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Everything posted by diadochokinesis

  1. I agree with you. I'm not adopted but we have several adoptions in my family and probably a good quarter to third of my friends are adopted or have adopted children. You have some that wanted to know their biological parents and others that didn't. It is like mayo. Some people like mayo, others don't. You can't make a broad, sweeping generalization about people and how they are going to feel. The soul doesn't know that it has been pulled away from its biological mother. They did kangaroo time with Monroe right after she was born. I have one friend that didn't even get to hold her newborn for 2 months because he was a micro preemie. He's 5 and healthy and his soul is intact. Well, he is a redhead... LOL.
  2. I'm wondering if she does have an Armenian name and Peggy is just the American nickname. You find that sometimes with people who have really ethnic names.
  3. I live in Dubai now. I had one c-section in the US and one in the Middle East. I couldn't get Vicodin for either one. LOL. I got Tylenol 3's for the US one and nothing for the Middle East one (except I did get antibiotics that I told them I was allergic to so yay!). The opioid crisis in the US is horrible (I work in healthcare). I am certainly aware of the abuse of prescription drugs. I just don't think that Peggy was on a legit Vicodin prescription 5 months after. Now, whining and getting the drugs or doctor hopping for additional scripts are a different matter. But saying that her pain is to a level that requires Vicodin 5 months after all of this is what I have trouble with. I work with people who have legit chronic pain and you can always see it on their face and in their eyes. Just like I can also always tell when they took their meds and have visited their happy place. LOL.
  4. I think a lot would depend on the type of mastectomy you had. The majority of mastectomies performed nowadays are a simple mastectomy or a modified radical mastectomy. In a simple mastectomy, the chest wall muscles aren't removed. It is just breast tissue (including nipple and areola) and the overlying skin. A modified radical mastectomy would be all of that plus some of the lymph nodes and possibly some of the chest wall muscle depending on if the cancer has spread there. Radical mastectomies are rarely performed anymore and in those, chest muscles are removed. My grandmother had a radical mastectomy (bilateral) but that was before the newer type surgeries. I would imagine that Peggy had a simple mastectomy since hers was prophylactic.
  5. I don't recall her saying that she was from Beirut/Lebanon. I remember her saying Diko was but she was from Armenia (because I originally assumed that Diko was Lebanese and she was Armenian). But I also am having issues paying attention to this season. I just want to see Vicki get hit in the head with a football. I need more of that.
  6. Dude, I didn't even get vicodin after my c-sections. I left the hospital off painkillers. I think I took some tylenol the first day or two just at night but that was it. I understand that the expanders would be a bit painful but she honestly can't be on Vicodin for 5 months after the surgery. Also, we've seen her drinking and driving (not simultaneously) during the show which would not be recommended when on Vicodin.
  7. I had a pair of the AC slater pants in acid wash. You know the ones with the super high waist, pleats so the legs balloon out, and then super tapered at the bottom. Lots of buckles too that served no purpose. Man, I loved the 80's but the fashion was just bad.
  8. To the bolded... Peggy was born in Armenia and moved to the US at age 1. Diko was raised in Beirut and then came to the US at some point (I don't know if they ever disclosed exactly when). Their civil war was 1975-1990 so who knows exactly hold old he was.
  9. Thanks! I'm going to blame it on a long day at work followed by two crazy kids when I got home. LOL. I am not going to blame it on Armenia though!
  10. I agree that Shannon is doing it for a storyline. It wouldn't be that hard to just say, "Hey, they thought it was precancerous but the biopsy found cancerous cells. With my family history, I just wanted to go straight to a bilateral mastectomy and pushed for it." See, it is easy!
  11. Ok, so DCIS is still considered precancerous. It could later develop into cancer but it is so slow growing that you have time to discuss it with your surgeon. She could have just had the lumpectomy and that probably would have been the end of that. I have problems thinking that her surgeon was recommending a bilateral mastectomy for any reason other than she was demanding it. I get it. Seeing your mom go through breast cancer is horrible (my grandmother had it and she had a bilateral mastectomy) but that is why you have a physician that you trust. They keep you rational in a time that the patient isn't honestly capable of it.
  12. My husband and I love some hyperbole when telling a story. We consider it just making the story more entertaining. LOL. Like you, I don't think B is going to change. That is just how she communicates. Like another poster said, she has accomplished a lot in her life and often with everyone else beating her down constantly (hyperbole alert!). I think that is where a lot of it comes from. When everyone is constantly tearing you down on social media, it has to be hard. She probably felt like she was just running on a hamster wheel in the very beginning. Has she made the 99% comment multiple times or recently? I'm just curious if this was something that she said in the very beginning when she was really struggling to get people involved or if it has been more recent.
  13. Geez Louise. Peggy is just awful. It was precancerous, from my understanding. My mom has had precancerous spots removed and we would never dream of saying that she had cancer or "lucky to not be going through chemo." Her argument with Shannon is completely illogical and over the top. Her husband was just asking some questions. How weird. Someone showing concern for another person. Let's go off on them! I need Lydia to go away. I get that she was brought back to defend Vicki which she takes as going after Shannon for absolutely no reason but come on, try to at least be not so obvious at it. Try to wait for an opportunity where it isn't obvious that you are there just to start crap. And stop playing the Christian card while instigating shit.
  14. I don't have a problem with her use of hyperbole. We all use it to some extent. For example, how many of us have said, "It broke into a million pieces," without actually counting how many pieces there were? Nobody has a reasonable expectation that it was literally one million pieces. It means that it was a lot of stupid, little pieces that took forever to clean up. To relate it back to this, I doubt Bethenny counted and did the math on how many people/companies said yes versus how many people/companies she asked. It is just a way of stating that she asked a ton of people and a lot of them said no. She didn't publicly shame anybody. I don't think anybody reasonably expects her to have called every single company out there. So you can't get mad at GE and refuse to buy anything GE just because Bethenny didn't state that they donated to her.
