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Cobb Salad

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Everything posted by Cobb Salad

  1. Regarding the totems, how was Rose able to collect them from life to life? I don't see the point of retaining them either. Plus keeping multiple copies of the book, I don't see the purpose except for us to conclude through Jack that something really strange is going on. So if Amy is gone, does that mean she's dead? Is there a way Jack can revive her? If Rose means to take over completely, then what's the deal with having the building signed over to Amy? I was surprised to see Madison's parents pull up to that house alone, too. I'd think they'd call the police to say Madison called them. It sounds like Rose and Bix were lovers long ago. Rose is taking a risk going back to her old life when she found him at the end of the episode. There are still way too many questions with only 2 episodes left.
  2. I guess it depends on whatever else TNT wants to air that determines If Dallas gets renewed with those numbers. I think they've been steadily going down from season to season. If it does get cancelled I wouldn't care although if it gets renewed I'd probably watch at least the first few episodes. I'm a little curious about who this sister is although I wish they went with James or Callie's child but that wouldn't be a Cidre creation. Loved the scene with John Ross and Mama Ryland teaming up as well as the mention of the Lesser Prairie Chicken, lol. Enjoyed Pamela's scenes as short as they were. I doubt she's going to get Cliff out of jail since she still has a grudge against him. I won't miss Christopher at all.
  3. So if what Gary says is true, the soul of the girl he knew in high school is reborn in her daughter, what happened to the soul that was reawakened in her that caused her to commit suicide? Is it in someone else? When Gary said we've all been here before, what about the 'original' soul like Madison, Amy ,etc. have they lived before? This is getting confusing.
  4. I'd like to know what the significance of the number 9 and its variations as well. According to numerology, the number 9 takes over like a body snatcher when one does various calculations, like 6x9=54 and 5+4=9. The explanation goes on to say any number, no matter how large, reduces to 9. Rose/Amy's hotel room = 909, 9+9=18, 1+8=9. That may be what they're saying here. Gary's sudden change of character was weird. His being left go at his job happened before he contacted Jack so why wasn't he like this from the start? If he believes we all have 2 souls, doesn't he wonder about his hidden one? The scenes with Madison/Marcus are either creepy or weird. So he likes to down a bottle of alcohol in the shower? I was actually looking forward to Shepherd shooting him and hoping he wouldn't fall for the can I have a hug routine. The getaway looked ridiculous. Now let's see if Madison's parents show up at that house and somehow meet the detective from the beginning of the episode who looks like knows what happened to Marcus.
  5. The scenes with Pamela were the best part of the episode. I'm glad she's not so quick to forgive John Ross for what he did. I don't have a good feeling about Bobby's dealings with the cartel and hope he's not the one who gets killed.
  6. I think considering who the show runner is it's expected we don't find out everything right away. I like that too. Regarding the ceremony it probably would have been better if Jack/Gary stumbled on to it when they were in that building but at least we found out something the way it happened.
  7. A lot of this episode seemed silly, from Madison's struggle in the diner to Jack and Gary's discovery of the ritual. Even though the house is within a somewhat well enclosed area, why would the ritual take place in front of an open window? Jack and Gary's appearance at that right time looked too convenient. Then Madison's self revelation in the bookstore then the diner didn't look natural. What year is this story supposed to be taking place? For a 9 year old to know what a pay phone is then be able to find one is odd or maybe it was the other way around. It looks like after she was taken out of Todd's office she was just able to leave - in reality wouldn't someone call the police or child protective services to pick up a weirdly acting child?
  8. I wonder about how sure a renewal is. Ratings are down vs last season which had lower ratings than the first season. I guess it depends on how well TNT's other shows are performing and if they have some other original programming they want to air. http://tvseriesfinale.com/tv-show/dallas-season-three-ratings-31662/
  9. All Emma does now is sit and pout so story wise it probably makes sense that the cartel kills her but based on the nonsense we've seen so far I doubt that would really happen. If the cartel kills Anne then that will be wife #2 offed by a group looking for revenge (April being #1).
  10. I agree 100%. In the scene where Sue Ellen offers Pam a place to stay Pam mentions she and John Ross didn't get a pre-nup when they married so she's not quick to get a divorce ... I hope they do something with this but with the way they've been using Pam this season I don't have much hope.
