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Everything posted by sixlets

  1. I believe this promo only ran for one day, which was the day I originally posted it. But, in case you want to try it, the redeem code is in the top right corner.
  2. I'm at Starbucks every Saturday (that's my confession from a non-Catholic), and I always recommend a Vanilla Bean Frappe for someone who has never had one. It doesn't have caffeine, and it tastes like a vanilla milkshake. You can always add syrups and whatnots as well. I also recommend downloading the app. You can earn stars, but it will also give you the ingredient list as long as you order it original. Last piece of advice, order from a free-standing store as opposed to one in Target. Those locations can be very limiting and may not get exclusive flavors (that last one made Mr. Six an unhappy Nitro-drinker). I'm there enough to be recognized 😚,so if you have any questions, feel free to ask 🙂
  3. We went to Walgreens for Mr. Six's Covid test, and the tech told us 5-7 business days for results. I got an email from LabCorp this evening stating test results were ready. I haven't had blood work done in quite some time, so I guessed it was for him. It was! His test was scheduled for 945am Saturday, and we had the results between 700-730pm tonight. He tested NEGATIVE!!! We couldn't find a rapid result location close by, but they still had it less than 24 hours. All in all, I would recommend them for testing. If I need one, that's where I'm heading. He's still abiding by the quarantine procedures, so he won't be back in the office until Thursday, which would part of his normal week with the alternating schedules. He was also give a letter to print out to carry at all times stating due to his job, he should be considered Class-C. They have federal government contracts, along with extensive colleges and universities. He may be getting both doses by mid-April. As for me, my health concerns don't qualify for anything, so I wouldn't be surprised if I was in May or June. I'm so happy my mom was able to get both. My in-laws & 91-year-old great-grandma-in-law are all on their way, and now hubby has a fighting chance. Woot!! I'm good with the wait.
  4. It has been a very crazy few weeks in our neck of the woods. The good-my mom got both doses of the vaccine (Moderna), and while she did have side effects from the second, they were not long-lasting, and she's back to feeling great again. All of our family members who tested positive have all recovered as well. The bad-I've mentioned before a woman I graduated high school with was dealing with her oldest son's cancer diagnosis. They were informed a few weeks that the cancer had spread, and he's now under hospice care. He's only 21 with a young son. My heart just breaks for her. Before Mr. Six & I got together, I was seeing another guy. We went to school/band functions together, and at one point, it got semi-serious (and his mother had us married with kids). I was close with his family and loved spending time with them. His dad passed away this week. Obviously, I couldn't attend the services in person, but I did send his mom a sympathy card. I posted my condolences on his brother's FB page, but I sent him a PM. I wanted him to know that I cared about his family and how much I enjoyed spending time with his dad. He was there for me when I lost my dad 10+ years ago, and I felt it was the least I could do. I've now been with Mr. Six 25 years, but I like to think of my ex as a close friend. I know the pain he's in and how much he's hurting. It sucks not being able to do much of anything. Speaking of the husband, he had a work trip, which took him to North Carolina. He drove down early one morning, surveyed one building, spent the night, surveyed another building the following day, and then drove home. He was only gone 30 hours total. He got his covid test yesterday, which he said he would not recommend to anyone. He's stuck working from home through the quarantine period, so he can go back next Thursday. I think it might be a long week. Send prayers. And vodka 🤭 @Scarlett45-I am so sorry for the loss of your godmother. She sounds like an amazing woman and role model, and I know you will take great care of Cosmo. As long as you have him, you have a piece of her. Many hugs to you and your mom.
  5. I used the promo code last night (Thursday), and it worked. Free for one year, expires 3/4/22 and ad-free. Sorry it didn’t work for anyone else.
  6. For anyone wanting to try Discovery+, try using the code HOLIDAY2020. The redeem code box is at the top of the page. It will ask you to create an account, but it doesn’t ask for credit card/payment info. The offer is for one year, ad-free. I hope to do a more in-depth post tomorrow, but I did want to wish @QuinnInND a Happy Belated Birthday!!
  7. For those wanting to try Discovery+, try using the code HOLIDAY2020. The redeem code box is at the top of the page. It will ask you to create an account, but it does not require credit card/payment info. The offer is ad-free for a year, free!
