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Everything posted by sixlets

  1. Does anyone find it odd that this Amy girl is *always* sitting down? Jill, if you're going to blast her on social media, we are at least owed an explanation as to why she's just sitting around all day. /s Jill, again, we know you read our posts. If you had one ounce of common sense in you (and less Plexus), you would do whatever it took to make sure your kids are healthy. It's not looking too good right now. Oh, and who the fuck puts hummingbird juice in the fridge? That's where fruits (froots) and veggies(veg*ees) go. Have each child pick their favorite color and match a fruit/veg to that color. Have them do it for a few weeks, and then switch colors. And since Lowe's is still open, run by the pain department and get a trowel to get your 1.52 pounds of makeup off your face and that of your daughters. I can't with these people.
  2. Do you have any health issues you could blame? Thankfully, I don't have any family members threatening to visit, but that would by automatic go-to. My doctor told me I was in the high-risk category even though everything is controlled. Truth be told, I'm kinda glad I have a built in excuse.
  3. She loves her slow mornings? As opposed to what? Those busy ones rushing around trying to get your husband and yourself out the door to go to work and your toddler to daycare? (In an ideal world, not the shitshow we're in now). Girl, please.
  4. She could have used Miss Rafferty's explanation of a coot-coot & a prune-shoot to describe childbirth
  5. I'm surprised Lauren didn't alert the world that Asa was in the second picture. There's a rainbow over Bella's head and two orbs on Lauren's back.
  6. @Jeeves-so glad to hear you are doing ok! When we bought our house in 2006, at closing, the seller asked us if we would watch over the next door neighbor couple who were elderly. They have a daughter (another daughter from his first marriage gave the Duggars a run for the money with her number of offspring, but they don't have much of a relationship), and she is now married with a young daughter. We have grown to really care about them over the years, and we always tell them if they need anything, let us know. Tonight, I am beyond grateful for them. The son-in-law was over, and he smelled natural gas in the backyard. She ended up calling BGE, and it turns out, it was coming from our yard! The reading was negligible on their side of the fence, but it spiked to 100% next to our AC unit. The first guy that came out checked out our walkout basement and got a 0 reading, so it's not IN the house. Mr. Six has been working from home downstairs for the last 8 weeks, and he never smelled anything. Thankfully, we don't have to leave, and we're safe. There's a work crew out there already figuring out our next step. I have never been more grateful to those neighbors (and their SIL) in the last 13+ years. I'm impressed with BGE and their handling of the situation, especially in the midst of everything going on. But, I have to admit, the what-ifs are just overwhelming me right now.
  7. "Watching her tiny fingers feel the blades of grass reminded me that GOD created the ALL the beauty we see each day! HE made the green grass grow, HE formed each of us in our mother’s womb, and HE has the whole world in HIS hands! 🤲🏽🌎 •" Why can it JUST be grass, Anna? Not everything has to be turned into a diatribe of God. Sometimes it's just fucking grass.
  8. Waterloo Iowa had a huge jump in numbers after the virus spread through the Perdue plant. I follow a YouTuber/Ebayer who lives there, and in the beginning, she said their numbers were incredibly low and within a few short weeks they became a hotspot. John Deere is also based in Iowa, which doesn't help things. That wedding was painful to watch. And her dad is an asshole.
  9. There was a drive-thru strip club about 20 minutes from where I grew up. I just wanted to feel included 🤭
  10. The Blue Angels & Thunderbirds did a joint fly over for Baltimore, DC, and Atlanta today. They put out their flight path yesterday, and we realized they wouldn't be going over our neighborhood. We ended up driving about 15 minutes and sat in the parking lot of Trader Joe's, which was insanely busy. They have a parking garage, which most people were using, so we picked the back parking aisle with very few cars. It was over so quick, but it was amazing & a little emotional to watch. They did it as a way to support healthcare workers. This is one of the pics I got-the Angels are on the left, Thunderbirds on the right.
  11. Dude looks like he's wearing a jockstrap as a face mask. Jana, get that boy a real man's mask.
  12. Mr. Six has been working from home Tuesday-Friday and going into the office on Mondays. He needs the ability to get drawings printed off and assign tasks to the folks working under him. So far, it's going well. Out of an office of 50 or so, there's usually been 5-6 each Monday he's gone in. I decided to do a bit of a stock up on items I know we're using faster than usual (and a few goodies to toss in for good measure). I chose BJ's since it's so stinking close (it's totally unsafe, but it's walkable), and they have a code for one free delivery over $35 in clubs where it's offered (code is BJSFD2020 in case you want to use it). They use Instacart, and this is the first time we've used their service. The whole process was going great until I got to the screen where it said some items may be unavailable, and what option did I want to chose. For Mr. Six's body wash, we had a reasonable swap-Dove Men to Irish Spring. For his deodorant though, they kinda missed the mark: see attached photo 🙂
  13. Hey Jill, if you "appreciate their values" so much, don't be taking photos of them. It's inappropriate, rude, and downright disrespectful. Twat waffle.
  14. This whole self-isolating thing is bringing up thoughts, fears, realizations, and panic to just about everyone. It will mask itself differently depending on the person. My ah-ha moment so far: After 17 1/2 years of marriage, and I did not know a man could get on the same cycle as his wife. The more you know...
