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Everything posted by sixlets

  1. Personally, I think there's a big difference between not wanting to pay/cannot afford cable and what JB&M did. Not having a tv and/or internet was (is?) one more way for them to control their children. They knew each child would be under their sole control until they turned 18, randomly left, or got married off. Censoring allowed them the power to stop any free-thinking from taking place under their watch. People can grow up or live without a television and still know current events from being around peers or the world in general. JB&M put a stop to that as well, as the kids only associated with one another. It is absolutely disgusting what these two have done to their kids in the name of religion.
  2. Joy looks like Jill. Giddy looks like Sam. Josie has been reduced to a floating head. Jenny looks like she would rather be anywhere else. Jordyn does not need those damn leggings with her skirt/dress. Poor Hannie looks like sex pest. Austin is just over the whole thing.
  3. As an extreme introvert, I'm not a huge fan of attending weddings. However, this is one I can't wait for. It will go down as one of the biggest shit-shows of 2020. I'm there for it. One of Mr. Six's best friends in elementary school has a brother named Nimrod. Maybe N&N will go with "D" names (Jill will angle for the Duggar connection), and for the first girl they can pick Dorcas.
  4. I feel the need to apologize to everyone in Paris and plead the case that not all Americans are like Twit. And after looking at that ridiculous photo (that another woman took!! WTF), I feel the need to bathe. Twice.
  5. Oh Jill, your chronological age might be 40-something, but you have a lot to learn about the world. If it weren't for people "sinning" as you so eloquently stated, you would not have the right to be the judgmental, sexist, classless, gussied-up bitch that you are. Be grateful for those who have gone against the grain. You can throw out verses left and right, but that will never change or hide your true colors. You spend your days hiding behind the bible, which is why you shill that Plexus shit. Newsflash! It's not working.
  6. After watching this video, we better hope and pray that Derick never lands himself in jail. Muffin has the 'baby girl' act down pat without the jail aspect. I'm pretty sure we've heard all of those phrases spouted by her at one point in the past six years. This woman's 'husband' (they are not legally married) is serving an outrageous 213 year sentence in federal prison. If you hear her refer to Adam, that's him.
  7. "It’s quite amazing to see everyone playing together at the same time!!" Yes, that's called a band/ensemble, or in this case, a music club. That's what's supposed to happen. Dipshit. Their whole ideal of dressing "modestly" is gag-inducing. If someone unfamiliar with the family (or maybe even the US) asked them about their modesty standards, they would have that poor soul believing that the rest of us dress like hookers or sluts 24/7. What pressure do they put on the boys as far as the modesty rules? I'm guessing none. After all, if a boy/man is having undesirable thoughts, it's only because a young lady is wearing the wrong clothing. Never mind the fact, he can just be a horn ball with no outlet because they haven't been matched in an arranged marriage able to find the one.
  8. Regardless of how Twit is shilling for UA now, the FTC just came out with new guidelines for "influencers" to follow. Even though this woman's channel is based around makeup, she does a great job of explaining the new rules and what it means going forward. This needed to be done from the start, but at the very least, the FTC is trying to make up lost ground. I live very close to UA's headquarters, and they are not what they used to be. The current CEO is stepping down and becoming the creative director something something. The whole "can't use the company credit cards at strip joints" was in our local news a few weeks ago. It is quite common for individuals to have company credit cards and use them when dealing with clients. In this case, UA is dealing with professional athletes, and going to bars, restaurants, or strip joints is not out of the realm of locations they would frequent. I'm personally in the camp of as long as a person is of legal age, and they are not in a state of duress, do whatever floats your boat, BUT, do some things need to be on your own dime.
  9. Jill & Derick's house is new. They should have considered this option-it lets Jill cling, and the boys can splash in the tub while Derick grabs the lotion. (This bathroom is located in a house for sale in Dallas.
  10. Joy looks a little like the Olsen twins' younger sister Elizabeth. It's nice to see her trying new things. Joy & Austin were dealt a shitty hand, but they have handled it with grace.
  11. Aww, thanks for the Polly love! She's firmly in the camp of "I'm pretty, and I know it". She's so sweet, but the poor thing has some issues with food security. She did not have a good start in life, but I hope she knows she always has a home with us and will never want for anything ever again. She's currently hanging out *in* Mr. Six's hoodie. While he's wearing it 😉 Scarlett--Blake is beautiful!!
  12. I found this article from November 2018. Upon further inspection, Yahoo covered it as well. I know little about Tess, even less about Natalie, and I loathe Twit as a human being. None of them deserve these messages or to live in fear of their lives. It's frightening to think about a person having that much hate for three people they don't (presume to) know. I hope this man was found by authorities and the incident was handled appropriately.
  13. Thank you so, so much! The White Marsh location is the closest to us. Having one rear tire is a problem though 😁 I will pass the info along! I did not know you could end your membership like that. Good info to have-thank you!! We have a membership to BJs, which is ultra-close to where we live. Costco isn't far, but it's kinda out of the way, if that makes any sense. Thankfully, our second vehicle is a Subaru Crosstrek, so if the weather turns to pot overnight, he can just drive mine. I plan my outings very carefully, so being at home with his car is fine. I can always Uber if it's 100% necessary. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Miss Polly would like to say thank you as well!!