  8. I hope I catch all the replies I can here! @Turquoise-yay for the husband (said in Jill's voice) but boo on the uterus. I'm glad to hear he is improving. @SunnyBeBe-I can't think of anything off hand than what you're already doing. Oh, one thing. Check the manufacturer's website for coupons. Another option, but kinda crazy, would be to join a rewards type program to get gift cards to various stores. There's MyPoints and Swagbucks. You can build up the points without doing much work, and then trade the points on GCs to Target, Walgreens, or CVS. @Jeanne222-You can either request a new RX from your doctor or if you know which pharmacy you want to use (use GoodRX first), you can go to that store and ask them to do a transfer from your current pharmacy. A few caveats with GRX--some independent pharmacies will not accept the card/coupon because it creates the cost to go so low, they are unable to make any money on the prescription. I use a concierge pharmacy, and they will not accept GRX or other similar programs. GRX cards can be used on pet prescriptions, which can make a huge difference if your furry kid is on a maintenance medication. Lastly, some meds may not be covered, especially controlled meds. Walmart, specifically, put the hammer down on how they are filling a drug that is in drug class II (this class is mostly pain meds). While the pharmacy may accept the coupon for an "everyday" med, they may not cover controlled meds. As a total aside, I worked way too long in a pharmacy! I'm so glad to see so many of you are able to get the vaccine. I'm convinced Mr. Six & I will not be eligible until late spring/early summer. His option through work has not panned out yet, and even though I've been dealing with tachycardia, I don't think that's going to put me in a higher category. My mom got her first dose last Friday, and she scheduled to get her second one on March 5th. She did outstanding with the first one, but she's getting prepared for the second. My FIL had to have surgery on his eye this week, and the appointment was kept. My GMIL is 91 with a few moderate health issues, but she has not received her first one yet. And finally, I want to thank you all again for the thoughts and prayers for Millie. She is doing so much better and is already back on her regular food being her regular over-the-top self. We go Saturday for her follow up, and I'm hoping we're back before more snow moves in. We had about 2" here overnight, but it was fairly easy to deal with. I am so over winter...
  9. They could be nail caps. If you have a cat that likes to scratch, they can be an alternative to declawing, which is so, so cruel to do. We considered them many years ago for one of our cats who has since passed away. From what I understand after a lot of research, they don't really work and fall off if you look at them sideways.
  10. @Turquoise, I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. I hope he continues to improve. You will be in my thoughts. Thank you all SO damn much for the love & support. I truly can feel it! As our vet so lovingly put it, "she's just bitchy enough that she will outlive all of us out of spite". It was determined that she a buildup of tartar on one of her teeth, which is what caused the abscess. After doing a twilight sedation and a closer exam, it turned out she needed that tooth pulled. We were able to have that done in the office today, so she came home with us. We have a few rules to follow for the week with a follow-up exam scheduled for next Saturday. It looks like she went ten rounds with her sister and lost, but otherwise, she seems to be feeling better. Thank you all again, and I know Millie appreciates it too!
  11. It has been a rough week for our little family. Last Sunday, we noticed our oldest cat had a bald spot on her cheek. At first, we didn't think much of it and just thought she got into a scuffle with our male cat. By Monday, it was becoming a little pink. She didn't mind us touching it and was acting her normal self. By Tuesday, hell broke loose. She had a visible wound, couldn't settle down, and was in obvious pain. After speaking with our vet's office, we made the decision to take her to Pet+Er. None of the news we received was good. Because of her age (estimated to be 14-15) and her fragile state, we opted not to put her through any surgery. The vet drained the abscess, gave her a long-acting antibiotic, and sent us home with pain meds. She's seems to be doing better, especially from Tuesday, but we're still worried & scared. She has a follow-up appointment with our primary vet tomorrow, and we hope to get more answers then. She came to us in the summer of 2008, and she's (one of) my babies. I do not want her to be in pain or suffer. I am petrified that we will have decisions to make tomorrow, and it's breaking my heart. I don't want to lose my Millie...
  12. @Mindthinkr, I just jumped on Facebook, and one of my cousins posted this. I will be keeping you, your daughter, and the kids in my thoughts.
  13. Sorta, kinda, maybe? We get called many different neighborhoods.
  14. Belated birthday wishes to all recent celebrants! Once again, Baltimore got lucky with the winter weather. We were forecasted for anywhere from 6" to 12+" inches, but the highest recording in the county was 4.2". In our neighborhood, we got roughly 2" but last night brought us 1/4" of ice. Mr. Six & I went out yesterday to clear our walks and clean off the cars, and it was the nice fluffy snow. We went back out this morning to break up all the ice. I ended up going back out to get my car cleaned off. The ice was literally breaking off in sheets, and I managed to get bruised when one slid off my car right into my knuckles. Mr. Six is taking my "stupid safe car" (Subaru Crosstrek with AWD) tomorrow. I fully expected him to say screw it and take his. A handful of the kids that live on the street above us decided to go sledding. One of them came down and ended up smacking his head off a tree. I heard the little girl asking if he was ok, and he wasn't getting up. I went over to make sure he was ok while a third kid went to get their mom. Thankfully, he wasn't bleeding and he was able to get up on his own to walk home. We don't have kids, but damn, that "mom gene" came on real quick. I hope everyone stays safe and warm!
  15. If you're looking for some background noise info on Dr. Phil, his show, and his past, check out this video. There is a part 2 that just posted on this Friday. Both of them are roughly an hour combined. (Mods--if this isn't allowed, please delete 😚).
