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Cobb Salad

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Everything posted by Cobb Salad

  1. I too was happy when I finally got BBC America, mainly for Doctor Who. It's one of the channels I check when looking for something to watch but am always disappointed to find endless reruns of Kitchen Nightmare, Top Gear and Star Trek:TNG. A family member has mentioned interest in getting cable for BBC America (to see the British produced shows) and I've had to explain it's not what you think it is, you're going to be disappointed.
  2. As what was noted earlier one would need to factor in the broadband costs as well. The article alludes to the potential for suppliers (Comcast, for example) raising their broadband rates to make up the losses they could have from a dwindling cable subscriber population. This could become very interesting as time goes on.
  3. Yes, Sonya was killed off. Something I was wondering is if they're done with Brad Tonkin - with his younger self in the present however destructive the soldiers are from the future are he and others in the general population in danger of being killed.
  4. The Dentists were more amusing than annoying with their self confidence and bragging tonight. There was no mention of having to do a speed bump in the next leg or did I miss it? This is pretty early for a NEL - what a surprise. Also it's pretty early for a team meltdown, I'm guessing mom and daughter are probably not going to last much longer with their bickering. I'd prefer the Dentists to them right now. I thought the title of the episode was "Can I eat that?" with a couple of the teams wanting to eat the food from the detour.
  5. I agree the CBS plan is greedy, I wonder how vast of a library of shows they would make available to subscribers? Would there be a lot of shows not being broadcast anywhere or much anymore? How much of that content would not now be available for other services like Netflix? If cable networks start doing this I wonder if this would finally get us ala carte channels like many of us want for cable? A channel like TCM could do this already since they have a good app.
  6. Since we're now dealing with an alternate future timeline they could make a couple of characters go "poof" into non existence, I wonder if they'd go that route.
  7. I hope it doesn't result in a shorter season and/or reduction of characters. Although if we get closure with the storyline it would be better than nothing at all.
  8. Yup, each one of them had at least one moment where one could say I don't think you should have done that! Do this instead!
  9. That's a good question, editorgrrl. None of the characters you mention are clear protagonists. If there was one character to "root" for it was Jack because he was the one discovering what was going on and if he didn't the audience wasn't going to find out. Yes, his beating up Todd Crane like he did was pretty loathe some. Also, in the end you had to figure Madison was going to survive because we needed the happy ending or that's the way it works most of the time. I don't know how it would be possible to root for Shepard and I only saw Gary as someone who did a lot of work behind the scenes that later allowed Jack to find out a lot at once.
  10. Yeah, she sure got around in the movie. #1 guy believed her when she said she was 18?? Boy, she got off easy especially with the brother who could have ratted her out to the mother who already knew about the guy who was way too old for her.
  11. That's sad. Quite a drop off from the premiere. I guess the Doctor Who lead in didn't help that much after the first episode.
  12. I remember the late night sign offs but I don't think I ever actually watched one live. . I heard of Christopher Closeup "back in the day" but still have no idea what it was about. My mom used to watch the Rockford Files and somehow I was able to watch Police Woman even I think my mom wasn't that crazy about the show. When cable came to my town in the late 70s it was sort of a big deal (HBO! TV stations from Philadelphia and Boston! -- I grew up in the NY metropolitan area, no such thing as MTV yet) but my parents weren't interested (and still aren't) so I was only able to see it when I visited a friends house. Then we had an over the air movie channel with a scrambled signal that was descrambled with a converter box.
  13. The kid in the hallway was someone else. I was surprised to see Amy/Rose at Marcus' entombment too -- was she Rose part of the time then? How long does it take to get rid of the original soul once the 2nd on is activated? The statement Amy made when telling Jack she wanted to separate IIRC was she wanted to separate from herself like she's finally giving Rose full control perhaps in return for immortality? The story seemed to be a mix of wrapping up plus leaving a few loose ends like the Rose/Bix thing.
  14. Plus both of them are more likable than the Samantha-Darrin pairing.
  15. How about a channel dedicated to hopping sheep.
  16. Didn't they say there were multiple places where the crossings take place? I wonder if there are other buildings like this in those other places. Even though there appeared to be quite a lot of the books there it didn't seem to be enough to represent the 1% of the population they said were Reverti. I guess Nikola Tesla and Ronald Reagan won't be returning, heh. I believe this was a BBC America show. Although I'm satisfied with the ending (while being a bit confused along the way) if there was a 2nd season I'd watch.
  17. The corpse was Joseph Cranfield from a few episodes before. It looks like they were ready to cremate him (?). During the last scene I thought Shepherd was going to kill Jack, I didn't see the "offer" coming. That made no sense since Jack burned down their building. I don't see this being a regular series since it was adapted from a book. I don't see what else they could do since the mystery has been revealed.
  18. They seem to be implying that. I doubt we're going to get an explanation of the how even though to us it is important to know. Then what's the deal with Rose and Bix? She performs the ritual on Bix when he died in the 20s, it took her this long to find him? Since he wasn't Reverti did that make him harder to find?
  19. That's an interesting thought. Perhaps the chosen trigger is intentionally "vague" enough to minimize the chance? However a Shepherd is probably monitoring who is getting close to a multiple of 9 birthday there might not be that much of a chance of an accidental trigger.
  20. It seems to be more efficient for the Shepherds to choose the body so they have a good idea of where to find them when it's time. So if a Shepherd needs to activate the secondary soul with a pre-agreed upon trigger, why didn't Richard renege on his deal with Marcus Fox and instead of killing a 9 year old let him languish inside her? What happens to a soul that isn't activated?
  21. One that sticks out in my mind is "Moment of Truth: Cradle of Conspiracy". (Had to check IMDB for the whole title) It stars Danica McKellar as a high school teen under pressure from her parents to be a high achieving student. She gets involved with a young man who gets her pregnant ... It turns out he's part of an agency that performs illegal adoptions and he wants to take the baby to be adopted. It was supposedly based on a true story.
  22. Mental illness would explain away a lot or all of the inconsistencies. So what does someone like Bix who didn't drink the Qui Reverti Kool Aid do? He seemed okay with being "dead". Obviously Rose is quite selfish. At this point with one more episode to go this seems like a pointless story if we're supposed to get a showdown with her and Marcus.
  23. It'll be interesting to see how the Express Pass and Save factors in with the current top 2 teams having them. After the first couple of teams they didn't mention the clue for it to the other racers so they don't even know about it, right? The dentists know about it and figured Adam & Bethany went for it but all Adam and Bethany have to do is keep mum about having it to avoid being a U Turn target later, if they make it far enough into the race.
  24. The guy looks like Todd, Amy's boss.
  25. Same here. Although they are legacy characters, Cidre had the opportunity to create the adult John Ross, Christopher and Pamela to reignite the Barnes/Ewing feud but she instead creates these stupid storylines with characters who have nothing to do with the oil industry. I won't miss it if it's not renewed and if it does I probably won't go out of my way to watch unless I'm bored.
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