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Everything posted by sixlets

  1. Blake is gorgeous! He looks very similar to our tuxedo, Arthur Raymond (nn Artie). We're those people who give their pets full names, and we name our cars. Growing up, we had a Peek-a-Poo pup named Peppy. He had an underbite and looked like an ewok. My dad got him eating people food, and one of his favorite sweets were Oreos. My mom accidentally grabbed Hydrox one day. That dog would not eat it! He stuck his nose up at it and walked into the kitchen to look for something else. He was more spoiled than I was, and I was an only child!
  2. Has anyone been in contact with @jjane (Janet)? Her last post was around June 10th or so. She was still dealing with the court regarding her niece. Hopefully, all is well. @sweeneyswt-welcome! So glad you found us. I will just echo what others have said. This is one place that is full of sweet, caring, and meaningful people. We all come from different walks of life with different views, but it's always been a respectful community. If you need someone to laugh with, cry with, complain to, this is it!!
  3. I know from personal experience that dental problems can run in families, but doesn't it seem kinda odd that so many of the Rod kids and Duggar kids (Bates ?) need their wisdom teeth removed? The Amish have Rumspringa and the fundies have oral surgery. It's been one of those days 🙄
  4. Jessa can have a steely attitude when it comes to those around her. Maybe it's what she had to do from a young age to be able to deal with everything that occurred. I think some people look at the situation as Jana is still upset (whether she should be or not is not the issue), and Jessa doesn't give a hoot because she either doesn't care or she just doesn't get why Jana is upset. For some people, when they're upset, all they might be looking for is a kind word, gentle hug, or just a hand on their shoulder. Now, when it comes to these people, they probably don't get much of that unless you're named Josh or Josie. I don't think Jessa was ever taught how to handle a sibling being upset and comforting them. See also her reaction to Jill during the Megyn Kelly interview. That was just cold on her part.
  5. This is sad (and a little embarrassing), but I was never at the JS Airport. Lived there for 22 years too. I believe the the theater on Philly Street is still open, pre-covid days. I had family that lived in Shelocta for a time. It seems like every other family in that area had a tree farm. We haven't been up since Thanksgiving since I host Christmas down here. I can safely say Bville isn't the same town it once was. It was a great place to grow up, but there's so much drug activity now. It was definitely one of those towns that everyone knew what you did before you did it and probably told your parents too. Mr. Six's parents lived in the area for many years, but they were 'transplants', so they really weren't known. My parents, on the other hand, everyone and their brother knew them. I was on a very short leash as a kid! Scarlett-I am so sorry to hear about Mr. Norris. You will be in my thoughts. I wish you both peace in the coming days.
  6. I went to an AOG church school from 1st-4th grades, and we did pledges to the American flag, the Christian flag, and the Bible. It was never done in church on Sunday, but we did it every school day. At the time, I never didn't think of it, but looking back, it was some crazy ass shit.
  7. I am so sorry to see so many of you and your family members going through hard times. Our world makes no sense right now, and we all need to give ourselves the space to feel our feelings. We're seeing the best of people with those on the frontlines along with the worst of people, and it's a lot to take in at once. Take the kindness that you would show to others and give it to yourself (easier said than done, I know). For those looking for a light-hearted, feel good, crazy story, I have one. My jaw is still on the floor after reading doodle's post 24 hours later. That thriving metropolis is also my hometown. I have been able to trace bits and pieces of my family tree to 6 generations dating back to the 1760s. Apparently, we're a hearty bunch of folks! I get excited when I talk to someone who has heard of Blairsville, but I never 'met' anyone online who has family from the area. It's truly a small (but scary) world!
  8. Fundie Wiki puts her birth year as 1980, but the 19K&C Wiki has her birthday as 7/3/79. Duggar Data has 1979 as well. They were married January 1998 and had Kendra 8/11/98. Tsk, tsk.
  9. @doodlebug-I wonder if your mom was from the same area I grew up in. We had coal mines all around us, and many of the older generations in our families and town were miners. Mr. Six's company switched insurance companies beginning 6/1, and we went from United HealthCare to Carefirst BC. In the beginning, I was good with the decision. That changed yesterday when I found out my most important prescription requires prior auth. It's not a life-saving drug, but it's a quality-of-life drug. Without it, I will suffering in so much pain, and I can't even imagine going through that right now. I hopefully did everything I need to do to get the ball rolling this morning, so I'm hoping to hear something tomorrow. I'm scared something will go wrong, and I won't have access to it. I've been on it for the past 10 years off and on, and it's one of the few that actually give me some pain relief. Just so scared...
  10. My latest (personal) conspiracy theory is Chase realized that Whit had a soulmate/lover(gag)/boytoy in Buddy, and he just said eff it, and got with his girlfriend. T(w)it for tat ☺️
  11. Neither does Jill. She stops after Timbits and Nurie. And she's really fake, fake, fake. Jesus would be sad.
  12. Way to sell the map there Jill. "As long as I keep it just out of reach, this shitty product might make it a few years on a subpar wall". Jill is just doing what she knows. She was used as a prop by her parents to gain notoriety and money, and she's doing the same with the boys. I fully expect it from her, but it's disappointing to see Derick going along with it too.
