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Everything posted by sixlets

  1. To our Jilly, Greek is a salad and Hebrew is a brand of hotdogs. Growing up AOG, I had dipped my toes in the KJV as a child when attending the church's elementary school. I'm sure it makes them feel superior to others, but you don't see many folks use their bible preference to win a fight. She corrected someone on calling the tracts a business, and said it was a 'ministry'. Wonder how the Lord, let alone the IRS, feel about that one.
  2. According to the highly prestigious Sun, Nurie was at the shower. (Pic included for those not wishing to click the link) And on a different note, have these people never heard of an airplane? For the amount of money they spent driving from Ohio to Florida, they could have saved themselves a few bucks and fed their children. Jill and Co. need to do something with all of that GFM money...
  3. Thanks for the all of the toaster recommendations. I've written them all down and will do some research in the coming weeks. Normally, I love appliance shopping, but I've been dragging my feet with the toaster. The 2-bottle prep is still available under the brand name Clenpiq. It looks like they offer a coupon that can be used as a lot of insurance companies won't cover it. https://www.clenpiq.com/. One of the YouTubers I watch had the option of using it, and she said it was a lot more tolerable than the others.
  4. On the topic of appliances, can someone recommend a good toaster? The heating elements in ours are slowly dying, and it's at least 10 years old. I need a 4-slice with a bagel button. We do have a Breville air fryer/microwave/oven combo, so I just need a standalone toaster. Thanks!
  5. I cannot get past this line. It's just so...weird. No offense to anyone who does this. I just don't understand it. Maybe it's a regional thing? Maybe is just a Noyseseses thing? Jill is such a bitch. I give her until Monday evening to post a pic of Mommy Turtleneck in the hospital walla Pa Caldwell. And apparently, sweet Amy is joyless under normal circumstances according to Jill. She managed to hit all of the sweet spots in hopes of donations. I do hope Wayne finds his coat though.
  6. As evidenced by recent events (and those dating back to the inception of the show), I would say very little is going on in his head. And what little might be there is held together with enough Aquanet to kill us all a hundred times over.
  7. @BetyBee-so glad everything went well for you! Speaking of colonoscopies (and as @libgirl2 mentioned), there was a story on ABC or CBS a few years ago about Cologuard and insurance claims. People who were cleared by their doctor to do Cologuard would send everything back and then get a letter stating they needed to follow up with their prescriber. They would have the visit, and the same doctor would try to do the colonoscopy and find it rejected by the insurance (Medicare and private both) since they considered Cologuard their 'standard colonoscopy'. These people were not only having to go through the prep and procedure, but then they were getting bills for $25,000+ by their insurance. It's infuriating that insurance companies can get away with this crap...😉
  8. In addition to her coal mined eyeliner and 1/2 can per day use of Aquanet, our Jilly bathes herself in Imposters par-fu-me before blessing the hinterlands (and Lord Daniel). "If you like Giorgio, you'll love Primo".
  9. ... My heart aches for the M&Ms. With the exception of Maryella and Madyson, the kids will have some recollection and memories of Josh. To have your dad there one day, and gone the next, with little to no explanation, is horrible. To lose a parent to illness or accident is tragic. But kids are resilient when it comes to their resolve, and with time and proper care, they can find a new normal. Josh did this to himself. He took himself away from his home and out of his children's lives. You cannot explain it away. And kids have the innate ability to make everything their own fault. So, congrats Jim Bob & Michelle. You did such a great job with your children that now your grandchildren will spend their entire childhood blaming themselves for 'daddy leaving'. All because you didn't take the correct action, at the time, to get him the help he, and the girls, clearly needed. You not only ruined the lives of your other 18 children, you took 7 more innocent kids along for the ride. If there is a hell, there's a special place for the two of you in it. And, I hope it's on a blanket.
  10. My sincerest condolences to the poor therapist that will have to deal with Josh.
  11. Yes, he will show up when the transfer has been completed. You can search for any inmate with this link: https://www.bop.gov/inmateloc/. The feds don't give as much info as some states. There are a few that give a ton of details, including graphic descriptions of their crimes. As of now, Josh doesn't appear when searching the BOP link. I think I've mentioned this before, but check out Jessica Kent on YT. While she did not have federal charges, she did serve multiple sentences in Arkansas. She did a video on what Josh could expect going through the federal system and how he would do time in jail. She's very blunt with colorful language, so I wouldn't watch her videos around kids. But, she knows what she's talking about (her charges were drugs and gun possession; nothing related to children).
