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Everything posted by sixlets

  1. A 30-something racist twit I used to work with (and who has been drinking God know what kind of Kook-Aid since birth) named her second Daxton. If I would have read Amy was using it first, I would probably say it's not my favorite, but it's not horrible either. However, since the "queen-who-is-always-perched-on-her-pedestal' took it first, I dislike it immensely. She must be getting nosebleeds on a daily basis from her altitude. I'm guessing you can tell I dislike his mother as well.
  2. Mama's Family is currently on Amazon Prime for only $54.69. My husband got it for me a few years ago, and this is, by far, the cheapest I've seen it go.
  3. He sits beside Becky in the Third Row and competes with her to see who will win Derick over first. Maybe he can ask the old D if he owns any other t-shirt.
  4. Whether Jana is happy or not is something I don't think we'll ever know. She's stuck between a rock and hell. If she revolts from the family, she'll be shunned, which might not be a bad thing after all. If she stays, well, we know what will happen. I cannot fathom what her current life is like. At 29 years old, I had been married for 6 years, made 3 moves (one out-of-state), and owned my home for two years. At that point, I was a SAHW, and if I hadn't miscarried our only pregnancy, I would have been baking our baby. I just hope for her sake that Jana is happy. There's a cheesy commercial that used to be played that had a quote about how the world equally distributes talent, but it does not equally distribute opportunity. These kids were robbed of so much by their narcissistic parents. Education, true & pure love, and the simple chance of being individuals.
  5. Jinger really needs to teach Jill this one. If we had a date night planned for anything fancier than a chain and Mr. Six showed up in Dreck's clothes, I would kick his ass into his closet & tell him to try again. We did a Valentine's Day cruise around Baltimore's Inner Harbor last year, and he was in a full suit. At the very least, Derrick could have put on a dress shirt and pants.
  6. Depending on what you're looking for, Target has some beautiful quilts online starting around $50. I actually saw one today that was on clearance for $35 in the store. A few years ago, my mother-in-law wanted a new quilt. She is quite crafty but didn't want to tackle it herself. She ended up going to Lancaster (PA) to get a handmade Amish quilt. I want to say she paid in the $200 range, but it's stunningly beautiful. I'm kinda hoping she decides to get a new one soon so we can get that one 😏
  7. Mr. Six has an Apple Watch, and he loves it. The only time he takes it off is to charge it overnight and to shower. While they're not waterproof, they are water resistant. Apple will be launching the next series later this year, and they generally put new stuff out in September. They will also be coming out with iOS 13 (for all Apple devices), and the Watch is getting some pretty big improvements since the 4 series came out. We're a strict Apple household with numerous devices between us, and I'm a not so closeted tech geek. I watch the World Wide Development Conference every time, and I've been known to take notes. I think I need help. Please send Siri 😉
  8. Alex, I'll take "Lauren & Si have a girl, give her a name that's derived from Mary, and the whole family says Mary has come to life as said baby girl". Oh, and for $500, please. Lauren is exhausting, and she will be pregnant for as long as April the giraffe.
  9. I was heartbroken reading Amy's post. I was the only grandchild for my maternal grandma, and she lived with us my whole life. Losing her was the greatest pain I had ever known until I lost my dad. Looking at the picture Anna posted from Christmas and comparing it to the pic with Ivy, you can see the decline in Mary's health. I hope for her sake, and that of her baby, Amy is kind to herself in the coming days and weeks. Alert should be fined for copyright infringement when it comes to their little ceremony. The US military came up with that stuff first, and they do it much better. And Lauren sweetie? Tend to your husband's needs and grief. Take your 2-hour old baby bump and sit your ass down.
  10. *At nightly bible study with Dreck* "Jill why don't you look over this passage while I law school." ---15 minutes later--- "Babe, I can't understand. Someone is talking about getting a job. What exactly that means?"
