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Everything posted by sixlets

  1. This is not what "social distancing" means Jill. Are you seriously THAT stupid? Nevermind, I answered my own question.
  2. I only saw it in context of making masks for home use, not for hospital use. Sorry, should have added that to my original post.
  3. For those who want to make masks and can't find the elastic in the standard places, try bungee cords. Each cord is full of individual elastics that can work. They might be easier to find too.
  4. I know nothing about the Maxhell clan, but I do know that this poor excuse of a man is an asshole. (I did have to crop these a bit to fit)
  5. @CHICRICKET-I am so sorry for your loss. I found myself thinking of your family last night, and my heart broke reading your post this morning. Sending you a virtual hug ♥ @doodlebug-I just wanted to thank you for your posts. I know this sounds strange, but it's been comforting to get info from a grounded professional on the front lines. I always enjoy your posts, but in current times, they are very much appreciated. Thank you for doing what you do!
  6. I want to bitch slap this woman into 2022. She can wash her hands until they are raw and bleeding and STILL be asymptomatically infected. What part of stay home does she not understand? What makes her think she is so special? She holds that stupid "conference" and then holds a newborn baby! What. The . Fuck? Maryland just announced 66 positive cases from one nursing home tonight. How would Jill feel if this was her parent? I don't think anything is going to convince her that she's not as precious as she thinks. This is an unjustifiable way to live right now. It's one thing to be careless when it comes to yourself, but Jill has no right to put others in harm's way. This woman (and her hideous makeup) pisses me off to no end right now.
  7. Jill, we know you read here. Just this once, use some common sense. (And you can teach your kids that a trolley is another term for a shopping cart).
  8. They just go on the floor of your shower/tub where the water stream hits. I haven't tried the lavender before, but the Vicks original worked quite well. They were great if you had a cold or just plugged from seasonal allergies. Very little product actually goes down the drain.
  9. I am so pasty white it's not even funny. Mr. Six has called me his 'pasty little friend', and my mom calls me Casper. I need lotion like there's no tomorrow. I have a collection of 5 different options within arm's reach of my chair and a giant bottle on my nightstand. I love getting the Target beauty boxes each month, and they often have full-sized lotions. Walmart does a quarterly box for $5, and they will include them often. My favorite lip product now is actually from Victoria's Secret. It's an overnight lip mask, and I can still feel it when I get up in the morning. Wait for a sale though. It's normally $12, but I snagged it for $5.
  10. Mr. Six's office is still up and running as normal. They have deadlines that may or may not get delayed. He had to stop for gas at BJ's this evening and said the store wasn't busy at all. I have to go out next week to get two scripts, that can't wait, filled, but other than that, I have no place to go. My mom is retired, and she doesn't really go anywhere to begin with, and she's healthy. The inlaws are both healthy (fil is retired; mil never worked), so they should be good to go. I'm still slightly concerned about grandmother-in-law, but she doesn't drive and doesn't really leave her house. I believe my mom told me PA closed their state stores this evening. She went to Walmart yesterday, and for the most part, they had everything in stock. For those looking for online entertainment, the National Aquarium in Baltimore is going to livestream several exhibits. Mo Williams is also doing an online doodling session on YouTube daily. I saw a lovely post on FB that mentioned if you have young kids at home, have them write letters or draw/color pictures and send them to local nursing homes since they can't have visitors. Oh, and if you are in the good thoughts/praying group, please remember the son of one of my classmates. He was diagnosed with bone cancer late last year, and they were told it had spread to another bone in his leg, and he has at least 9 tumors in his lungs. This young man is only 19 or 20 years old and has a very young son. My heart breaks for his entire family. His doctors have only given him a 15% survival. Thank you!