  16. @jcbrown-I'm so sorry to about your father. Please remember to take some time for you, and most importantly, be kind to yourself. You will be in my thoughts. I just wanted to drop by and wish you all a happy holiday season, and say thank you to everyone. This year just sucked. But, knowing there was a group of friends who would just listen when you needed to vent, has been one of the best things of 2020. Please know that I appreciate each and every one of you, and I am so grateful to 'know' you. I hope you all have an enjoyable, safe, and peaceful holiday.
  17. If your looking to read an article that will make your blood boil, I have the one for you! This one actually left me speechless, which is hard to do.
  18. Mr. Six listens to NPR at work, and he loves to listen to it on Saturday mornings when we run our weekly errands. It makes me twitch. I hate it. I have found a handful of podcasts that I enjoy, the main one being 'Today in True Crime' narrated by Vanessa Richardson. She has a great voice for it, and they rarely run more than 15 minutes. It's also a good way to hear bits of history (another thing I don't enjoy learning about). I have two requests for good thoughts and/or prayers. We found out yesterday that one of Mr. Six's coworkers lost his dad to covid. While we've had family test positive, this is the first person that has passed away. And the second is a woman I graduated with. I believe I've posted about her son being diagnosed with cancer earlier this year. He had to have a leg amputation, and the cancer spread to his lungs. He found another painful area in his remaining ankle, and if it turns out to be cancerous, he will be deemed terminal. He was supposed to have another lung surgery, but it's being put on hold while they check the ankle. This young man just turned 21 a few weeks ago, and his sweet baby boy turned 2 earlier this fall. On top of everything, while her son was hospitalized & fighting for his life, her mom passed away. My heart breaks for this family. While we weren't close, we were good friends, and I would give anything just to give her a hug right now. While life can be beautiful so much of the time, it can also be very cruel.
  19. Since ours is older, we did the whole process at the store. It took roughly an hour to go through everything, and our guy took us through 3 or 4 beds. We only got the mattress, but I would definitely get the set for the next one. Finding your number is just trial and error, IMO. I can't imagine anything over a 45 or 50. Level 100 is just like laying on the sidewalk. The sales associates are very knowledgeable, and I didn't find them to be pushy at all. We have 3 stores relatively close, and anytime we stopped in any of them, everyone was very nice to deal with. They are always doing sales too.
  20. We've had our SN bed for 6 years now, and I don't think we will go back to a "regular" bed. It is so nice to have the option to change the firmness if you need it, even if it's just one night. I hover between a 30-35, and Mr. Six goes between 35-45. I can't help but wonder if our cats can feel the difference. Our Maine Coon puts herself between our pillows, and the torti lays between our shoulders. The tuxedo gave up and spends his nights on the couch. Must be the amount of estrogen in the air. Happy-I, too, will add this family to my prayer list.
  21. In the immediate first days, go to one of our local malls and have lunch out with my husband. In the longer run, see our parents. We (normally) travel for Thanksgiving, and then we host my inlaws and mom for Christmas. We haven't seen them in nearly a year, which sounds insane to say when they're only 4 hours away. We're now up to 8 family members (including a 16-month-old baby) that have tested positive. One is my cousin, and he actually knows who got him sick. His results took nearly a week, and so far, his wife and boys are ok. Thankfully, Mr. Six hasn't had any co-workers sick, but they are on a goofy schedule that creates a work bubble, which seems to be working (fingers crossed). The last 6 weeks or so has been a bit hellish around here for a multitude of reasons, but I'm still reading. You are all in my thoughts daily. I'm hoping to get back to posting more by next week. @lookeyloo, I wish nothing you all but peace & comfort in the coming days and weeks. Take care all ♥
  22. Good evening all! I just wanted to drop this off. I hope you are all having a safe, happy, and prosperous Thanksgiving!
  23. "All you need is your body! We only light dumbbells (but you can use household items like water bottles or soup cans), a mat or pillow for your knees, and a chair or bench." This typo made me laugh harder than it should have.
  24. @lookeyloo, there are no words to say how deeply sorry I am to hear about Sweet Son. You have been in my thoughts and prayers often the past few days, and you will continue to be. I found this online a few weeks ago, and it somehow seems to fit our little group here. I hope you can feel the love and strength we are sending your way.
  25. I don't watch the show anymore, but it appears that Twit hasn't figured anything out yet. She reminds me of a guy that my husband works with. I've known him 4 or 5 years now, and he's been in a relationship with various women the entire time. He goes from one to the next, and he's lived with two of them. He's intelligent, charming, fairly good-looking (and he knows it), but he strikes me as very insecure. He wraps his entire identity in having a girlfriend. Now, with regards to Twit, she's not charming. She's pretty. She screams insecure. I feel sorry for whoever her next victim love interest is. They better get that TLC paycheck in cash.
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