  12. The first picture reminds me of a couple of old cranky ladies rearranging their wares at the church rummage sale. And, Jill, adding notes to your picture does not make it actual music. If instruments could talk... RE: Carlin--I get the relief & happiness she's talking about. When you go through any chronic illness, regardless of the timing, you can feel hopeless and helpless real fast. When there *could* be an answer, it's an overwhelming feeling. While you don't want to think the worst, there's a sense of peace in possibly getting answers. It get very tiring to hear "I can't help you" or "I don't know" from a myriad of medical professionals. When all of my issues started happening, my primary walked into the room and told me that I kept her up at night because she couldn't figure it out. Carlin has to be in constant fear of something happening while driving or home alone with the kids. I'm not a fan of the family at all, but I do wish her the best, and I hope she gets answers.
  13. @CalicoKitty-I am so sorry to hear of your mom's passing. Please know you & your family will be in my thoughts in the coming weeks.
  14. I apologize as well. I agree with everything you said about Carlin. Your mom was right on with the 'high strung'! I'm not far enough removed from my own recent diagnosis that some things hit a little more deeply than usual. I recognize the privilege of having damn good insurance, save for the $3000 individual deductible. I'm also grateful to live where we do. My hospital system is nationally recognized, and more than likely, I will end up at Johns Hopkins some time next year. (The specialist is currently booked 9+ months out as he's the only one in the entire state). I think for the time being, I need to focus on Jilly-bean's shitshow instead of Carlin's. At least for the safety of my own health 😋
  15. What I took from the video posted, it sounds like the blood levels came up high enough for the doctor to say it was ok for her fly. Would I personally do it, no. To me, it sounded like they took the advice of the doctor who saw her in the ER. And now, if she is truly wearing the heart monitor, that would go anywhere from 24 hours to 14 days, depending on the cardiologist. You send the monitor back to the manufacturer company, they do the readout and report the info to your doctor. I sent mine back on 4/13, and they just got the results a few days before my 5/2 follow up. An echo would need to be scheduled, and again, that takes time. The table test might be her most difficult. Not every hospital has one. Maryland only has 2, and it just so happened one of those is my hospital. They also need time to schedule and then another cardiologist will read it before sending it on to your cardiologist. If this is what's going on, she's going to have a journey because everything takes time.
  16. Please do not take my post personally. It was just the one that jumped out the most. When a person is dealing with POTS or similar symptoms, the last thing for anyone to say it's *just mental health issues or anxiety*. Many of the experiences that POTS patients deal with have nothing do with mental health or anxiety in the least. They are physical. For her going to the ER before seeing a specialist may be due to her insurance. Mr. Six & I have an insurance where referrals are not needed and we can self-refer. Not every company has that option. If she were to show up at her PCP or urgent care, she would have likely got sent to the ER anyway. As for the trip to CA for Lawson's wedding-she could have had enough fluids in the ER to lessen her symptoms and make it easier to go. Right now, no one knows exactly what's going on with Carlin. But, please take it from someone who understands. I can tell you she's frustrated, tired, and very, very scared, and she wants answers. Like I mentioned briefly, I'm not a fan of this family at all. But, my heart is breaking for Carlin if this is her true diagnosis. There are no cures, only treatments. And, you may end having multiple medical disciplines taking care of one person. This is a real disease. A real physical disease. Not every disease or condition has a psychology component.
  17. You are more than welcome @ozziemom, and thank you for the kind words. Going long periods of time with no answers is so frustrating in any health situation. We have come so far in medicine, but we still have so far to go. @zoomama-POTS is Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome & EDS is Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. There are numerous types of EDS, but the most common (and my diagnosis) is the hypermobile version. It's a connective tissue disorder, so not only am I "double jointed", I am extra bendy. There is also a vascular type, and unfortunately, that can be life-threatening. I'm trying to find ways of handling both diagnoses, and for whatever reason, I lean towards humor. So far, I've told Mr. Six I have POTS but no pans ☺️
  18. I haven't really shared much of this yet on social media, but after nearly 13 very long years, I finally have some answers. I'm now officially diagnosed with EDS (February 2020) and POTS (just a few weeks ago). I had the echo and did the monitor for two weeks. I went outpatient at the hospital to have the tilt table test, and I had the final follow up with my cardiologist about 2 1/2 weeks after the table test. He knocks, asks how I am feeling, ask Mr. Six how he is, and just blurts out "you have POTS". I kind of figured it was coming, but I was also kind of expecting a lead in regarding all my tests! No one is really sure what causes POTS, and there is no cure. Some doctors believe it stems from a viral or bacterial infection, which is what we think happened in my case. I had some wicked kidney infections back in 2009, and that pain just never went away and eventually spread to my entire body. Some doctors believe pregnancy can "activate" it as well, and we know Carlin just had their son. I watched the video Evan posted a few days ago, and POTS was the first thing that came to mind. It could even be the cause of her low hemoglobin levels. I am severely anemic, but I have no symptoms. I only know from having blood work done. I've had three iron infusions done, and each one would last me a year, which led me to believe I'm not actively bleeding internally. It's a scary condition to be tested for, and it can be hell to go through. Unfortunately, the most common ways to help manage it are not an option for me because of the EDS and chronic pain. I'm already on the medication the cardiologist would normally prescribe (and at a fairly high dose). He doesn't want to increase it because it will decrease my blood pressure even more, which puts me a greater risk to lose consciousness. I'm not the biggest fan of the Bates family, but my heart goes out to Carlin and Evan. Mr. Six has talked only a few times of how stressful it's been for him to just sit back and be a bystander. His first instinct is to help and protect me, but there's not much he can do, especially when I'm going through flares. I just hope and pray she can get a diagnosis quickly. No one should have to wait months, let alone years, to discover this condition. It can affect every single body system/organ, and each person is different. The best thing she can do is give herself the grace she needs when feeling ill and not to blame herself. Now I just need to take my own advice. (Sorry for the long post. I have become so passionate about bringing awareness to POTS, so I take any chance I get to explain it. If anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. I'm a fairly open book on my health on social media in general, and I'm always more than willing to educate folks in case they meet someone or have someone in their family that might be going through something similar). Oh, and Good News Sunday--I made the most awesome garlic bread for dinner tonight with a homemade 'sauce' that was so fucking good I want to marry it!
