I don't think this litter bin is low enough for Mr. Norris, but we're so glad we invested in them. We actually got 3, but there's only 2 in use. We have three cats, and our Maine Coon was a big girl up until last year. She had a hard time fitting, ahem, everything, in the previous boxes. We get Tidy Cat litter from Chewy (highly recommend them too), and the pans will take almost all of a 20lb handled jug for the first use. But, I've noticed that I'm not needing to buy litter as often since we got the Luuup system. I feel like I should be shilling wrinkle creams on late night TV or something now...
  18. TLC is known for adjusting timelines to fit their agenda. My heart broke for Elizabeth. She is such a gorgeous young woman, and she has a lot of love to give. I hope she's able to heal and move on. And seriously. By text. Jerk. My favorite line of the episode came from Trent when they were pulling the builtin down. One of the kids asked what if there was a dead body behind it. His response was they would keep it. His sexual innuendo is over the top and gross, but he does get in a good one every now and again.
  19. I used to like Lisa Welchel. Damn. Today is the 8th anniversary of my dad's passing. I've also been in the midst of one of my pain cycles, and it just blows. Happy, I LOVE your stories! I know I will be smiling when I read your posts. Way off topic, but since I got such great advice on the new car situation, I am asking again. This time, it's auto & home insurance. We've had Liberty Mutual since 2009, and I'm done with them. The only claim was on our previous insurance (Erie), and that was an accident where the other driver's insurance took full responsibility. I've only been pulled over once (just don't ask how many times I *should* have been pulled over!), I got a warning, and it was back in January 2004. Mr. Six was pulled over with a warning back in 2015. When we renewed back in March of this year, they raised our rates over $350!! For nothing!! We've never had a claim on the homeowner's policy, and it was raised over $50 in March too. I think I want to get 3 quotes, but there's just so many options out there. I'm only excluding The General, the crazy elephant people, and USAA since we don't qualify. Thank you!!
  20. This reminds me of a good recipe. It's only two ingredients...one more than Jill can handle though. Take a can of apple pie filling and a box of angel food cake mix. Combine both ingredients until thoroughly combined and transfer to a greased 9x13 pan (or an equivalent). Bake at 350 for 20 minutes. I don't make it often since it's just the two of us, but it's not enough for Mr. Six to take into work. Calories be damned!
  21. That recipe won't work for Muffin because it doesn't explicitly state the leftover Snickers need to be taken out of their original packaging. She would never get to the peeling of the apples. The idiocy of these two are bringing down the curve for the entire country.
  22. I'm right there with you on the animals over certain people bigsky. Our roughly 12-year-old Maine Coon needed a lumpectomy last summer. The testing did show mammary cancer, but she bounced back amazingly. We thought we were going to lose her a few months ago, but she's bounced from that too. She has become our little Energizer Bunny. After a lot of thinking, discussion, and finding a wonderful dealership, we became the proud owners of a 2019 Subaru Crosstrek Limited. I loved the Outback we drove, but it was just a bit too big. I was not prepared to do anything yesterday, so saying goodbye to my Fusion was harder than I thought. I think (?!) we made the right decision.
  23. At the rate of Jill & Dreck's poor parenting fails, Sam & Izzy will be drinking just like Stewie in no time. My heart breaks for those boys, and I just want to smack the smugness off of Derick's face. Just because you have the ability to reproduce doesn't mean you necessarily should. These two are a perfect example.
  24. I was catching up on some shows from a few weeks ago, and I just cannot believe this man's inflated sense of self. His ego cannot stand to be challenged. I would love to see someone come along and "Dr. Phil" his ass. I purposely did not watch today's show because of the content. I would still be yelling at the TV, and my brain just can't handle it.
  25. First, I am so sorry to read your latest update Nysha. Your family has been in my thoughts the past few weeks. Please know you have an outlet to talk, vent, yell, or cry. Second, thank you all for weighing in on the car discussion. We test drove 3 Fords-Edge, Taurus SHO, and Fusion Energi (plug-in hybrid). We liked the Energi, but the trunk space made us walk away. We are replacing a Fusion Hybrid, which has the tiniest trunk I ever saw...until the Energi. Mr. Six needs to be able to carry a 6ft ladder when he goes on some site visits, and that car just won't cut it. We also test drove the CX-5, which is my personal favorite at the moment. Subaru test driving will be Saturday, and if there's time, Honda as well. Again, thank you all for your help.
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