  13. Wasn't Jill caught using one of the Caroline Carts with of the kids, or did I imagine that? If I was a Rod child, I would be thinking up ways of stowing in Nathan's luggage and leaving the rest of that "baggage" behind.
  14. After doing the RX strength weekly for a month or two, I was told to start at 1000iU daily, but it wasn't enough to get my levels up to normal. I was then told to get the 5000iU, and I've been doing that for many years. I was actually able to find my last drawn labs. My lab considers a normal range to be 30-100ng/mL, and mine was 45. I have never needed to go back to the RX strength again.
  15. JB looks like he's doing a tacky gun signal with his hand on Michelle's arm. It's ok, Jim Bob, you don't have to hold her hostage. She's too dumb to leave, and no one wants to deal with that level of crazy. Ma Caldwell looks to be in the family way again. Michelle needs to just ditch the apron. She's not fooling anyone that she's cooking or baking, and it makes her look 4 feet tall. Guess that's what happens when you churn out 19 kids, and along with your virginity, you also gave Jim Bob your backbone. (I'll now be taking my sassy ass to the prayer closet. And hell).
  16. Magpye29-I'm glad to read you have some answers. Many years ago, my doctor did the standard 6 month blood work on me, and my vitD came back at a 4. I'm not an outdoorsy person, and I will burn instantly because of how fair I am. He put me on an RX strength vitD for a month or two and rechecked my levels. Within that short amount of time, it was up to a normal level, though still on the low side. Ever since then, I take one 5000IU capsule daily with dinner, and my levels are now in the middle to high range of normal. If I accidently skip more than one day, I feel a huge difference. I always order it through an online vitamin retailer, which is so much cheaper than Target or Walmart. Target was selling a one month supply for $15+ last time I checked. I just did an order last month and got 600 for $18.00. I hope you begin to feel better soon!
  17. There's no way they are earning enough money from YouTube to support the family. It might afford them groceries or gas for the month, but that's about it. They have managed to amass 34.3K subscribers on their channel in a little over two years, but channel creators are paid for views (and AdSense) not sub count. While it needs to be taken with a grain of salt, their Social Blade profile does give quite a bit of info on their channel.
  18. The producers just have to put Twit in front of the camera to look stupid. She does the rest. I've said this so many times, but when this show first started, I was rooting for her. I liked her. At this point, she has turned into the network's fakest and most desperate woman, and that's saying a lot with 90-Day Fiance. Depending on which version is accurate, that baby was conceived between 10/26/19 and 1/25/20 based on a 40-week pregnancy. (10/26 would give a due date of 8/1 & 1/25 would be 10/31). This pregnancy is one thing that can't be blamed on Covid.
  19. I was curious about Timbit's YouTube channel. He managed to get himself 126 victims subscribers along the way. If you look at the 3rd video (mountain timelapse), there's a link for YouTube Kids where the description box should be. And, he's clearly not wearing a helmet in the mountain biking crash. The first uploads were 6/15/19 with a few front seat roller coaster rides. At the beginning of each one, you can hear him talking to the guy that's sitting with him. His voice is "off", just like in the singing video. The park they are at is located in Idaho. Very worldly, Tim. And now after that round of hell, I'm off to pop open a bottle of vodka 🤦‍♀️
  20. The ratio now stands at 44/229. I can't wrap my head around people who don't want their children to succeed. Hey Jill, I know you want to protect your Timbits from the big, ebil world around him, but turning off the comments on his YT channel isn't the way to go. One of these days, and probably soon, he's going to come in contact with someone who is done hearing his song & dance about Jesus and will put him in his place. The least you can do is let him become a man so he has a fighting chance.
  21. If it's a name-brand drug, check the manufacturer's website for savings options. One thing to keep in mind, and depending on what state you're in, the pharmacy staff may not be able to bring up cost-savings programs. If the patient asks, then the info can be given. It's crazy, and it drove me batty when I was a tech. Maryland just changed that law within the last few years so staff can mention the programs. Pharmaceuticals is a dog-eat-dog world where money rules, and the health & safety of patients is at the bottom of the list.
  22. Jill's miscarriage shine is just a bit disturbing. I am curious about one thing though. How can she explain the first one in 1997 when her and Shrek weren't even married until 10/4? Is one to deduce that Ms. Holier than God was not a, gasp!, virgin? The whore-ers!
  23. Use the code, but don't use her link or swipe up to purchase. Going through her link could be one of two things: 1. it gives her a kickback of the purchase OR 2. it could just be a tracking link. I'm personally going with 1, because Duggar. And Jesus. She may still get something from using her code, but it could be treated differently depending on the partnership with the company.
  24. I just love this community we've created. I truly feel the love!! I called the office after my last post, and turns out, my decision was made for me! He is not seeing patients in the office, and I will have a televisit. He's supposed to call around the time of my scheduled appointment. I'm curious to see how this will go, but I'm relieved. And since it's just over the phone, I can still wear my jammies!
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