  19. Did anyone else notice the irony of the "Quiet Water Pool". We have Prissy yelling over a chainsaw (?), and a bunch of random noise going on in the background. She does seem like such a sweet woman. I just hope she's never taken advantage of by anyone, especially family.
  20. Congratulations, @Scarlett45!! Your trip sounds wonderful, @Jeeves. I'm not made for camping as I crave city/suburban life, but I always enjoy reading about your outdoor excursions. Small update-all of my cardiac testing has been complete, and now, I just wait. I managed to go the full 2 weeks with the monitor even though I was itchy and red the entire time. The echo was just awful. Part of it was the position I had to stay in, but the tech figured out one of my ribs on my left side is not in the correct place. She was trying all sorts of techniques to see my heart, but she just kept getting that rib and left lung. The monitor was easy and only took 5 minutes. Once it's placed, it just sticks to you, and it can be worn for up to 14 days. At the end, you take it off, stick it in the booklet they provide and mail it back USPS. When you felt a symptom, you just press the center of the monitor itself, and the booklet has a log book to fill out. Yesterday was the tilt table test. That was 90 minutes of hell. After getting dosed with a spray of nitroglycerin, my already high heart rate shot up to 157. I didn't fully pass out, but I did get the grey tunnel vision. I never want to feel that way again, and I'm glad it's done. The monitor results won't be back for 7-10 days, so I'm in limbo until then. If you ever need a heart monitor, I would suggest bringing up the Zio patch. Outside of my allergy, it went well, stayed put, and you don't have to worry about charging anything or need batteries. It's about the size of a key fob, and it didn't get in my way of driving with the seatbelt. I attached a picture in case anyone is curious...or needs a dose of eye-candy ;)
  21. Nearly 180 suckers women in attendance, and she only saved 1?!! Jill, I am SEVERELY disappointed in you! What would Jesus think?!
  22. After a trip to the ER when all this began, a nurse noticed how my skin look after she removed the tape and IV from my arm. She asked if happened before, and I told her it was all the time, even with a blood draw. At that point, she told me to advise any doctor I have an adhesive allergy. I'm getting a monitor called a Zio patch, and there's two "wings" that are entirely adhesive as that what makes it stick. I think it's just one of those things I have to deal with regardless. You need an Apple Watch Series 4 or higher for the EKG feature. I do use it a few times a week, just to make sure I'm still in sinus rhythm. Thankfully, I've never had an a-fib episode. My heart just beats extra fast at times. I *LOVE* my watch, and it's given Mr. Six a piece of mind that I'm doing ok. Thank you for the well wishes!
  23. Congratulations @skatelady on Benjamin's arrival! I hope mom & baby are doing well! I have my first two procedures tomorrow for my cardiology workup. I get the ECG first, and then the monitor placement. I've had an ECG before as part of a stress test, so I'm relatively ok with that. The monitor, on the other hand, is making me a bit nervous. I have an allergy to the adhesives used in medical tape/bandages, and I have to wear that sucker for two weeks. If I get blood drawn or even wear a Band-Aid for too long, my skin turns an angry red, and I get raised welts. It's not pretty, and quite frankly, it's irritating & itchy. At least with this appointment, I can go by myself since it's all non-invasive. Mr. Six has to take me to the hospital for the table test, but that's not for two weeks. I can't wait to get all of this behind me so I can try to enjoy the nice spring weather and time with the kittens. Hope everyone has a great week!!
  24. Janessa looks like ET riding off into the night sky.* *I've never actually watched ET, so I'm basing my assumption on the posters I have seen.* I just can't with this bitch anymore...
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