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Cobb Salad

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Everything posted by Cobb Salad

  1. Some of my favorites are from Season 9 as well - The Serenity Now, The Junk Mail, The Slicer and The Burning. While I wasn't a fan of the final episode at first I now see what happened as the what made the most sense to end a series about people who behaved the way they did.
  2. Something I've wondered about was when Marty was saying goodbye to his parents in 1955 that either George or Lorraine (I can't remember which) seemed to like the name Marty, so why wasn't their first born Dave named Marty instead (to honor the person who introduced them) in the revised 1985 where George was an author and Biff wasn't bullying George anymore. There are a couple of other things but then this is just a movie and it's supposed to be entertaining.
  3. Loved the bizarro versions of Jerry, George and Kramer. Jack Klompus and Uncle Leo were always a plus to an episode. I'm not sure how to classify Newman (is he somewhere in between major and minor?) but the exchanges between him and Jerry were always funny. The time Jerry's mother said hello to Newman just the way Jerry does really makes you wonder what their problem was - I'm glad we never really found out. I also enjoyed how George was portrayed as the series went on (a stocky, slow witted bald man) as opposed to a Woody Allen type like in the first few episodes. Long term there were probably fewer or less funny episode potential.
  4. I love Back to the Future. I saw it and the sequels when they were in the theaters - the message you can do anything if you put your mind to it is inspiring. I agree watching them in "2015" felt so far away but where did all that time go? I'll never get tired of it either - it's also fun watching what was (even though 1955 is before my time) and what their view of 2015 was even though most of it was done for laughs. By 1989 any vision of the 21st century in a movie had to include flying cars even though by then some must have figured for it to be reality by 2015 some real visions must have to be in place in 1989. Also love Back To The Future III for its western setting. I've been to Monument Valley and the movie brings bad good memories for me.
  5. There was no reported resolution to the missing pills or underwear. I was wondering if it was the beginning of the symptoms for one of them - like they were doing some things and having no recollection of it later. About the boyfriend, maybe there was something else we weren't told that kept him in jail? It does seem odd that she couldn't just drop the charges once she realized he wasn't the cause of her poisoning.
  6. Wasn't there a scene with them together some episodes back? They could be working together. Hope we find out who Dredlock Guy is by the end. Good scene between Alex and Julian when Alex tells Julian how beautiful his work is. Seems that Julian's destiny is decided no matter how he tries to fight it but this time it could turn out better for him. Instead of fighting the evil corporate giants like Alex it will be Kellog instead.
  7. The description on the TCM site mentions its 5 days before the 60th anniversary of his death, looks like they don't want to displace the guest programming segments on the actual anniversary.
  8. I saw Suspicion last night for the first time as well - one of the first things she explained was how strange all of the neighbors were - wouldn't that have been a big red flag the boyfriend wasn't the problem when she started to be affected? How far away was the industrial complex that she didn't notice it before she moved in? How come none of the neighbors picked up on this problem before her?
  9. So true - sending large groups of people off Earth to never return makes more room for whoever is left, then they grow the population more, and so on. What a half baked premise for space colonization. Then during the run of the show there's the hope of getting back to Earth (mostly by Dr Smith but other times by the rest) when the intent was to leave due to the problems on Earth.
  10. I caught a few episodes of My Mother the Car on Hulu a few years back to find out if it was as a as bad as I had heard it was. Who thought that premise was a good idea? Maybe the episodes are still there.
  11. Seasons 4 and 7 have episodes I'd recommend, each of these seasons have an on-off story arc that conclude at the end of the season - 4 with the Pilot and 7 with George's engagement to Susan. Other favorites are season 5's The Opposite, The Pie, Season 6's The Switch and Season 8's The Bizarro Jerry. Dislikes include The Statue (Season 2), The Bris and The Barber (Season 5)
  12. I continue to watch Lost in Space only because I find it mildly amusing however it had the potential to be a much better show while still being child friendly. Then there was Land of the Giants .... Total nonsense.
