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Everything posted by sixlets

  1. Once again, these two make the celebration all about them. They forgot to add how courageous & selfless Michelle was to bring both babies to term. Gag me. JD is not looking well. He's also not wearing his wedding band in the video. I thought that was a sin since it could give some young filly the idea that he's available. The horror. I'm clutching my pearls.
  2. There's something creepy about "Coach Mike" to me. I can't put my finger on it, but he just gives off a vibe. He's been appearing on The Talk this week as well. Life must be rough after getting ditched by Demi, as iHateAmpersands posted. His desperation doesn't look cute on anyone. Speaking of his podcast, I want to reach through the screen every single time I hear his "I'll ask the questions around here woman" line to Gayle King. For his love of Skeletor, one would think he has more respect for women. *insert eye roll here*
  3. I'm strictly an East Coast gal, but I've seen people bring a homemade or "outside" cake at many restaurants. In most instances, the cake is never taken back to the kitchen. It is cut/plated by the family or by the server at the table. I've had two birthday parties at the same restaurant, and both times my parents supplied the cake even though they did desserts.
  4. This is me, 100%! I found a pair of black riding boots at Burlington a few years ago, and they fit so well. I tried on a pair last Saturday, and they were so dang uncomfortable but so stinkin' cute. jjane , I'm so happy to hear your hubby is doing better. Good luck with the second opinion. It's always a wise decision in this situation.
  5. I enjoyed his interview with Kathy Bates. She seems like a genuinely nice person. Phil could do some redeeming with more stories like the second one in today's episode with the fire chief. That was heartbreaking & inspiring at the same time.
  6. I cannot imagine having one thing removed from my body, let alone 68 things. That woman was just radiating at the end of her very long procedure. I know a woman who has severe psoriasis. I haven't seen her in quite some time, but I remember how much pain she was in during a flare-up. It appears Cosentyx has a copay program, and it has a $16000 annual limit, and some people could qualify for a $0 copay. I would guess they did something for him since Dr. Lee mentioned the name so many times.
  7. The one on the left looks like Mueller.
  8. That video just angers me. They have done the biggest disservice to all of their children. A solid spirit (or whatever the hell he said) ain't going to pay the bills. When asked why he wants a college education, (insert J slave here) immediately said to support a family. Good grief, you are allowed to think about and for yourself regardless of what your idiotic parents say. Michelle says the children can learn ANYTHING, with such emphasis. Yep, they sure can. As long as they stick to the narrative and keep to gender-specific roles. As for character, great job with Josh. If he's the pinnacle of their parenting, the rest don't stand a chance.
  9. I hate, with a passion, teeth, feet, and belly buttons. Every time I see a pic of any Duggar in bare feet, I shudder, and it has nothing to do with cleanliness. I literally wear 3, yes 3, pairs of socks year round. I never went barefoot as a child either. I will drop off trash bags, get the mail, or grab something from one of the cars in my slippers, but otherwise, I'm in shoes outside of the house. Instead of the prayer closet, I'm off to the loony bin with my really weird hangups. I promise I'm (mostly) normal in real life.
  10. I will admit, if I didn't know who Jeremy was, I would probably find him attractive in the first photo. Jinger seems to have a knack for photography, and she's guaranteed to have two clients. As for who is the bigger poser between Jeremy and Derick, it's Jeremy. Derick is an imposter. Of a man.
  11. If you find the "about me" section amusing, check out the "return policy" page. There are so many grammatical errors in such a small area. I get the gist of what she's going for, but there are so many other ways to say it. I did a doubletake when I saw Joy's photo. I always read the "Life & Style" section in the Saturday edition of the Baltimore Sun. They highlight a charity event, show 12 pics of various attendees, and there's a focus on one individual. They have a full-length photo along with the details of everything they wear. A woman featured a few weeks ago was in the same dress/shirt thing that Joy is wearing (the color/pattern was different though). She wore it over ridiculous semi-wide leg black pants, which made it look worse. I couldn't imagine why someone would buy it, but there are at least 7 people out there. I want to say she got it at a boutique in NYC, and this was an event celebrating John Waters. Talk about fugly choices.
  12. Galaxy--Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoy your day, and 2019 is your best year yet! Christina--I was so sorry to hear about sweet Kiwi. I hope her little friend is doing better now. I literally ran out the door this morning and went to Target in a hurry. I completely dropped the ball on Mr. Six's gift, but Target came through. I was able to price match an Apple HomePod and saved over $100. I grabbed a clearance giftbag and stuck that puppy in the back of my car. It's times like today, I'm glad we have their RedCard too. Dinner has been started, and I have a long afternoon of cooking ahead of me. I want nothing more than to open the meat & cheese tray that's in the fridge right now. It's been calling my name since Saturday. A holiday diet downfall, indeed.