  11. Or, in Jana's case, it's probably Duggers and dicks.
  12. Brian-I'm so sorry to hear about your sister's house. I am so glad to hear they are ok though. Calico-Please know you are in my thoughts. I'm very sorry to hear about your dad's fall. It has to be a huge relief to know you and your brother are on the same page. Please take care of yourself! Barb-thanks so much! You are right, pain does suck. Monkey balls. Hope you all are safe! I made it through the infusion just fine this morning, and the "normal" pain I was expecting hit me around 200pm. I'm also getting nerve pain when I go from a standing position to sitting down. It's happened before, but damn. It hurts like a son of a bitch. Mr. Six left work around 400pm, and after discovering Taco Hell didn't have what we wanted, he stopped at Arby's instead. That was 487931 calories I didn't need. We got hit with a hell of a storm that left damage in our development. Giant branches were on the road, we had hail for nearly 2 minutes, one neighbor lost a portion of his fence, and the mister found one of our shutters. Down the street. It's now in the kitchen. Thankfully, I don't think there are any injuries. It wasn't a tornado, but it wasn't a normal thunderstorm either. We went through Hurricane Sandy with less damage than today. The weather is now officially scary.😟
  13. Evening all! I hope everyone is safe, sound, and undamaged from all the storms. A confirmed tornado touched down about 1.5 miles from my mom's house in PA, but thankfully, there were no injuries. Another one hit Columbia, Maryland at the same time Mr. Six was trying to get home from DC last Thursday. Tomorrow is my iron infusion, and I am sooo not feeling it. I'm not worried about the procedure itself, it's the knowing of what's to come afterward. After being sick for nearly 10 years, blood draws/injections do not phase me. I'm to the point that if the person is good at their job, I don't even feel the needle anymore. But, I know the bone & joint pain that is to come tomorrow afternoon/evening. Taco Hell is making our dinner, and my reward will be cinnamon churros. I need to make a Target run before my appointment to grab a birthday card and gift for Mr. Six. I also want to find a Father's Day card from the cats for him as well. I always joke that he's my kitty daddy. Hope you all have a lovely (and safe) rest of the week!
  14. Evening all. I am still, once again, finding myself in a flare 😞 This has to end by Tuesday night because the thought of having this iron infusion done Wednesday morning AND dealing with this level of pain, it's all going to set me in the frazzled zone really quickly. I've already convinced Mr. Six to grab dinner home that night, and Thursday meal will be an easy one for me to handle. Between the lovely (read: barfy) metallic taste in my mouth and toss in some bone/muscle/joint pain from the infusion itself, I'm not looking forward to it. I also have 2 other huge errands to run the same day. I'm seriously wondering if I can have my meds delivered Wednesday afternoon/evening by the pharmacy? Hmmm? I must call tomorrow to verify. Hope everyone had a nice, quiet, loud, party-hardy Saturday! Tootles until tomorrow!
  15. I'm actually heading up to bed in a few minutes, but I did want to drop by and say thank you for all the love, well-wishes and support you have all shown. Being in this particular community, I feel like I have a ton on supporters, which gives me an extra boost to my day. Just for a short reference, IP is just a shortened name for Intractable Pain. I was able to find an easy (meaning quick) article on Wiki, and it's pretty accurate, at least in my situation. I will try to be around more tomorrow to answer any more questions, but I will leave the short Wiki article in question. This diagnosis came about from one of the ER docs I saw years ago, and I am still frightened by it :(
  16. There have been many ups and downs here in our group. I'm sorry to hear about family pet losses. Ms. Matilda, Mr. Arthur, and Mrs. Pollina would like to pass on their hugs, love, and extra purrs. Dragon-You and your husband are still in my thoughts! I hope it's on the mend very soon. I have been dragging my feet about posting in here. I'm mainly concerned a family members knows about this place and will read things that I have kept quiet from everyone, save my mom, inlaws, and husband. I'm not putting it on Facebook either. I will be going in next Wednesday to have my 3rd iron infusion done. I've done one around this time of the year in 2017 & 2018 as well. This is just never a good time for my levels. I have ZERO symptoms though. I'm not tired, I have energy, and I still have some desire to go out and do things. What I do have a ton of is pain. Lots and lots of pain. THAT is what is keeping me at home and explains why I don't want to be around a ton of people when it will be people who don't understand. I'm heading to bed now (I'm currently smacked into the middle of a flare for whatever reason, and the combo of RX pain meds and sleep (along with Ambien), it's the only relief I can possibly get. I will be around sometime tomorrow to speak more about it. If anyone has any questions, please feel to ask. I'm an open book with 99.9% of my life, and I would love to help just one person overcome, and deal slightly better, with IP. Good night and sweet dreams😴
  17. Actually Jill, the smiling faces are called emojis, and they are coming from the Unicode Standard. It has nothing to do with Jesus or some dude(ette) high on pot chilling out at Samsung or Apple just randomly picking them out. I know very little about the Anderson family, but there's a special place in hell for that husband/father. He is disgusting and should not be a parent to his kids. They're probably just tax write-offs anyway, but he doesn't deserve them🤬.