  13. Lost in Space - some of the technology and science looks outdated or is wrong due to what the writers in 1965 thought 1997 would be like. Watching John Robinson write in his journal with pen and paper is silly considering shows set in the future always seem to show the characters using voice recorders or tablets. Then when in one episode they're in their ship in space approaching a comet, making everyone sweat, this is now known to be wrong since comets are really giant snowballs traveling through space. Then there's the statement in the early part of the first episode when they talk about the Robinsons being the first of possibly 10 million people to leave the earth to escape the over population, if they're giving each family or a family size group of people their own spaceship, how much is that going to cost?
  14. I doubt he was interested as it would have involved him in the drama he wanted to avoid.
  15. Sleeping through the night is pretty easy to do when you're out hunting and walking around all day vs laying around all the time, day and night, being able to keep the fire going, etc. If Discovery continues with Naked and Afraid I hope we see less of the laying around type - it's not interesting to watch. In the interests of making it challenging it looks like some people just don't know what they're doing.
  16. If there was a moderator (like Jeff Probst -yech) I could see someone being called out but yeah, probably not going to happen here although it would make for good TV.Were they all supposed to go to the extraction point together? I don't get why Jeff and EJ had to explain to the rest how they wanted to go to the extraction point on their own as they initially said they wanted to work as their own team. About Eva's feelings being hurt, she should think about what Dani went through!
  17. Funny about the stingray - when Jeff caught it and said he was done sharing, I cheered. At least Eva was considerate enough to share later.
  18. If he behaved in a way that allowed the editors to show him as a jerk then defends it later maybe he should be thinking more about how these shows work and how he should have acted differently.
  19. Yeah, I'm disappointed in the way the big team has demonstrated their ability to survive. I knew with many more people than the 2 people teams on Naked and Afraid we'd see some politicking, dramatics and hurt feelings but if you're hungry go get some food for yourself, don't wait for it to be handed to you!
  20. Does anyone know if Dani has posted to Facebook/Twitter about Naked & Afraid?
  21. I thought Jeff's hollering was a bit over to top too but what else would you do in a situation where food is scarce and you've caught your third eel, enough to keep a group going for a few more days. He should have shared it after he and EJ had their feast, picked it over and let it cool down. Chris, Luke, etc. were willing to help but it was after Jeff yelled for EJ - the others could have gotten an eel for themselves if they only knew what they were doing. You'd think it would be easier for them since there are more of them.
  22. People like Alana behave the way they do to mask their own inadequatcies. If I remember correctly she wasn't exactly a workhorse on her original episode. How she was able to introduce so much toxicity to this group while making friends is astonishing.
  23. I've been wondering what different initial team setups would have yielded vs what we got the past few weeks. Given how unstable Honora is, would she have behaved the same with other partners or tapped out? Would Hakim have tapped out early anyway if he was with a couple of the women? I would have loved to have watched Alana deal with EJ and Jeff early on - how long would they have tolerated her laziness? There are a few strong individuals in this bunch - Jeff, EJ, Shane and Dani. There might be a few others from the original Naked and Afraid series that could go it alone too that I hope Discovery would consider a Naked and Afraid series where they're forced to spend part of the time alone before they come across each other. While I'm finding this current series interesting I'm done with his format when it ends. Some of the episodes (like the past 2 weeks) exhibited behavior that's uncomfortable to watch. I don't watch Survivor and I don't want to watch it under another name.
  24. Regarding Jeff and EJ not accepting Dani, I wonder if they were thinking if the other group was imploding and they'd be having to deal with someone else wanting to join them. I don't remember which 2 women were making those totally inappropriate comments about Dani while Dani was listening in the bushes but I hope they watched the episode and are proud of how they behaved. There was nothing stopping anyone else from wandering around on their own to find food or even trying to go along with Dani, but that gets in the way of being lazy, ha ha. I hope Jeff's latest eel sharing is the last time - what would everyone else have done for food if it wasn't for him (and Shane too the first time)? Probably eating possibly rabies infested squirrel, lol.
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