  15. This will be the tackiest wedding of 2020. We can't have Corona take this away from us. We have suffered enough. Winston Churchill has one of my favorite quotes (and it applies to Jill as a bonus).
  16. With the level of education the older Duggars got, I'm not sure Jill could explain why we need trees. Based on her pic, it looks like she was at Walmart. The Walmart in my hometown has closed the garden center, electronics, and clothing sections off. It's only food and health/beauty open. I love the screenshot the fatherhood guy used. He looks like a YouTuber I've seen that does videos based on his numerous stints in prison. Derick looks like a 45 year old man getting ready to talk about mowing his lawn and washing his car.
  17. @SunnyBeBe-Mr. Six had his gallbladder removed back in 2007 laparoscopically. We had to be at the hospital by 600am for pre-op, and his surgeon told me it should be about 90 minutes, but he would come to the waiting room to fill me in. Imagine my surprise when he comes in 45 minutes later. My mind went to the worst! He said it went exceptionally well and they already had him on his way to recovery. He was discharged, and we were home by noon (we live about 15 minutes or so from the hospital). I was told that I didn't have to stay in one area, but I couldn't leave the hospital, and they wouldn't even register him until they verified I was driving him home. They wanted my ID and license plate number. He had a fairly easy recovery for the most part. The only truly last effect was a numbness in one of the incisions. It said it was odd, but after the initial healing, it wasn't painful. Best wishes to both of you!!
  18. The Duggars are their own version of an MLM. They fit right in with the whole "Hey Hun" culture too. They need a name though. How about Duggs Fuggs? ETA--I blame this post on the 'Rona. We're in day eleventy twelve of social distancing with no end in sight. Good grief.
  19. Daisy is one big (and cute) bunny! I had an albino rabbit, but she was just a mean little bitch. Meredith is still my favorite M kid. She has a little sparkle in her eye. At least for the time being.
  20. We ventured out to do a Target Drive-Up order, which was missing 11 items. There's either another bag on the shelf, or, and this is my guess, the people parked beside us got one of our bags. We also went to the grocery store to pick up some filler items. Today was the first time out for us wearing anything protective. We only had bandanas, and while they did work, they are so uncomfortable for any length of time. I grabbed some B&BW anti-bacterial that I had to keep in the car. I grabbed a semi-unpleasant scent, but it at least the smell of it stopped me from touching my face. I have been impressed with Ohio's leaders and how they're dealing with things. Maryland was directly behind Ohio and put it some drastic steps long before some states. Our numbers are updated at 1000am each day. We're currently at 7,694 cases with 206 deaths statewide. For reference, Baltimore County has 827,000+ people and Baltimore City has 602,000. While officials believe the MD/VA/DC Capital Region will be the next hotspot, thankfully, we're not there yet. I used to enjoy our Saturdays out together and now, they are filled with fear. I can safely say I do not suffer from anxiety, at least not at this phase in my life. But, I literally cry every single night over the unknown fear. It's just getting to be too much. @CHI, thank you for posting the link to Flaco's story. He sounds like an amazing man, and I am so sorry for you loss. Your family remains in my thoughts.
  21. The sheer stupidity of this family just increases exponentially by the day. Let's have a fire in the backyard while there are (more likely than not) wind warnings in the area. Does Jill plan on going full grift to get the money to pay the township or county back the costs for fighting a brushfire? Don't forget to haul out your emaciated children to get more cash. My mom lives about 3 hours from the Rods, and her area had wind warnings today and yesterday. Most municipalities have specific days set aside for burn days. Someone needs to find out what the rules are in her area and report if necessary. I was incredible sick with debilitating headaches in my early teens, and our family doctor wanted me to come in one evening after hours to make sure we weren't dealing with meningitis. As my parents brought me home, we realized out street was blocked off at one end. Our idiot neighbor decided to have a "little bonfire", it was windy, and the embers were carried up the hillside to an onramp of a state highway. It takes one ember to get a catastrophic fire raging. She is just flat out stupid.
  22. My heart goes out to all of you who have loved ones in facilities. I am beyond grateful that my inlaws and mom are all healthy. They are all in their mid-60s, but they are following the guidelines and doing well. My grandmother-in-law is still trucking along, living by herself at 90. I worry about her, but she's hanging in there. Mr. Six has been working from home, save for Monday this week and a Friday a few weeks ago. He's created an office in our basement and is making it work. Our Maine Coon has been his assistant, and after achieving her Professional Engineering license, she's now working on her MBA. She lays in a box on his desk and makes herself known on every conference call he's had. I'm so glad to see everyone posting. Even though the world is in this together, it's comforting to know we have a group of folks who care about each other. And one bright side, tomorrow's Friday. I think.
  23. This is not what "social distancing" means Jill. Are you seriously THAT stupid? Nevermind, I answered my own question.
  24. I only saw it in context of making masks for home use, not for hospital use. Sorry, should have added that to my original post.
  25. For those who want to make masks and can't find the elastic in the standard places, try bungee cords. Each cord is full of individual elastics that can work. They might be easier to find too.
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