  14. Thank you so much! It's a 2018. I finally got him to give more info so I can get specific item numbers. The fronts are different than the rears, just to make things more difficult. The rears are item #1059813, and the fronts are item #1058177. They are Michelin Pilot Sport A/S 3+. Thank you again!!
  15. @Christina87, I have been worried about you!! I was just going to post tonight asking if anyone had heard from you. I hope you feel better soon ♥ I have a very odd favor to ask. Mr. Six got himself a Mustang GT back in September, and because it has more "oomph" than other vehicle we ever owned, he found out that he can spin out quite easily. The first time was on a 90 degree day on dry pavement. Fun times. Needless to say, since we live in Baltimore, our winters can be a little icky at times, and he needs winter tires. He found out that Costco sells them, but you need a membership/login to even see the prices. We don't have a membership, but he wants to see how much the tires are before we spend/waste money to join. I just need the price, nothing ordered. For your troubles, I will post a kitty pic for you to enjoy 😋 Thank you!
  16. @LATETOTHEPARTY-I am so sorry to hear of Katie's passing. You have written a wonderful tribute to your sister. You and your family will be in my thoughts in the coming days and weeks. We will always be here when you are ready ♥
  17. Mr. Six got the 11 Pro Max a few weeks ago. It was $1249 before trade in. Apple has two ways to finance. You can apply for the Apple Card, which will earn you 3% back on Apple purchases, but the interest rate starts at ~16%. They also have a credit card that will give you 0% interest for 24 months. For families that tout the "correct" & simple way of living, they seem to enjoy the finer things. Too bad they can't take that money and get new personalities (or in Michelle's case, a backbone).
  18. @RESCUE MAMA, please know you can reach out here anytime when and if you're ready. You did an amazing and hard thing just by quitting. That, in and of itself, is a difficult journey and one you should be proud of. Take each day as it comes, and try to allow your family to be there for you. You already have a new family here to support you any way we can. Our little group is spread out through the US, and if you feel safe enough, please share what area you live in. Be kind to yourself, and please know you are in my thoughts.
  19. I went one time in a last-ditch effort to control my pain in 2009. I will *never* do it again. Not only did it intensify my pain, I ended up with a migraine that put me in bed for 3 days. I didn't care about the back pain once that migraine hit. It was awful. I know some people swear by it, but I can safely say, without a doubt, it is not for me.
  20. I know nothing about Andrea & Tom Mills, but one of his recent videos popped up in my recommendations on YouTube. He explains what happened surrounding Andrea's passing. My heart breaks for her babies.
  21. Thank you all for the travel suggestions! I wanted to surprise him with Penn & Teller tickets for his 40th next summer, so we're looking into Vegas. He will have a professional conference to attend next September, which would be in New Orleans, and I might tag along for that one. Hawaii would be awesome, but the flights would do me in. I feel like I would get as far as L.A. and just be done. Key West sounds intriguing. I'm going to do some research on that one! I would be happy sitting on a sandy beach with a drink in hand. At this point, I think going anywhere for a few days together would be welcome and very much needed. But I'll go wherever there's good food! Thanks all 🤗 Christina-I hope you're feeling better soon! Doodlebug-Scout is the perfect name for your little guy. Congrats again!
  22. From People, the memorial service isn't until October 24th in Michigan.
  23. @doodlebug--he's so precious! Names can be tough with pets. I have been given some great advice from you fabulous folks, and I could use some again. Our anniversary is coming up later this month (#17). We were not able to go on a honeymoon since Mr. Six was still in college. He was 22 and finishing up his Bachelor in Engineering after already receiving 2 associate degrees. I turned 23 two days before our wedding, and we were just not in the right place to take a honeymoon. Since my birthday (and subsequently, our anniversary) is in a few weeks, he wanted to do something since this will be my 40th birthday. All was well until he realized he has a 4-day conference in Pittsburgh (we're in Baltimore) during the same time frame. We did discuss waiting until next year-Feb/March since we could have more wiggle room. My question is: where would you suggest we go? I'll will write down the full list and research each option. I would prefer somewhere they didn't require a passport, but I think we have enough time to get them , if needed. Send the Six family away on a much-belated, way overdo vacation/honeymoon!! Thank you!! Oh, and just a few minor things--no snowy weather. We can get that if we stay at home. The snow/cold is what we want to escape 😉
  24. You can get a copyright strike on YouTube for posting a video that has music playing in the background. Something as simple as walking through a store where music is playing can get a video demonetized. I used to watch a reselling channel, and one of the Goodwill locations the woman would frequent would have their music blaring so damn loud that she had numerous issues with YT. When she would edit her videos, she would have to put free domain music over top of her narration to drown out the sound. If Twit doesn't follow their rules, she will get busted. Quickly.
  25. I'm surprised it took this long for Jill to jump into MLM territory. Those hun bots should be after her like a fly on poo. I'm spending my afternoons going down the rabbit hole of all things MLM. It's some scary shit 😲
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