  11. We're about halfway in and I'm wondering if this is going to be all resolved by the end. I'd be satisfied if they just went with the John Sim storyline and tossed the adult in the 9 year old story. I expected her to drive off in the car after she murdered that woman at the rest stop but I guess her feet couldn't reach the pedals, lol. I guess the message here is don't stop at a deserted rest stop in the middle of the night with a strange kid in your car. The flashback scene with Marcus and Shepherd allude to some takeover of the 9s but why does that mean Marcus has to take over a 9 year old? The scenes with Jack and Amy only led to more questions - is that someone else pretending to be Amy or is she sharing her body with the other soul? It only motivated Jack to drive back to Seattle to see his FBI friend who conviniently called at the right time. I also think Jack's neighbor (the one he borrowed the car from) is involved somehow. Next week looks promising!
  12. If that's the road Cidre is going down hopefully TNT will shut her down.
  13. It was a good episode. Now that all of this plotting is out in the open maybe the show can move on to better stories. I loved how John Ross confronted Nicholas with Elena standing there. Hope Elena and Nicholas leave town for good. I'm wondering who the guy Nicholas was talking to too - could he be one of Harris' CIA guys?
  14. Seamusk, I was wondering about the gender thing too. We don't know yet how old this secret society is yet and how many hosts these people have had. I wonder how the hosts (Madison, Amy, etc.) were chosen and if they were just convenient when it was time. I think there's some connection between the Frain character and Madison's parents that we haven't seen yet. Amy's boss looks suspect too. Stargate had a similar thing with the G'ould and Tokra, some stayed with the same gender when changing hosts and others did not. I guess here the idea of living on is more important than whatever gender one is during a particular lifetime.
  15. He seems to know then looses his cool. I guess he really wants to get to Seattle enough to "break character". Then waiving all that money around. Would someone really accept a few hundred dollars from a kid for a ride over a state line? He's doing a good job leaving a trail so he can be found before before getting to his destination or is he that confident/cocky? Why doesn't the James Frain character just go there to confront him or is Frain not part of the group there? I find the story with John Sim more compelling because he's experiencing this from an audience standpoint. What I like is he's an ex-cop and the nature of the job is to ask questions and read people.
  16. I watched the first episode again then the second. There are some vague answers but more questions. I'm in it for all of the episodes unless like Endeavour says it gets terrible. There are several birthdays in the first episode. Wonder if that is an indicator of the 'birth' of the other soul. Then the little girl who just turned 9 does that birthday have any tie in with the cards with 9 on them? Regarding the 2nd episode, I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet but regarding the 9 year old traveling on her own there are a couple of adults who should have asked a few more questions.
  17. I thought the Feds got Ryland out too. Will they show up to get him out again? I guess no one is worried about Emma's safety re: Mexican Drug Cartel like they were last season. Elena found that letter very fast while John Ross was fast asleep. How convenient. Now I wonder how long it'll be until Cliff is out of jail and back in Dallas plotting his revenge.
  18. I know John Simm only from Doctor Who as the Master - nice to see him in a different type of role. I'm in it for the 8 (as advertised) episodes because I'm an X-Files fan from years ago.
  19. I'm confused too but I hope it'll clear up soon since it appears there are only 8 episodes. Despite the confusion the time passed quickly for me. I'm not sure what to think of the 'old soul' possession of the 9 year old girl. Yeah, her threatening the security guard (who was only doing his job) next week looks ridiculous. If they have her doing something like what she did to the cat again it's going to wear thin fast. With her and the others how were the hosts determined? Based on the likelihood they wouldn't be discovered or found until it was time? Were these people dying or running from something? To me it sounds like they're all from Earth. The 2nd episode is posted on the BBC America site - I'm debating whether or not to watch or wait until Saturday.
  20. I'm not sure if that's him. The preemptive car scratch ad is the worst in my opinion (I knew someone who talked about doing that as revenge).
  21. The 'Don't touch my Dart' commercials, especially the one with the best friend/neighbor ask the Dart owner where he wants the first scratch on his car -- the 'best friend' is annoying and becomes increasingly annoying with each commercial. Dodge should have shown another way Dart owners love their cars.
  22. I agree. Seems too quick of a resolution. The only benefit to Sue Ellen's confession was to get her to admit she's an alcoholic and everyone is one big happy family :-.
  23. One Ramos gone, 2 more to go. Now we have to put up with Mama Ramos' shrieking about her son next week. Sheesh. Looks like we can finally move on with the Sue Ellen is an alcoholic story. Happy that Pamela told John Ross to get lost and Bobby seems to have had enough of Ann. Thought Mama Ryland wasn't that bad (considering some of the other new characters) but her scene with Emma has me thinking otherwise. What else can they do with Emma than stir up trouble with John Ross? She's useless.
  24. Saw this one for the first time today. Funny, with a creepy vibe:
  25. Yeah, bring back Cliff! Get him out of the Mexican jail and make the Ramos family go away. Harris Ryland and his mother can stay but I've had enough of Emma, especially with John Ross.
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