  15. Yep! He actually has Giovanna, Giannelle, and Koko (they are all named after his children). When you are talking these ultra-luxury cars, nobody goes for stock. They are usually fully customized. Heck, people are putting Giannelle rims on Cadillac Escalades. So, it isn't just an ultra-luxury thing now. But yeah, I can't think of the last time I saw an ultra-luxury car that was completely stock. At the very least, the owner puts on custom wheels.
  16. I will say this though... I'm not a huge car person and even I have heard of their wheels. They've been pretty big on the scene for awhile now (over 10 years). So, I would assume that they do have money (unlike Joe and Theresa).
  17. I wouldn't consider Armenia part of the Levant because most people are very clear that Levant does not include the Caucasus region (which is Armenia). It does share some food with the Levant but they have a lot of their own dishes. I wasn't aware of shisha being a big thing in their culture either (and a quick Google tells me it isn't). I really think they went to a Lebanese/Levantine cuisine place because it was somewhat close to them food-wise.
  18. Oh Vicki... She just has no clue. She has just managed to delude herself into thinking she is innocent in this and has owned all her past grievances. Horrible. Almost as bad as her in that green dress. The anniversary party was meh, IMO. They should have had someone manning the shisha though. I typically see a couple of servers floating around to help and also get the flavor of shisha that you want. The food was nothing special and seemed like it was in a Levantine restaurant rather than an Armenian one. Armenians share some food with the Levant but they have a lot of their own dishes too. What I saw was mainly Levantine. Tabouleh, baba ghanoush, and I think I saw some kofta floating around. Throw in some manakish with akkawi and you have a complete Arabic meal.
  19. Also, the Nashville market is BOOMING right now. We just sold our old condo (it has been an investment property for us for a few years and we lived it in prior to that) that was located in downtown Nashville (the especially booming area). We had 3 offers on the first day. We got double what we paid for it when we bought it and got an all cash, no contingencies offer. So yeah, you can make money on your real estate in Nashville.
  20. I'm a little confused too. My husband and I don't drink but we would like to think that we are just as welcome to charter a yacht as anyone else. I also agree with your point about being able to have fun without alcohol. I've always wondered about the charter guests that are the HEAVY drinkers (the ones that drink to the point of excess). Do they remember any of the yacht after it is over? If I'm going to pay that much for a charter, I want to remember it! I've gone to all-inclusive resorts as a non-drinker and paid the full price. To me it is a whatever because I'm still getting food and other things included in the all-inclusive price. I like knowing that I can eat 5 meals a day, if desired. As to your second statement, some places (especially in Dubai and the rest of the GCC part of the Middle East) will have bubbly and non-bubbly rates for boat charters, inclusive hotel stays, brunches, etc.
  21. I'm so happy that it seems like Grey's is going back to what was working and all the mini shout-outs to past events. The Amelia brain tumor storyline doesn't bother me that much. Depending on a variety of factors, that brain tumor could have been around for a long time and explain a lot of her back story. I've had patients in the past whose brain tumor was there and basically just stayed close to the same size (extremely slow growing) for 10+ years. Those photos were photoshopped but the simulated effect can be real. I used to work extensively with head and neck cancer patients. I've had patients whose lower jaw was rebuilt using basically a steel bar. There aren't any really good traditional prosthesis for patients who have lost their lower jaw due to the weight but 3D printing is making gains in that ground. I know head and neck cancer isn't one of the "sexy" cancers that get a lot of attention but it is truly one of the most devastating ones.
  22. Dude, you would be amazed. I started editing dissertations for fun and some extra money after I finished my doctorate and OMG. You would think people who are going for their doctorate would have a strong gasp of the English language but nope. My first one that I edited was actually for a friend of mine (we were in the same program) whose second language is also English. It was horrible. Absolutely horrible. Took me 3 hours to make it through the first chapter (7 pages typed). I actually charged her double my normal fee because it was just so poorly written. You can also hire people to write your dissertation (or even just your undergrad papers) for you. So, I'm wondering if Peggy had someone that was giving her a lot of help with her writing.
  23. Love Harry Potter! And the quote is pretty close depending on what translation but yeah, "Judge not lest you be judged" is the most common translation. Have you ever seen the movie "Saved" with Mandy Moore? She reminds me of Mandy Moore's character. Classic Mean Girl using her Christianity as a weapon. You could use use Quinn from Glee as another example. Dude, IUD over here. Love it. Had it placed after my first, removed when I wanted to get pregnant again, knocked up in 2 months, and had another placed after my second. I will keep replacing IUDs until I hit menopause. Haven't had a period in YEARS.
  24. Can I just say though how proud I am of Shannon? During her talking head, she said that one of the main reasons she was opening up the restaurant was because she needed to find happiness on her own and couldn't base her happiness off of her marriage. That is HUGE for her. If she can find happiness independent of her marriage and an identity outside of her marriage then I think that will really improve the state of it. And Vicki... Foul, loathsome, evil, little cocroach Vicki. Production has to be fed up with her. It almost makes me wonder if that is their grand plan. Like, they sell Vicki each season that this season will be her redemption season and then they just keep throwing her under the bus. She really seems to be spiraling out of control. Like, she's always been vindictive and had trouble hiding it but she is letting it ALL OUT this season. She has gone full crazy this season. Lydia is the reason why I hate telling other people that I'm a Christian. I feel like it needs to come with a disclaimer. "Hi, I'm Diadochokinesis and I'm a Christian but not one of those judgmental ones that is going to harp on you for every single little thing and tell you constantly that you are going to hell."
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