  11. I completely forgot about the corned beef and cabbage meal. That makes more sense now. Jury is still out on the Coke though. For those that can't find TP, just take a cue from Jessa and collect the tissues on the top of your dresser. The Duggars have so much wisdom to offer to the rest of us. It's quite uplifting when you think about it.😏
  12. I went grocery shopping this morning. They only had two lanes open, and each was about 4-6 people deep. I got a lot more random things than I normally do, but I wouldn't say I overdid it. Our closest Target still had TP, paper towels, and anti-bacterial wipes, which was limited to one per customer. I managed to get to the library, which was busier than I expected. We also hit up one of the local diners for an early lunch. The strangest shopping cart I saw today was from the grocery store. An older gentleman had a head of lettuce or cabbage, 3 packs of meat (one looked like a beef roast), and 10-12 two-liter bottles of Coke. I had so many questions 🧐
  13. I feel horrible for even thinking this, but because of the virus, I'm grateful my dad is no longer living. He had severe COPD, with 100% O2 full time, in addition to heart issues (bypass, stents, 2 heart attacks with #1 at 46 years of age). My mom has been retired since December from working in a pharmacy, and she's healthy save for high cholesterol and a bulging disc. If she was still working, and he was alive, I truly believe this would have killed him. I'm grateful the inlaws are healthy, and my 90-year-old grandmother-in-law never leaves her house since she doesn't have a car. Mr. Six left work at midnight and was home at 1220am this morning. He was back up at 530am and left at 600am. The job went out, and he was told to go home at 400pm. I need to run to the grocery store tomorrow, but we don't need the items that people seem to be stockpiling. We'll be good, and the Six Family kitties are good to go. One small silver lining, it's not bitterly cold for an overwhelming majority of the country. We hit 73 in Baltimore today, and Sunday/Monday are our chilliest days at 55. I do have a previously scheduled doctor's appointment Monday, and I was informed today that if I had symptoms of any affliction, I would have to be switched to a televisit. It's just my quarterly med check up, and I'm fine. Baltimore County Public Libraries are closing the 16th-27th. I'm definitely heading to one of our branches to stock up on some more books. I've read 11 so far this year (if anyone is looking for recs, please feel free to ask. I do only read nonfiction though). And lastly, I'm beyond grateful that even though I have health issues, none compromise my immune system. Because of the EDS diagnosis, I need to get x-rays of both hands & 2 MRIs of my spine, but those are getting postponed. I'm not taking any unnecessary chances. Please keep up with posing this weekend to let us know you're ok. I hope you & your families come out of this unscathed. Take care ♥
  14. Maybe she has heard about the corona virus and is Lysoling. Or lotioning. When you're married to the big D, I imagine it's the same thing.
  15. There's going to be a lot of babies born in December if things keep shutting down 😉 Maryland has closed all public schools for the next two weeks beginning Monday. We have 12 confirmed cases with one being the first community transmission in the state. Two people are hospitalized, and three are "fully recovered" and out of their quarantine time frame. Not corona related, but I am uber worried about Mr. Six though. I feel like this is my only place to vent, so I apologize ahead of time. He has a huge job that goes out tomorrow. He's been working 12+ hour days the past two weeks, including a 10+ hours on Sunday. He left around 600am this morning, and he's still not home. He called me around 330pm to tell me he may have to just stay at the office overnight. I am so worried about, not only his mental health, but his physical health. When he gets stressed, he doesn't eat or sleep. They are in the early process of getting upper management, which he is considered, laptops to work remotely, but I don't see that happening soon, so he's stuck going in. He's coming up on a 17-hour day workday, and he has to get in early tomorrow morning to get it all finished. Even though he's the best little atheist there is, please send some good thoughts or prayers for him. Thank you, and again, I'm sorry for the ramble.
  16. read-Welcome! Please feel free to hang around. I've seen you around, and I can safely say we don't bite over here 😉 Has anyone had a real winter this year? At least Mr. Six has been able to take his car to work all winter instead of taking mine, which makes him happy. Our coldest day of the next 9 is Saturday, but it's still forecasted at 48*. I'll take it. Do we have anyone from the Nashville area? I have an online friend that lives in one of the hardest hit areas. The school her daughter used to attend was severely damaged, but her workplace only lost power. Thankfully, she had no damage to her home and her family is safe. My heart is breaking for those affected in any way.