  13. I hope everyone is having whatever kind of day you had hoped for! It's just Mr. Six & I with the kitties today, and lunch/dinner is grab what you want. His parents and my mom (my dad passed away 8 years ago) will be in town tomorrow, and we're hosting dinner, but I get the privilege of cooking it all. They leave Friday, and our Tuxedo kitty has his well-kitty visit in the evening. That'll be fun...said no one ever. The governor of Maryland decided to give state employees a 4-day weekend and declared Monday a state holiday. Courts, magistrates, and some DOT agencies were closed, but trash & recycling were not. We took a load of cardboard to the recycling center yesterday, and that place was crazy busy. I also needed a script filled, so we ran into Whole Foods, and they were stupid busy. Our weather was/is decent, and we have no chance of snow in the 10-day forecast. As Jill says, "Yaaaay!!!" Mr. Six gets 4 weeks of paid vacation every year, and he's only allowed to carry so much over, so he takes a bulk of it now. He's off all this week and will go back next Wednesday. There will be a very small skeleton crew this week at his office. I think it's the normal in his professional industry (engineering), so he shouldn't have many emails to deal with. So far, he's not irritating me too much ;)
  14. I've always said the Duggars did one thing right. Their antics (and idiocy) brought a wonderful, caring, and lively group of people together on a message board. We might be scattered about in location, religion, politics, and life, but when things get tough for just one person, everyone bands together. I have grown to love this community, and I wish you all a happy, healthy, and safe 2019. For those celebrating Christmas, may your stocking be filled, your turkey completely cooked, and your cream of mushroom soup be thick and hearty. Cheers!!
  15. Anthony Haskins. He's the resource director for the show. His kids are really cute.
  16. Yaaay!! For Marjorie. She really dodged a bullet with her former beloved. JillR has reached a whole new level of stupid. Who refers to their child as a "modern-day person"? As opposed to what? A pilgrim? And because she has to put Jesus into every single thing, she mentions Tim's mountains pointing upward to Heaven. If a mountain didn't point up, it would be a valley. Dipshit. The thought of her teaching her children is just frightening. Once again, she's bringing down the curve for the entire country.
  17. Chelsea just happens to be the name of the woman that Buddy would have married yesterday if he could. Perhaps she saw Twit kissing Buddy in the park and ran to Lennie for comfort?
  18. One of them needs to up their standards. At this point, it doesn't matter which one. They are both insufferable. If she wants to know why she can't get a man, all she needs to do is watch that video. Her comment to Babs was uncalled for, rude, and disrespectful regardless of the situation. I won't be watching, but I will be reading! Oh, and regarding the flag thing, I live in Baltimore & our state flag is prominently displayed. I'm not on the up-and-up with other state flags ;)
  19. In Tal's pic, it looks like her boobs are revolting from each other instead of being bosom buddies. As soon as I saw the LA pic, I immediately saw a floral version of the Maryland State Flag. See below. The pool does look nice.
  20. Good grief, those children just look sick. I hope poor Sadie enjoyed that one slice of pizza and one cupcake. It will probably be the last time she has it again until her next birthday. I'm not up-to-date on the Rod kids, but the one in the black dress and white headband is a pretty little girl. Color me shocked on the Disney theme. I pictured them having Noah's Ark every year for every kid.
  21. @kcrabtree, would you be willing to post your breakfast casserole in the small talk thread? I've gotten into the habit of making us breakfast on Sundays, but I want something other than eggs/omelets/bagels. Thank you! On topic-these two are really made for one another. No one else could put up with them. I have never seen a person who has to be glued to their significant other like Jill. I can't help but wonder if the molestation didn't occur, would we be seeing this level of cling? Does being attached to Derick make her feel safe? She could benefit from some therapy. And a divorce.
  22. Mods--I apologize ahead of time if this is not in accordance with the rules. Everything I found is public record. I just did some in-depth searching :) Because I'm bored or my self-esteem hit an all-time low, I went digging for some records on our 2nd favorite family. The lot is only .45 of an acre. It appears that WV also has something called Personal Property Tax Records, which shows 5 vehicles. The real estate property taxes appear to be very low. Then again, WV is a poor state with a lot of issues (drugs and social services at the top of the list). I wasn't able to find anything on when the deed was transferred though. Just when I thought these parents were scraping the bottom of the barrel, Jill comes along and takes them down a peg. Someone needs to throw that ring back in her face and remind her she has 12 children to feed. I hope and pray Timothy never returns to his roots.
  23. Cacique bras are from Lane Bryant, so they're nothing special. I bought one many years ago, but I was also 60+ pounds heavier than I am now. It fit fine, and it was a pretty color, but they're not the holy grail of bras. If someone is going through one bra a month, they're using it for much more than boob slinging. That airport pic of her is just ridiculous. She looks like a toddler throwing a tantrum after not getting the 145789 thing he demanded. (My sincere apologies to toddlers who have legit tantrums). Tal just doesn't look well. A lot can be attributed to the long flights, but this isn't the first pic where he just looks "off". I hope it's jetlag and he's not ill.
  24. I totally agree with you, especially with the second paragraph. Yes, dating gives you a chance to know another person, but it also gives you a chance to learn about yourself. You learn what you want out of a relationship, how you want to be treated, how you want to be loved. Their whole "dating with a purpose" bullshit drives me crazy. They just want to rush the timeline because they have to get more passengers on the 'procreate-for-Jesus' train. Screw their happiness, their emotional wellbeing, and lives. But don't forget to screw each other. There are babies to be made! Mr. Six hates when I refer to the Golden Girls, but there's a message this whole family can use. Dorothy's old prom date shows up in Miami, and they agree to see one another again. She was led to believe he stood her up. Turns out, he did show up, but Sophia sent him away because of how he was dressed and his attitude. Sofia couldn't understand why Dorothy was so upset since it happened 50 years prior. Paraphrasing here, Dorothy said because Sofia took her choice away, she ended up pregnant & married to Stan. JB & M are taking away their own children's choices from the moment their born. Those kids are apparently not that deserving. We'll overlook the fact that they got the short end of the stick with Ma and Pa. I try very hard to not judge parents since I don't have kids, but I will judge these two until the end of time. And on topic--I got to see the wedding episode, and they seem like a great match. They are very relaxed with one another, and based on that kiss, that was not the first time. Woot!
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