  18. I did preschool for 2 years as well beginning at the age of 3. My parents then had two options. Send me to public school (small town of 3000, decent, but not great) or the school that was associated with our church (AOG). I went the private route, which didn't have kinder, so I entered first grade at the age of 5 and turned 6 about eight weeks into school. I went 4 years there, but then the church/school closed and I was in public. When all was said and done, I started my senior year at 16. I am the youngest in my class by nearly two months. It sucked. I wasn't even a legal adult when I started my freshman year of college. If I would have started in public, I would have graduated with Mr. Six instead of the year ahead. I'm 7 1/2 months old than him, but it doesn't bother either one of us. "Just because you don’t want to, doesn’t mean you have to, so just live and let live man." -This little quote by Derick shows how narrow-minded and weak he is as a male of the human race. I refuse to call him a man, in the same manner, that he refuses to refer to Jazz as a woman. Why can't he apply this to the people he condemns-women as a whole or members of the LGBTQ+ community? Oh, right. It's because he's a dickhead who feels he's been blessed to spew garbage to the masses because he was given a dick at birth.
  19. In his defense, he never had those qualities to begin with. Can't miss something you don't have. He might want to make an appointment with Dr. Jill and have his Adam's apple looked at. It appears to be quite large. Mr. Six bought himself AirPods for work. He's in a cubical farm with 35-40 people. I would guess at least 75% of them have AirPods. He uses them every day (podcasts) and loves them for business trips. He actually bought me my own pair for my birthday last year. I use them every single day, so I feel like I've gotten my use out of them in the last 6 months. Are they necessary? Absolutely not. Are they nice? Absolutely. Are they worth it? Depends on who you ask, but we would say yes.
  20. Fuzzy, I am so sorry for your loss. You have my sympathy and condolences. Re: Exhaust fans. This is right up Mr. Six's alley since he's a mechanical engineer/certified plumbing designer. His firm does not do private homes, but he does work on every other kind of building. I asked him if they were required, and he did say they fall under the international mechanical code. I'm assuming that is for new construction and if the bathroom does not already have a window. My parent's house does not have one, but it's over 70 years old. Our current home (built mid-70s) does have one since it's an interior room. Our bathroom has a 3-switch fixture. One is for the overhead light, which will turn the exhaust on/off. One is for the vanity lights over the sink, and the other is for a nightlight in the overhead light. We keep the nightlight on, but we'll change the bulb to different colors depending on what we have. It's not bright enough to keep you awake, but it's enough to light the hallway/doorway. I don't really hear it anymore, but it does help with humidity.
  21. We own a 3-story townhouse with 3BR/1BA. Our dining room table with a traditional leaf that can be as needed. If we put that table under our light fixture, nobody would be able to go into the kitchen, as that door separate the dining room & kitchen is quite narrow. We will use that table for a family gathering to put food down to do a spread, but we don't eat at ti. My inlaws have the same problem. They would lose living room arrangements if they put that dining room table under their light fixture. In this case, it isn't a new house. It's the people living in them. The only thing that Derick can win at is sucking the life of everyone he comes in contact with. Including his own children.
  22. jyn, you will be in my thoughts and prayers. If you need to vent, please know you have a ton of friends here who will listen ♥ Against my own internal guilt trip, I ultimately decided to stay home Easter weekend. Mr. Six did go up on Friday, but he ended up skipping the family lunch and came home Saturday. Poor guy ended up taking my technology-frightened mother shopping for her new cell phone. We got her off of our family plan, and she signed up with Consumer Cellular. His reward will be a new iPhone for himself whenever he wants to upgrade. He also helped his dad with a few home projects. I'm still stuck in a neverending pain cycle, which is making simple tasks a pain in the ass. I am way too young for this shit. I will also second (or third) the recommendation for Zaditor eye drops. The generic is $4.59 at Target, and I just got my second bottle a few weeks ago. They have been a lifesaver this season. And I finally found a way to get them in my eyes. If I see something coming at me, I instinctively close my eyes. I started having success when I have my eye closed, apply the drops to my lid and let it "soak" into my eye. It's not pretty, and while I may have to use 3 or 4 drops, it works well for me. I hope everyone is having a great Sunday. It is a gorgeous and sunny 63 degrees in Baltimore today. I'll take it!
  23. I found a new collab for Muffin. (Some images may not be safe for work/children). Not exactly fruity but somewhat frightening
  24. So these assholes have a hard line on deviled eggs, but they just laugh & wave off the molestation that took place in their own home, TO THEIR OWN GIRLS??? "It happens in every family". I would love to throw everyone single one of those eggs at Michelle. 1/2 boiled, 1/2 raw. They have gone beyond clueless and just moved onto downright stupid.
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