  17. Swanson. Any guesses on the guy in the background with the floating head?
  18. I just wanted to pop in and say thank you all for the support on my last post. I still haven't been ready to make it known to everyone, but it made a huge difference to talk here. Thank you again 😚 Count me in as another year-round allergy sufferer. I never had to deal with allergies as a kid, but it hit suddenly in my mid-20s. I've taken numerous meds over the years, but I've been doing generic Zyrtec (I get a bottle of 360 for less than $15 on Amazon) and generic Singulair (montelukast). If I know I will be out and about, I also add a generic Sudafed, but it has to be the legit stuff behind the counter. Benadryl does nothing for me allergy wise, but it doesn't knock me out either. We've had such a mild winter with a snowless February, so I have a feeling the allergies are going to rough for a lot of folks in this new season 😉
  19. Yahoo picked up the photos/story of Suze getting married. They did some, uh, editing, of the pic with Smuggar and the happy couple. Anna's dress is a whole new shade of blue 🤣
  20. Barb-I'm so happy to read your MIL is doing well post surgery. galaxy-it truly sucks when people only want what will benefit them in a relationship. Been there, done that, and it's not easy. I hope you get some relief soon. How are things are your apartment? I had the craziest doctor's appointments I've ever had today. Since the summer of 2009, I've had hundreds of appointments for various stuff. I was eventually diagnosed with Intractable Pain stemming from back. Fast forward to last fall. My PCP wants me to revisit rheumatology since it had been 10 years since I saw them. I called to make the appointment before leaving for the Thanksgiving holiday to spend it with family in PA. His first, new patient appointment was February 26th-today! I got an 1100am time slot, and I'm asked to be there at 1030am to do any paperwork. I did most of it online, so I sat. 1100am rolls around, and I'm still in the waiting room. Finally get to a room and I'm told he has one patient ahead of me. It's now noon, he's getting ready to walk in the door with his resident, and the power goes out! It comes right back on though. We go through another cycle of off/on, and Mr. Six told him it goes out one more time, BGE will have to send a crew. It won't turn itself back on again. He was right. We're told hang on for a bit, and they're trying to get an ETA. 215pm!!! It's 1230pm. We can't wait that long since Mr. Six has a presentation for a monthly work society event. We end up chatting in another office that had an outside window, and by the end of that, the power was back on. We go back to the exam room, and he checks the joints in my fingers/hand then wrist, and then he asks me to hold my arm straight out in front of me. As soon as I do it, he makes a loud "oh, my" and promptly asks if I was ever told I was double-jointed. Yep. Known since I was a kid. Never thought anything of it. Turns out, I have something called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, type 3. I had a suspicion, but now I have confirmation. It is a genetic condition that affects the cartilage in your body. In my case, I got it from my mom. There are many subsets, and for the most part, only one of them can have life-altering consequences. As of now, he does not believe I have that particular one. I'm just ultra bendy 🙂 This is a great link that shows the criteria one must meet. Of the 9 (chart), I meet 8. I can no longer put my palms on the floor, but he said that was also due to my age (I'm 40). Even though I knew there was a chance of getting this diagnosis, it still took me aback. I'm still trying to process everything from today. We have a solid treatment plan over the next 4 months that I'm happy with. I sincerely apologize for the long novel. This has been on my mind since 130pm, and while I talked to my husband and mom about it, I'm not ready to make it "public" just yet. Thanks for reading!
  21. Jed's plunge was a photo op for his campaign. He doesn't give too hoots about the organization he's pretending to support. One of Mr. Six's principals has a daughter with Down Syndrome. She is an amazing and accomplished young woman. Each year, the office supports the Maryland State Police and Special Olympics for the Annual Polar Bear Plunge. Many guys in the office have done regular donations, but there's an option to sign up as a Super Plunger. Each person must raise a minimum amount (I want to say it's either $500 or $1000), and they commit to plunging once every hour for 24 hours. 24 plunges into the Chesapeake Bay. That's a commitment. (We always make a donation to one of Mr. Six's closest friends who does the Super Plunge).
  22. What is it with the weather these past few years? We had some really warm weather this week, and a cold front came through today. 3 counties had tornado warnings, and after watching news footage, it wouldn't surprise me. Mr. Six said the power went out in the office when a line of thunderstorms moved in. Our official snow totals are based out of BWI, and they've only had 1.8" so far. Where we live, it's even less. @Barb23-I hope you made it through unscathed from the weather and the officers' shootings. I had a negative encounter with a razor blade last week, and I'm still missing the very tip of my left index finger. Instead of being rounded, it's sort of flat on the end. Oops. I hope you all have a safe, warm/cool, enjoyable weekend ❤️
  23. Those are the stale, dried up remnants of the tortillas Jill used as a hat on the boys. That pic with Smuggar is disgusting. She's either holding the can for him to take it, or he's done with it and is putting it in her hand to leave on the counter throw away. Either way, she's being his servant.
  24. JRod's makeup routine with added commentary It appears this was done with live chat, but for some reason, it's not showing for me on YouTube.
  25. They've all migrated to Austin's face. Forget the prayer closet, I'm just going straight to hell.
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